A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 455 Responsibility Creates Courage

Professor Marchban turned the subject extremely bluntly to Gilbert Wimper, her friend on the Experimental Spells Committee, who said in a loud voice: "Wimper wants to come! But I persuaded him to cure those horns, and he It's been a while since I happened to know that Dorothea was in St. Mungo's yesterday, so I told him to hurry over there...he asked me to bring you this information."

Felix took the information. Marchban said casually: "There are some questionnaires, which evaluate the danger, ease of acquisition, and potential risks of spells, just hand them over to those students, let them fill out and send them back to the Ministry of Magic's Experimental Spells Committee. At that time, the Ministry will send someone to test it."

Before leaving, she asked tentatively, "You really don't plan to write your own name? It's possible that a new spell will be named after you!"

"Oh, no, I have difficulty naming names," Felix replied.

Old Vera stopped when he reached the door, and asked in a casual tone, "By the way, those ancient rune books in the library—"

"It's still in the same place, the penultimate row of bookshelves." Felix replied immediately.

Old Vera froze for a moment, waved his hand, and muttered "thank you".


Felix walked out of the ancient rune office, thought about what happened just now, and couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth: "Stimulate the stubborn old man today, stimulate it again tomorrow, and then you can wait and see what happens, after all, there is Cremy's The relationship is... I'm really a good person!"

"Teach, professor?" stammered a head sticking out of the corridor.

It's Neville.

"What did you hear?" Felix asked him, smiling.

"You, you are a good person..." Neville replied dumbly, and the next second showed a horrified expression, desperately covering his mouth.

Felix: "...Don't say it."

Neville looked at the stern-faced professor, and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"What's the matter? By the way, how are your parents? I heard from the staff at St. Mungo's that they have been discharged."

"Yes, it has healed." Neville replied hastily, "The director of the Auror office came to visit some time ago, and I hope they can return to the Auror team, or become team captains."

"Scrimgeour?" Felix frowned slightly.

"It's him," Neville said, "but Mom and Dad decided to take a break first, and they went on a trip abroad and did some restorative training along the way . . .

Felix nodded slightly. "Sounds good. Okay, Neville, you're lying in ambush in the corridor, what do you want to say to me?"

"I, uh," Neville stammered suddenly again, flushed as he gulped frantically, "I'm — dunk! I wonder if there's any magic that makes one brave?"

"Be brave?" Felix looked at him strangely. "What do you want to do?"

"I-I found that my talent has improved, and my grades have improved a lot, but my courage is still so small that I don't even dare to speak loudly in front of everyone, for fear of being laughed at..." Neville said with a sad face, "I... And the hegemony--"

"You also want to participate in the hegemony? Potter and the others can't help themselves."

"No, I mean, no matter which of these two projects, I don't have the courage to challenge, I have no courage at all... Whether it's a fire dragon or the deep lake bottom, as long as I think of these, I can't help but shiver. ." Neville said with tears in his eyes.

"So I want to ask, is there any magic that allows me to block these negative emotions, including what others say about me?"

Neville looked at Felix hopefully.

Of course, Felix thought, Occlumency, it's just for you. But if your purpose is to rely on shielding your emotions for courage, you're putting the cart before the horse.

"You're asking me." Felix looked Neville up and down, and he felt uncomfortable for a while: "Your idea is really unique... Can a curse be okay?"

"Curse, curse?" Neville looked startled.

"Yeah," Felix scratched his chin casually, suddenly changed his face, and said gloomily: "I curse you, every second of your life after this moment, for the insults, slander, ridicule, resentment, dissatisfaction you hear. All become the most beautiful compliment in the world..."

"I can't hear the unkind words..."

"No honest advice..."

"I can't hear the good-natured ridicule..."

Neville's body was cold, as if something dirty was wrapped around him, and he couldn't help shivering.

"Professor?" Neville said desperately, crying, "You really cursed me? At least ask me..."

Felix's face became solemn, and he said, "You are an idiot."

Neville was stunned. He stared at first, then blinked until it was dry and astringent, "I, I'm fine? I heard you say I'm a fool... So I'm not cursed?"

Felix laughed.

Neville's round face couldn't help tensing up, and Felix patted his shoulder comfortingly, "Remember what happened when you got the invitation card during the selection of warriors?"

"I saw...Hogwarts...England...the ocean...the world and...the starry sky," Neville said. He recalled the shock of his wandering in the vast cosmic starry sky. It was a silent contrast, and he could feel his insignificance without any language.

