A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 488 Felix's Death and Return

The howling winds and whirling colors swirled around Harry, Ron and Hermione, dragging them forward, and when Harry's feet touched the firm ground again, they were in completely unfamiliar places.

Here is a cemetery.

The three sat on the ground in shock.

"Where is this place?" Ron asked, "I don't see a trace of familiarity, I, we are in a cemetery?" The surrounding weeds were overgrown with black stones standing around. Harry shook his head, looked around, he A tall yew tree was seen, and behind the tree was the outline of a building.

On the left is a hill. Harry could make out a fine old house on the hillside.

"It seems there's something wrong with the trophy delivery," said Harry, looking around. The trophy was a dozen feet away from them.

"Would the Ministry of Magic make such a rude mistake?" Ron asked in surprise.

"Oh, Harry, look over there—" Hermione said nervously, pointing in one direction.

"Wind?" Ron guessed that the wind had picked up at night.

"It's a man, pick up your wand," Harry said decisively, and they narrowed their eyes nervously into the deep darkness as the three figures walked toward them from between the graves. Is it a muggle nearby? Harry thought, but he quickly dismissed the speculation, they were both wearing wizarding cloaks.

"Stop, who are you?" Harry called to the group.

The wind blew in fragmented sneers, never a sign of friendliness, and Harry raised his wand, but they stopped a dozen feet away and reached to remove the hoods from their heads. Harry, Ron, and Hermione relaxed a little, Harry only felt that the man in the middle had an abnormally pale skin, as if he had some terrible disease.

The man on the far left showed his face. "Barty Crouch Jr.!" Hermione screamed. Harry was taken aback. He ignored the person in the middle and turned his eyes to the left. The memory of Christmas night six months ago flooded back into his head, "It's really you!"

"Potter," Little Crouch grinned, "you should call me a professor, after all I've taught you so much."

Ron next to him tugged at his sleeve. "Ha, Harry—"

Needless to say, Harry also noticed a pair of malicious eyes from the man in the middle. He had just taken off his cloak, his nose was flat like a snake, and his nostrils were slits... Harry felt the makeup look familiar, the man stroked his forehead with his long, pale hands, scarlet eyes showing between his fingers.

There was no warmth to be seen in these eyes.

"Voldemort?" he shouted.

"How dare you call your master by his first name!" Little Crouch drew his wand out in anger, but a hand stopped him. Then came a shrill voice as sharp as ice cubes, "They are the guests I have finally invited back, Barty, I will allow them to be rude this time," said Voldemort.

"Master, why don't you leave those two in the way?" Yaxley asked humbly, bowing his head, "I came out of the labyrinth castle to contribute my power."

Harry, Ron, and Hermione hadn't recovered from the shock. The night air was like freezing ice, and a penetrating coldness spread from their lungs to their bodies.

Yet Voldemort didn't react at all to Yaxley's words. His eyes were so red that people couldn't tell the difference between the pupils and the whites for a while, but Harry could clearly feel as if real eyes were constantly scrutinizing him. Is that greed, hatred, and a trace of... jealousy?

Barty Crouch Jr, standing on the far left, turned into Mr. Good again, idly toying with his wand and giving Yaxley a contemptuous glance—he didn't know anything, In a hurry to take your place? Little Crouch licked his lips and gave a sick smile.

"So, you're resurrected?"

Harry took a step forward, putting Ron and Hermione behind him, daringly meeting Voldemort's eyes. He must try to attract the attention of the other side... create opportunities... so that Hermione and Ron have a chance to escape, tell all this to the professor, tell Headmaster Dumbledore.

But his heart kept falling, like falling into a bottomless abyss. A voice told him that the chances were too slim. Little Crouch was stronger than the three of them combined a year ago, not to mention the resurrected Voldemort.

