Your San Value is Zero

Chapter 237: My legs are weak and I can’t stand up... I hope it will be better after sleeping.

"Your sanity value has returned to zero ()"

Pulse and the Paladin attract the Silver Gargoyle's attention from the front.

Shadow Assassins wander in the shadows waiting for opportunities to attack.

The players were nibbling away from below, each one like a construction worker, using various methods to dig pieces out of the gargoyle.

The silver gargoyle didn't expect three silver-level opponents to appear.

It's too late to return to his normal shape now.

I can only continue to deal with everyone with my current image.

Each slash from Pulus's greatsword shattered a stone chip from its body.

The Paladin obviously doesn't do as much damage as Pulus, and its attacks can only act as a hindrance.

He blocked the movement of the silver gargoyle, preventing it from using secret techniques to fight back.

The shadow assassin left tiny scars on the gargoyle's back.

But if you look closely, you will find that these scars are slowly spreading at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The players made a lot of noise below, but it didn't have much effect.

There is no effect among high-level players such as [Hundred Zhan Ji] and [Seven Blades Taming Soul], and they will no longer compete with other players for space.

They all left the battle circle and came to the outside to watch the battle.

Compared to giving the silver gargoyle a pedicure, they thought it was more important to watch the battles of these NPCs.

Although the cold weapon combat method in "Homeland Expedition" looks similar to that of Blue Star Medieval.

But in fact there is an essential difference between the two.

Because humans have different physical abilities, the extreme movements they can perform are also very different.

As players' physical fitness increases, the weapons in their hands become lighter and lighter, and the tricks they can perform will also be different.

When [Hakuzanji] was still a beginner, her fighting style was basically the same as on Blue Star.

If you want to swing the giant sword in your hand, you must use your strength.

Except for the first blow, which uses all the strength of the body to swing the giant sword up, the subsequent swings basically rely on inertia.

So you can often see her slashing with her sword, turning her body, and then slashing in the same direction.

The advantage of this is that one sword is more powerful than the other.

The disadvantage is that she can only attack from one side, and the opponent can block her attack as long as they focus on one side.

When [Hundred Zhan Ji] reaches the entry level, she can easily wield the giant sword.

However, it is difficult to stop the sword after each slash, and the sword must be stopped using the body or feet as a fulcrum. This is equivalent to swinging back from the attack, and it is also very large.

After practicing for a period of time, she incorporated stopping the sword with her feet into her combat movements, greatly increasing the power of her slashing.

This is exactly the way she fights now.

However, she can still feel the substantial increase in physical fitness every time her strength improves.

Based on the current growth rate, after [Hyakuzan Princess] reaches the Black Iron level, she will be able to wield the two-meter-long heavy sword in her hand like a light one-handed sword.

The fighting style will change drastically by then, but now she has no reference and can only explore on her own.

After all, the force-bearing area of ​​an epee is larger, and the wind resistance it has to endure when swinging is far greater than that of a one-handed sword. The two are not the same.

And now.

She didn’t know whether the official arrangement was deliberate or a coincidence.

The man wielding a giant sword in front of her gave her a lot of inspiration.

The giant sword used by that man is of the same type of weapon as [Hundred Zhanji]'s heavy sword, and many attack modes are worthy of her reference.

Pulusi swung the giant sword with one hand to slash the gargoyle, then used his other hand with a strong armor to stop the sword's edge, and then used his strength to push it out to slash back. This set of movements was completely natural and very worth it. Zhan Ji】Learn.

[Seven Blades Taming Soul] mainly focuses on the cooperation of this team of adventurers.

Based on his many years of experience in MMORPG games, the team composition in each game will be slightly different.

The way they care for and protect each other will also undergo some changes.

However, due to the intervention of the player group, some of the gargoyles' attention was distracted.

With just a little cooperation, they forced the gargoyle into a desperate situation.

The two gargoyles were helpless against the overwhelming strength and numbers of humans.

The last pure white gargoyle was eliminated by two adventurers and [Ghost Shadow from the Heart].

The silver gargoyle was even more difficult to support alone. The bob-haired girl with glasses used her secret technique to attack its abdomen, and Pulusi slashed at its head with her sword.

Several other adventurers also launched surprise attacks at the same time, targeting the gargoyle's vital points.

The huge stone statue lost its life under the joint attack of everyone.

Countless cracks appeared on the silver gargoyle, and with a "bang" it exploded into silver rubble and scattered on the ground.

Some of the stones gradually shrank during the scattering process and returned to their original size.

There is also a portion that remains the same size as before.

[Ghost from the Heart] I have been waiting for the gargoyle to explode.

He rushed to the largest pieces of rubble and loaded them all into magic silver bracelets.

The warehouse was filled, and the remaining small pieces of gravel were given to other Tenchu ​​Guild members.

"Hey, handsome boy~ Do you still remember what I just said?"

The girl with bobbed hair and glasses found [Ghost Shadow from the Heart].

Pulus frowned and looked at her, "When did your taste become so bad?"

"This is different." The woman with bob-haired glasses rolled her eyes at Pulusi.

[Ghost from the Heart] Hearing Bobotou call him, Peipipipidian ran over.

"Remember, remember~ Is your home or Ru's home?"

"What?" The woman with bob-haired glasses didn't understand what he meant.

"Just kidding, just kidding, time waits for no one, you lead the way, I will follow you."

[Ghost from the Heart] rubbed his hands and followed the woman with bob-head glasses and a lewd expression.

The girl with bob hair and glasses is not stupid. Seeing [Ghosting from the Heart]'s current performance, she immediately realized that the two of them had just chatted across servers and misinterpreted each other's meaning.

But this was not a problem for her. She had planned to use some means to torture him out of [Ghost from the Heart].

Of course it would be great if he was willing to throw himself into the trap.

"You stand and wait."

The woman with bob hair and glasses asked [Ghost from Heart] to wait for a moment.

[Ghost from the Heart] I saw her closing her eyes and entering a meditative state.

After a while, a void door opened in front of the two of them.

The woman with bob hair and glasses pulled him into the void door.

Pulse knows what the bob is used for.

Normally, she would only open this door when she was interrogating prisoners.

"what are you up to?"

Pulusi pulled Bobo's hair.

"A little personal matter, I'll handle it soon."

Bobotou turned around and smiled at him. Without stopping, he pulled [Ghost Shadow from the Heart] into the Void Gate.

"Brother! If you want to live a good life, you must always have a little green on your head."

[Ghosting from the Heart] winked at Puluosi.

Puluosi didn't know what he meant and didn't care about the two of them.

He looked back at the other players.

After dealing with the gargoyles, those people had helped him pack up the loot.

It seems that it is being sent to him now.

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