Later in the day -

"You mean Harry's broom slammed into the beating willow?"

Felix said in surprise, and Hermione said sadly, "When we went to look for it, we only found some wreckage."

"Harry must be very sad," Felix said with a sigh, he pulled out a note, wrote a few lines of blessings, and then stopped to ask Hermione's opinion: "Do you think there is a point on the greeting card? Magical effects, like sounds?"

"Better not," said Hermione firmly. "Ginny will give Harry a rehab card, and if he doesn't press it under his pillow, he will sing screechingly..."

Felix shrugged. "So be it," he handed the card to Hermione. "Help me bring it to Harry."

In the next few days, the little wizards were eager to discuss what happened on Saturday, especially the Swift Patronus of Professor Haipu's visual effects.

The name Patronus Charm quickly spread to the entire school and became the center of recent topics. Just pull over a student, and they can speak the truth - even if there are many fallacies in their words.

Some junior wizards have obtained all kinds of true and false information from the senior students, combined with their own understanding, and spread it out again.

Many people can't actually tell the principle of the "half full moon". They regard it as the second form of this magic and name it "Silver Moon".

Felix had heard the title one morning, at breakfast in the auditorium, when he nearly spat out the porridge in his mouth.

Fourth grade Cormac McLaggen boasted: "My uncle's Patronus has a second form, and I will never lie!" , Uncle's patron saint is a wild boar, but I saw it once when I was a child, and it was obviously a long-eared rabbit, I was surprised at first... It turns out that this magic has two forms."

Felix glanced at McLaggen carefully. If his words were not adulterated, his uncle must have had a painful experience, and the whole person's temperament has changed drastically-only in this case will the Patronus change.

Still others keep asking where to learn the spell. "What cool magic!" Lee Jordan shouted in the common room. "I mean, even if I can't be like Professor Hepp, at least I can protect myself."

But Flitwick poured cold water on them. Standing on a stack of tomes, he emphasized more than once: "The Patronus Charm is not within the scope of our exam. It is too advanced for many adult wizards. To master, this magic requires powerful spiritual power..."

Flitwick didn't plan to teach, and some young wizards turned their minds to Defense Against the Dark Arts and Dueling classes, and they were considered to be fighting straight. According to the function of the courses, these two classes taught students how to protect themselves.

Felix was asked this question in dueling class on the second Thursday night in November.

"The Patronus?" Felix repeated.

"Yeah, Professor Hepp. That's the spell we need most right now, isn't it? Dementors are lurking outside the school, ready to attack us!" shouted a fifth-year Gryffindor, quoting Come to the audience with the nods of the little wizards.

Felix laughed. "Lee Jordan, the Dementors are guarding Hogwarts on orders from the Ministry of Magic, and their target is the Azkaban fugitive, Sirius Black."

"But Professor, what happened on the day of the Quidditch match has proved their unreliability, I wrote to my family, and my mother wrote back that releasing the Dementors from Azkaban was the best thing the Ministry of Magic could do. Stupid decision!"

"Yeah, they're not controllable at all."

"My aunt told me that even in Azkaban there were dementors rioting...and some prisoners were killed," said Susan Burns of Hufflepuff, who saw Professor Hepp's Looking over, he added: "My aunt is the director of the Law Enforcement Department."

Felix hesitated, to be honest, he didn't think teaching the Patronus Charm to the little wizards in the duel class was a good choice - it took a long time to learn, it was difficult, and the most important thing was: it might not be effective.

A profound spell like this is difficult for students to master on their own without one-on-one guidance. But if he really wanted to teach him hands-on, he couldn't do it with ten time converters.

He looked at Professors Snape and Flitwick. "What's your opinion, Severus, Filius?"

Snape immediately showed a look of resistance, and he said coldly, "I don't know the spell."

Flitwick also expressed his opinion again: "Felix, the Patronus Charm is very complicated, and its function is too single, I don't think it is useful. Besides - Dumbledore has protested to the Ministry of Magic, and Fudge assured that the photo will be taken. The Goblin will never make the same mistake again."

Felix nodded, he knew it too. In fact, when a group of shrunk dementors returned, there was a lot of opinions within the Ministry of Magic, and some people wanted to send someone to investigate, but Dumbledore resolutely pushed them back.

Add to this the fact that some grumpy parents of students kept sending shouting letters to the Ministry of Magic, and even Fudge himself, to the point where they were devastated, and the Dementor's injury was never mentioned again.

Felix put the matter on hold for the time being, but... he looked at Snape, and the professor said that he could not hold the Patronus Charm. Is this true?

Could it be that the professor really went too deep into the realm of black magic to be unable to use the Patronus Charm?


At dinner, he and Snape sat together to discuss the details of the next dueling class, Felix commented: "The students have mastered several common dueling moves, and the next few lessons are the best. Schedule practice, Severus, I have an idea, maybe a small duel match."

"Aren't you afraid of trouble, Felix?" Snape said.

"I'm going to hand it over to the Student Union. Percy Weasley and Penello Clearwater are very capable and I trust them," Felix said.

Snape showed his usual sarcastic expression: "How much sincerity is in your trust? Felix, has someone really entered your heart?"

Felix laughed, "Oh, Severus, are you trying to say I'm hypocritical? We're talking about competence, and I do put a lot of trust in Mr. Weasley and Miss Crewatert in that regard, you mean What is it?"

Snape stared blankly at him, and Felix gave a deliberately fake smile.

At this moment, a voice broke into the silent communication between the two—

"Professor Snape, I just met Professor Flitwick. He said you were in the auditorium." Lupin walked in front of the two and said happily. He changed into a new robe, and it seemed that Dumbledore paid enough for his daily expenses.

"What's the matter, Lupin?" Snape's eyes narrowed. "I've run out of potions I gave you? I still have some there, a pot full of..."

Lupin smiled and said, "Not for now, Severus. I'm here for another—"

Snape looked at him without the slightest smile on his face.

Lupin said, "I'm very grateful for your help during my illness, but the teaching in the third grade is too radical, and it directly crossed most of the textbooks-"

"Werewolf..." Snape dragged his voice long, and Lupin's hand trembled, and he covered it up well, " there any problem with this chapter?"

Lupin frowned slightly, "Severus, the third grader has just learned Hinkpunk. Most students don't have the corresponding foundation. I'm sorry, I decided to postpone the content of this part."

Snape gave him a contemptuous look, "I want to say, Lupin, werewolves are too dangerous. It is very necessary for students to know how to identify and kill werewolves as soon as possible." He said softly. : "Maybe it will be used someday."

Lupin regained his calm: "Thank you for the reminder. I will teach according to the little wizard's ability. If there is nothing else, I will go first. There are still many things to do."

"Wait, Lupin."

"Anything else, Snape?" Lupin said quietly.

"Let me introduce you," Snape's eyes moved between Lupin and Felix, "As far as I know, Professor Lupin's Patronus Charm is very good, maybe - Felix, you can invite him , as a temporary professor of the dueling class."

Snape's eyes flickered, "As a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, it must be my responsibility to show students how to deal with dangerous dark creatures like Dementors."

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