Harry stared into Voldemort's eyes, trying to show his fearlessness. But his scar hurts violently without warning, like never before in his life, and his head feels like it's about to explode. Harry clutched the scar with one hand, and still held the wand tightly in the other. The severe pain made him fall to the ground and kept twitching. .

He heard Ron and Hermione shouting, and then there were a few sharp cracks in the air, and the sound of bodies slamming on the ground.

At this moment, there was a sudden coolness in his brain, which quickly eased his pain. It's Occlumency.

"Tsk tsk, tsk tsk... your friend really cares about you," Voldemort said in a dispassionate voice.

Harry opened his eyes, and his vision was blurry, the effects of the pain still lingering. It took several seconds to see Voldemort's face close at hand - it should be the color of a corpse, the color of bone. There was no hair on his head, and his bright red eyes looked eerie in the dark, and his pupils degenerated into two slits, like the eyes of a snake.

What did he just say? my friend? Harry thought of a terrible guess, no...don't...he struggled to get up, and every movement hurt like a heartbreak, but even so, he didn't put his wand down.

If Ron and Hermione were really... he couldn't imagine the possibility, his stomach began to churn again, his fingers were slashed by a stone from his wand. Harry gritted his teeth, the pain making him feel better. As he struggled to his feet, he glared at Voldemort with hatred.

He was answered with a cold, sharp smirk.

He staggered to his feet, shook his head vigorously, and Voldemort took two silent steps back, still staring at him with that disgusting look.

At this moment, Harry heard a faint moan, it was Ron! Harry was ecstatic, he wasn't dead, great! What about Hermione? He couldn't hear her, and the position to his left was deadly silent, and Harry didn't dare look back to confirm.

"You hit so hard, Yaxley, that the girl almost died," said Voldemort softly. "Barty did a good job."

"Lord, master...?" Yaxley raised his head in confusion, and Barty Crouch Jr. sneered silently.

"All three of them are useful to me," Voldemort said softly, still keeping his eyes on Harry, "and those two...not only were the savior Harry Potter's best friends, but—according to Barty, they were both... Befriend Felix Hepp?"

"Yes, Master," said Barty Crouch Jr. respectfully, "especially the Muggle girl, who became Hep's assistant when she was in second grade."

Voldemort sneered twice.

"The pure-blood family has been completely degenerate, the descendants have become waste, and the despicable Muggle-born has climbed on their heads."

He started pacing, walking up and down in front of Harry. Harry stood there with his eyes wide open, his wand clenched tightly. If he gave Voldemort a spell at this time, and then used the Flying Spell to summon the trophy... No, little Crouch and the Death Eater were staring at him. What about him.

Harry was furious. Voldemort didn't kill a single person for a while, but he knew it wasn't because of benevolence, but because he had more evil plans. Harry's brain was running fast, and he was surprised to find that even in poor physical condition, Occlumency was still working autonomously, keeping him from falling into the abyss of despair.

"I've been looking forward to this scene for a long time, meeting Harry Potter the 'great savior'..." Voldemort whispered, Harry's outskirts following his slender, pale fingers, which held lightly A wand, as if a random disarming spell could make the wand out of hand.

Harry flinched.

Voldemort is too arrogant, he is defenseless, thinks he is powerless to fight back, could this be his flaw?

"...I was looking forward to being reborn with his blood, breaking the fateful plan, and killing him in one fell swoop. But my plan failed," said Voldemort regretfully, rustling with his bare feet on the dirt and grass. The voice, "Hogwarts is more dangerous than it was thirteen years ago, except for the protector of Mudbloods and Muggles, Albus Dumbledore . Dumbledore was more aggressive and proactive..."

"I had to give up the best plan - after nearly losing my only loyal servant." Voldemort stopped, his snake-like eyes narrowed, unpleasantly. Harry tried to keep himself from staring at Voldemort's hand so that it wasn't too obvious—

"So I took the next step...you don't know how frustrated I am, Harry Potter, I've tasted my frustration again..."

