A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 595 The Secret of Classroom No. 7 (Ask a Monthly Pass)

Over the next few days, the Mystery Wall tabloid sold out.

The most attractive headline of the first tabloid article was - 'How to startle a professor? ' On the back was another article, 'Classroom 7, our neglected treasure. ’

Just one day later, an article 'Student's Backing - Classroom 7' became a new hot topic, Mafalda 'successfully' interviewed several memory, and - they coincidentally - were very happy to give her A little trouble for their body, they recalled their preparation for the exam when they were in school, and revealed some little secrets.

For example, for the first time Hogwarts students learned of an embarrassing scene when both the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw Heads were in the sorting, Professor McGonagall made the Sorting Hat hesitate for five and a half minutes Zhong, hesitating between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor before finally assigning her to Gryffindor House.

The Sorting Hat also experienced a similar problem when it encountered Professor Flitwick. Although it didn't take that long, it did consider it again and again, and finally made the opposite decision, assigning the young Flitwick to LaVine Crowe College.

"How amazing! If the Sorting Hat had shaken, we would have had two deans swapping positions," cried Ravenclaw's Padma Patil.

"The Sorting Hat has no hands," her twin sister, Parvati Patil, who had been sorted into Gryffindor, reminded her.

"Are we getting a new dean?" Luna looked around.

"They're joking," Ginny said.

The professors were startled. At first, they turned a blind eye to the actions of the students, allowing them to harass the memory of classroom 7 - time was spent on learning anyway, but after this incident broke out, the professors were more attentive .

They all found their own memories, and they told their faces to warn them not to reveal their little secrets.

Just one night, Felix saw Dumbledore on the Marauder's map sneaking into classroom 7 during the curfew. He grinned, put the map away, and played with Warren the latest version of Wizard Cards, a card game made by the 'Chocolate Frog Card Versus Club', founded by a Ravenclaw student who was then Professor Flitwick proudly showed it to them at a tea time.

Felix remembers this very well.

Because that day happened to be April 15, it didn't take long for the Weasley twins to make a big deal.

"Hey! (Don't be rude!)" Warren grumbled, clutching a handful of cards.

Felix slapped a card on the table, "Clone! When the card is on the field, all my attacks are doubled."

"Hah!!" Varun's eyes widened, looking at the pattern on the card in disbelief.

"Why is it impossible?" Felix said plausibly, "You've seen me with this ability." Warren was so angry that he wanted to throw the snake in his face.


"Okay," he regretfully retracted the temporary card, "if there is a chance, I must suggest that they add this card... to you."

Warren blinked guiltily and showed the cards one by one:

Felix stared at 'Sniff's cloak', 'Sniff's wand', 'Sniff's treasure', 'Sniff's piggy bank', and the most important one - 'Sniff's trump card: Summon the Great Demon King', stunned for a moment.

He curled his lips, "You are really comfortable as an investor."


After dinner, Harry, Ron and Hermione came to classroom 7. The corridor at the door was very lively. The three of them were crowded to the front and saw Angelina and Arya talking in low voices. .

Harry was suddenly horrified to find that they were both in seventh grade, and with Fred and George, the team would go four people at once next year!


Angelina beckoned to him, "Here—" She reached out a hand and tugged Harry over, and Harry didn't even respond. Then she dug out a stack of parchment from her bag and asked, "Where's Ron?"

"Here!" Ron squeezed in panting. Hermione followed behind with her bag in her hand.

"Very good, you see, this is my newly developed tactic. Our opponent will be between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. According to the current ranking, we still retain the advantage, but we must not take it lightly- "

Before Harry could speak, the door to classroom seven opened.

"Let's do this first, go back and take a good look, it will be used in the next training." Angelina said quickly, and followed Alia hurriedly into the No. 7 classroom.

"I'd rather see—" Ron muttered and squeezed in with Harry and Hermione.

They came here many times in the fourth grade, leaving a lot of shadows in their hearts, which led to the fact that even though classroom No. 7 was open to students in the fifth grade, they seldom came. I heard that some students who like to explore take this place as the second Common room.

"The weather is still so uncharacteristic," Ron muttered, and Harry took it seriously. Unlike the dusk scene outside, the faint sunlight shone down on their faces, and the warm, soft soil seemed to glow under their feet.

Below them was a winding path that made Harry think of Diagon Alley, except for a few less cobblestones. There were some wooden signs standing on the road, and a fork in the road extended beside each wooden sign. They could only see part of it, and the deeper part seemed to be blocked by fog.

