Your San Value is Zero

Four hundred and seventy-five The fearless truth

The internal atmosphere in Victor County today is extremely delicate.

The number of indigenous traders coming here has shrunk significantly, just because more and more people have witnessed vampires and other weird creatures here.

The natives who still dare to do business here are either brave or forced by life.

Du Wei consciously tried to assimilate the ideas of some businessmen and let them gradually accept the folk customs of Victor County.

This task was contracted by Sager, Brand, and Gary. Through their relationships as adventurers, they contacted many businessmen with strong backgrounds.

And because many players now nominally belong to the three major adventure groups, they have gained a great reputation.

As a result, merchants who didn't know the inside story thought that the three of them were the underground forces in the eastern province.

Even without the three of them deliberately contacting each other, people would come to their door all day long to negotiate and cooperate with them.

But because of this, the three of them were secretly targeted by many organizations.

In order to protect the lives of the three people, Du Wei secretly sent Gasha and others to take turns to protect them.

Some cautious players will also receive the task of secretly protecting three people from time to time.

At the end of each mission, additional rewards will be given to players based on their concentration during the protection process.

Most of the time, the three of them were not attacked, so some players would deliberately wait for this lucrative job.

Du Wei is now more and more efficient in utilizing players and has developed many additional tasks.

With the help of the identification function of the Mist of Knowledge, players can detect the inner thoughts and plans of many natives.

This included a plan to assassinate three people.

Once it appears, temporary tasks will be issued to the corresponding players, and then these players will quickly put out the flames of the assassination plan.

Careful players also compiled a guide. Assassination missions often appear around Thomas's mansion in Conte City.

Furthermore, there is Hawke City in the north of Conte City and Donglin City inside the Sigma Barrier.

Because the controllers of these two cities are extremely unfriendly to the player community, every time the player receives a mission, the game style will change to "Assassin's Creed".

As time went by, legends about the Prell family began to spread among the indigenous people.

Some people even think that after the Prell family, there is a Prell Assassin League.

Many rogue knights and rogue warriors have tried to join this organization through players.

Before Du Wei could take action, Yao Renzhong's [lumbar muscle strain] took the lead and founded the Assassin's League.

After the Weird People's Guild became famous, members of the Waist People fled in large numbers.

Now, he can only start from other directions to expand his living space.

Du Wei saw this and took advantage of it, opening up the function of indigenous membership.

Now not only players can join player guilds, but also NPCs.

[Lumbar Muscle Strain] Disbanded the waist crowd and began to vigorously develop the Assassin's League, gathering unidentified righteous men and wandering knights into the Assassin's League.

After a period of development, another dark horse appeared in the underground world of the Kingdom of Houliwater.

Rumor has it that although their leader is a man, he is keen on girdling his waist.

Their second in command is a fire-breathing girl who hides her figure under a cloak.

The flames spewed from her mouth can melt even the aura of a gold-level warrior.

Players in the north play this game as a real-time strategy game, while players in the eastern provinces play it as "Assassin's Creed."

The left-behind children in Victor County are raised by playing farming.

[Hell Chef] used the huge sum of money earned from nurturing slimes to hire players and natives to jointly build a hanging garden for her that is larger than Victor's Castle.

The Hanging Garden near the Western Wilderness has become a landmark building here. As long as the merchant team sees it, they will know that they are not far from Victor County.

If you go any further, you have to consider whether you can withstand the weird atmosphere there.

Although no one has died from alien attacks in Victor County, due to years of brainwashing by the three major human kingdoms, the trust of the natives here towards aliens is close to zero.

Even Sager and the other three succumbed to Du Wei's intimidation. I was afraid that I would make a mistake and be torn into pieces by Du Wei, so I worked for him honestly.

The recent sudden assassination situation even made the three of them break out in a cold sweat.

The scariest thing was not that someone assassinated them, but that the assassin had just revealed his weapon, or had just sneaked into the mansion, and was picked off by another group of people lurking nearby.

According to the subordinates who nominally joined the three adventure groups, those protectors were all their compatriots.

Also shocked into a cold sweat were several forces hidden behind the scenes.

Some of the assassins they sent out were assassinated in the heavily defended inner city as soon as they received the mission.

Some of the masterminds behind the scenes were even traced and expelled from their nests.

This makes fewer and fewer forces dare to think behind the scenes, and Victor County has become the focus of many behind-the-scenes forces.

Just when everyone was at a loss what to do, a piece of news came from the Holy Church in the Royal City.

Victor County not only recruits foreigners, but also has altars with strange functions.

Humans and aliens there can teleport over long distances and even be resurrected through the altar.

As soon as the news came out, some of the natives who were already suspicious of the player group suddenly realized.

As the gold-level warrior who has the most contact with the player group, Watson has long noticed their strange behavior.

Many times he was absolutely certain that certain players were dead, but then he would see their active figures on the battlefield.

Even recently, from time to time, players who died in Gray's Clamp will re-pass the level and enter Gray's Forest.

After clearing up the doubts, Watson no longer dared to neglect the players.

Although he is a tough man, he only has one life after all.

And as long as they have an altar, they can be resurrected again and again.

If you really want to compete with players because of this, how is it different from a demented teenager who uses all his assets to compete with rich people and their pocket money to earn money?

After the local nobles got the news, they divided into several factions.

Some immediately became cowardly; some had even tougher attitudes; and some pretended that nothing had happened but secretly sent people to Victor County to try to negotiate with Du Wei.

After receiving the news, Pence-Solomon's hand holding the silver wine glass kept shaking.

Now he finally understood why Du Wei's men were so brave and fearless of death.

And he actually foolishly used his precious high-level soldiers to fight against the heretic who could be resurrected infinitely.

"How did he do it! How did he resurrect his soldiers!"

"Tend Night Owl to me, I want to know all his secrets!"

The attendant next to him was shocked, "Tune, should I report to the Duke for the transfer of Night Owl?"

Pence calmed down his anger and said to the attendant with a kind face: "It is indeed time to report to my father first. This task is entrusted to you."

"Yes!" The attendant exited excitedly.

After the attendant walked away, Pence curled his fingers.

A man stepped out of the shadows.

"Sinking in the river."

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