Your San Value is Zero

Three hundred and fifty. Is this a group of fools?

Watson used the time during which the first two lines of defense were holding back the monsters to reinforce the third line of defense, and various temporary magical enchantments were laid in the position.

Every once in a while, the mystical mage army is required to strengthen the inscription and carve it again on the original basis.

[Guide Ma] was patrolling the area that was once guarded by the Eighth Regiment, and happened to see a team of mystics carving inscriptions.

He followed the team quietly as if he had discovered a new continent.

After the secret mage left, [Guide Ma] gently touched the places where the secret inscriptions were engraved. The inscriptions lit up slightly after being touched, and the corresponding defensive positions also shimmered.

[Instructor Ma] Recalling the huge barrier of Vig City Barrier and Sigmar Barrier, he instantly understood the usefulness of this thing.

"Write them all down and go back and study how to arrange the barrier." He said to his fellow mystics.

Although players have been exposed to the secret magic barrier in the novice stage, they have never been clear about its manufacturing principle.

In line with the good habit of asking the village chief about anything, some players also asked Du Wei about how to create a secret magic barrier.

But because Du Wei had too many things to deal with, he didn't have time to teach the players how to learn the secret enchantment, so he used various excuses to get rid of it.

Today, I was lucky enough to see the indigenous people carving formation patterns with my own eyes. The mystics took action one after another to follow them and record them.

Watson shook his head slightly when he saw this scene.

As expected, they were a group of country folk who gathered from nowhere. They didn't even know how to arrange the secret magic barrier, and they even tried to imitate cats and tigers.

That's not a barrier that can be activated just by carving inscriptions. There is no corresponding resonance material, it's just some paintings with weak spiritual power.

This is a secret that only the nobles who have inherited history know. Watson sees that they don't understand, so he naturally ranks the player as a country man.

The deputy whispered to Watson, "Can these guys be used?"

"Whether they can or not, since they are the so-called noble leaders, they cannot rebel and flee. With their strength, they can hold on to the position for a few days." Watson did not have any hope for the players.

As a general who has stayed in Gray's Clamp for a long time, Watson has not yet learned of the many changes that have occurred in the Eastern Province.

Not to mention that after Victor County was destroyed, it was recaptured by these players from another world.

In Victor County, Du Wei, who had fallen into deep meditation, could already flexibly use multiple consciousnesses.

Three lantern clones with tenth level silver level were guarding him, making it difficult for ordinary assassins to threaten him.

After recent interrogations and PUAs by players, the natives who have never experienced the tricks of the other world have surrendered and explained everything they know.

The forces still eyeing Du Wei are mainly divided into three waves:

The first is the major aristocratic forces that pose the least threat. They are very curious about Du Wei's rise and mainly focus on investigation and stealing intelligence.

The second is Pence-Solomon, who wants to recover the ancient relics and find out Du Wei's background. He mainly wants to find the warehouse where Du Wei collects precious items. If there is a chance, it would be great to assassinate him directly.

The third is Vasil, the man behind the destruction of the Victor family. His target has always been the ancient artifact controlled by the Victor family, the lantern.

But since we don't know its specific form and characteristics, we can only start with Du Wei, who is rising rapidly.

According to the instructions from the assassin sent by Vasil, if the suspicious items cannot be found, Du Wei will be the main target.

Even if he couldn't get it, he couldn't let such a powerful ancient artifact fall into anyone's hands.

In a dark palace, Vasil knelt down below. Above the hall sat a thin human male wearing a suit and leather shoes. His white eyes without pupils seemed to be able to see through everything. In addition, his entire body, hair and clothing are completely jet black.

If you hide in the darkness without opening your eyes, it will be difficult for humans to confirm the existence of this creature.

Vasil said: "Master,

All the assassins I sent have lost contact. The ancient artifacts owned by the Victor family may have been mastered by Doug Victor, and human power cannot compete with him. "

The thin man raised his left hand, and a pair of red lights lit up in the darkness.

The sound of "Zhizhizhi~" sounded from the corner, and Vasil looked up.

A group of rats with human faces slowly gathered and surrounded him.

Vasil was trembling all over and dared not speak.

"Don't be nervous, these human-faced rats are my loyal servants. You take them to Victor County, and plague and assassination will accompany them." The thin man said calmly.

Surprised and delighted, Vasil returned the noble salute and slowly retreated towards the door.

The human-faced rats made way for him, and when he left, they also rushed out and followed Vasil out of the palace.

After the teleportation altar was built, a large number of players followed.

Players who have not joined the Adventurers Association can only enter the queue as noble leaders, and there are more than three thousand in number.

When the deputy went to estimate the number of people on a routine basis, it looked like there were more than a thousand people in the queue.

I ordered my men to count them and found that the total number was more than three thousand.

He told Watson the news, and after Watson confirmed with [Instructor Ma] that they were indeed the leaders, he didn't ask why there were two thousand more people.

Anyway, the army is currently short of manpower, so there is no need to blame [Director Ma] for reporting a lower number than the actual number.

The players who came to the city defense area couldn't wait to go down and fight the Warcraft, but the beast tide has not launched an attack yet, and all the leaders must obey orders and stay within the defenses.

Only players who join in the name of adventurers have certain rights of independent activity and can act without authorization in accordance with military regulations.

[Seven-Blade Taming Soul] and others came to negotiate with the guards at the gate of the fortification, hoping that the guards would open the gate and let them go out to hunt monsters.

The director of the municipal association, who was originally helping players register at the Adventurer Association's temporary camp, saw more and more adventurers coming to report, and he also became interested in these people.

Several subordinates were sent to follow the crowd to the gate to join in the fun. When several people saw them making a noise and wanted to go out and attack, they were even more at a loss than the guards present.

The guards looked at each other, feeling that they might have encountered a group of fools rushing out to die today.

The guard immediately informed Watson of the situation here. Watson, who was resting in the room, shouted, "Nonsense! What are these people doing here?" He strode towards the gate.

At this time, there was already a commotion at the gate. The players said that there were no World of Warcraft outside now, and it would be fine if they opened the gate. And they were guaranteed to recapture the second and first lines of defense for the army.

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