Let me enlighten others... Neville thought blankly, his heart suddenly heavy, that was the weight of responsibility.

He likes this feeling.


On the other side, Professor Marcheban and old Vera were walking in the corridor of the castle.

"Very talented young man, I realized when I invigilated him that he would do great things!" Marchban exclaimed.

Old Vera didn't seem to agree.

"You shouldn't despise an archmage," Professor Marchban pointed out.

"Archmage...you mean him?" Old Vera's eyes widened, and the little Professor Marchban stared at him without hesitation. He opened his mouth several times, but he was defeated by her stern gaze.

"Don't tell me you don't follow the news, Heidstrom!" exclaimed Professor Marchban.

Old Vera was speechless. If there was anyone in the wizarding world who paid the most attention to Felix's news, he would definitely be number one. God knows how he looked when his granddaughter dug out the comic strip from the study.

He is not worried that this kid will smash a few bricks of the ancient Rune Mansion one day!

"His book "Exploration of Ancient Rune", I just read it two days ago! It was his level three years ago," Professor Marchban said bluntly: "It's more exciting than the introductory manual of Rune you published. !"

Old Vera opened her mouth to refute, but she went on, "I even wrote to Baabling! She was full of praise for him in her reply!"

"That half-blood—" Old Vera frowned, and when he saw Machiban's stern gaze, he immediately shut up and said embarrassingly, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

"It seems that she was justified in refusing to join you in the first place!" she said resentfully.

Several students in the corridor looked over, but neither of them said a word. They walked to the spiral staircase and went all the way downstairs. "What day of the week is it today?" asked Professor Marchban.

"What? Well, I think it should be Weeks—ouch!" Old Vera was thinking about the answer, when his foot sank into a step of the stairs and caught him.

Hogwarts has many such tricky stairs. For students, it has become instinctive to pass them, but the old Vera has not come to school for more than half a century, and he clearly remembers that when he came in the morning, there was nothing abnormal.

"It turned out to be Thursday," said Professor Marchban thoughtfully.


When going to the auditorium for lunch at noon, Felix stuck the Experimental Spells Committee questionnaire handed over by Professor Marchban on the bulletin board in the foyer, and attached a Bubble Charm outside.

Then he waved his wand, and a piece of parchment flew out of the ring and was taped to the wall with glowing writing on it.

When he left, the little wizards gathered around from a distance and read the new notice:

'Students, groups and teachers who have researched the stable combination of ancient rune and magic spells can receive a questionnaire of the "Experimental Spells Committee", answer in detail as required, and send them to the Experimental Spells Committee with a paper attached, which will be approved as valid new spells After that, you will get the honor of "Spell Inventor" and have the opportunity to get the right to name the spell.

The content and word count of the thesis refer to the article "The Invention of a New Spell: The Combination of the Water-making Spell and the Practical Ancient Rune 'Water Flow'" on the front page of the Daily Prophet on March 12. The paper template can be found in any rune. Club members request.

Each person is limited to one questionnaire, not enough to copy what other people have.

Note: This is the easiest and safest way to get your name printed on your textbook.

Come on!

Signed: Hogwarts Professor of Ancient Runes, Felix Happ. ’

Harry, Ron and Hermione looked at each other.

An excited voice came from behind them: "Warren! Look! We just finished our paper yesterday!" Seventh-year Pet Selton pulled a Ravenclaw boy's sleeve and squeezed forward." Oh, Hermione, Harry, Ron, hello." Selton greeted.

"Hello," said Warren Pardis, both of whom were the first members of the Rune Club.

Harry and the others greeted each other in vain.

"Put your name on a textbook...that sounds appealing," Selton said, squinting, reaching into the sticky bubble on the bulletin board and slowly pulling a piece of parchment out of it. , Hermione saw the official seal of the Ministry of Magic sharply.

"Hey~ That's disgusting! The professor's bad taste!"

Selton pulled her hand out and said her fingers were clean. Pardis also took one, and the two left together.

