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Three hundred and forty-four important passes

Return to Victor County.

The old batch of spies were beaten to death and arrested.

The intelligence departments of each family dare not send people to Victor County anymore. Those who still want to find out Du Wei's truth can only spend money to hire professional espionage organizations to collect intelligence.

And those spy organizations have already received the news. Currently, among the three kingdoms, the commission for sending spies to Victor County is the highest.

With no one available, even the adventurers of the Adventurers Association have become the sweethearts of various forces. If they casually provide information about the movements in Victor County, they can exchange it for a lot of money in Dolon, the capital of the Kingdom of Houlivot.

Some organizations seized the business opportunity and sent elite espionage members to Victor County. Before their arrival, [Seven Blades Taming Soul], [Ma Guidance] and others put the materials for making the teleportation altar into the warehouse connected to the magic silver bracelet, and were already the first advance team heading towards Gray's Clamp.

Subsequently, a legion composed of nearly 10,000 players also began to march towards Gray's Fold. However, due to the uneven strength among the players, the army quickly dispersed in a ladder shape according to the player's strength.

When they first left the city, the majestic army really frightened the spies who came to spy on intelligence. But as the players showed a loose attitude and loose military rules, the initial awe among the spies disappeared.

They found that there was no leader in this so-called army who could control the overall situation. Some people even deviated from the route while walking and went sightseeing in nearby scenic places. There is no sign of going to the battlefield and looking forward to death.

When a young spy who was willing to die for a high commission saw this scene, his understanding of Victor County was completely subverted.

He looked at the captain beside him, "These people are the troops sent by the Victor family? Aren't they said to be as cruel as ferocious beasts and as cunning as wolves? Looking at their lazy appearance, are they really as evil as the legends say? Let's get closer. Listen to what they’re saying.”

The captain grabbed the young spy who was sneaking close to where the players gathered, "Silly boy, don't be fooled by appearances. A real hunter will pretend to be his prey. When the prey relaxes its vigilance, he will strike like lightning! Kill him with one strike. Life!"

The young spy was so frightened by the captain's words that he broke into a cold sweat. He had indeed matured with age. If I were to go on a mission alone, I would be foolish enough to be deceived by appearances and continue to move forward. Maybe tomorrow morning, his body will appear in some dark, smelly ditch.

Gray's Clamp is located at the northwest end of the Kingdom of Holliwater. It was like a sharp blade that inserted diagonally into the Kingdom of Palilet on the west side, dividing it into two.

Later, due to the rise of Warcraft, the three kingdoms signed a peace agreement. The border line was fixed in this way, and the Kingdom of Palilet is now also known as the Kingdom of East Palilet and the Kingdom of West Palilet.

Although divided into two parts, it still forms a whole. It is equivalent to the United Kingdom consisting of four countries on Blue Star, and its full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The same is true for the Kingdom of Parilet. The east and west are autonomous, and the west, which occupies a wider territory, is the main body, benchmarking England among the United Kingdom. Its northern border is entirely bordered by the World of Warcraft region, and the Kingdom of Eastern Paililet is wrapped in the Grid of Gray and the Kingdom of Freeden-El, whose territory is shaped like a cauliflower.

The corolla part of the Kingdom of Freeden El faces north, opening up in a fan shape and fully bordering the Warcraft territory, and is subject to more attacks from the beast tide.

The Eastern Kingdom of Lillet is caught in the middle. Although it seems to be extremely safe, in fact, there are internal undercurrents. At the same time, it has received letters of request for assistance from the Kingdom of Freeden El and the Kingdom of Western Lillet.

Originally, in this situation, the Eastern Kingdom would definitely send troops to support the Western Kingdom first. But because half of the border of the Eastern Kingdom borders the Kingdom of Freeden El. Over the past hundred years, there have been frequent exchanges and trade with them, and half of the country's nobility and even the royal family have been secretly divided, resulting in two major factions: the pro-Fortune faction and the pro-Western faction.

At this time in the eastern capital, many ministers, generals and the king were discussing the issue of reinforcements in the royal council hall.

Below the council chamber, a map of the human territory is spread out in the center. The ministers and generals were divided into two groups and stood on the left and right sides of the scroll, facing the throne.

"Ahem~" The middle-aged King Felwood Jold, who was sitting in the royal council chamber, coughed twice slightly, "Now both countries are being attacked by a large wave of beasts. As part of the Kingdom of Palilet, , we should first support the Western Kingdom. But the problem is that if the northern border of the Kingdom of Freeden El falls, our country will face the beast tide. The two sides have been in peace for a hundred years, and the border defenses have not been reinforced for decades. If at this moment Facing the tide of beasts, the Northland will surely devastate the lives of the people and wail all over the land. Therefore, I think it is better to increase the number of troops in Fuguo first to ensure the internal peace of our Eastern Kingdom."

A red-armored general who was more than two meters tall stood up from the bottom of the parliament hall. "Fuguo is the kingdom with the strongest combat effectiveness among the three kingdoms. Their national strength is enough to withstand the attack of this beast tide. But along the coast of the Western Kingdom, in previous years, We have to withstand the intrusions from sea beasts and aliens. The land is even more flat. If the border is breached, we will be like a woman who has retreated and have no power to fight back. By then, with the strength of our Eastern Kingdom, we will not be able to compete with the other two kingdoms. .The end will be like that of many small countries hundreds of years ago, being completely eroded by other big countries."

The middle-aged king raised his hand and hesitated for a moment, but finally slapped the handle of the throne with his palm. "Our country and the Fu country have always been on good terms. Besides, we have entered into an alliance contract a hundred years ago. As long as the monsters remain alive, the Three Kingdoms will not be destroyed." There will be another war."

The red-armored general smiled contemptuously, "Huh, that's because the three countries check and balance each other. If one side is weak, it will definitely become the target of cannibalization by the other two countries."

Before the king could refute, another general with a scar on his face stood up and said, "Now the territory of the human kingdom is less than 10% of what it was hundreds of years ago. We can no longer lose even a corner. Everything must be considered according to the degree of disaster."

This man is none other than Rogers Mundy, the most famous neutral general in the Eastern Kingdom. He is known for his powerful ability to command troops, and his rank has reached the legendary epic level. Although he is only at the elementary level, he is already one of the few strong ones among the three kingdoms. Even if the two major factions dislike him, no one dares to touch him at all.

"I..." The king swallowed and softened his tone and said, "It is based on this principle that I considered sending troops to reinforce Fuguo first."

Rogers turned to look at the map, "Then why did you ignore the location of the beast invasion and instead repeatedly emphasized the harm caused by the fall of the two countries?"

He raised his hand and clicked twice on the location of Gray's Clamp. "According to reports from the scouts, the number of monsters flowing from Gray's Forest to Gray's Clamp accounts for a quarter of the total. Although this threshold is small, , but has gathered the most powerful army of Warcraft. Don’t underestimate this opening. If the Warcraft breaks through from here. Once the Houlivot Kingdom is lost, we send the Lillet Kingdom, and everything will be surrounded by Warcraft. This is where we are Now we need to focus on guarding the key points. Although the invasion in other places is very wide, it is only a small group of monsters."

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