Harry squinted his eyes and tried to look further afield. There seemed to be small houses hidden in the mist, and he guessed that Mr. Scamander's magical zoo, Professor Sprout's wild greenhouse and other buildings should be there.

"Are you saying there will be young Professor McGonagall at the end of the road?" Ron said, pointing to the wooden sign closest to them, which neatly said 'Transfiguration'. "It's possible," said Harry, amused, and ran to the other side to examine a crooked wooden sign with Hermione.

"It must have been written by Hagrid himself," Hermione said with certainty.

Harry grinned at the wild writing on the board, two misspelled letters.

"Who else could it be."

At this time, the students who came in before and after them all took a fork in the road, and their figures quickly disappeared.

"Let's hurry up and pick one," Hermione urged.

"How about Transfiguration?" Harry suggested. "I'm not very good at transspecies."

"The owl-turned-spyglass class?" Ron whispered, "You've done a good job, they winked at me when I looked at the telescope lenses, and Seamus said he always felt something staring at me. with him..."

"That's when you don't see that they're ticklish," said Harry gloomily.

So they turned back and took the 'Transfiguration' path. Harry became more and more sure that the path was designed by Professor McGonagall's memory. It seems to have been measured with a ruler.

Harry remembered Privet Drive unpleasantly, and he shared the idea with Ron and Hermione - the former laughed, the latter just snorted, and they came to the end of the path.

Harry looked around.

"What's wrong?" Ron asked.

"Before us—" Harry stretched his arms, looking a little silly, "some people chose this path, but none of them are here." As soon as the words fell, three doors appeared in front of them.

"It turned out to be waiting here." Ron said, the three looked at each other, and each picked a door and walked in.

Behind the door is an empty classroom, no one is there.

Harry walked around the house and finally came back to find that even the door had disappeared, which made Harry a little dumbfounded. He cleared his throat and asked loudly, "Anyone?" At the same time, he held his wand vigilantly, for fear that a group of fire dragons would come out in one voice.

A mirror-like thing suddenly appeared in the air, with golden ripples on the mirror surface, Harry saw a blurred image, it seemed that there was someone opposite! Then a red envelope was thrown out.

"Wait!" Harry yelled, "I see you."

The golden ripples that were about to disappear stopped, and after a few seconds, a hand poked out from it, followed by an elegant face - it was the young Professor McGonagall, she pursed her lips, revealing half of her body, looking very Thriller. "It's Harry," she said flatly.

The red envelope that had just been thrown over began to smoke, and the painful memory in his bones suddenly flooded into his heart. This thing was a roaring letter. Harry tried to move back, but his feet seemed to be rooted and motionless.

"Mike, Professor McGonagall?"

"Oh, you said that," the young Professor McGonagall said with a stern face, "that's Felix's design, it's useless, it's just to scare people." Her tone was a little disapproving, only the half-height mirror changed After forming a door, she pushed open the door and walked in, then with a wave of her hand, there were two more beautiful chairs in the classroom.

"Let's sit down and listen together. There's been a lot of changes here recently."

So Harry and Professor McGonagall sat in their chairs, and the roar letter—or the instruction manual disguised as a roar letter? Harry couldn't figure it out either, but it opened its mouth and began to describe the function of classroom seven vividly.

"...a good helper for students...a novel experience...ahead of the times..."

Harry listened with relish, and it took five minutes to realize that it was all bullshit, until near the end, when it finally got to the point.

"This is mainly based on the will of the students. You can choose the single-player mode, the class mode, or the way of learning in groups of friends. Yes, it is very free... You will find that this is the biggest difference from the classroom," Envelope Opening his mouth close, Harry leaned back, feeling the envelope spit on his face. "We're not asking you to do anything."

"In other words - you have to figure out what you want! No one can help you with this."

The envelope started to burn, and Harry was afraid it would suddenly explode, but Professor McGonagall simply waved it away and made it disappear.

"Do you understand now?" asked the young Professor McGonagall.

"Well—" Harry thought, looking at the exquisitely dressed Professor McGonagall from the corner of his eyes, and called her 'Ms. McGonagall' in his heart, "This shows that classroom No. 7 is different from the classroom outside."

He realized that he had just said a standard nonsense.

"We want to complement each other - classroom and room seven, professor and memory," corrected the young Professor McGonagall. "And what else?"

"Well, I can learn what I want?" Harry guessed, and Ms. McGonagall smiled at him. "Transfiguration only, yes, you're right."

Harry breathed a sigh of relief.

"What about Ron and Hermione? They've also been baptized by the Shouting Letter?" Harry asked, imagining whether Ron would calm down and listen carefully to what it said when he saw an instruction book similar to the Shouting Letter.

