When she came out of classroom seven, Hermione kept chatting.

"I didn't expect it at all! It's much better than I imagined. I thought it was all kinds of actual combat, such as throwing you into the forbidden forest and having a group of strange animals chasing you... I mean, it's not no Good, but I'd rather have a quiet and productive period of thinking—"

"Who said it wasn't?" Ron snapped.

He and Harry were soaked in sweat, and their hair was sideways, as if they had just been through a tough Quidditch training session.

Hermione didn't catch the meaning of the words, and she was still excited to share her feelings: "You can talk directly to the room and let it help you as you want - that's what I do, you know? I always I have a dream of being able to read more than a dozen books at the same time. Of course they are all related, maybe different interpretations of the same magic... I could use it for mutual reference, and it really helped me come true!"

"The best part is that there's a drink every half hour - which I found out later - and you can choose from tea, hot cocoa and pumpkin juice, all ghost food. But that's not bad. of."

Harry and Ron glanced at each other. They didn't get hot tea, but a group of spinning dishes followed them, forcing them to perform Transfiguration. Harry swore he didn't want to touch mushrooms for the next week.

"I heard that there is also a classroom model, which is modeled after the classroom situation, with a group of students studying together." Harry changed the subject.

"Yeah," Hermione tried to recall, "I seem to have seen it too, you can give it a try."

The next two weeks flew by quickly, with fifth and seventh graders devoting all their energy to revision as June approached, professors no longer assigned homework, but in-class revision for exams that might topic that appears. The students are dizzy every day, and there is not enough time in the class. They can only try to jot down knowledge points, and then either spend the whole night in the library memorizing materials, or appear in classroom No. 7 to practice spellcasting.

During this time, Hermione also fulfilled her promise to demonstrate some of the most difficult potions in the exam area to some students. The students onlookers were from all four academies, but they could basically be divided into two categories: members of the frontline lookout station and their friends, and a dozen or so students of Slytherin.

The former made great efforts to simplify the potion process, and the latter—well, paid a lot of precious potion materials.

"I didn't see Goyle and Crabbe," Hermione said softly after the presentation was over, watching Draco Malfoy leave.

"It's not just the two of them," Fred leaned in and said, "Everyone who has relatives with the Death Eaters is trying to distance themselves from each other, but those immediate family members who are Death Eaters are miserable and very unwelcome. "

It dawned on Harry that he remembered reading in the newspaper a few weeks earlier that Crabbe and Goyle's father had been sentenced to life in prison by Wizengamore.

"What about Malfoy? Isn't his dad undercover?" Ron asked.

"He? Good or bad," Fred said casually. "It did get a little snub at first, but Slytherin has a lot of smart people, and soon people joined in," he added, "or maybe they were. The parents are smart enough."

"Of course there were people who were hostile to him, those—" George said.

"Immediate family members are Death Eaters," Harry affirmed.

"That's right." George winked at him. "There are gains and losses. Fair enough, isn't it?"

Harry was relieved, he was worried that the Slytherin people would get in trouble, and he even wanted to ask a professor to come over - not Snape, of course, but Sirius. But Sirius was too busy, and he complained to Harry privately that Dumbledore seemed to know that he would not be teaching for the next school year, so he could work hard on his assignments.

In order to motivate the students, Sirius also made a bet with them that if anyone could get 'excellent' in the wizarding rank exam, he would give these students his experience of studying Animagos as a gift.

"Think about it, although Professor McGonagall also knows this knowledge, but she won't pass it on easily. As far as I know, this is the treatment only for the best of the Transformers Club." He said casually, "Do you want to? ? Then come back with an 'excellent'."

"Professor Black, will you continue teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts next year?" a student asked expectantly.

Sirius shook his head, "Only this year." Seeing the disappointed expression on the student's face, he hurriedly said: "Don't worry, I'll keep my word, that knowledge is in the hands of Professor Haipu..."

'Professor Haipu' only found out about this on the third day. He basically stayed in the depths of classroom No. 7 during this time, and he also built a temporary office for this purpose - Thinking Room and No. 7 classroom are almost A perfect match, and coupled with the constant flow of emotions that students have inspired by exams, his research is progressing rapidly.

"When did you give me the Animagus information?"

One day at the dinner table, Felix blocked Sirius and asked in a bad tone. He found out with hindsight that the news about "Professor Black entrusted knowledge to Professor Haipu" had spread all over the school.