"Excuse you—" Harry shouted, and Voldemort gave a sharp wave—


The wand fell to the ground. Harry's eyes widened, he didn't see Voldemort's movements at all, his reaction was too fast, as if he had been prepared. At this moment, Voldemort turned slowly, stared at him for a few seconds, raised his wand and said softly, "Gouging out the bone!"

Harry felt all his bones burning, his head must have split along the scar, his eyeballs were bulging, and he could burst under the enormous pressure at any time, and his body was bent in the opposite direction, as if to make him Fold in half. He wants to stop quickly...hope to pass out...and die...

Then, Harry found that the pain in his body subsided a little, and there was a trace of warmth from his thigh, which was a talisman in his pocket! There are two forces protecting him at this moment, one is Occlumency, and the other is the knot that Nona gave him. Although each effect is weak, it does work.

Voldemort's snake face twisted into a cruel satisfied smile, and the wand was pointed at Harry for an inexplicable amount of time—

The torture is finally over.

Harry was limp, his back wet with sweat, and he was gasping for breath. His head was still on the ground, but he felt the ecstasy in Voldemort's heart. why is it like this? Does torturing himself make him happy?

Harry couldn't comprehend the emotion, but he was pretty sure he wasn't mistaken—after all, he didn't have a shred of joy right now.

"Tie them up," Voldemort ordered softly.

A man came over, Harry's face was in the dirt, his wand was not far from him, but he couldn't get it, a rope was wrapped around him, he was dragged on the ground, and out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of Ron The same treatment as Hermione, Ron's legs were twisted unnaturally, his face was pale, Hermione was like a corpse, and his chest did not rise and fall at all.

Immediately afterwards, he was hung up by a rope, and his back was pressed against the cold surface. He was stunned for two seconds before realizing that it was a black tombstone. He also saw who was in front of him, Barty Crouch Jr., with a silver glove on one hand.

"Have you figured it out, Potter?" Little Crouch licked his lips nervously. "This is the Dark Lord's reward for me." Harry glared at him, and this feeble threat didn't affect little Crouch at all. Movement, the rope wrapped around Harry's body, no gap from neck to ankle.

Little Crouch turned and left.

"Extend your arm," Voldemort said lazily, Yaxley and little Crouch stretched out their left hand at the same time, and Harry saw a bright red tattoo. Voldemort pressed his long, pale index finger to little Crouch's arm, the mark turned pitch black, and little Crouch let out a slight inhalation sound.

Voldemort straightened, lifted his head, and scanned the dark graveyard.

"How many people would have the guts to come back after feeling it? How many would be stupid not to come?" he murmured.

Voldemort began to pace again, scanning the graveyard from time to time. Harry doesn't know what's going on, but he thinks it's definitely not a good thing, and he's desperately trying to figure out a way, Apparate? No, he lost his wand and couldn't do Apparition without a wand like Professor Hepp did, not to mention there were two people beside him.

He couldn't escape alone.

Wait, Professor Hepp? Harry opened his eyes wide, desperately chasing that ray of light, desperately thinking about something related to Professor Hepp... He finally thought of it, it was the Ouroboros Ring.

In the third grade, Professor Hepp told him that his, Ron and Hermione's Ouroboros had been specially treated, and they could contact the professor actively, in order to beware of Pettigrew that would deform Animagus peter.

But Harry was disappointed again, he didn't have the Ouroboros with him at all. But... one person may have taken it.

He turned his head as hard as he could, to his left, and Hermione was still unconscious.

"Hermione..." Harry whispered, he and Hermione were separated by the gap between the tombstones, but he was so tightly bound that he couldn't even stretch out a kick, and what was worse, His struggle caught Voldemort's attention.

"Care about your friend? Potter?" Voldemort whispered, pacing over. "She's more useful than you think, even though she's just a lowly Mudblood..." His eyes flicked over Hermione. Harry and Ron, maliciously said: "Muggle, half-blood and pure-blood, what a dramatic combination!"

