A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 624 Young Tom Riddle

The man in the hard wooden chair and the boy sitting on the bed looked at each other, and because of the perspective, it looked like the relationship between a visitor and a patient. So it's no surprise that the following conversation takes place.

"Professor? Is it like a 'doctor'? What are you doing here? Did Mrs Cole ask you to come and check me up? I didn't think much of Amy Benson and Dennis Bishop, Jr., You can ask them yourself and they will tell you!"

Felix was no stranger to these words, looking at Tom Riddle's young, alert face. After all, I've heard it many times.

"I said—I'm Professor Dumbledore, and I work at a school called Hogwarts. I'm here to invite you to that school today—"

Riddle jumped out of bed, looking angry, Felix lowered his eyelids slightly. "Hogwarts is a school of magic, and I'm a wizard," he said.

Riddle's words were caught in his throat. He originally thought that the so-called 'Hogwarts' was just a lunatic asylum. The person in front of him was finally found by Mrs. Cole and wanted to get rid of him, but what the other party said was very different.

long silence. Riddle stared blankly at Felix, scanning him up and down, as if to see a flaw in the tiniest of places. Felix looked back at him with interest, without a trace of discomfort.

"Magic?" Riddle finally repeated softly. "Those abilities of mine are... magic?"

"What skills do you have?"

"All kinds. I can make things move without touching them. I can make animals do what I tell them to do without training. I can bring bad luck to anyone who annoys me. I can injure them if I want to. ' said Riddle in a low voice, looking excited, his face covered in an abnormal flush. He lowered his head and stared at his hands, which were shaking violently. "I knew I was different. I knew I was special. I knew there was something here."

From an adult's perspective, Riddle's sunken cheeks can be seen twisting into a frenzied arc. Felix decided to do something, not to follow the original trajectory, but to make a change from the beginning.

He reached into his trouser pocket. Riddle's eyes suddenly went up, staring at the movement of the hand. His head remained lowered, so that several deep wrinkles were piled on his forehead, and the whites of his eyes could be seen from under the raised eyebrows.

Felix took out a piece of parchment.

"What's wrong?" he asked gently.

"It's nothing," Riddle said immediately, and Felix looked away, unfolding the parchment to himself, staring at the contents. Riddle hesitated, then said, "I thought you'd be armed."


"It's something for spellcasting."

"You mean wand?"

"Is that true?" Riddle's eyes immediately looked at the pockets on his body, as if to find a place to hide something. "The orphanage once invited people from the church to come over. I asked that person, but she didn't know anything about witches and wizards, and she just said they were evil."

"Wizards are a secret to ordinary people." Felix explained, shaking his hand in front of Riddle, a black wand appeared out of nowhere, and Riddle's face immediately flashed a greedy light, pointing to the wand.

"Where can I get one?"

"There will be at that time. In addition, it is not a weapon, but a tool to assist us in casting spells. You go to school to learn how to control spell casting." Felix said lightly: "Let's get back to the point, as a school professor, I Responsibilities to young wizards from Muggle families—"

"What is a Muggle?" Riddle interrupted rudely.

"—that is, the parents are not wizards, or they grew up in a non-magical environment, and they can't judge the blood relationship."

Riddle muttered something.

"I went on to say that it is my responsibility to popularize common sense in the wizarding world for young wizards from Muggle families, as well as to assess their psychology and confirm their eligibility to study at Hogwarts."

Riddle's face suddenly stiffened. The sky outside the window darkened, and thunder roared in the distance.

"Assessment of psychology?"

"It's just a routine process," Felix explained, glancing out the window, and speaking faster: "Although Hogwarts is a school of magic, it doesn't mean that there are no moral requirements. Forget it, you can stay and see for yourself. ." He handed Riddle the makeshift.

Riddle took his eyes off his wand and lowered his head to read the parchment.

"Caring for classmates, strictly prohibiting bullying...No stealing, occupying property..." He seemed to suddenly think of something, and sternly said, "I have no money."