"Am I wrong?" said Sirius disdainfully. "You've got the Black family's collection of books in your stomach. Animagus is just an inconspicuous one, oh—no wonder you don't remember."

Felix shut up obediently.


After the lights went out, Harry sat on the window sill of his bedroom and looked out at the stars, and suddenly realized that he had won the Quidditch Cup two days ago. They—except for Katie Bell, who didn't need an exam, the other six just showed up at the celebration party, and then turned around to deal with what Fred called the 'tangle goblin'.

After entering June, the shadow of the exam is getting closer.

More than one student suffers from exam syndrome, they have more or less strange ailments, such as Hufflepuff's Ernie McMillan who likes to inquire about other people's review time, and when he learns that others have less time than himself, he You will breathe a sigh of relief, otherwise you will be nervous.

Hermione was no less so, and she excelled in two ways. She single-handedly thwarted the thriving black market transactions of the little wizards, whether it was the poorly packaged and low-quality Bafei brain-refreshing potion, or the fox feces disguised as dragon claw powder, or all kinds of unqualified students. The euphoria, the sweet dream potion... were all confiscated and poured into the toilet;

Another point is that she has developed the habit of looking at people with empty eyes, which usually happens when she is on the way to class with Harry and Ron, or while eating. At the same time, there are symptoms such as reciting words in the mouth and poking the air with fingers.

"You're not going to be Luna in disguise, are you?" Harry looked at Hermione suspiciously.

"What? Of course not!" said Hermione impatiently. "I was just reading in my head."

In the last class before the exam, Felix explained the precautions to the students.

"The ancient rune test is scheduled on Friday, with a written test in the morning and a practice test in the afternoon." Felix said: "I personally participated in the practice test, and all the questions are within the review range, so you can put your heart in your stomach. "

"Also, presumably you should know that cheating is prohibited in exams."

The faces of the students under the podium were tense, and Felix wasn't sure what they were really thinking, unless he used Legilimency.

"The examiners are very experienced and they can easily see through all cheating methods. It may be a bit abstract to say that, for example - the examiner, Professor Guslda Marchban, who presided over Principal Dumbledore's N.E.W.Ts when she was young , which means that she has proctored almost a hundred times for exams that are of great significance to you."

Harry breathed lightly, he had never thought about it from that angle. He looked around, and the others had more or less the same expression, and Professor Heppe used a real-world example to show them how difficult it was to cheat.

"...things like self-answering quills, memory balls, detachable entrained cuffs and self-correcting inks, all kinds of potions... these are all banned, I spent two days at the Wizarding Examinations Authority, trust me, think about it Cheating magic is their daily routine, and I have seen all kinds of weird gadgets in those two days, which is amazing..."

"My personal suggestion is to ask Madam Pomfrey to order a Dream Potion, get enough sleep, and chew two mint leaves to refresh yourself before entering the exam room. Yes, mint leaves are allowed."


During breakfast on Sunday, Seamus stumbled into the auditorium and shouted, "The examiner is here!" The originally lively atmosphere instantly dropped to a low point. A seventh-grade girl suddenly burst into tears, and a circle of people stepped forward. comfort her.

Harry looked at the girl who was suddenly hysterical with one eye and stared at the door of the auditorium with the other, trying to catch the examiners, and nearly put food up his nose. Just as he was lowering his head and coughing, he heard neat inhalations from the left and right, and he raised his head sharply to see Dumbledore passing an old woman through the door.

"It's Professor March class!" Hermione's tone seemed abnormal.

"I heard she was good friends with Neville's grandmother, and you said can we—" Ron said hopefully, and then he saw the stiff expression on Neville's face and sighed, "Well, it doesn't seem to work. ."

the other side--

"Dumbledore?" said Professor Marchban loudly to the side, and behind her and Dumbledore were the silent Professor McGonagall and Snape, "Dorothea told me that you never checked- —”

"There's an excellent school doctor in the school," said Dumbledore calmly, "and she can easily take care of my headaches."

On the last night before the exam, Harry tossed in bed and couldn't fall asleep.

He felt that his thinking was very active tonight. He thought of the encouragement of Sirius during the day, the taste of holding the Quidditch trophy that he had never tasted carefully, and he even thought of Voldemort. Voldemort has not appeared in a long time. In his dream, it seems that Professor Hepp and Headmaster Dumbledore were right - Voldemort used Occlumency on him.

So his scars never hurt.

Harry got up from the bed, fumbled around in the dark, and finally managed to find a small bottle of Dream Potion in the Christmas stocking Dobby had given him, and he twisted the lid off and took a sip.