Thinking about it, his thoughts suddenly went astray, and by the way, he remembered the level that he had to pass before - the scene when he stood on the stage and sang to the next row of 'Professor Snape'. It was a nightmare: Snape with an intoxicated expression and rhythm; Snape clenched his fists and glared at him; Snape in a black cape and apathetic eyes; and strode Come on, try to get on stage to catch him Snape...

That scene was so shocking that he felt weird when he saw the real potions professor afterwards. He was afraid that Seamus or Dean would suddenly turn their heads and show a blank face. , has a face with a long hooked nose.

But anyway, he really wasn't too afraid to take Potions class.

He heard a snap of his fingers and looked up to see Professor Hepp looking at him. "Sorry, Professor, I've lost my mind..." Navinne said.

Felix showed an understanding expression.

He didn't use Legilimency, thinking that Neville was immersed in the memory of the magic attached to the invitation card.

"Have you ever had any plans for the future?" he asked tactfully.

This is just an introduction to the next topic. But Neville nodded. "I thought about it. I want to be a herbal professor, or an Auror."

"What's the reason?" Felix asked in surprise. Few students thought about this issue so early, and they usually didn't realize it until the fifth grade career counseling.

"I like herbs!" Neville exclaimed, then glanced embarrassedly at Felix and muttered, "I'm still trying to catch little Crouch."

Felix nodded lightly, fully understanding what he was thinking - of the four Death Eaters who used the Cruciatus on the Longbottoms, only little Crouch was at large, and the other three were still squatting in Azkaban It's on.

When it comes to Azkaban, he seems to think of something. Azkaban...Death Eaters...what the heck? He tried to grasp this ray of light, and the information about Azkaban flashed quickly in his mind——

A small island in the North Sea... unmarkable... built in the 15th century... the lair of the dark wizard Axtis... tortured passing sailors to create dementors... dementors?

Felix blinked. As far as he could tell, the wizarding prison was severely under-guarded because of what he had done last year. It takes a long time for new dementors to breed and grow. It is estimated that many hitters will be sent there to rotate in the past few years.

Is this why the Ministry of Magic is planning to recruit more Aurors and Strikers? Felix speculates unreliably, well, at least there is a high probability that Fudge agreed to use it to guard the wizarding prison...

He pondered for a few seconds, and it was difficult to find anything of value or caution for a while. He could only write down this information secretly and think about it when he had time.

Felix raised his head and said to Neville, "The herbal professor and the Auror are good choices, but they all have one thing in common."

"What characteristics?" Neville asked. He suddenly thought of Roger Davis's feat of subduing the dragon with the Blackthorn Seeds in his first project. Professor Sprout was thrilled.

Does the professor mean to arm yourself with the knowledge learned in herbal medicine class?

"They all need to enlighten others." Felix gave a completely different answer.

Neville looked at him hesitantly. He can still understand when the professor enlightens the students, just like at this moment, but the Auror...

"Think about it," Felix said solemnly, "if you're a professor, you're going to have to deal with a diverse group of students, or if you're an Auror, take the long view, be a The squad leader is not too much, right? Then you have to pay attention to the mood of your subordinates at all times, otherwise a little mistake may cost a life."

Neville's expression turned serious, and he nodded. He heard his parents say similar things, and some points of view did coincide with what the professor said...

The professor knows a lot. he thought enviously.

"...So you should also have this ability." Felix finally concluded.

"Uh..." Neville's face started to turn red again, he was really not good at this job, and he had only one thought at the moment: it's over, he can't be a herbal professor or an Auror, but he quickly cheered up and whispered. Say, "I try?"

Felix nodded approvingly, sifting through the rings, then pulled out a pamphlet. "I happen to have a magic here, you can take it back and see... it is the magic attached to the invitation card."

Neville couldn't wait to take it, and then he was a little dumbfounded. It appears to be a manuscript, except that the corners are glued together with a spell, and from a distance it looks like a book, but it's not at all. He stared at the handwritten cover, whose name had been redacted twice—

"Thinking House Magic Orientation Lite (For St. Mungot)" (crossed out);

"Magic Research (horror? Mystery? Spiritual pollution?)" (crossed out);

The last name is the surviving one: "Daydream Curse (Cosmic Starry Sky)".

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Felix grabbed the pamphlet from the dazed Neville, pulled out a few pages, and explained, "These aren't for you."

Then he returned the rest of the booklet to Neville, patted him on the shoulder and said, "If you encounter similar problems in the future, you can try this spell. In addition, you can tell yourself: you will enlighten others in the future, so do it yourself. How can you enlighten others?"

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