"The school has grants." Felix looked at Riddle. "Do you have any questions about the above?"

"What if it is violated?"

"Depending on the situation, it is usually locked up. If the situation is serious, it may be expelled or sent to Azkaban, which is the wizard prison."

Riddle was deadpan and silent, as if weighing the pros and cons.

"You said a wand wasn't a weapon?" he asked suddenly, changing the subject.


"Prove it to me," he said arrogantly.

Felix raised his eyebrows.

"I mean . , and I grew up in the magical desert, and I have never seen any of my kind..."

Strangely, as he spoke, the thunder outside gradually faded away.

Felix stood up and waved his wand, the wooden chair he was sitting on immediately turned into a majestic lion, rolled around the ground and turned into a badger, it ran around the room and climbed to the position in the room. In the tallest old wardrobe, Riddle became nervous, but the little badger opened his hands and turned into a bronze eagle with outstretched wings. It stood on the cabinet and swooped down towards the two of them, turning into a living snake at the last second.

Riddle showed his love for it almost immediately.

He said Parseltongue, "Stand up." The snake raised its head obediently. Riddle quietly raised his eyes to look at Felix, and whispered, "I can talk to snakes, Professor Dumbledore. Is this normal for a wizard? Can you talk to snakes?"

"It's rare, I've only seen such records in books."

Riddle stared down at the little snake, and after a while, spoke again in Parseltongue, and the little snake rolled its belly lazily, twisting and hissing in front of them. Felix's expression was as usual, with a faint smile on his face.

But that Parseltongue means 'Can you die like a real snake? ’

"Where should I buy books, Professor Dumbledore?"

Felix took out another envelope from his body and handed it to Riddle. "It's a shopping list and a bus ticket. You can take a look first. I'll be back next week to take you to buy the necessary things for school—"

"I don't need you," said Riddle. "I'm used to doing things on my own. I'm always running around London by myself. So, where should I go—Professor Dumbledore?"

"I'm afraid not," Felix shook his head. "I didn't bring any money today, and—letting a little wizard go to unfamiliar places is dangerous enough. I've got a dozen other homes to run away this week, and I'll wait until it's over. Will take you to Diagon Alley, where you'll find everything you need."

"Maybe you'll make a friend or two ahead of time."

The two stared at each other, and this was the first time Felix had explicitly rejected Riddle at the door. Boom! A bolt of lightning exploded in front of the window, but neither of them looked away. "Okay, Professor Dumbledore, see you next week," said Riddle.

Felix nodded at him, ignoring the gleam of red in his eyes. Wave your hand to turn the twisted snake on the ground back into a wooden chair.

The moment he closed the door, the scenery outside became blurred, and the long corridor opened its bloody mouth, choosing people to devour. Felix strode down the stairs, and a scrawny woman—she was Mrs. Cole, the orphanage's steward—was quickly greeted.

"Mr. Dumbleton - I'm sorry, it's Dumbledore? Well, you're done with your business?"

"Yes, Mrs. Cole. I'll visit again next week."

"No problem," said Mrs Cole, and the two of them went downstairs together. "It's a good thing—oh, slow down, you're going too fast," she shouted, as she came to the middle corner of the first floor. At that time, Felix had already appeared at the door.

He opened the door and turned to look at the shabby, black and white tiled foyer where the black smoke was rising, but strangely, everyone around them turned a blind eye, their eyes oozing red like Riddle's.

"Why don't we drink up that gin...Hip?" Mrs. Cole's voice became low and hoarse, and people with red eyes approached stiffly.

"Goodbye," Felix said only briefly, then slammed the door shut.

The street was surrounded by dark clouds, and the wind was roaring, Felix quickly jumped down the steps outside the door, and walked briskly through the bare yard, clang! The heavy iron door slammed shut behind him.

As soon as he came out, Felix waved his arms wildly.