"Quick recovery!" He pointed at Hermione with his wand, Hermione opened her eyes feebly, seeing Voldemort close at hand, her eyes widened in fear, and her body leaned back, only to touch her wounds, sending out Painful moan.

But Voldemort turned his head nonchalantly and looked at Harry.

"I think it's better for your two best friends to witness your death." He had a cruel smile on his face, "Then, should the pureblood kill the mudblood, or the mudblood to kill the pureblood? Or let them all die at the hands of that little kid... I haven't decided yet, but I believe it will be a good show."

"You... dreaming." Ron said with a twisted face.

Voldemort looked at him and sneered. "Weasleys? Disgusting family - gouging out the heart!"

Ron screamed in pain.

"Do not--"

"don't want--"

Harry and Hermione, who had just recovered, shouted, but the smile on Voldemort's face grew stronger, "I like the feeling of being in control of life and death..." He continued to point his wand at Ron, causing him to let out a painful groan. Howling, but this time the torture didn't last long, and it didn't take long before Voldemort took the initiative to stop and look around.

The air was suddenly filled with the rustling of cloaks. Every shadowy place has apparitions of wizards. They all wore hoods and covered their faces. Approaching cautiously, Voldemort took a few steps and stood there waiting in silence.

A Death Eater fell to his knees, climbed up to Voldemort, and kissed the hem of his black robe.

More and more Death Eaters did, including Barty Crouch Jr. and Yaxley, and Harry was the only one standing besides Voldemort.

"Welcome, Death Eaters," said Voldemort calmly, and he began to deliver his return speech. Harry didn't bother to listen, but winked at Hermione. He didn't dare to be too obvious. hurt-

"I smell guilt...no one tried to come to me...didn't you all know long ago that I took measures to prevent death? Yeah, maybe you think there is a greater power over Voldemort, over your allegiance Master... like the old man hiding at Hogwarts? Or the boy who survived?"

The Death Eaters on their knees raised their heads tremblingly, and gasped when they saw Harry.

"Lucius, are you surprised? I heard your son is in the same grade as Harry Potter?"

"Lord, Master," Lucius Malfoy's voice came from the dense line of Death Eaters, "the Malfoy family has always been loyal to you, and Draco, Draco and Potter are mortal enemies at school. He hated Muggles as much as I did, hated Potter, hated Dumbledore."

Lucius raised his head, "Master, it's great that you can come back—"

"Lucius," said Voldemort lazily, "hypocrisy is in your bones, my sly friend, and you, like everyone else, never tried to find me...but you were at the Quidditch Century Cup. It's interesting, I'm sure... you're still willing to take the lead in torturing Muggles, right? Even though you let me down at one point... I hope you'll serve me more faithfully in the future."

"Of course, Master, of course...you are generous, thank you..."

Next, Voldemort famous one by one, including those who didn't come, the Death Eaters kneeling on the ground were like waiting for the judgment of fate, Harry took the opportunity to keep showing Hermione with his eyes, he succeeded, and Hermione cast a smart glance.

"The Ouroboros Ring," Harry muttered softly.

Hermione stared at him, not listening.

"The Ouroboros Ring." Harry raised his voice slightly, this time Hermione heard. She nodded slightly to Harry, and moved her arms in a small range, when Voldemort finally completed his trial of the Death Eaters, and they reunited under Voldemort's banner.

"Next, is the climax of the night of my return, a scene I carefully prepared." Voldemort turned around, his slit-like nose slightly expanded, Hermione immediately stopped, and Voldemort raised his wand: "Let's go together. Witness the death of Harry Potter."

All the Death Eaters raised their wands and said in unison, "Witness the death of Harry Potter!"

Harry felt that the rope restraining him suddenly loosened. He had an idea and fell down in Hermione's direction. With the help of his body, he violently pulled the rope on Hermione's body twice, and Hermione quickly put his hand into his pocket.

