Yu-Gi-Oh: My Deck Is Above Yours

Chapter 79 The Amazon Empress!

Tania started her operation:

"I want to normally summon [Amazon Fighter] from my hand first!"

A female warrior with a black single ponytail and bandages on both hands and wrists appeared on Tania's field.

【Amazon Fighting Warrior】

[Attribute/race/star rating: earth/warrior race/4 stars]

[Attack power: 1500]

[Defense: 1300]

"It's not over yet!" Tania continued:

"Next, I'm going to activate the magic card (Premature Burial[!"

"Its effect is that by paying 800 health points, you can resurrect a monster in my graveyard."

"The person I want to resurrect is naturally the [Amazon Holy Warrior]!"

[Amazon Holy Warrior] Returns from the Graveyard!

Because there are two Amazon monsters on Tania's field at this time.

Therefore, the attack power of [Amazon Holy Warrior] increases by 200 points.

Rising from 1700 points to 1900 points!

However, the attack power of the two monsters on Tania's field is not very high.

It can't beat the fusion monster [Amazon Pet Tiger Lion] on Chen Luo's field!

But Tania is very confident.

She took out a card from her hand:

090 "Chen Luo, keep an eye on it."

"This card is my trump card this round!"

"I want to activate the magic card [Amazon Curse Master]!"

"The effect of this card is."

"Choose an [Amazon] monster on my field and a monster on the opponent's field.

"Making the attack power of these two monsters interchangeable!"

"I choose the [Amazon Fighter] on my field and the [Amazon Pet Tiger Lion] on your field!"

[Amazon Fighter] Attack power: 1500→2500!

[Amazon Pet Tiger Lion] Attack power: 2500 → 1500!

"In this way, the monsters on my field have higher attack power!" Tania said with a smile:

"I declare the battle stage!"

"I'll use [Amazon Holy Warrior] to attack [Amazon Pet Tiger Lion] first!"

[Amazon Holy Warrior] slashed at [Amazon Pet Tiger Lion] with one sword and killed it!

Chen Luo's health dropped by 400 points.

Dropped from 4000 to 3600.

Tania continued:

"It's not over yet!"

"I'm going to use the [Amazon Fighting Warrior] on my field to attack your [Amazon Warrior Captain] again!"

[Amazon Fighting Warrior] eagerly jumped in front of [Amazon Warrior Captain].

Knock down the [Amazon Warrior Captain] with one uppercut!

Chen Luo's health dropped by another 600 points.

Tania's counterattack in this round was really exciting.

Using an [Amazonian Curse], you can directly turn a disadvantageous situation into an advantage!

Tania looked at Chen Luo:

"Chen Luo, now you know how much I want you."

"Although it's your health that's being reduced, I'm also very distressed!"

Chen Luo rolled his eyes and was too lazy to speak.

Tania smiled and said:

"It seems that you have no intention of obeying me yet.

"Then let's continue the duel!"

"Until you are willing to go back to Amazon with me!"

"I declare the round over!"

"It's your turn, Chen Luo!"

Chen Luo said calmly:

"My turn, draw a card."

He glanced at the cards drawn.

It is a monster [Amazon Sage] that is not powerful.

But that's enough!

What Chen Luo's tactics lack now is just an Amazon monster!

He said:

"Tanya, this round you will see the strongest monster in the Amazon deck."

"Watch it!"

"I want to activate the second effect of the magic card [Amazonian Secret] in the graveyard first!"

"Remove this card from the graveyard. (biea)"

"Then this turn, when I perform a Fusion Summon, I can use a Fusion Monster from the Extra Deck as a Fusion Material!"

Hearing this, Tania already noticed something was wrong:

"Chen Luo, do you want to use fusion monsters as fusion materials?"

"What exactly are you trying to summon? The requirements for fusion materials are so strict!"

"Presumably...it must be a powerful monster!"

Chen Luo: "Of course."

"Look, I will activate the magic card [Fusion] from my hand!"

"Use [Amazon Sage] in my hand and [Amazon Empress] in my extra deck as fusion materials!"

"The ultimate king of Amazon!"

"Come in a fighting stance!"

"Destroy all enemies in front of you completely!"

"Fusion Summon!"

"[Amazon Queen]!!"

A white-haired female warrior descended from the sky!

It fell to Chen Luo!

Her weapon is a terrifyingly sharp machete.

The length of this machete is almost as tall as this female warrior!

On the head of the female warrior, she wore a crown made of the bones of beasts, strong dark armor, and a bloody cloak flying behind her.

【Amazon Queen】

[Attribute/race/star rating: earth/warrior race/10 stars]

[Attack power: 3200]

[Defense: 2800]

Tania's expression showed a heavy look:

"3200 attack power?! What a powerful monster!"

"But it doesn't scare me!"

"Chen Luo, I won't let you defeat me! 17

Chen Luo said calmly:

"Don't worry, Tania."

"My summons is not over yet."

"Next, I'm going to activate (the Amazon Queen's first effect!"

"When this card is successfully fusion summoned, you can special summon an [Amazon] monster from the deck!"

"I want to special summon all of them [Amazon Queen]!"

First, a pale throne appeared on the Chen Luo field.

Then, a female warrior with blue hair and a sword in her hand came slowly and sat on the throne.

The majesty of the king is fully displayed!

【Amazon Queen】

[Attribute/race/star rating: earth/warrior race/6 stars]


[Defense: 1800]

Tania clenched her fists:

"He actually summoned two superior monsters one after another?!"

"Chen Luo, your dueling ability is so strong!"

"You are so perfect for me!"

"I want to take you home even more!".

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