You Are Strong But It’s Mine Now

Chapter 60: Yin Yin Yin, you are so hot

Perhaps because of preconceived notions, Le Yu always felt strange around him on the way back.

Behind that wall, there seems to be a heavily armed squad hiding.

This guy who runs the stall seems to have a gun hidden in his arms.

There seemed to be dozens of footsteps under the manhole cover that I stepped on.

Actually, I didn't see anything, but just thinking about it, it made my palms sweaty.

Le Yu didn't know Bai Ye's specific plan to seize the city. After all, Yin Yin Yin had a lot of common sense - he wouldn't tell him the secret to this traitor who was in the center of the enemy camp. But he also knew that in order to occupy Xingke County, several points were inevitable.

There are city guards all over the city.

The county guard guarding the important place.

And the nobility of Jinghu District.

Like their Statistics Division and Criminal Division, they can be ignored directly, because they are not loyal to Ding Yi, but loyal to the county governor - no matter who sits in that position, they can get the statistics of the Division of Criminal Justice. Most people's allegiance, even if they don't offer their loyalty, will never lead to resistance.

The city guards, the county guards and the nobles are different. The first two are Ding Yi's private army, and all the leaders are Ding Yi's confidants. Once Ding Yi dies, they will never surrender. Repression from the start.

The targets that Bai Ye wanted to overthrow included the wealthy merchants and nobles in Jinghu District. After occupying Xingke County, they were ordered to hand over their property and production materials, which would not only be unsightly, but also cause turmoil.

Moreover, the nobles and Ding Yi are already tied to the chariot. If something goes wrong, they will most likely send their troops to support them. It would be better to make them the target of annihilation from the beginning. If he also participated in the design of this action plan, Na Leyu felt that Jinghu District was going to die tonight, and it was really clean.

In addition, weapons factories and grain warehouses must also be controlled.

Taking these strategic goals into account, the battlefield tonight is almost everywhere in Star Carved County.

This sense of tranquility before the storm made Le Yu, a person living in a peaceful and prosperous world, feel a burst of tension and excitement.

At this time, a team of Statistics Department operators came across, Le Yu glanced at him, and suddenly saw an acquaintance.

"Director Lan?"

The man turned his head and said with a smile, "Is it Captain Qian? I'm Mo Ming, the captain of the newly created seventh team."

Le Yu took a closer look and found that although this person also wore silver-rimmed glasses and had a similar hairstyle, he was definitely not Lan Yan.

In fact, not only the captain, but some of the team members didn't wear glasses, but without exception, they all had the same hairstyle as Lan Yan, and they all wore long swords around their waists. Suddenly, they thought that the five Lan Yan would go to the Internet cafe to share.

Grass, have the current fanatic fans become so angry! ?

Le Yu patted his head: "Look at me... This brain can recognize the wrong person during the day."

Mo Ming smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, we still have tasks to do, so let's say goodbye first."

Looking at the backs of them leaving, Le Yu narrowed her eyes slightly. The three newly-built squads of the Statistics Division were numbered six, seven, and eight in sequence. According to Chen Fu, these three squads were armed units specially used for combat.

Although each detachment of the Statistics Division has combat capabilities, they still have to conduct investigations and arrests on weekdays, so they don’t have much training time, while Teams 6, 7, and 8 usually have very few attendances, and all their energy is spent on training weapons technology and surveying star carvings. Terrain, it is said that the tactical requirements of these three squads are 'street fighting ghost soldiers'.

'Lan Yan is not honest to train such a loyal team... The team members have the same hairstyle as you, and you still say you don't want to rebel? ’

Where is Le Yu now, when others see that he is an operator of the Statistics Department, the first emotion in their eyes is not disgust, but envy.

The story of Lan Yan fighting against the county governor in order to protect his subordinates has spread all over the streets. Although the Statistics Division is notorious, everyone still recognizes this kind of good boss, especially the patrol guards of the Criminal Division. Every time Le Yu meets their eyes, he can get a lot of jealousy from their eyes. .

Buying people's hearts, with strong strength, Lan Yan can naturally find a lot of loyal subordinates, and even put them into the Statistics Department openly.

However, Le Yu was not worried about how these three teams would affect the situation. After all, the number of people was too small and their strength was average. Moreover, under the general trend, Haohao Tangtang was not something that this group of recruits could hinder.

When he returned to the slaughterhouse's station, it was almost dusk. When Chen Fu saw him coming back, he greeted him, "Brother Qian, I left you a hand-shredded chicken rice! It's still hot!"

Le Yu doesn't even need to ask for leave to leave in the afternoon, just call Fu Chen directly. I have to say that there is a younger brother who is enjoying life. Le Yu sat down while eating and drinking tea and asked, "How's it going inside?"

