Zombie City

Chapter 423 Surrender! die!

Nangong Jin and Zhang Hexuan became cautious after receiving the reminder from Chen Fei's walkie-talkie, and they shrank their formation to prepare for the imminent danger.

Facing the dense group of zombies, Wu Gang grinned and set up the portable mortar in his hand. After adjusting the angle of the barrel, he threw the cannonball into the barrel.

Bang! ! !

At the same time as thick smoke and fiery snakes spewed out of the barrel, there was an explosion from a group of zombies 100 meters away. Wu Gang and the others saw with their own eyes the mutilated bodies of several zombies being thrown high by the explosion. stand up!

The powerful and intensive firepower made Nangong Jin and the others occupy an absolute dominant position for a while. After shelling and throwing grenades, the dense encirclement of thousands of zombies had already been reduced by half, and those lucky rushing fish slipped through the net. , and they were all killed by the automatic rifle's bursts of headshots, and the defense was like an iron barrel that was airtight.

In addition to the rancid smell of zombies, the air is also mixed with a more obvious smell of gunpowder, which makes people smell more comfortable.

"He Xuan! A big guy is coming!"

Staring at the four eyes of the drone screen, the eyes hiding behind the lenses were condensed. He saw in the drone screen, a relatively tall zombie about three meters in size, walking from the zombie group. The back came step by step.

It seemed to be dragging something in its hands, and it made a sour, harsh sound from friction with the concrete floor.

There are dozens of zombies swarming behind this zombie, and the humble appearance is like serving their king!

Because of the arrival of this zombie, there were bursts of excited roars. After this strange zombie came over, the surrounding zombies automatically divided a path for the zombie to walk through. !

Suddenly the zombie raised its head sharply, and a pair of scarlet eyes emitting a strange red light appeared in the camera of the drone.

The tyranny, bloodthirsty and destruction can be seen from these scarlet eyes, and the four eyes were frightened and his hands shook, but he quickly recovered and quickly zoomed in, trying to see this strange animal clearly Zombie face.

This mutant zombie is significantly different from ordinary zombies. Except for the newly infected zombies, ordinary zombies will change their skin color from bloodless pale white to grayish white as they survive longer. Wax yellow, the muscles will atrophy a little bit, until they are thin as skinny.

In addition, some wounds on the bodies of these ordinary zombies will rot, and the flesh in some parts will even fall off, turning into a walking skeleton.

However, this tall and strange mutant zombie has a strange dark blue skin color, with bulging blood vessels crisscrossing each other, and the skin and muscles appear to be full of elasticity in the camera lens, just like a living person.

When the four eyes were staring at him to observe carefully, he saw the corners of the mutant zombie's mouth slowly upturn, sketching a strange and dangerous smile.

This made the four eyes lose the courage to continue watching.

However, this mutant zombie lowered its head, ignored the drone in the air, and continued to move slowly towards Zhang Hexuan and the others.

As the mutant zombie approached, everyone began to hear the sound of heavy footsteps that were like stepping on their hearts.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The zombies in front were still throwing steel rods in their hands to fight, while Nangong Jin and the others were guarding between the two buildings. In order to prevent them from being completely surrounded, they used the surrounding environment to fight tenaciously with the zombies!

Because of the distance, when those steel rods like arrows fly to this side, most of them are at the time of reducing their strength, not only losing their accuracy, but also greatly weakening their power. They shoot on the steel plate outside the pickup truck. Dangdang's voice was loud, but it didn't cause any substantial damage.

When the mutant zombie approached, everyone instinctively felt the danger and fear coming, especially Zhang Hexuan, who was the strongest in combat. Because his perception was sharper than others, he could also better appreciate the power of the mutant zombies in front of him. , the expression became solemn as if facing the enemy.

At this time, everyone could finally see what the mutant zombie was holding. It should be a long-handled hammer made of steel rods welded together. The visual length is more than two meters long!

The handle of the hammer is made of five twisted steels, and the densely packed hammer head looks to be composed of dozens of sharp twisted steels that are cut at both ends.

This hammer is covered with layers of dried blood, if it weren't for the clear texture of the twisted steel, it would really make people suspect that this is a blood hammer made of blood.

Not to mention the weight and length of this hammer, because the hammer handle is welded with five twisted steel pieces the thickness of a baby's arms, it is difficult for a human's palm to hold it, let alone swing it.

Therefore, the possibility that this hammer was welded before the end of the world is very low, but after the end of the world there are zombies everywhere, and it is even more impossible for the survivors to weld such a hammer that has no real use value.

Then there is only one possibility left!

This hammer is welded by zombies!

Thinking about those steel bars with sharp and sharp angles cut at both ends, everyone came to a conclusion in horror that it was not humans who made all this, but zombies! ! !

If it is said that the zombies have regained a certain ability to think, everyone is only shocked and solemn, but if the zombies have the ability to make again, it will only make people feel frightened and shudder! ! !

No matter how crazy and unrealistic this idea is, the mutant zombie in front of you is the most favorable evidence, the unacceptable fact!


Just when the stormy sea was in everyone's heart, this mutant zombie actually let out a laugh, the voice was low and hoarse, and the person who laughed was numb.

Then the mutant zombie opened its mouth and said in an incoherent but clear voice:



Hearing this clear voice, whether it was Nangong Jin, Mu Meiqing and the others, or Zhang Hexuan's party, they all stared blankly at the weird zombie with a hammer in its scarlet-eyed hand.

"Zombie... can talk?"

Wang Yuanyuan's eyes widened, and she quickly confirmed with Nangong Jin next to her.

Nangong Jin opened his mouth, and before she could speak, the mutant zombie with a hammer in his hand slammed the hammer in his hand to the ground in front of him.


The sound of the hammer breaking the wind pierced the eardrum, followed by the sound of a heavy hammer hitting the ground.

boom! ! !

The originally flat concrete floor collapsed and shattered under the attack of this hammer. Even though the distance was tens of meters away, Nangong Jin and the others could still feel the slight vibration from the ground.

Zhang Hexuan's expression became more solemn, and the mutant zombie in front of him revealed a strong and dangerous aura like a beast!

The power displayed by this attack of swinging the hammer made Zhang Hexuan's heart clear that even if he entered a state of rampage, it would be difficult to compete with it head-on, and the mutant zombie in front of him could crush him!

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