A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 155 The truth brought by Dobby

That night, Harry tossed and turned in bed, listening to the snoring of his roommates, unable to sleep.

He was still thinking about the events of the day - whether it was the big win over Slytherin, or the joy of seeing his nemesis Draco Malfoy being scolded by his father.

But he suddenly felt a sense of loneliness, and he also wanted to taste the feeling of being scolded by his parents.

Everyone was looking forward to the summer vacation, only he was resisting, he even planned to stay with Hagrid, or go to the Burrow.

"Harry~ Potter!"

A faint calling sounded. Harry was no stranger to this voice. He hurriedly put on his glasses and looked at the thin figure standing at the door——

He has huge brown eyes and a nose the size and shape of a large tomato.

"Do, Dobby, it's really you!"

Harry took a quick look from side to side. They were sound asleep, and even Ron's pet, Scabbers, the fat grey rat, was sleeping comfortably on his owner's pillow.

He gently lifted the quilt, climbed out of the bed, looked at the wand by the bed, hesitated a little, and took it in his hand.

"Fluorescent flashes."

Harry took Dobby to the common room, where there was only a dim light, and he picked out an upholstered chair and sat down.

"Sit down, Dobby, you have something to tell me, don't you?"

As he got closer, he realized that Dobby had changed a dress--no, not changed, it was the same old pillowcase, but I don't know where the elf got it, adding two sleeves for himself and looking like pant leg stuff.

"You get new clothes—no! Dobby, you, you..." He pointed at Dobby, speechless. From Ron he learned that house-elves can't wear normal people's clothes, there is only one possibility--

"Yes, Mr. Potter, Dobby, Dobby is free!" the elf squealed with joy, tears welling up in his big eyes.

"How could— oh, I mean, congratulations, Dobby," said Harry, "but you're still with Lucius Malfoy during the day?"

"Dobby doesn't know either, maybe it was the failure of the little master during the day that made him feel bad. When he went back at night, he severely reprimanded Dobby... Dobby was used to it, but he didn't expect that he would drive Dobby away. !"

Harry opened his mouth to say something, but the elf went on happily: "Never thought... this is something Dobby's dreamed of..."

He released his fingers, and a gorgeous button lay quietly on his slender palm.

"Master, no, Lucius Malfoy gave Dobby a button he ripped from him... He angrily told Dobby to leave Malfoy Manor forever."

"So you're free and don't belong to anyone," Harry said.

"Yes, Dobby is a free elf now." Dobby blinked, "Thank you for all this, the great Harry Potter, for beating Draco Malfoy on the court!"

Harry sensed that things were fickle and that his victory over Slytherin could have such a huge impact on Dobby.

"I didn't expect it either. Of course, I'm honored." Harry said modestly. "By the way, Dobby, shouldn't you be bound by your status now? I have a lot of questions to ask you."

"You speak, Dobby is doing his best."

"Is this the case, is the secret room incident a conspiracy of Lucius Malfoy?" Harry asked the doubts that the three of them discussed during the day.

"Yes, he brought the Dark Lord's relic: a cursed journal to Hogwarts, with the help of Ginny Weasley."

"Wait! Ginny?"

"...Yes, in Lihen Bookstore."

A flash of light woke Harry, who said in a sure tone: "He had a fight with Mr. Weasley, and I remember he picked up Ginny's textbook at the end and laughed at her! Lucius must have been secretive. Stuff the diary in there, don't you?"

"Exactly, Mr. Potter," said Dobby, bending over.

"Then you stopped me from going back to school and attacked me on the court because of that relic, which opened the secret room?"

Dobby lowered his head and whispered, "You're right, Dobby overheard Malfoy, Mr Potter, you don't know how dark the days of house elves were in the days of the Dark Lord. , it's actually much better now than it used to be..."

Harry had a hard time imagining what life was like for the house-elves back then.

He said comfortingly, "You're doing all the hard work now, aren't you?" But Harry suddenly thought of something and almost jumped up, he said in a trembling voice, "Then, now, is that diary still in Ginny's hands? ?"

"Will she be in danger?"

