Early June.

Felix was awakened by the sound of rain beating on the window. It was gray outside the window, and a dazzling lightning flashed over the greenhouse, followed by a series of low and muffled thunder.

The final exam has lasted for three days, but the ancient rune class is arranged in the middle and late stages of all subjects, so for him, today is the first day of the final exam.

Fortunately, the Ancient Rune he taught was an elective, and he only needed to invigilate the remaining three grades, excluding the fifth and seventh grades preparing for the wizarding exam.

And all the required course professors had to spend more energy and wits with the little wizards, and Belby, who was in charge of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, complained to him more than once—

"There are always lucky students, can you imagine? During the pre-exam inspection, I found a dozen cheating quills!"

Felix specifically consulted with Professor Flitwick on this issue, and he told Felix: "You can uniformly prepare anti-cheating quills for students, which will save a lot of effort."

He readily accepted the suggestion.

In the ancient Rune classroom, the long rows of seats were replaced with individual desks and chairs, and Felix waved his wand, letting a large sheet of paper and quills land precisely on the small desk in front of the fourth graders.

"I must remind you that both the exam paper and the quill have been spelled against cheating, and the consequences of cheating are very serious."

The exam started, Felix walked the aisle between the seats, reporting the time every half hour.

When he reminded him the second time, some students had already completed the exam papers.

"Very well, Mr Andrews, you can choose to keep checking, or go out for some fresh air."


After completing the invigilation of the fourth grade, Felix completed the less than 100 examination papers on the same day.

"A total of 7 O's and 22 E's. Compared to previous years' results, it's very good."

The former represents excellent, the latter is good, and the number of qualified people is even greater.

"And there are extra points for the practice of magic puppets. Maybe I will break the best score in the ancient rune class in the past ten years." Felix thought happily, and this mood was reflected in the next exam. All smiling.

Finally, at the end of the first week of June, the final exams are over. The students of other grades were completely liberated, and the few little wizards who were worried about their grades would still be uneasy for two or three days, but most of them had already enjoyed themselves.

There was laughter and laughter all over the school. Only the fifth and seventh graders are still doing their best to prepare for the wizarding rank exam.

Their emotions were very anxious, and Felix, as a professor, confiscated all kinds of strange things.

"Miss Selton, can you tell me where you got this onion-flavored amulet?"

Pete Selton was about to cry, but did not speak.

"Well, I won't deduct points this time, drink some euphoria, your mood is too low."

Selton looked radiant after drinking the euphoria, and her whole person was much more cheerful. She thanked the professor happily and left briskly.

Felix was satisfied with what he had done, but then he found that more and more people were running to the school hospital, and a large number of fifth and seventh grade students told Madam Pomfrey that they were depressed and needed a booster.

"There's clearly not enough in stock, Professor Hepp. And there's already bad euphoria in the school, and I've taken in seven or eight students who are laughing all the time," Madam Pomfrey complained.

In addition to the euphoria, the Happy Charm also has a similar effect, and this spell is still the content of the third grade, which is a very simple magic for students preparing for the wizard rank exam.

But finally, the wizard rank exam came after the final exam results were announced.

One day in mid-June, Felix saw some very old wizards at the school, who were the examiners for this year's wizarding rank exam - an ugly man with a sarcoid, a chubby little witch, a hairy The rare wizard with glasses and, of course, the director of the Wizarding Examination Board - Guslda Marchban.

Marchban was a small, hunchbacked witch, her face wrinkled like a spider's web. But she is in very good shape and has a high voice. A few years ago, she was also the examiner who invigilated Felix in Transfiguration and Charm in the OWLs and NEWTs exams.

And unbelievably, she was also Headmaster Dumbledore's invigilator. This is the oldest wizard Felix has ever met and is still active in the wizarding world.

"Oh, Felix, is that you? It's nice to see you in the school." Little Marchban spoke loudly from a distance, with Professor McGonagall beside her.

"Professor Marchban, long time no see." Felix quietly pointed at himself with his wand, making his voice doubled.

"It didn't take long, time always passed quickly, and my invigilation of Dumbledore seems to be still yesterday." Machiban, who was somewhat deaf, said loudly. "I will never forget that scene for the rest of my life! It's my honor to invigilate him."

Machiban was in good spirits, and she looked at Felix: "You too, but it's the magic that shocked me. I heard you're a Muggle expert now? Do you teach Muggle studies?"

"It's ancient rune, Professor Marchban, this is my research field."

Marchban listened carefully, and then said loudly: "I hope you don't fall into the study of magic, especially spells, that incredible power!"

Felix nodded with a smile, and when her attention was elsewhere, he turned to the thin-haired wizard, "Long time no see, Tofody. I just saw Ogden recently..."

"He mentioned it to me, at an award ceremony at the Ministry of Magic, didn't he?" Tofody said.

This was also one of Felix's former examiners, but the two had little contact during school. Felix had visited him after graduation - Tofody was also an expert in ancient rune, although he was a theoretical school, he gave Felix a lot of help.

"Yes, he looks good."

"Yeah, that old guy! I didn't believe it when he told me that you're really back at Hogwarts."

"I like the atmosphere at school," Felix said lightly.

"This is also one of the reasons why I stay in the exam board. They are the hope of the British wizarding world - although most of the time these young people are troublesome." The old man rambled for a long time, " And old Vera, as soon as I mentioned you to him, he was anxious with me, but I clearly saw your book on his desk..."

Felix held back his laughter and didn't say anything. Old Vera was the grandfather of one of his students, Cremy Vera, a very stubborn old man.

He is also the vice president of the Ancient Rune Association, and has always been critical of Felix's "practical ancient rune".

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