A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 501 Magical Creatures

"Hi, Newt," Felix said to the busy figure. "Have you found anything?"

"I'm not sure." Newt straightened up from the desk and hurriedly made a few notes in his notebook, staring at the "big scorpions" rampant in the glass case, hesitantly said, "Hagrid called it the Blow-Tail. Snail? It doesn't seem to have a good temper, is it in estrus? Some animals get stupid brains when they are in estrus... Some people do too."

"No one can say for sure, this creature has been in reality for less than a year, and no one can figure out its habits." Felix said, "Hagrid was taking care of them at first, but he has to travel far away. Handed the last few to me before leaving. He'd love to get your opinion, too."

"It's going to take a while." Newt stared intently at the glass case. "It's important to make sure that the blow-tail snails can reproduce stably under natural conditions. That's the first thing—otherwise they'll just disappear into history—there are too many An example of multiple people intervening to create new species and failing, Hagrid didn't involve magic, which is good, there is a possibility of stability - I think I should build a field, your magic has always restrained them."

He raised his head with an eager expression on his face.

"Build it solidly," Felix reminded him. "I've never seen a docile snail. They don't seem to have an organ like a brain."

Newt nodded.

Felix held Varen in his arms and looked with him at the wads of yarn hanging from the top of his head.

It was a thorny thorn sac, and just as they were watching, the thorn sac suddenly opened and turned into some kind of huge butterfly-like reptile with a pair of skeleton-like wings and a terrifying image, hanging upside down like a bat Looking at them, Warren in his arms was startled.

The next second, it shrank back again.

"The Winged Demon, when it's not flying, it will hide itself in a thorny sac. This one is not dangerous, but you'd better not get too close, Norris is a little shy." Newt said with a secret smile.

"Huh?" Warren was shocked and patted his little chest.

"Norris, his name," Newt repeated. "Like you're Sniff but the name is Warren." He looked at Felix, "I can't imagine she's learned to write, though. The words are a bit ugly, but...well, it's already very good, reminds me of my brother." His last sentence almost whispered.

Felix stared at the curled up Winged Demon and couldn't help smacking his lips, "It's still better for Warren." He didn't want to be like that. "So you trained it?" He suddenly thought of something and asked curiously, "This thing is quite dangerous in the wild."

Newt had a look of memory.

"I used to have a crouching demon, he helped me a lot, and Norris is his descendant."

"So that's it," Felix nodded, and he asked softly, "I guess that crouched demon caught Grindelwald for you?"

"Oh, oh—" Newt looked at him, "Headmaster Dumbledore told you?"

"No, my source was an Ilvermorny assistant," Felix explained. "He told me that there was a hidden statue of a crouch in the halls of the Magical Congress of the United States, near the courtroom... The inscription on the stone is 'it helped to defeat the source of turmoil'."

"It is said that the statue was left by Seraphina Picquili, the president of the Magical Congress of the United States, and I only guessed that based on the background at the time." He added.

Newt dropped his movements, sinking into distant memories. "I can't reveal more - it involves Headmaster Dumbledore. But so far, you've been right."

"What kind of person is Grindelwald?" Felix asked keenly. "It shouldn't be considered illegal, right?"

"...not so...he's arrogant, or self-confident...also very appealing, although I don't like it very much, and it caused a lot of trouble at the time..." Newt's voice gradually fell, only at this time , he is like an old man who is close to a hundred years old.

Two days later, Felix bid farewell.

"Hey, Lightning, you're here too." Felix said to the Invisible Beast next to Newt, which revealed its shape today and looked like a sloth. Felix handed it an apple.

"Have you finished your investigation?" Newt asked.

"It's done, it's a lot faster than I thought." Felix said with satisfaction: "I guess it may be because I voluntarily gave up some goals. After all, Poison Horned Beasts and Moon Crazy Beasts are not very suitable... "

And it doesn't look good either.

"Can I ask," Newt said with an interested expression, "you told me earlier that you wanted to observe the structure of Fantastic Beasts, using magic—that word is 'scan'?" He glanced at Felix, Felix S nodded at him.

"Hmmm - scan with magic, honestly, I don't really understand, it sounds like the process of familiarizing the shape-shifting creatures in polymorphism..."

"You're right." Felix said with a slight smile.

"It's really Transfiguration? But it shouldn't. Ordinary Transfiguration can only change the appearance of magical animals, but can't show the essence. Even the advanced Animagus only removes some drawbacks..." Newt for a while Talk to yourself.

"Even Headmaster Dumbledore - wait, I seem to have seen a similar scene, but it's not a complete transformation, and even the skin has very few changes. I always thought it was magic that I didn't know."

Newt's eyes were shining, staring at Felix, his eyes full of curiosity.

"Can you really do it, can I see it?"

"Of course, it's an honor to show this ability to the world's greatest expert on amazing animals."

Valen stood on the table, looking at Felix expectantly as well. Although it has been seen in advance, it is still surprising, what kind of species is the big devil? The invisible beast eating the fruit suddenly widened its eyes, and the fruit fell to the ground - it had already seen the next scene.

Felix tilted his head, looked at his fingers with cautious eyes, and began to perform Transfiguration. A strange feeling spread all over the body. His body seemed to melt, his hands began to shrink and merge into his sides, his torso and neck continued to lengthen, and a pair of blue wings ripped open his clothes like a machete, revealing from his back... Felix He didn't feel any pain, but was warm; there was no panic in his heart, only peace-because he knew what the transformation target was, and he knew that his body could adapt to this level of change.

He is a magical creature.

Felix lowered his head, but his body swelled rapidly, his gaze higher than Newt's. The blue, bird-like head was about the size of an invisible beast, and it looked down at the people present, its eyes shifted slightly, and it could easily see the rivers, caves and plains in the distance.

Tall body, beautiful feathers, more than a hundred feet long.

He became a bird snake.

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