"Almost, but they didn't see me," Ms. McGonagall said. "On a whim," she added softly, then waved, and two blurry images appeared in the air. Harry's eyes widened. En and Hermione.

Ron was being chased by a group of round things, and Hermione was in deep thought, facing a wall with hundreds of books glued to it. The book turns the pages obediently...

Harry looked stunned. It's amazing, but why is there such a big difference between the two?

Is there a division of wisdom here?

"They chose different ways of learning," explained Ms. McGonagall. "Ron preferred to learn through the game, so I had a bunch of dishes chasing him, unless he managed to turn them into mushrooms one by one. It won't stop."

Harry secretly prayed for Ron.

"As for Hermione - she's more of a thinker, and I think she's a little Ravenclaw," Ms McGonagall said.

Harry suddenly thought of the rumors he had heard in the past two days. He dared to ask: "McG-hmm-ma'am?" The young Professor McGonagall twitched into a small smile, and Harry felt relieved and asked the question in his heart: "You really did when you were sorted. Experienced hat embarrassment?"


"Professor Flitwick too?" he asked cautiously.

"Oh, we do sometimes -- I mean between beings -- do make fun of each other," Ms. McGonagall said. "I have some memories of that. But Filius wasn't really embarrassed, just the Sorting Hat hesitated. The time is a little long. Well, I can't stay too long, there are a bit more students these days, I have to take care of it at all times. Although other people will help, but..."

She whispered something, probably meaning 'don't want to trouble others'.

“I occasionally show up as a class—not lecture, but Q\u0026A. It’s a nostalgic feeling,” she says. “One thing you should know: This is where you get a response to whatever you want. ."

"Imagination is important." She proved it herself, her fingers drew a random door in the air, then pushed it away, Harry walked over, and the door was gone.

He stood there for a while, and said tentatively, "Can I change the environment here? How about a... forest?"

The surrounding air began to vibrate, and the phantoms of towering trees and shrubs appeared, and after a few seconds, they really appeared in front of us. Harry looked at all this in amazement, almost thinking that he had come to Professor Hepp's thinking classroom, and then he tried various environments such as the Black Lake, the auditorium, the covered bridge, the clock tower, and even the screaming shack.

After playing happily for a while, Harry realized that Ron was still being chased by the dishes, and he hurriedly asked, "Can I go to Ron's place? Ron Weasley, with red hair and freckles— —”

A line of small words appeared in the air: I need my consent. After a few seconds, a blurry image appeared in the air, and Harry moved closer to see better, then saw Ron running towards him.

Ron swung his wand back sharply, a few black mushrooms grew on the plate closest to him, and when he looked back he saw Harry in front of him. He shouted excitedly: "Harry? A small line of words appeared in front of me just now, and I thought it was an illusion—"

"Watch out!" Harry yelled.

"Bang!" Ron passed through the foggy air, and the two slammed into each other.

Harry's eyes were staring straight into the stars, and he fell over his nose, tears streaming down his face. After a long time, he threw Ron's legs off his chest and struggled to get up from the ground, his glasses hanging on the left half On the ears, the vision is blurred. He quickly put on his glasses, and found that the dishes were rolling around the two of them.

When Harry stood up straight, the dishes rolled towards him as if they had received a signal. Harry sat back decisively and dragged Ron, who was about to stand up, back to the ground.

The plate really stopped moving.

"Can I use other magic?" Harry and Ron discussed countermeasures.

"No," said Ron, frowning. "I'll show you." He fired a stun spell that went straight through the plate. "I guess they only respond to Transfiguration."

Harry scratched his head a little, he could already imagine the scene of practicing owls into small telescopes.

Maybe try Hermione's way next time?


The depths of classroom seven.

This is the absolute core of classroom No. 7, surrounded by dense magic circuits and magic nodes, like underground pipes, surrounded by layers of protective magic.

In theory, this place cannot be discovered by outsiders, not even the memory. Because at the beginning of its construction, Dumbledore used the Headmaster's authority - just like the House of Requirement - to link the magic supply of Room 7 to the entire castle.

At this moment, Felix appeared in this 'non-existent' place. There were jars and jars in front of him. Magic that could not be detected by the naked eye was acting on these containers. Every once in a while, the mouth of the bottle would have a star-like light flickering. .

Felix clapped his hands and stood up.

"Let me think, happiness, anger, fear, sadness, curiosity, disgust, guilt, pride, calmness, confusion, longing, and love and hate—what else? Forget it, break it down later."

As the decisive battle date approaches, everyone is preparing accordingly.

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