A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 489 Death Statement

"Professor, how are you-"

"I'm fine." Felix got up from the ground, Harry hurriedly found him a chair and sat down, he closed his eyes and panted slightly. The three looked at Felix worriedly. The professor seemed to be recovering from the terrible state he had been in before, but it was not completely recovered-his face, neck, hands... would be transformed into dense runes from time to time. , then the next second becomes a full skin, and the process is repeated.

"I'm not familiar with this state. In order to avoid scaring people, I won't go out... You go to Headmaster Dumbledore and tell him what happened."

Felix opened his eyes, and Harry, Ron, and Hermione were startled. The professor's light blue pupils were replaced by countless runes, and the eye sockets were like two shrunken rune balls. When he finished speaking, he closed his eyes again, and his body began to flicker again.

The three looked at each other.

"Obviously, the professor needs time to master new powers, and someone must be here for that time," Hermione said.

"I'll go, you and Ron stay," Harry decided after a brief pause, "you're all hurt—"

"Say as if you weren't the one who got hit with several Cruciatus." Ron grinned.

Harry returned a smile. "At least my legs are fine, and—" he hesitated, before saying with certainty, "actually later, I felt that Voldemort's spell didn't affect me that much, it was like... as if my The body is gradually adapting to the damage caused by the Cruciatus..."

Ron and Hermione stared at him suspiciously.

Ron said uncomfortably, "Harry, you'd better see Madam Pomfrey, I've heard that taking the Cruciatus many times can have serious side effects—"

"You think I'm crazy?" Harry stared, Ron averted his gaze, and muttered softly, "At least it's not a bad thing to confirm."

"Maybe it's - er - the protective magic in Harry's blood," Hermione said cautiously, "Let's stop guessing, to be honest, I'm a little flustered that Headmaster Dumbledore isn't here. ." She glanced cautiously at Felix, her hands in her pockets, where the ring he gave her lay.

The professor's previous excuse was that the ring contained some contraband, and in order to guard against the Ministry of Magic's inspection, it was temporarily handed over to her for safekeeping. She didn't think much about it, but now that she was out of danger, she began to think, if it was just a general cooperation in the investigation, does it need to be done to this extent?

Harry nodded and walked towards the door. When he was about to lift the tent curtain, Hermione stopped him.

"Wait, Harry—"

Harry turned to see Hermione looking at him seriously.

"Do you know what to say?"

"Know-what-" Harry didn't understand her for a moment.

"Time-turner," Hermione reminded him.

Harry suddenly realized, yes, Hermione went back to the past and revised history... No, according to the materials he recently read, there are only two results of using the time converter:

Or fail - the user suffers backlash and will threaten the 'time' from the past to the present;

Either it succeeds - everything the user does while time travel becomes part of history, a complement to history. It's like "fated", but Hermione explained to him that the so-called fate is actually because the user succeeds, and all they see is the result. Once it fails, it will cause extremely serious consequences like Heloise Mintab.

So what should he say? Harry thought about it seriously, and soon found a way. It's actually very simple, just omit Hermione's use of the converter. As for how the professor "resurrected from the dead", he did not know. Maybe it's a special magic that I shouldn't have known about in the first place, right?

Harry suddenly remembered a detail. Little Crouch clearly recognized the time shifter and wanted to break this secret... So the professor chose to kill him immediately? Harry was a little repulsive of killing in his heart, but immediately blamed himself for being too weak. This was war, he told himself, not to mention that little Crouch had done so many bad things. The stories of the Death Eaters and Aurors that Professor Moody had the students read aloud in class...

He had never before realized that the war was so close to him. Harry was suddenly sentimental, knowing that it would be another month before he turned fifteen.

The night sky was full of stars. To his left was a maze-dark maze castle, standing silently in the darkness, and to his right was a high arc-shaped stand. He squinted, and there were people walking around on the ground.