Dobby whispered, "No, the diary was in the hands of three people, first Miss Weasley, then somehow Draco Malfoy, and finally, the equally great Phil. In the hands of Mr. Lix Hepp."

"Professor Hepp?" Harry was stunned.

"Yes, but Mr. Hepp realized the evil of the diary, and he destroyed it, completely! Right in front of Dobby..."

Harry felt like he was running out of brains. He was overwhelmed by the latest news tonight, and he had a blank look on his face.


Early the next morning.

"You mean, the source of all this is Lucius Malfoy? He hid the diary in Ginny's textbook, and Ginny was controlled to open the back room and release the basilisk causing Mrs Norris and Mrs. Creevey's petrification! Then the diary was in his son's hands again, Merlin's beard, he really did it himself! But the most outrageous thing is that the diary is now destroyed by Professor Hepp!"

Ron had never said so much in one go, and he took "tons" of pumpkin juice.

"That's it." Harry nodded, his heart moved, and he said that when he was saving Justin, he accidentally bumped into Draco, "He looked confused, but I didn't have time to think about what happened after that. So much, I completely put the doubts behind me."

"It's really... Professor Hepp didn't miss a word!" Ron said, either complaining or admiring.

Hermione, lost in flashbacks, added: "My time in the hospital, remember? Professor Hepp warned me that the danger was over, let's not go any further, I think, that's when he got the diary. , maybe, has destroyed it."

"Also," the little witch snapped her fingers, "Professor Hep must have told Dumbledore, and Dumbledore might have told your parents, Ron." Speaking of which, she said a little frustratedly: "Although, He didn't tell us."

"Cool~ It turns out that the adults did so many things behind our backs." Ron said.

"What are Dobby's plans now?" Hermione asked.

"Don't know yet, I guess, he might be visiting friends?" Harry said uncertainly.

Ron hurriedly finished his breakfast and left in a hurry.

"Where are you going, Ron?"

"I'm going to ask Ginny, it suddenly occurred to me, in case the diary has any effect on her—"

"You're right!"


In Ginny's stammering description, they learned more.

"You left your diary in the abandoned bathroom?" Harry asked in surprise, staring into Ginny's eyes.

Ginny bowed her head shyly, with a bright blush on her face: "Yes, yes, Fred and George told a lot of scary examples at the time, and I realized something was wrong."

"Exactly! Malfoy was following us, but we scrambled to remove the potion. He fluttered and found the diary," Harry said.

He couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat. The blurry shadow he saw at the time should have been Ginny's lost diary, but because he found Malfoy, he didn't have time to take a closer look.

If he picked up the diary, controlled him, and got him caught on the way to the secret room, it would be really hard to argue. You must know that he was misunderstood by everyone because of his Parseltongue.

"Ginny, are you feeling ill?" Ron asked.

Ginny shook her head, "I followed Luna's suggestion and went to the school hospital to have a look. Except for some frailty, there was no other problem. Madam Pomfrey gave me two bottles of potion, and I recovered quickly."

"By the way, she also said that a boy had similar symptoms..."

The three looked at each other and said in unison, "Draco Malfoy!"

They spent half a Sunday trying to piece together the complete truth——

From Lucius' revenge, to Ginny being controlled to open the secret room and causing two attacks, throwing away the diary after discovering the anomaly, but being picked up by Draco Malfoy again, Draco was caught by Harry when he opened the secret room , rescued Justin, followed by their feat of going deep into the chamber to kill the basilisk. After that, the diary fell into the hands of Professor Haipu and was completely destroyed, and the incident in the secret room came to an end.

"It's strange that Professor Hepp is too present in the whole thing."

"It shows that he really found out the whole truth."

Harry, Ron, and Hermione sat languidly by the Black Lake, with a sense of delicacy in unraveling a mystery that had haunted them for so long.

They also put down a boulder in their hearts and prepared for the exam with all their might.

January passed quickly, and the rainy season came along with the exam season.

In the end of the second grade plot, the update time may not be stable, please forgive me! The author made an effort to adjust.

2800 words.

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