A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 356 New Trends at Weasley's Magic Tricks Workshop

After class, the third-grade wizards filed out of the classroom, each with a half-foot-tall magic puppet, happily discussing the content of the first class.

Felix stayed, ticking off a form where he wrote down the number 17 next to the name 'Luna Lovegood', which represented the number of cards she had been exposed to in class.

In fact, in the process of injecting stable magic into the cards, the little wizards become more proficient as they go to the back of the classroom. From Felix's point of view, today is really just an interest-oriented class. Especially when compared to the next sixth grade class—

"Sixth grade is a crucial year..."

"Don't do this, Professor," Fred and George exclaimed aggrievedly in class. "We've only just gone through the O.W.Ls!" the other students whispered in agreement.

They had listened to similar words for a whole year in the fifth grade, and they had psychological shadows. A few timid students seemed to recall those difficult days again, as if they had left some kind of aftereffects.

The students were very concerned, and they didn't know who made the retching sound. The students looked around to find the source of the sound, and even their emotions were incoherent.

Felix was amused and paced the classroom. "The reason why I say this is because this year, you don't have to worry about certificates, and the accumulation of knowledge has reached a peak. This means-"

He deliberately paused for a few seconds to reveal the mystery: "We have more time for practice, and things worth exploring."

Without waiting for the students to think about it, he turned around and walked back to the podium, took out the rune card neatly, and clapped his hands: "My request is very simple, through these cards, master at least seven ancient rune-"

"They just happen to form a rune circuit, and I'll explain this part in the last half hour of the class."

"But I hope that you can discover the fun through your own exploration. Let's start, classmates, whoever finishes first will be rewarded with 20 points."

Soon, in the sixth-grade ancient Rune improvement class, students from the four academies held Rune cards and projected rune symbols one by one - this was a no-brainer for the fifth-grade students who had experienced purgatory. a plate of.

But the key is how to pass the card and master the spell on it.

"By the way." Felix seemed to think of something and picked up the roster, "It's still very difficult to complete this step alone, so I will group you... Miss Campbell King, don't look around, I will follow the roster. In the order above, each group of three people is divided into groups."

In this way, the students of the four academies were shuffled, and Felix thoughtfully transformed into small round tables, each with three chairs. The Weasley twins took advantage of their surnames and were assigned to a group. They stared at the Ravenclaw girl opposite them.

"Oh, it's so beautiful." The girl looked at the small green shoot projected on the card, her eyes flashed with intoxication, and then she came back to her senses and looked down at the textbook full of notes.

"According to past experience, if you want to master a rune, you must first master its symbol shape and magical symbol... This is the most important, and we can all get it from the card, the rest only needs - you look at What am I doing?"

"No, nothing." George muttered. He took a card from Fred's hand, injected magic power, and asked in a low voice, "Why do you think the professor did this?"

"I guess it's to give us the ability to teach ourselves ancient runes," Fred said.

"are you serious?"

"I heard people in 'Future World' say, um, it's actually Penello," he grinned. "She said that Professor Hepp's positioning of the rune card was an enlightenment toy."

"Enlightenment toys!?" George stared.

"Yes, it's the same as children's comic strips, but Professor Hepp is more to promote practical rune. Penello said the professor provided a scene: parents hold their children and project a pattern from a card. , When the child grows up a little, he will naturally be close to the Rune."

George thought about it seriously, and he took a long breath, "If 'Future World' hadn't purchased a batch of Muggle toys, I don't even know how poor our entertainment is... How much inspiration it has given us. Magic blocks, soldiers, colorful bubble guns, prank cards, and derived wizard battle cards..."

The Ravenclaw girl chimed in: "Why no dolls?"

"Uh, excuse me, what did you say?"

"Dolls," the girl said solemnly, "I liked them the most when I was a child. I spent my pocket money on them every year, and collected a whole set over the years!"

The twins looked at each other, and Fred asked slowly, "George, what do you think?"

