A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 625 Quidditch Selection

When Felix returned to his office, it was late and the sky turned jet black.

Warren yawned boredly and let the tip of his exclusive wand spurt colorful sparks. He couldn't understand: why the guy who fried the little snake could do incredible things with his exclusive wand? Obviously it has more gems.

When he saw the big devil push open the door and come out, Warren immediately jumped onto his shoulders, chatting non-stop.

"You can't compare him to Filch," Felix said, "Felch really hasn't been exposed to magic for so many years, so even if he changed his own wand, he had to rely heavily on the magic in the gemstone. Built-in magic..." He glanced at the desk, where there were several letters, owl paw prints and cookie crumbs scattered on the table.

Warren patted his chest, indicating that he entertained the guests.

"Good job."

Felix went to the table, sat down, opened the letter, and read it quickly. The first two letters were from Ms. Burns and Lupin. The only surprise was that Rita Skeeter wrote to him. letter.

The owners of several letters gave a general introduction to their current situation. Ms. Burns was the shortest. Because she had been writing letters during this period, many greetings were omitted.

"...Everything is fine, Sirius sent me a set of puzzles today, saying it's a Muggle pastime...Merlin, I don't know what's going on in his mind, don't I look busy enough?" The next few paragraphs are all about Sirius and mention his new job, but mostly complaints, which serve no purpose other than to make Felix more regretful not to catch him before school starts. "He's not the only one who collects intelligence, but I lack someone I can fully trust. There are rumors in the ministry that I'm preparing a whole package of reforms, but I feel like I'm more of a puppet, Felix Hepp, you You bastard, you never told me that you brought 'Future World' into Muggle society, with seven branches!"

Felix grinned. After so many days of correspondence, Ms. Burns was familiar with him—maybe from Sirius. Felix took it down. He picked up his quill and wrote a reply.

"Amelia, those seven stores don't come in handy in future plans, and the clerks don't know that their boss is a conjurer, that would seriously frustrate their motivation... Regarding the staffing issue, I do have Some suggestions. If it is for confidentiality, I suggest that you expand the Muggle affairs department in a limited manner. The reasons are also ready-made: the old laws cannot keep up with the changes of the times, and there is an urgent need to expand the provisions, so you need to collect a lot of information..."

Felix glanced at Rita Skeeter's pink envelope and suddenly had an idea.

"...I can recommend someone who has a place in the Muggle newspaper industry, access to valuable material, and a good sense of media...you should have heard her name, Rita Skeeter , It's strange that she has been so prosperous in the past two years, it's incredible, isn't it?

Also, you can talk to Mundungus about smuggling, I'm sure you'll be shocked, but don't give him any information - he's known for selling information, and even needs a glass of hot whiskey when he's embarrassed. Can buy him..."

The second letter was from Lupin, and Felix looked at the dense table above, and it was obvious that Lupin was about to explain business.

"... A total of 127 exclusive wands were sold, and the buyers had previously been inextricably linked to the magical world, so they quickly passed the Ministry of Magic's review.

The only exception is Mrs. Arabella Figg. Dumbledore wrote me a letter to plead, but it doesn't really work. I knew it when I saw her on Privet Drive... The Ministry of Magic is two streets away. The office outside was overcrowded, and many parents of students also came here with an attitude of giving it a try. In short, it was quite lively. Of course, this business was announced as 'reemployment skills training', and I don't know who came up with the word. ...but frankly, it will take time for them to get official approval, and the wizarding world can't accept so many people at once..."

"Arthur has been very happy recently. His son Percy has become the youngest director in the ministry, said to be younger than the former Chesterton Avery, of course Avery is in the past, and his death is still It's still an open case, and no Death Eaters have confessed to the crime... Percy is now busy negotiating and preparing materials with the Ministry of Magic in 14 countries every day. Penello said that he has plans to learn two more foreign languages ​​and strive More than Mr. Crouch, I think, is a really tough task..."

Felix wrote back in a cheerful mood.

But he wasn't too happy when he opened the letter from Rita Skeeter, the woman who came to ask for money! She took credit for the popularity of the exclusive wand, and Felix disagreed. He couldn't remember when he expressed this meaning. Therefore, when Felix relayed the letter to Warren, not only did he immediately gain an ally who shares his hatred, but Warren also volunteered for help in writing a reply, and Felix agreed with a smile.

He read the entire two pages of parchment's refutation, did not change a word, but mentioned a little at the end, the Ministry of Magic is very rich, and there is a chance to make extra money recently. But the mouth must be strict, otherwise the consequences are much more serious than the illegal Animagus...

