A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 500 Bird Snake with a Broken Shell

North Shore of the English Channel, Dorset.

"Huh? (How long will it take?)"

"Be patient, Warren. It will be soon."

Felix and Varun were lying on a thick dead leaf, each holding a telescope in their hands, looking into the distance. There was a dense forest all around, and a nest of vines was hidden sixty or seventy feet from them.

The bird's nest is very delicate, and it is also full of fallen leaves, and six or seven silver eggs that look like handicrafts are crowded together.

This is Newt Scamander's home, or more precisely, part of the basement. Felix and Warren have been here for almost a week and they've been here most of the time, enjoying all sorts of fantastic adventures without leaving their homes, boating in the swampy waters last night, and in the woods today Watch the bird snake break its shell.

It all takes place in Newt Scamander's magical basement.

This is a gathering place of magical animals that is not lost to the Romanian Fire Dragon Reserve. Since Newt retired, he's been out running a lot less. The Ministry of Magic in many countries breathed a sigh of relief... but the scale and variety of magical animals have not only not decreased, but have become larger and larger. Except for those brought back by Newt himself, his son, grandson, and Ministry of Magic staff, magical Animal associations, protected areas... and foreign enthusiasts who come here will also bring all kinds of magical animals and ask him for help and advice.

Felix brought a full set of 'Future World' company products to his door this time as a rental for his own peculiar trip. Newt was taken aback, but his wife liked the new stuff.

"When Rove visited us, he gave us a chair and it was very comfortable to lie on," Tina Goldstein told him.


"Da da da--"

A crisp metal crash sounded in the woods, "It's about to break the shell!" Felix whispered to Warren. The two raised the binoculars and carefully observed the bird's nest. At first, there was only one source of sound, but It's like a signal, and then all the birds and snake eggs make the same sound.


Warren poked Felix lightly.

"The video button? The red one—" Felix whispered, watching intently. A crack soon appeared on the surface of the silver eggshell, and then the eggshell began to distort, as if there was something huge inside. After expanding and testing several times, it began to peck again, and the cracks continued to expand.

The sound of "click, click" came and went, forming a symphony.

Finally, the first bird snake broke out of its shell.

The bird snake is a winged two-legged animal with the body of a snake with beautiful feathers, usually a delicate, bright blue, but not without exception. The newly born bird snake has weak legs and can only stick to the sides of the body. Its action is closer to that of snakes. It swims in circles in the nest and looks at its brothers and sisters curiously.

They are still trying to break the shell.

"Has it been recorded?" Felix whispered.

The partner next to him, Warren, snorted happily, and he was very happy. Maybe the pictures it took now will become a precious image released by the 'Future World' company, and it will be seen by thousands of wizards.

"I also recorded it. When I go back, I can compare... Let's get closer, Mother Bird Snake is not at home..."

"Haw! (Because you were lured away with a bucket of bugs!)"

"Ha, Mama Bird Snake needs supplements, doesn't she? We come quietly and leave quietly."

"Haw? (Have you seen a transformation?)" Warren asked.

The bird snake has a special ability that is also considered special among the magical beasts - it can expand and contract at will, either large enough to fill all the space, or shrinking according to the available space.

"Are you talking about them, or me?" Felix pointed to the bird's nest in front of him and said, the telescope in his hand was about to penetrate into the bird's nest, and the little bird snake, which was the first to hatch, was caught by their voices. Attracted by the sparkling lenses, he tilted his head and looked at them curiously.

The bird snake's gaze moved from Felix to Warren, staring at its long pink beak for a long time, and then looking sideways at the reflection of himself on the surface of the silver eggshell, it seemed that he finally confirmed the two in front of him. The guy wasn't its mom, and the little one immediately showed them off with a pair of bright blue wings.

The body of the bird snake also swelled up.


Warren looked at this scene in shock, but Sniff didn't have the ability. It slowly put its hands behind it, waving constantly at Felix, who grinned and stuck it a small glass bottle.

Varun stared at the little bird snake, his fist swayed in front of its eyes, revealing a beetle in his hand.

Still trying to stop the swollen bird snake, it tilted its head to look at the food in Warren's hand, and its stomach let out an unsatisfactory cry. Although it didn't speak, its mouth was getting closer and closer...

The little bird snake quickly fell under the temptation of food.

With the first role model, the other newly hatched bird snakes have no time to ponder the complex question of why 'mum doesn't look like them' and start fighting for food, Felix and Varun take the opportunity to reach out and stroke their beautiful feathers .

Especially Felix, his fingertips are touching, while the shallow magic power, not damage, but analysis...

The joy of feeding was short-lived, and it didn't take long for Warren to shake the empty glass bottle and hold it up for Felix to see.

"No more?" Felix asked.

Warren turned the bottle upside down, shook it twice, and it was completely empty.

"It should be enough, they are just born, it is best not to feed too much at one time..." Felix couldn't make up his mind.

At this moment, a rustling voice came from behind them.

Warren raised his head and opened his mouth wide from the bottom of the glass bottle.

"Um—" Felix also felt a little bad. He turned his head and saw Mother Bird Snake slowly raising her body from behind them, her body continued to expand, and her huge, bird-like head pressed down on them.

'The bird snake will attack anyone who comes near it, especially if it is protecting its eggs. ’

As the words flowed through Felix's mind, he had already appeared twenty feet away, pulling Varen. This distance is nothing to Mother Bird Snake, and they can be reached by walking forward, but fortunately Felix has also stayed for a few days, so he can barely be regarded as familiar.

So the mother bird snake just circled the nest and watched them vigilantly.

As Felix and Warren stepped back in compromise, the mother bird snake's body also began to shrink a little bit, and soon exposed its protective nest. With the distant "breeder".

"Let's go back too."

Felix said with satisfaction.

On the way back, they passed an empty tree hole, "Hi, Lightning." Felix greeted, and Warren also waved at the tree hole, which was the home of an invisible beast. Then they crossed a small open plain, crossed a long single-plank bridge, and returned to their settlement.

This is adjacent to the exit, and it is also the most human-like place in the entire basement.

There were pots and jars and books everywhere, and Felix thought he was back in the potions professor's territory when he saw it, even though the contents of the bottles were very different.

He also never intended to introduce the two men to each other.

It was bound to be an unfriendly meeting.

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