"Give me a drink too, Harry," Ron said suddenly.

Harry handed the open glass bottle to Ron, their hands collided in the air, and the bottle was transferred smoothly. Then came the sound of swallowing, and Ron smacking his lips in satisfaction. At this moment, another voice came from beside him——

"Anything else?" Neville whispered. He didn't fall asleep either.

"There are quite a few." Ron said, just after he finished speaking, Seamus and Dean's voices came from different parts of the bedroom, "That's great! Excuse me a little—" "Um...thank you?"

The bottle spun around and returned to Harry's hands empty.

Drowsiness struck, and Harry haphazardly put the bottle on the bedside table, took off his glasses and lay on the pillow. "Should we set an alarm?" he asked vaguely.


"I said—ha—ah—" Harry yawned heavily and fell asleep.


Meanwhile, Bellatrix woke from her coffin, sitting up blankly, still clutching the gold cup in her hands.

Voldemort was satisfied with her attitude.

Bellatrix bowed her head respectfully, the inexplicable frenzy on her face again.

"Crack, click."

Bellatrix shook her jerky neck. She seemed to have fallen asleep for a long time, crawling out of the coffin with her hands and feet unresponsive, and just as she was about to fall to the ground, Voldemort flicked her fingers lazily, and she was immediately stunned. An invisible force straightened.

"Thank you, Master. I, I—" Bellatrix stared at her hands, which seemed to have lost their normal skin, became wrinkled and pale, as if covered with a With dense scales, she widened her eyes and touched her face in a panic.

Then there was another scream.

"Don't worry, my dear Bella, this is only temporary." Voldemort looked at his 'work' with satisfaction. "Your body has undergone some minor changes in your sleep, and it will take time to recover." He took Bella by the hand. Trix's hand.

With Voldemort's help, Bellatrix staggered out of the coffin, surrounded by a gloomy cemetery, dilapidated, the grass making a bleak sound, and the wind seemed to blow into her skin, and she shuddered.

A few minutes later, Bellatrix, who moved slightly, followed behind Voldemort.

"During the time you're asleep, there's a huge change going on outside."

"The Aurors of the Ministry of Magic, under the identification of two traitors, smashed my loyal followers to pieces... Bella, you are one of the few people who still remain loyal to me."

"Lord, Master!" Bellatrix said gratefully. "Thank you for your magnanimity, not caring about my sister and brother-in-law—" Voldemort's eyes cast two dangerous red lights, and she shut her mouth sharply, the air into dead silence.

After half an hour-

"Don't care?" Voldemort asked softly, Bellatrix bowed his head, and Voldemort walked up and down in front of her, "What makes you think I'll forgive someone's betrayal? Lucius...Selwyn... Maybe there are others, the Ministry of Magic's intelligence is closed to me, and I am now like a blind man who can only read about the trial from the newspapers."

"I don't know when my name seems to work anymore. Do you know what's going on in the papers now?" Voldemort asked, and before Bellatrix could answer, he said to himself, "Deng Bridor, Hep, Potter, and even that woman... Amelia Burns."

The cold wind is bleak.

"They're talking about the Dark Lord's nemesis, there's more than one!" Voldemort raised his voice, Bellatrix shuddered as if being whipped in the face, she fell to her knees, Voldemort responded to this Turning a blind eye, the corners of his mouth twisted into an evil expression, "In the eyes of these people, I seem to be just a clown."

"Master, you are the supreme Dark Lord," sobbed Bellatrix, seeming to be saddened by the diminished honor. "It's not that bad—"

Voldemort sneered twice.

"Of course it's not that bad," he said indifferently. "But it's also at a critical moment. My duel with Old Dumbledore is coming, and what I'm most worried about is Felix Heppe spoiling—"

"Is this a trap?" Bellatrix asked, holding her breath.

"No, Dumbledore dare not lie to me, he can't afford the price." Voldemort said coldly, Bellatrix fully understood the blood and cruelty in these words.

"The location of our duel is a secret, and I will also cast vigilance magic around it..."

"I'm worried about another thing - he's going to find you."

"Me?" Bellatrix said, startled and excited.

Voldemort stared at her pale face, Bellatrix nervous, and she was more and more careful and respectful.

"Bella," said Voldemort softly, "you've always been loyal to me, and it's time for me to give back to you," he took Bellatrix's hand, and his long, pale fingers hooked her He picked up the golden cup in his hand and looked at it carefully for a moment.

"I will share with you the secret of my immortality."

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