There was a low voice of laughter all around.

"Excuse me, I have to admit—before this, the boy who survived suffered some torture." Voldemort held his wand and grinned in a grim arc.

The crowd laughed even more.

"Come here and meet your fate," Voldemort said softly to Harry.

Harry dug as far as he could, buying time for Hermione. It's been so long, the school must have found them missing, no, they should have known from the time they held the trophy but didn't show up on the sidelines, but the school couldn't find their whereabouts... This is the Ouroboros The role of the ring.

"Oh?" Voldemort dragged his voice long. "Harry Potter looks a little nervous, you guys get out of the way. I remember, you should have learned to duel?"

The Death Eaters giggled and spread out, and Harry limped over to his wand, picked up the wand on the ground, and picked up Ron and Hermione's wand and put it in his pocket. .

"Children's tricks." Voldemort sneered.

"Let's bow to each other, Harry," he said, bowing, but his snake face kept looking at Harry, "Come on, etiquette is to be observed... Dumbledore must have wanted you to behave well. Grace... bow to death, Harry..."

Harry stared at him stubbornly, and Voldemort's wand pressed down slightly, and he was bent over, and Voldemort kept him in this position for a while to humiliate him. There was laughter all around.

That's not bad... Harry thought, at least for the time being.

"Then, the duel begins."

Harry raised his wand quickly, the red light converging at the tip, but Voldemort hit him even faster, the Cruciatus, and Harry fell to the ground in pain, feeling the white-hot knives slicing through his body , he howled in pain and stumbled towards the wall of Death Eaters, he saw a Death Eater with pale blond hair under the mask, one of his hands in his pocket.

What is he doing? Harry couldn't help thinking that the next second he was pushed back by the surrounding Death Eaters.

"Does it hurt, Harry?" said Voldemort, his nostrils opening excitedly. "Need a break? You'll have to learn to be patient, because I'll keep using this spell... Cruciatus... until the end of your life. ."

The surrounding voices were muted, and the Death Eaters looked at Voldemort with awe, and Voldemort was very satisfied.

Harry found something unusual. Voldemort had only used one spell on him from start to finish, if not counting the blow of his wand, plus the fearful look he thought he had seen wrong... Harry suddenly realized.

"You're afraid of me! Voldemort, you're afraid of me!" Harry shouted.

"What did you say, Potter?" Voldemort asked softly.

"You don't dare to use a death-killing spell on me, do you!" Harry shouted, telling his guess, whether it's true or not, at least he can delay it for a while, "You're afraid of the magical protection my mother gave me with her life, Worrying about the spell bouncing back on you and you're done! Totally a joke!"

The surrounding Death Eaters were silent, save for the sound of the cold, whimpering night wind blowing through the grass and yew branches.

Voldemort was silent for a moment, then smiled coldly, "I just want to torture you - gouging out your heart!"

The spell hit Harry, but this time he didn't fall - he was shaking, his eyes fixed on Voldemort, "You're scared, Voldemort! I wasn't sure, but now I'm 100% sure. Mom's protection is in my blood, you're fed up with this pain, aren't you!"

"It was once thirteen years ago! It was once again three years ago when I got on the back of Quirrell's head! How embarrassed you were, you should have shown these people that poor look!" Harry scoffed loudly, and Voldemort looked Exasperated, his pale and slender hands trembled for the first time.

"Gouging out the bone - Gouging out the bone - Gouging out the bone -"

Harry opened his arms fearlessly, giving up resistance. At this moment, a blood-colored light descended from the sky, slammed heavily on the ground, and stood in front of Harry, "Ding Ding Ding!" The Cruciatus Curse missed.

Harry opened his eyes wide, and in front of him was a steel knight. He couldn't tell whether it was a magic puppet or a spell. He could only barely make out that the knight was wearing a medieval armor, and his body was covered in blood. He had only experienced a battle, and he held a huge shield in both hands.