"Let's hurry up, or we'll have to borrow someone else's." Hermione said decisively, and they each took one. Standing not far from the crowd, he looked up.

Harry read the questionnaire, the first line of which was a series of small print: 'Please fill in the name of the inventor of the spell truthfully, and ensure that everyone involved in the development of the spell is signed to avoid controversy:'

The first question is: Describe the principle of the spell in brief words.

The second problem is: describe the effect of the spell in brief words.

The third question is: Confirm the spell type: general utility spell/protective spell/bad spell/poison curse/curse/break spell/transfiguration/other.


"Shit!" Ron whispered.

"What's wrong?" Harry and Hermione asked in unison, glancing down at the question above.

"Look at the first line!" Ron stared and read word for word: "'Make sure everyone involved in spell development is signed', 'all'." He looked at Harry meaningfully, "in In the club we combine Light Rune and Fire Spell..."

"Malfoy!" Harry gasped, shivering.

At this time, Draco Malfoy put his hands in his pockets, and led Crabbe and Goyle's two followers struttingly towards the notice board. "I heard my name called..." Draco said, narrowing his eyes.

"Nothing!" said Harry and Ron at once.

Draco looked at them suspiciously. He stared at the bulletin board and tilted his head at Crabbe, who followed his gaze and stared back.

"Go get one." Draco gave orders slowly, Crabbe squeezed into the crowd immediately, Ron quietly pulled Harry's sleeve, and Harry retreated knowingly.

"Wait, Potter!" Draco said. Harry turned his head blankly and looked at him coldly, "If you have anything to say, speak quickly, Malfoy."

Draco said, "I heard that Professor Hepp is cooking you a small stove?"

Harry, Ron and Hermione tensed. Occlumency! The professor kept them a secret, but Harry had been studying for almost three months, reporting to the Ancient Rune office once a week, and was always seen a few times.

"So what? Are you jealous, Malfoy?" Ron said defiantly, taking the initiative to cover for Harry.

Draco glanced at him, took a small note lazily from his pocket, and raised it. He grinned and said, "I'm sorry, I have it too."

"What?" Harry said impatiently, then startled. "You're going to receive special training from Professor Hepp?" he couldn't help shouting, and Ron and Hermione also showed incredible expressions.

"You can read it yourself, Potter." Draco was so happy that Harry grabbed the note and looked at the contents of the note with Ron and Hermione.

"It's true," Hermione said softly, recognizing the familiar writing on it at a glance.

At this point, Crabbe squeezed out of the crowd and handed the questionnaire to Draco, who gave Draco a quick glance and stopped at the first row.

"Tsk tsk," he said.

Ron and Hermione looked up from the note, looking very frustrated and puzzled. Harry was still looking at the small print over and over again, as if looking for a clue.

"No name," Harry said suddenly.

"What did you say—" The smile on Draco's face froze.

"No name," Harry repeated, looking at him suspiciously. "There's no name for the spell, just to report to Professor Hepp's office every Saturday."

Draco paced up to Harry and said softly, "Because of the need for secrecy, but I can tell you, Potter..." His pale eyes gleamed, "It's Apparition and Disillusionment."

He was satisfied to see Harry's shocked expression. "Yeah, this has always been your prerogative, isn't it? You don't need to be punished for breaking school rules recklessly, and you have your fans everywhere, even the professors—"

"So you're jealous?" Harry looked at him without flinching, and repeated what Ron had said.

"You can think so," Draco admitted, snatching the note from Harry's hand. With a gesture towards Crabbe and Goal, he walked towards the auditorium.

Harry stared at his back, silent.

"Who knows what he did to win the favor of Professor Hepp!" Ron looked at Harry worriedly, and said sharply: "Maybe his father bought two hundred magic gramophones in one go!"


That evening, Felix was writing a letter in the office. He stretched out his index finger and lightly tapped the letter paper, and the writing on it disappeared little by little—

"Lucius, thank you for your reminder, your information is very useful. Remember: every future change about the Dark Mark, no matter how minor, remind me in time. In return, I will follow my promise and train your son. Life-saving magic, starting this Saturday..."