He saw two big, burly men who were several times bigger than the others, as if they had cast a Bloat Charm. They must be Hagrid and Lady Maxime, not far from them, Harry saw a tall, thin silhouette with a translucent silver beard wafting at random in the cool night wind... It was Dumbledore, Harry's heart Quickly calmed down, he dragged his tired footsteps and moved over step by step.

"I've searched the surrounding Forbidden Forest, and found no clues!" Hagrid waved his arms irritably. "I asked the horses to help me find it, but there's no news yet..."

"You heard that, Connelly, the specifics are still unknown... I'm afraid we can only wait in peace." Dumbledore said calmly.

"How do you make me feel at ease, Dumbledore?" Fudge shouted. "The three warriors who just won the Championship have disappeared together, and they are still alive and dead... What will the reporters write tomorrow?"

"Connelly, it doesn't matter what the reporter writes, what matters is the meaning behind this incident—"

"What's the point?" Fudge demanded immediately.

"Isn't that obvious enough!" an angry voice roared into Fudge's ear. Fudge was startled, he turned, Mad-Eye Moody stood beside him at some point, leaning heavily on his cane, the magic eye staring straight at him.

"Sorry, I can't see that," Fudge said coldly, glancing disapprovingly at the Aurors behind him, clearly remiss.

"Think why I'm being used as a puppet? Who put the names of Harry Potter and his two friends into the Goblet of Fire?" It hit the ground with a loud crashing sound.

"You mean Barty Crouch Jr.?" Fudge frowned. "But he's gone, and a third of the Aurors have been following him around this time, except tonight..."

"So you thought it was over? Little Crouch and the forces behind him went to great lengths to take Harry out of school, and gave up so easily? Can't you be vigilant about what happened tonight?"

Moody spat hard on the ground, and Fudge flushed.

"Alastor is right, Connelly, you can't turn a blind eye to the looming danger, I can almost conclude that we are in a great conspiracy," Dumbledore said softly.

"Conspiracy?" Fudge repeated the word, Harry standing at the back of the crowd, the moon wasn't too bright tonight, and Fudge's face was shrouded in shadows, making him look nowhere near as good as when Harry was there during his sophomore summer vacation. As amiable as you've seen in the Leaky Cauldron - even though they were discussing Harry's illegal blow-up of his aunt.

"I know what you're going to say, and repeating the old saying... I told you at the dinner party that I've sent an elite team, and everything is subject to their findings." Fudge said impatiently, "If If I have to talk about conspiracy, I would like to ask, where is that Felix Hepp? You have been evasive, Dumbledore..."

"I think," said Dumbledore calmly, "Felix may have a special sense of where Potter, Weasley, and Granger are. He is very good at making all kinds of gadgets, and often at critical moments. Can make a huge difference...like the amulet he gave me at Christmas, it helped me a lot."

"I don't have time to listen to your gossip—"

"I'm just giving an example," said Dumbledore mildly. "Instead, I'm equally curious - there seems to be one less guard coming out of the labyrinth castle? Where did he go?"

Fudge turned to look at the two Aurors behind him, one of them nodded at him and said softly, "Yaxley's gone."

"That doesn't mean much," Fudge said immediately. "Maybe he's found something unusual... add him to the search list," he said to the Auror. The Auror nodded and turned to leave.

"The Yaxley you're looking for is a Death Eater!" Harry couldn't take it any longer, shouting from behind.

The person standing in front of him was startled. The one closest to Harry, one of Beauxbatons' warriors, Jacqueline jumped up in fright. She was watching the fun with Madame Maxime, and her eyes were wide open at the moment. The big one, looking at Harry, who was black and dusty, stepped back again and again.

There was a commotion in the crowd. "Harry is back!" a voice shouted. "He's back alive!" The news spread with jaw-dropping speed, as people approached and footsteps rushed towards him from all directions.

People raised their wands, trying to see better, the dense dots of light made Harry dizzy, breathing and screaming one after another, he heard Mrs Weasley's distinctive voice, and the sea. Greg roared excitedly.