"What—" Voldemort turned around suddenly, looked into the air, and said through gritted teeth, "Felix Hepp!"

"It's me." Felix said calmly, he stood in the air, behind him a pair of silver wings, swaying gently.

"You came just in time," said Voldemort with a sneer, "I kept suppressing the idea of ​​looking for you, but I didn't expect you to come here by yourself - Arvada gnawed at the tile!" The green light covered the sky, and Felix's silver wings flew Flash, the body suddenly disappeared in the air.

When he reappeared, he was already standing next to Harry and the knight, holding a ball of black lightning in his left hand. With a sharp swipe of his other hand, the ropes tied to Ron and Hermione loosened, and they staggered to their knees. "Go first with Ron and Hermione, use the trophy door key, and the 'Knight' will protect you for a while," he said to Harry.

There was a surge of hope in Harry's chest.

"Stop them!" Voldemort's snake face twisted, green light filled his field of vision, the knight pulled Harry to the side to dodge, and Felix dexterously turned around to avoid the spell at the same time. He reappeared in midair, and the black lightning in his hand poured down, smashing into the ground in a hundred ways.

The Death Eaters immediately scattered, but a few more unlucky ones were hacked.

Felix noticed little Crouch moving in Harry's direction, his eyes flickering as if he didn't see it.

Harry found himself being led by the 'Knight' to Ron and Hermione, "Thank you—" He didn't know what to say, maybe there was a wizard hidden in the armor, but he was suddenly stunned because the knight was being asked by him. The green light of the Life Spell melted away a small half of his body, the shield on the diagonally above and the shoulder on the right side were gone, and the neat fracture was corroded by something green.

"Harry, the trophy—" Hermione said weakly, helping Ron to his feet.

"The trophy - yes, the trophy is flying!" Harry shouted with his wand out, but the fighting was so fierce that even though they were on the edge of the battlefield, they still suffered the aftermath, a lot of soil was overturned, and black tombstones shot into the sky He got up and smashed Felix under Voldemort's control.

"Dude, I think the trophy is in that direction." Ron grinned.

"Oh, that's right!" Harry said hurriedly, turning his wand in a different direction. "The trophy is flying!" He heard a cracking sound, right this time, and suddenly a figure rushed out, "Smashed to pieces!" He He shouted with a grim smile.

Harry, Ron and Hermione watched as the Shattering Charm shattered the trophy.

"Come with me and deal with Potter and the others! The master will deal with Hepp!" Little Crouch shouted, and a dozen black shadows responded to him, the colorful spells attacked them, and the knight stepped forward, Put the mutilated shield on the ground and all the spells are bounced off.

"Go around to the back!" Little Crouch saw the flaw.

"Let's step back!" Harry shouted, his wand out of the gap, and the Disarming Charm started silently. A Death Eater's wand slipped out of his hand and flew towards Harry. "Cut in pieces," Harry shouted again, and the wand broke into several pieces in mid-air.

"Where to go?" Ron shouted, dangling one foot.

Harry didn't answer, he saw that there were Death Eaters around, and they were on their side, he hurriedly threw a few stun spells, missed, but the quick and urgent spell made the two rushing Death Eaters Startled, they did not dare to approach recklessly.

Hermione tugged at Ron, "There's a giant yew in the back."

Harry was in trouble at this time. He didn't know how to get the 'Knight' to obey. Judging from its previous performance, it was quite intelligent, and it didn't look like a magic.

"We're going back, you follow us, do you hear?" Harry said to the knight.

There was no response, and the knight just stood in front of them indifferently.

During this time, the Death Eaters gathered around again.

"Back!" Harry said decisively, while holding up the Rune Iron Armor, they took a few steps back, and the knight who had been silent all the time moved, followed by a step back, and always stood in front of them.

"Really!" Harry was overjoyed, and they quickly retreated to the vicinity of the yew trees, barely maintaining the situation under the protection of the huge tree trunk and half a knight's shield.