He put the letter in the envelope, sealed it, stared at the blank envelope for a moment, put it aside, and picked up a stack of manuscripts from the drawer.

This is a booklet he plans to complete about the introduction of rune, to promote the use of rune. It contains a detailed analysis of the origin, development, and most important illumination of ancient Rune.

It is never easy to learn an ancient magic, even the simplest lighting spell. In particular, Felix intends to use something like a correspondence course, which usually only tricks Squibs who haven't learned magic.

But he had to challenge it.

The secret lies in the extreme familiarity with Illumination and the large-scale promotion of Rune cards. According to Remus' data, 1,000 sets of Rune cards have been sold in England, covering almost 40% of the potential purchasers—that is, families with unschooled young wizards at home.

This is of course inseparable from the overwhelming advertising and low prices.

For wizards who lack entertainment, whether adults or children, rune cards are a good way to spend. Of course, most parents just regard them as a kind of intellectual development toys - this concept is also put forward by the young people of the "future world" company, and they have taken great pains to come up with advertising words that satisfy the boss.

Time passed by, and the night gradually deepened. Sniff Warren yawned, his little black eyes moved from the comic book, blinking sleepily.

"Haw! (Still not sleeping!)"

"Wait a minute... Warren, you don't have to worry about me." Felix smiled calmly, picked up another page of the manuscript, and continued to revise.

"Haw! Haw haw? (Wait for that magic fool?)"

Felix laughed.

"Don't call people a fool, Andis shouldn't use Golden Galleons to conjure magic in front of you. If you take it away, you will laugh at it..." He said with a little bit of Warren's pink beak. "It's Dobby," he explained.

"Hahaha!" Warren was excited, took a sip of lemonade with a straw, and the black and shiny fluff suddenly fluffed up, making it immediately energized. "Hum Ha Ha? (Is that the rich man?)"

"Well, Dobby has been collecting gold buttons lately, if that's what you mean."

Finally, the small golden clock on the desk struck twelve o'clock. Almost at the same time, a copper nut in Felix's hand became hot. This was Dobby's inquiry. Felix waved his hand to disperse the vigilance magic in the room. After about half a minute—


Dobby the house-elf suddenly appears in the office.

Warren's eyes widened, "Ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Hello, Mr. Hepp!" said Dobby, bowing deeply, and raising his head, he greeted Warren happily. "You too, Miss Warren!"

Warren was very happy, and looked at Dobby with expectant eyes, "Haw?"

Dobby took a shiny metal button from his little suit pocket and said sharply, "This is what Dobby collected, and it's for Miss Warren!"

Warren stretched out his little hand to take it, looked at it for a long time, took out a golden vial from his pocket, and handed it to Dobby.

"Oh, Miss Warren is so generous!" Dobby said excitedly, and he glanced at Felix, who was smiling, and Dobby took it over and looked over and over again.

"It's see-through! Look, it's beautiful! Dobby got another gift!" Dobby put his tennis ball-sized eyes to the bottom of the bottle and looked around.

After a long time, Felix had to remind him, "Dobby, Lucius Malfoy is still waiting..."

"Oh..." Dobby sighed, two bat ears drooping. It was obvious that he had been avoiding the mention of it.

"Don't worry, he doesn't dare to touch you," Felix said.

"Dobby knows that Dobby has the support of the great Mr. Hepp! But Dobby is in a complicated mood..." the house-elf said, picking up the long-standing envelope from the desk, "I don't need to talk to him, right?"

"No," Felix assured him. "You can drop the letter at his feet if you want."

"Oh~" It could be seen that Dobby was very moved, but he still refused, "Dobby now represents Mr. Hepp, and Dobby doesn't need to be afraid of him..." He raised his chest and said arrogantly.

"Haw! (your legs are shaking!)" Warren held out a finger.

Felix was thankful that Dobby couldn't understand what Warren was saying.

I only wrote 4,000 words today, and I posted them together. I will strive for three more tomorrows!

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