Immediately after, a pair of strong arms grabbed him, Harry tried to open his eyes, it was Dumbledore.

"You're all back?" he asked quickly.

"Yes," Harry said, and out of the corner of his eye he saw Sirius and Lupin trying to squeeze in.

"So, Felix succeeded?" he continued to confirm in a low voice.

"Y-what?" Harry looked at Dumbledore in amazement. He blinked playfully, lip-syncing silently: time-turner.

Harry was speechless in shock. But Dumbledore seemed to read the answer in his expression, and his voice regained composure and composure, asking at a normal volume, "Have you seen Voldemort?" The people around were startled by the question, and they At the same time, he stopped pushing forward and looked at Dumbledore and Harry intently.

Harry noticed that Fudge's eyes were as big as cows.

"Yes! Headmaster Dumbledore, we met Voldemort, he was resurrected months ago! He was the one who planned tonight's conspiracy, and—" Harry suddenly remembered something, "Yax Lee! It was he who modified the destination of the Portkey Trophy!"

The people rushing over rioted uncomfortably again, and the spread was wider, and hundreds of people around took a breath at the same time.

"Are you sure?" Fudge rushed over like a bull, clutching Harry's collar, spitting. "Are you sure? Where's Hap? Where's Felix Hap? What did he do?"

"He saved us!" Harry exclaimed angrily.

"Everyone alive?" Fudge asked with a rough nostril.

Harry was suddenly reluctant to answer Fudge's question, but he saw the Weasleys and the Grangers in the crowd, their eyes twinkling with fear and hope. So he exclaimed, "That's right! Ron and Hermione are alive and well! Except for the Death Eater, I don't know if he died in the aftermath of the battle."

Mrs. Granger screamed and fainted, and Mrs. Weasley was a little better, only sobbing loudly, their relatives beside them soothing softly.

"Mrs. Pomfrey, please," Dumbledore said in a deep voice, grabbing Harry's shoulders and Fudge's hand letting go like an electric shock, "there are some people here who need treatment. Minerva, help me take care of Grid. Mr. and Mrs. Langer."

Professor McGonagall nodded.

At this moment Hagrid squeezed in, with Sirius and Lupin following behind him, and following the huge gap Hagrid had passed to Harry.

"You're hurt? Harry, are you hurt?" Sirius wanted to see something from Harry's body, but Harry was so dirty that he seemed to be rolling in the dirt for half an hour. He couldn't see anything.

"It's nothing," Harry whispered, "just a few Crucifixes..."

"Hey! That's the Cruciatus!" cried Sirius. "Why didn't you say it sooner!"

"I'll do it," said Hagrid gruffly, holding Harry in his arms like a baby.

"No, wait," Harry struggled desperately in Hagrid's arms, "Headmaster Dumbledore, Professor Heppe is still in the makeshift tent with Ron and Hermione, Professor Heppe...he, um...he's Dealing with the injury, I don't want to be disturbed by other people..."

"I see," said Dumbledore. "I'll set up another makeshift tent next to it."

Hagrid, Sirius, Lupin, Dumbledore and others walked towards the temporary tent. The crowd followed silently. They all wanted a definite result... Fudge stayed where he was, with a hesitant expression on his face.

At this time, the Auror who had just left came back and whispered to Fudge. Fudge's eyes widened in surprise, and his mouth opened and closed several times.

"Wait, Dumbledore!" he shouted.

"Fudge," said Dumbledore, showing his impatience for the first time tonight, "you see how they are too - they need medical treatment, not Ministry of Magic cross-examination. If you want the truth of the matter, you can Stay late, we'll listen to--"

"No, Dumbledore, you'd better listen to this," Fudge said with a puzzled and relaxed expression as he pointed at the Auror, "repeat the news you got."

The Auror, being watched by everyone, stammered, "Just got the news that Yaxley was found, he, he is dead - but before he died, he told us...he said, everything is Felix Hepp's conspiracy, he's the culprit!"

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