George said in the same tone, "Dude, I think—should take advantage of the last two years of school to find some mates..."

"Makes sense." Fred nodded, he turned his head and looked at the girl, "Terry, would you like to join?"

Terri looked at them in surprise.

"What did you say?"

"Join Weasley's Witchcraft and Wizardry. Nothing yet, but the future will be the world's largest supplier of prank items, and a maker of wizarding children's toys."

"You—well—a bit unexpected—" Terri said, bewildered. "It's not another prank, is it?"

"Of course not. Do you have any plans for the future? Like, joining the Ministry of Magic?" Fred and George looked at each other and asked. It was a whim at first, but now I really have plans to recruit people.

"This... but not. I'm from a Muggle family, and I haven't decided where to stay after graduation."

"Then let's try it." Fred and George tried their best to bewitched.

Terri found herself inexplicably positioned as the elder of Weasley's Witchcraft and Wizardry, and her hand holding the card shook violently. A segment of the blue waterfall projected by the card flickered and then disappeared.


In the last half hour, Felix explained this part of knowledge and assigned homework.

"The content of today's paper is how to efficiently use Rune cards to learn ancient Rune. I need you to sum up an effective learning plan based on your experience in the classroom."

After class, Felix muttered as he heard the Weasley twins passing by—

"What do you think of Cedric?"

"He has a soft spot for magic puppets..."

"Isn't that just right?"

"Yes... Aubrey is also good, and Selton and Pardis."

Felix rubbed his chin and looked at the backs of the two. The people they mentioned were all from the Rune Club. Was there anything he didn't know about?

After the course in the afternoon, Felix walked towards the auditorium, with a sniffler lying on his shoulder, attracting a lot of curious eyes along the way. Just came to the foyer and saw Harry and Draco arguing from a distance.

Harry said something angrily, pulled Ron and turned to leave, Draco Malfoy blushed, he dropped the newspaper in his hand, and angrily took out his wand from behind and pointed it at Harry fiercely.


Harry jumped aside nimbly, a fiery incantation brushed against his hair, and he turned and waved sharply - Draco seemed to have been hit by something, his wand slipped out of his hand, and he stumbled back. , was grabbed by Crabbe and did not fall.

A few screams were long overdue.

"Merlin's beard, what is that!"

"Silent and wandless casting, Potter is also amazing, what a pity, he's only in the fourth grade..."

"Do you think he could have been a warrior if there was no age limit?"

"It's hard to say, everyone has made great progress in the past two years."

Ron looked at Harry in shock. "How did you do that?"

Harry stared blankly at the extra wand in his hand, which belonged to Malfoy. Harry himself didn't know what was going on, he was just indignant at the sudden attack on him, and subconsciously responded, just as he was about to say something, he heard a loud bang in the hallway.

boom! Then a roar echoed in the hallway.

"Don't do this, boy!"

Moody limped out, pointing his wand at a snow-white ferret, shivering on the flagstone floor where Malfoy had stood.

In the silence, Moody asked, "Did he hurt you?"

"No," said Harry, "the spell missed."

"Don't touch it!" Moody yelled.

"Don't touch—what?" Harry asked inexplicably.

"It's not about you—it's about him!" Moody growled again, thumbs up, pointing over his shoulder to Crabbe, who was about to pick up the ferret, but was too frightened to move.

Moody began limping toward Crabbe, Goyle, and the ferret, who gave a horrified cry, ducked, and ran in the opposite direction.

"I don't believe in this evil!" Moody yelled, and pointed his wand at the ferret - at this time, a man stood in front of the ferret, "Oh, Professor Moody, I can't let you do this."

Felix smiled and cast off the spell.

The ferret huddled at his feet, and Sniff Wallen was looking at it curiously on his shoulders.

As for Felix himself, his eyes were already on the dirty Daily Prophet, which had been trampled on the ground a few times, and by coincidence, he had only read the headlines on it in the morning.

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