When he was done, Felix stretched and paced by the window.

He stared at the dark outlines of the castle, the Forbidden Forest, and the mountains in the distance, but he was thinking of a tributary from the depths of Voldemort's memory. In fact, it's too early to call it a 'tributary', at best it's a small spring, and without Felix's help, it wouldn't exist at all.

The cool night air blows on his face, bringing him the scent of lush vegetation. Warren climbed up the legs of his trousers, looked at the black lake sparkling in the moonlight, and handed him a chocolate frog. Felix ripped open the wrapper and bit off the chocolate frog's head.

The sweetness and bitterness of the chocolate melted in his mouth, and he looked at the Chocolate Frogs. The picture shows an angry woman with long black hair and half-moon-rimmed glasses holding a huge sign that says 'No Repression Spells'.

Felix glanced at the witch's name: Carlotta Pinkstone. He froze for a moment, that radical activist? He turned the picture to the back, and sure enough, her introduction was printed on it:

Carlotta Pinkstone (1922-present)

Activist who advocates repealing the International Confederation of Wizards Secrecy Act and informing Muggles that magic exists. Ms Pinkstone has been imprisoned several times for the blatant and deliberate use of magic in public places.

If not mistaken, this man will be released this year, Felix thought, a year before Barty Crouch. He plans to pay attention to the nearest newspaper, and it will be less than four months before the end of this year.

Felix yawned and rubbed his forehead. When he returned to the bedroom, he saw that the tower light in the principal's office was still on. It seemed that he was not the only one who couldn't sleep tonight. Drop the new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor?

It turned out that Dumbledore had no idea how to convince Grindelwald that the next few lessons were only about the Silent Charm. But Felix wouldn't think that Grindelwald subscribed to those Muggle military magazines out of sheer interest.

This is not unfounded. Dumbledore once wanted to take a Marauder's map. It's hard to say that it wasn't because he was worried that the old man would sneak out and bring back a full set of Muggle military equipment as a teaching aid.

Maybe it won't be long before the course progresses to the chapter on 'How to Identify and Defend Small Firearms'. Even part of the outline doesn't need Grindelwald to worry about it, Felix gives a detailed introduction in "Magic in the Muggle World"...

Because of the requirement of the silent spell and the wandless manifesting rune, during this period of time in the school, students can be seen everywhere with blushing faces, staring at a plant or the food on the plate in a daze. If you stare at it for a longer time, you will find that the expressions of these people quickly slide from menacing to dull eyes. Felix can see a similar scene almost every year, but he still finds it interesting. Those students are like being set Like a set program, with similar expressions, Felix was eager to write to the Weasley twins with ideas for their new product.

The Silent Spell is not a specific spell, but a set of spellcasting techniques, which are used in Defence Against the Dark Arts, Charms, and Transfiguration classes. The sudden and strict requirements made the sixth graders feel severely frustrated, and they seemed to return to the fifth grade. In the last two months of the grade O.W.Ls exam, the whole person was stunned.

"I'm not in a nightmare, am I?" Seamus complained loudly. "Silent spells, ancient runes require wandless casting, and herbal lessons let us deal with tentacles spewing sticky juice..."

After two days, the students finally realized that none of the sixth grade improvement classes were easy. Especially the Silent Spell and the Wandless Manifestation Rune cannot be mastered in a short period of time. It is said that Professor Haipu claimed in the fifth grade class that he had prepared for students who failed to meet the requirements and did not write papers. Large confinement room.

"It's true," Luna told Ron from the stands at Saturday's Quidditch tryouts.

Ron grimaced, of course his thesis didn't move a word, and what was worse - he wasn't sure if he was up to the mark. During breakfast, Hermione advised him to stop taking chances, "unless the professor will only stare at you from beginning to end in the next class and give you dozens of chances, but that's impossible!"

Success rate, yes, this question haunts all students who take the Ancient Rune class.

Obviously, the professor's cunning is far beyond the imagination of the little wizards. Of course, he will not give a person dozens of chances. That is unrealistic. There are enough students in the class, even Ron can't think of it. The professor has any reason to agree. But the problem is, no student can succeed 100% now, Neville gave up early, asked for the reference book list arranged by the professor in advance from Hermione, and read the tome.

Seamus and Dean, who were in the same dormitory, were affected and barely read dozens of pages, and the hypnotic effect was surprisingly good.