"Here!" Harry pulled out two wands from his pockets, which he had picked up some time ago.

"Fantastic!" Ron yelled, pale. With Ron and Hermione on board, the Death Eaters were more cautious, especially after Ron turned a Death Eater into a flaming torch with the Bright Fire Charm.

The Death Eaters tried to put out the flames, but ordinary water had no effect at all, and after a while, the flames went out on their own, and the Death Eaters were dying.

"They're afraid of the spell! Should have thought--it works wonders on dark wizards!"

Hermione reluctantly used the ancient magic she had mastered, and the golden flame turned into a flaming bird, quickly flew to a Death Eater, opened her mouth and pecked at his face, and the Death Eater immediately let out a tragic cry.

"Help me!" he yelled.

Little Crouch summoned a stream of water, the golden flames went out unusually slowly, and the Death Eater was burned to the core.

"Is he dead?" Hermione asked, shaking.

"Never mind!" Ron shouted.

But then, Hermione just let the firebird circle around the yew and the knight, sprinkled with golden flames, no matter how much little Crouch urged, the Death Eaters did not dare to come forward.

"Use the Termination Charm!" cried little Crouch.

"Remove your weapons!" Harry seized the opportunity and released the Disarming Charm with all his strength. The red light of the curse was like a long laser beam. Little Crouch immediately held up the Iron Armor Charm. Harry increased the magic power at the same time, and the beam sparked four The three Death Eaters approaching the little Crouch took a hit, and the wand was released from his hand and flew into the deep darkness. Ron followed with the Stunning Charm—

"Only two," said Ron regretfully.

Harry glanced at the distance in his busy schedule, the cemetery had been completely destroyed, and there were deep pits and gravel everywhere. Professor Haipu used continuous apparition, and at the same time dragged out seven afterimages, and the spell formed a secret. The large, airtight net that surrounded Voldemort in the center was a well-placed trap. And the spell used by the professor turned out to be—

Avada Suo Life Curse!

Voldemort summoned a silver shield from the thin air, and the Life Sucking Charm slammed into the shield, making a "Zizzi" sound. The next second, the much weakened Life Sucking Charm pierced the shield with difficulty, but Voldemort took advantage of this. Gongfu escaped.

Voldemort grinned grimly, "Nice tactic, but your Life Sucking Charm is too weak, it's up to me!" He raised his wand and disappeared. He was suspended in mid-air, without the assistance of any wings, and appeared to the right of Felix just like the wind. In an instant, a dazzling green light illuminated a small half of the cemetery—

"Arvada gnaws the tile-"

The spell shattered Felix.

The battle stopped for a moment. Everyone looked at the sky, the green light had not dissipated, and the body fragments belonging to Felix Hepp glowed with crystal clear light, falling down like petals.

Lucius Malfoy, who has been paddling all the time, bulged out his eyes and died like this? What about Dumbledore? Are you so confident that you can take on the Dark Lord and a bunch of Death Eaters? He immediately reached into his pocket, where there was the contact item that Felix had given him before, but now this item has become a hot potato.


"How is that possible?" Harry's brain was dizzy, although he knew that Voldemort was terrible, but Professor Hepp was equally powerful in his heart, he looked around in disbelief, maybe the professor used Apparition, the next time he came out It will bring Voldemort a fatal blow.

All seemed to have this thought in mind, and they clenched their wands and stared cautiously at the mid-air, the stars of the night twinkling.

Harry's heart sank little by little, and the knight in front of him suddenly became transparent. It resisted Voldemort's life-threatening curse, but now it is heading for self-collapse without anyone attacking...

Is Professor Hepp really dead?

Friends or foes, everyone needs to take a moment to accept this reality. Only Voldemort moved on the field. He raised his head, took a deep breath, brushed his palms over his bald forehead, and looked intoxicated.

A great enemy is finally dead.