Chen Fu shrugged: "What else? It's still like that."

The saint's relic was not placed on the first floor of the slaughterhouse where everyone could see it. It was probably placed on the second floor where only the boss could go up - Le Yu couldn't go up either, and there were county guards guarding it on the stairs.

Therefore, the progress of unsealing the relics of the saints can only be guessed based on previous records. Although it is most likely to be unblocked tonight, it is also possible that it will not be unblocked tonight, but in any case, it is better than the result of the Ding family getting the relic of the saint.

Le Yu also doesn't understand the master identification function of the magic weapon, but it is said that only the owner can use the magic weapon. Once the owner dies, the magic weapon will enter a state of confinement, and the unblocking ceremony must be performed again to recognize the master again.

In other words, "Zhao Yun seized the green sword and killed Xia Houen", the bridge section of the transportation team leader cannot happen.

After the meal, Le Yu put down his chopsticks and went to the open space to start practicing his tactics. The others also stepped aside with interest, and licking dogs like Chen Fu also encouraged Le Yu with the look of "Brother Qian, you are so diligent" from time to time. .

Why Le Yu, a resigned waste, suddenly began to practice his own tactics, it started from the night he completed the challenge of 'survive for 15 days'.

According to his initial plan, he would use 3 available points to upgrade the biting technique to the intermediate level, and then use the eternal skill upgrade point to raise the biting technique to the advanced level, then he would directly become a warrior of 'the ultimate state'.

However, the dream is very beautiful, but the reality is that the points are not enough.

Le Yu never imagined that even with 3 points available, he couldn't improve his bite tactics!

However, using the eternal skill upgrade point to upgrade the biting technique to the intermediate level feels very disadvantageous, as if I had eaten a level straight-up book when I was only 30% away from leveling up.

After thinking about it, Le Yu wondered about the available points consumed by the upgrade. Is it related to his proficiency? If I improve my technology, can I consume a little less available points?

The available points needed to upgrade to the intermediate level may be 5 points, maybe 4 points, but in short, it will not be too outrageous, it belongs to the category that Le Yu can encounter with hard work.

Anyway, he wasn't in a hurry to pretend to be in a hurry at the moment. In addition, the soaring mental power after the calamity made Le Yu have the illusion that "I might be okay with me." , reduces the available points required to advance to the Intermediate level to 3.

The sky is getting dark, and the street lamps are lit one by one. The lighting level near the slaughterhouse is not inferior to that of the avenue. Standing at the door, you can see the garrison of the county guard in the distance, ensuring that someone will come in time for anything that happens.

Le Yu looked at the time, said 'go to the toilet', and walked to the back of the slaughterhouse.

Although there was no light in the slaughterhouse, there were two secret operators squatting. Le Yu walked over and suddenly hugged his stomach and said apologetically, "My stomach is a little noisy again... You should go back and rest first."

"Okay The operator was not surprised, but said with concern: "Captain, you have been having diarrhea like this for the past few days, maybe your stomach is not good, do you want to go to the doctor? "

Le Yu has been coming to 'diarrhea' on time these days, and the operators are not surprised.

"The doctor said that I might have a mentality problem." Le Yu sighed with a bitter face: "I am the one who hurt everyone..."

"Don't say that, everyone is very fortunate to have Captain Qian and Director Lan." After a few words of comfort, the operator left the post.

Le Yu waited in place for a minute, and when she heard the meowing with a hook in the grass, she replied in a low voice, "Yin Yin Yin, you are so arrogant."

"The correct code is: Is there a cute female cat here?"

Yin Yinyin and Wang Zongdao came out of the darkness, "It is common sense to follow the plan."

Le Yu pointed to the walls and roof of the slaughterhouse: "The windows on the second floor are made of glass. If you want to sneak into the second floor, you can only go through the roof, is there any problem?"

"We have been preparing for this for a long time."

The honest man Wang Zongdao took out the flying claw with the rope, and with a flick and pull, he stepped on the wall and flew over silently.

Yin Yinyin did not follow immediately, but looked at Le Yu and said, "I thought you would escape with your sister."

"When I was playing in a group, I was suddenly absent, but I would be scolded by the family tree." Le Yu smiled hehely: "And I've been blamed for so long, so I have to see how you guys can help me clean up later."

"Don't worry, everything will end tonight."

After Yin Yin said that, she also climbed over the wall and entered the slaughterhouse. Le Yu turned around and was about to leave, but saw a figure standing in the corner, which made his sphincter muscles tighten.

When he saw the outline of the figure clearly, Le Yu subconsciously blurted out:

"Chen Fu?"


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