Felix was eating breakfast in the school auditorium, flipping through the day's newspaper, Rita Skeeter commented on Alastor Moody's troubles yesterday with poignant brushwork and unabashed inclination. Also mocked Mr. Weasley.

In the story, Moody was seen as the thorny figure "who couldn't tell the difference between a common handshake and a deliberate murder", while Mr Weasley was mistakenly called "Arnold Weasley" and retold, bringing up And the flying car from two years ago.

Felix rereads it, this woman is very good at reporting the facts half-covered—just the part of the truth she needs, and then adding her own twisted understanding to a ridiculous conclusion.

But in general, some useful information can still be seen, such as the mention of a female official who has been missing for many months, probably referring to Bertha Jorkins.


Felix walked into the classroom of the ancient rune class ten minutes earlier, and some students were already sitting scattered in the seats.

"Hello, Felix." Luna looked up from the magazine and greeted him happily, as if it was not in class, but a chance encounter elsewhere, such as the clearing in the Forbidden Forest.

Felix smiled. "Hello, Luna. Are you in third grade too?"

"Yeah." She was stunned for a while, Ginny next to her had already seen it, and pulled the magazine to her side. They were just playing the quiz in the magazine, and if they guessed correctly, there was a gift. take.

Luna stared at her big foggy eyes and suddenly said to Felix: "One more thing, I like your Christmas present, have I told you?"

"Oh, uh, I said, I remember..." Felix was in a rare trance, this question was something he didn't expect, "Nine months ago."

Two rows away, a gray-haired boy suddenly raised his hand and looked at him expectantly.


Felix was a little surprised. He took out a long piece of parchment, carefully looked at the red pattern on the boy's wizard's robe, and lowered his head to look for the name of the boy in Gryffindor Academy.

"Professor Hai, Haip, my name is Colin, Harry Potter recommended me to take this course, and I also like magic puppets!" He still held his arms high as he spoke.

Felix stroked the list on the parchment and nodded at him: "Mr. Creevey, we haven't had class yet, we're just chatting."

"Then can we get the magic puppet today? Can I pick one myself?" Colin asked excitedly.

"Of course, I'll also give all of you access to the Ancient Rune Class on 'Answer Parchment', where you will complete a lot of your homework this school year..." Felix said.

The number of students in the classroom gradually increased.

Luna and Ginny were holding the Quibbler magazine and trying to guess the puzzles on it, Luna picked up the page with the puzzles printed on it and looked at the shadows through the light, "I think it's an origami cap."

"Why don't I see anything?" Ginny said. "By the way—why are you named Professor?"

"Because we're friends," Luna said cheerfully, taking out a quill and sketching the shape of the imaginary hat.

Ginny was still pondering the riddle: "A thing is empty, and it is associated with wisdom; when you use it, you can't see it, and you can't see it when you see it." What could it be?"

She snatched Luna's pen, wrote the word "hat" in the margin of the answer, the page of the magazine fell lightly, and folded herself into a hat, which Ginny put on Luna's unkempt head superior.

"Okay—" Felix stood on the podium, looking at the full classroom and said, "Welcome, students! I'm glad to see that the number of people who signed up for the ancient rune class this year has increased by a few more."

After he named his name, he glanced at the little wizards present, who were looking at Felix eagerly.

"With the new semester, your minds are still clear, let's talk about some topics worth thinking about." Felix said, his voice was not as exciting as at the beginning, but much calmer, and the students below quickly entered state.

"Of course I hope you excel in this class, but first I want to clear up a fact -

The knowledge in the textbook is only the most basic requirement I have for you. If you want to stand out, or make a difference in this subject...whether it is to become a pure scholar, or to integrate Rune and Alchemy, to focus on Discover ancient magic items; or follow the footsteps of ancient wizards, and experience the wonderful feeling of powerful and arrogant ancient magic being formed and released little by little from your hands... I can teach you all of this knowledge, provided that you reach my level Require.

In view of the increasing abundance of teaching props and the decreasing difficulty of learning in this course, I will also raise my expectations for you accordingly. The benefits are obvious - you'll gain more than previous students, and this time, I'll lead you to more interesting and mysterious areas. "

He raised his hand and flew out dozens of cards from his robes, landing precisely in front of every little wizard.

"Rune card." Felix said briefly, "I have repeatedly compared between the rune knife and the rune card, but in the end I think that the rune card is more suitable for beginners who know nothing."

"And the rune knife is actually suitable for depicting rune circuits, and you are still far from this step."

The little wizards listened attentively and were a little dazed by these unfamiliar concepts for a while, but Felix didn't plan to expand them in detail, just made a simple distinction and moved the class progress to the next step.

He holds the card in his backhand and shows the front to the students. As he injected magic power into the card, the original traces on the card were gradually lit up, and he also introduced: "The reason why it is suitable for beginners is because the only requirement for you is to infuse stable magic power, and you have already With two years of magic practice, this step is not an insurmountable obstacle."

When he finished speaking, the lines on the card had been completely lit up, and a spherical light the size of an egg was projected from the card. It was composed of countless tiny light spots. Fluffy ball.

"This is a rune that means light. You only need to know it temporarily. Look, does it look like a glowing little hairball?"

"It's corresponding rune symbol is the pattern on the card, a bit like a torch, the real appearance is this-"

An invisible hand appeared in the air, outlining a golden symbol, and the little wizards compared the symbol with the pattern on the card, and it was exactly the same.

Felix grabbed the golden rune with a smile, "In the following lessons, you will understand the meaning of this rune, and then you can convert it into the image you see in the projection, that is it magic symbol. Like this—"

His folded palms are spread out and displayed in front of the students. The golden rune turned into a small shining ball of light, and then Felix let go of the restraint and let it turn into a bright white light.

"Okay, let's start practicing."

Felix announced. The little wizards held the cards in unison, frowned, and tried to inject magic power into it. After a while, Felix saw small faces flushed with suffocation, and their mouths were tightly closed, so serious that people thought they were About to go to a duel that could kill him at any time.

He shuttled between the students and reminded: "Think about the feeling of deforming the goblet in the transfiguration class, and let the magic flow evenly and steadily...Learn to relax, deliberately forcing will only make your magic intermittent, this is just a game..."

Under the power of words, the little wizards became calm, and the progress began to speed up.

Felix murmured, "I'm glad the Weasley twins' prank cards weren't used, otherwise the class would be full of rats."

Unexpectedly, but logically, Luna was the first to succeed. Maybe in the whole class, she was the only one who really regarded it as a game, "Look, it's the same as Puffy," she said.

Rarely, Felix heard a creature he knew from her mouth.

Puffy is a very popular pet for wizard children. Their bodies are spherical and covered with soft cream-yellow fur, which is indeed similar to the light ball projected by the magic card, and, the key is - this This creature is not fictitious, it exists.

"Ten Ravenclaw, and," Felix said, showing a stack of cards in front of her, "just pick another one, Miss Lovegood."

Luna stared and asked with interest: "Is there a rune that represents the horned snoring beast?"


"Where's the airship Li?"


Felix handed her a rune card that meant frost, and he thought they both needed to calm down.

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