A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 235: The Change Is Not Just A Little Bit

Lupin did not agree in the end, and Felix, as a bystander, could clearly see the professor's reluctance.

He had some guesses that the form of the Patronus had a lot to do with the state of the wizard. Lupin was a werewolf—although he tried to avoid mentioning the word, but the influence of this identity on him had already been deeply rooted. The Patronus is most likely a wolf or a related subspecies.

Felix didn't know what to say, 'Severus really...'


One night, Ron climbed in from outside the common room alone.

"Snape is a pervert! He\u0026*..." Ron scolded a nasty word, causing Hermione to yell uncomfortably, "Ron, don't swear!"

He slumped on the soft chair next to Harry, smelling of cleanser.

Harry looked at Ron sympathetically. This was not the first time he had lost his temper because of Snape. When Professor Lupin was ill and Snape was taking the class, Ron was ordered to clean up the school hospital for contradicting Snape in public. The chamber pot inside - and can't use magic yet.

Snape seemed to prolong the painful process, and he divided the punishment into three parts, each of which ended with Ron furious like a grumpy lion.

"I mean, Snape is a very twisted man, if it wasn't for him taking only one class..." said Ron angrily, "I didn't write a single word of his papers, ha! Sure enough Cancelled by Professor Lupin!"

Hermione's expression was not very good, most of the class was watching, only she completed the thesis on werewolves early.

Ron said bitterly, "Maybe he had his head shoved down the toilet when he was in school, look at his hair, Harry—" He looked at Harry, "Aren't you staying tonight to ask Lou Professor Ping, has he disclosed any news in this regard?"

Harry said gloomily, "No, I asked him about the Dementors, and my mother."

Ron's expression softened. He and Hermione exchanged glances and asked in a low voice, "You heard it again on the day of the Quidditch match..."

"Yeah," said Harry. "It's the second time, and I'm especially vulnerable to Dementors, Professor Lupin said, because I've been through more pain." He whispered, "He's right. Yes, I heard my mother's dying voice, over and over again."

"But—" Harry cheered, "Professor Lupin told me a lot about Mama, you know, I've only seen her in the picture Professor Hagrid sent me and in the Mirror of Erised, the others didn't Not much to mention..."

"Harry..." Hermione looked at him worriedly.

Harry continued without hesitation, "I thought my mother was very gentle, this is what I imagined her to be like, but it's not. Professor Lupin said that she was very assertive, even a little bit aggressive. In those days, she maintained She had a five-year friendship with the rival college's neighbour, Snape, and Professor Lupin said he admired her."

"Of course! Mom and Snape eventually parted ways because of Voldemort!" Harry said excitedly: "Mom has to grow up. Live reality? Every few days, family members and relatives of classmates die, and several classmates drop out of school every month. This is war, isn't it?"

"She must have hesitated for a long time, but in the end she ended the friendship. Professor Lupin said that she had been unhappy for a long time. My father comforted her and told her a lot about the Order of the Phoenix, and they came naturally. Together……"

"Marrying, fighting the Death Eaters, escaping Voldemort, and me," Harry's expression darkened, "until they mistrusted Sirius Black."

Ron said uneasily, "Harry, are you all right?"

"I'm fine," said Harry. "Professor Lupin promised me to teach me the Patronus Charm until after Christmas. But he declined my request for special training. Professor Hepp is too busy to mention it."

"When I wrote my thesis on the dueling system, I always used Black as an imaginary enemy, but in fact I can't do much, just a few spells. I'm not proficient..."

Ron said, "Harry, we can train ourselves."

Harry stopped chattering, looked up at Ron, and said slowly, "Train yourself?" This made Ron a little uneasy, and he said, "I know I'm weaker and not your match, but if you need to If so, I can be your assistant."

He came up with another bad idea, "It's really not good, we can train with Slytherin students, Malfoy's gang is good, Crabbe and Goyle look like they can resist a few more spells."

Harry couldn't help grinning at the thought of Crabbe, who had a big, round waist, and Goyle, who looked like a gorilla. He restrained his smile and said sternly, "Thank you, Ron."

Ron blushed. "No, nothing."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Hermione looked relieved. She pulled out a piece of parchment and quickly wrote and drew on it.

"If we want to train ourselves, we need to be well prepared, choose the time, place, choose the right spell, and prevent accidents... There's a lot to do!" Hermione said resolutely.

"Hermione?" Ron looked at her dumbfounded.

But Hermione has already entered the working state, "I don't have the same schedule as yours, but...should be able to find time..."

"How do you make time for—"

"Don't interrupt me, Ron." Hermione said impatiently. "The choice of the spell is best based on the content of the dueling class, Harry, I need your paper."

Harry blankly handed her the finished paper.

"I'll give it to Professor Hepp for you, but I'll take a look first and summarize your duel thinking. And Ron, you can't relax, it's not too far off."

Ron grimaced. "You wouldn't want me to write a paper, too. Professor Binns just left a two-foot assignment, you know."

"Well, if you're not going to—I mean, I can lend you the homework for reference." Hermione tried her best not to mention the word "copy".

Ron bit Harry's ear and said, "She really surprised me."

Harry shrugged and said lightly, "This is Hermione. Has she surprised us less often?"

Hermione was still thinking desperately, "Maybe we can pull a few more people. Of course, the three of us must spend the most time together, but other people may also be interested, and their skills are generally good, the duel class really helped. very busy!

Dean's Stunning Charm is pretty good, Seamus's Explosive Charm is exaggerated, he must be very talented at this... And Neville, Ginny's few little curses are pretty good, I can teach her I didn't expect her to learn that fast. We could even get Percy to help, he owes the twins a favor, and the twins—" she laughed, "they owe me a lot. "

"Wait," Ron cried, "what's the matter with Percy and Fred and George?"

"Remember the couple's mirror? They gave Penello 50% off, and she was going to give it to Percy as a Christmas present, but Percy found the twins privately..."

"Then how did you get involved with Fred and George?" Ron still couldn't understand, his two brothers were not good at talking.

"Oh," Hermione said with a bright smile, "I'm an assistant in the Ancient Rune class. They often ask me for reference books, specific to page numbers. They say it's to save time. Theoretical Ancient Rune Books Wen is not worth their time."

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