So when Ron looked away from the cluttered Quidditch pitch - Harry was busy as captain - he nearly dropped his jaw when he saw a few rune symbols twitching in Luna's fingertips.

"How did you do that?" said Ron, swallowing, and he could see clearly that Luna wasn't holding a wand in his hand.

"What did you say?" Luna said cheerfully, she likes liveliness and quietness, so when half the students of Gryffindor House and half of the students from other colleges came over, it was no surprise that she appeared here. What's more, her good friend Ginny also participated in the selection, and her fiery red hair was very dazzling on the field.

Ron pointed to the magic symbol in Luna's hand, his eyes widening.

"You're going to make friends with them," Luna said. "Each of them has its own personality, some I'm not very familiar with and have quirky temperaments...but overall, they're pretty easy to deal with."

"Can you say more?"

Ron was a little confused, but thought the insight was fresh. Maybe he could write Luna's words into the paper?

Luna introduced it in more detail. In her eyes, each rune symbol has its own character and mood. She can even tell the stories of some magic symbols and find corresponding characters for them. "I think this looks like Harry," she said.

Ron stared at the purple rune that Luna pointed at, and then looked at Harry, who was hoarse in the arena, he couldn't imagine the two had any similarities, could it be because of the chaotic halo Similar to Harry's hair, or does the tip of the symbol also have a flat lightning bolt shape?

What made him even more incomprehensible was that he didn't understand why, in Luna's eyes, he was associated with that ugly khaki symbol.

"I think it looks like you, you're all dirty yellow," Ron shot back, feeling insulted.

"Looks like you've got the hang of it," Luna said, and turned her head to the field.

Ron stared at the court with some boredom. He didn't know how Luna turned the ancient rune class into a divination class, but Professor Hepp was very different from Trelawney. If he dared to fool Trelawney If he turned in such an assignment, Professor Hepp would definitely keep him locked up until Christmas.


Harry looked jealously at Ron and Katie Bell at ease in the stands, feeling the selection sucks. Because there is no prescribed age, many first- and second-year students also signed up to participate, and even occupied most of the places. Don't say that these people are compared with the official players, even letting them play 70% of the speed of the broom is embarrassing. For example, just now, a chaser was too nervous and even threw himself into the goal, causing the audience to roar laughing out loud.

That's not all, the boy may have been too ashamed to ride the old comet broom and never return, and it seems that he intends to return to the castle to hide. So Harry had to chase after him to get the broom back, but he relented and let the tearful boy leave.

When Harry returned to the venue, as if he had assumed the role of the boy, half of the spectators pointed at him and were overjoyed.

Harry was very glad Hermione didn't show up, and he rejected most of Hermione's suggestions on the grounds that she didn't know Quidditch. This seemed to thwart Hermione's pride, so by the time she arrived, the selection was drawing to a close, and at the end Harry flew the new players around the arena, and the students in the stands gave them a few face-saving slaps.

"So the selection process went smoothly?" Hermione asked warily as they got off the broom.

"The results are gratifying," Harry said bluntly, making up his mind that if Hermione asked for specifics, he would refuse her questions on the grounds that they couldn't reveal team secrets. But Hermione just looked at the audience leaving the stands, raised her eyebrows, and was noncommittal.

"It's like watching a wonderful burlesque," Luna commented beamingly.

Hermione and Ginny both laughed and bent over. Ron didn't laugh, which made Harry feel inside how strong their friendship was.

"Let's go, I saw smoke rising from Hagrid's hut when I came." Hermione stood up and said solemnly.

Harry pretended not to see the tears in her eyes.

Luna dragged Ginny away mysteriously, so the remaining three turned their heads and walked towards Hagrid's hut.

They're trying to salvage a friendship that's on the verge of shattering, because they rationally hadn't taken Hagrid's improvement class. This was said by Ron, who predicted pessimistically that Hagrid would keep Grapp at the door, carrying a big stick, and they would have to go through a near-death before they could see the troubled Hagrid.

They heard loud sniffles as they approached the cabin, and the three looked at each other cautiously.

"Oh my God," said Hermione sadly, apparently thinking Hagrid was crying.

Even Harry and Ron thought so. It can't be a cold, can it? They approached uneasily, wondering how to comfort Hagrid, and they hardly thought of any other possibilities, which was why Harry was so surprised when he heard a second voice in the room when he knocked on the door nervously.

"Yes, those little conscientious... Potter never took the initiative to write me a letter, not a single one, but I sent him a precious elixir!" Slughorn said absently: "Hagrid, can I attend its funeral? I've never had a close encounter with an Octopus..."

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