The wind blew more ferociously, the black cloud seemed to be so low that it brushed the nearby buildings, a grim face twisted out of the rolling clouds, and a crack appeared in the ground under Felix's feet, extending rapidly into the distance.

The entire Wu Family Orphanage sank suddenly.

Felix's expression was serious, knowing that the backlash brought by the change of strategy was coming, and Voldemort's will began to automatically clear this memory that should not exist. He took out a silver-blue mass of something that was neither gas nor liquid from his pocket, and then the figure flashed continuously, and the blank memory fragments melted into the cracks, mending the cracks.

When Felix stopped, the vision disappeared. Although there were ugly scars on the ground, and the sky seemed to be covered with tape, it was temporarily saved and it was not completely abandoned by Voldemort.

Felix stood on the sidewalk, relieved. After more than two months of testing, trying, and the information provided by Dumbledore, he finally took the first step and successfully planted a seed in Voldemort's mind.

What he had to do was much more than just modifying his memory.

Scattered memory fragments are useless. An archmage like Voldemort has a complete defense against his memory. Altering, covering up, blocking, or sticking a few fake memories will only make him immediately realize that something is wrong. The impact is minimal.

Felix didn't think the false memory would make Voldemort cry and repent.

And Voldemort's soul is already very fragile because of the split, and if Felix makes drastic adjustments, the result could be devastating.

So Felix decided to open up another battlefield - a branch from Voldemort's memory, which is the Wu's orphanage in front of him. Felix will replace Dumbledore in Riddle's impression as if he had really returned to London in the 1930s, and train him as his Transfiguration teacher for seven years.

Of course, Felix doesn't really need to spend seven years.

The time in memory is still quite fast, he only needs to appear at the key time point of Voldemort, give proper guidance, and fix the good results brought by it with 'memory nodes', so that this Riddle becomes Get strong.

Felix didn't expect to make Voldemort a good person. From the scenes he watched when Riddle and Dumbledore met for the first time, it could be seen that Riddle had developed an independent, cautious, and indifferent character early on, and Very aggressive.

Felix just wanted Riddle to be a normal person with a different life trajectory than the Dark Lord. The richer his 'experience', the more different his personality is from his body, but the two will eventually merge. Because memory is memory, not soul, and cannot exist independently.

Felix paced around the orphanage, turning to one of the walls and staring at a window on the third floor.

Only the top of Tom Riddle's head can be seen from this angle.

At this moment, Riddle was sitting on the bed with no expression. In front of him were books, tickets, and questionnaires that should not exist. Slowly, he frowned. I don't know why, when he just parted, he suddenly wanted to attack the young Professor Dumbledore. This desire came suddenly.

But this is absolutely the stupidest thing to do, and he has to rely on this person to enter the wizarding world.

At the thought of magic, Riddle's nostrils expanded with excitement, and he exhaled rough air from his nostrils. Then he lowered his head and stared at the questionnaire. He matured earlier than his peers, and was wise enough to analyze hidden facts from a few words.

Hogwarts has its own rules, just like the nasty ones out there. This means that the wizarding world is equally orderly. Riddle wasn't sure how much the professor knew about him, but Dumbledore mentioned "making friends", did that imply something?

Riddle, a little uneasy, stared at the old wardrobe.

Stealing is forbidden at Hogwarts.

Dumbledore will be back next week.

He must do something. Riddle got off the bed, walked over to the shabby closet, and slammed the door open. Inside were some old clothes and a small cardboard box on the top shelf.

Riddle took a deep breath, remembering clearly the origins of everything in the box, Dennis Bishop's roaming reel, Amy Benson Jr.'s harmonica and silver thimble... all of which he snatched from other children. loot to come.

But there's no need to hurry, Riddle thought, better to wait until the day before that Dumbledore's next visit before handing them over.

He slammed the door shut, stared at the gray mirror on the door, and then began to smile. Riddle showed the patience that a child of his age should have, constantly adjusting the curvature of the corners of his mouth and the position of his arms. , standing.

He's very talented, and he's doing a decent job in no time.

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