Another person moved. Hermione took out the beaded bag and put her hand in it. "Please...please...must be in it," she said with a weeping voice.

She took out the time-turner, put it around her neck, and turned the knob on it, "Just three hours ahead." Her fingers kept shaking, and Harry and Ron looked at the small time-turner at the same time. , the eyes gradually have a look.

At the same time, the knight who had been in front of them finally collapsed, turning into countless spots of light, like fireflies scattered in the dark night.

"Oh—" Hermione shivered and turned a circle, two, three, and it was—the Death Eaters didn't know what was going on.

"Break to pieces!" An unstoppable voice shouted, Harry's eyes widened, and he hurriedly used the Iron Armor Charm. The magical barrier was formed almost instantly, but a white light came in from the gap and hit the Time Transformer directly. superior.

The time-turner began to spin rapidly.

Hermione's figure suddenly disappeared.

"Where did that girl go?"

"What did she do?"

"Disappearance or Apparition—"

At this time, Voldemort's eyes also looked over. He was surprised at the disappearance of the Muggle girl, and at the fact that Harry Potter was still alive and persisted until now.

There is a saying Harry is right, Voldemort really did not have the courage to cast the Death Curse on Harry. He was worried that the nightmare thirteen years ago would reappear, so he figured out how to torture Harry with the Cruciatus Curse. Prestige, don't worry about the spell rebounding.

But aside from the death of Felix Hepp, nothing happened tonight.

Voldemort remained silent, hoping that someone would find his "embarrassment" and take the initiative to help him solve the Harry Potter trouble. Barty Crouch Jr....Lucius Malfoy...they used to guess what they were thinking.

The slight footsteps sounded, and it was like a thunderbolt in the silent night. Hermione ran out from behind the huge yew tree—



Harry and Ron were overjoyed, they knew how the time-turner worked, hours might have passed for Hermione, but it was just a blink of an eye for them. Harry was worried that the time-turner would be affected by little Crouch's spell, but now that Hermione appeared, it meant that she had succeeded.

"Hermione, teach him—" Harry was about to speak, but suddenly a force surged from her, and Hermione's body began to burst into a dazzling golden light. Her appearance is getting old fast... No, it should be said that she is growing up. She seems to be ten years older all of a sudden, but the next second she changes back to the same, as if everything before was an illusion.


The time-turner on her chest shattered.

"It's time—" Little Crouch shouted, a huge sense of crisis flooded into his heart, he absolutely believed in his own feeling, "Master save—"

But Voldemort also moved out of position ahead of time. He was standing on the high hill, just in time to see a black lightning pierce little Crouch's head - he was dead.

"Felix Happ!" he looked around in horror. "Where?"

He saw Felix. It's more like a ghost than a real person, a ghost of vengeance. Felix's body was covered with dense and strange lines, and his body glowed eerily and looked colorful.

"Teach, teach, teach, professor?" Ron was stunned, the professor's face seemed to be completely demonic, and at a glance, he was more infiltrating than Voldemort next to him.

"It's me," Felix grinned, his teeth also made of runes, and Ron even recognized one or two of them.

"Put your hand on my arm," Felix said. When speaking, a large number of light spots poured in from all directions and filled his body. Harry, Ron, and Hermione did the same, and Felix reached out his other hand, and a wand fell into it.

He looked around, and the Death Eaters avoided his eyes. Only Voldemort looked down at him with an unfathomable expression. Felix smiled, scared silly, right?

He directly cast Apparate and disappeared from the cemetery.

The next second, Felix, Harry, Ron and Hermione appeared in a makeshift tent outside the labyrinth castle.

"Professor, you really did it! Resurrection - oh my God!" Hermione exclaimed in surprise, and Harry and Ron were full of joy.

Felix smiled at them, and suddenly fell feebly.


"Professor Hepp!"


Harry, Ron and Hermione shouted at the same time. At this moment, the inside and outside of the labyrinth castle was already in chaos.

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