World of Xianxia

Chapter 625: Avenue to Jane

Ice soul **** palm!

This is one of the magical powers that Bingzhu had in the world at that time. As one of the top ten deities of the human race, it is needless to say that the cultivation of Bingzhuo is not the most powerful magical power in the world.

Xiuwei has reached the point of the ice master. There is a power to destroy the world between his hands and his feet. The most common punch is that he can punch a void into the void.

Although the power of Bingmu Shenzhang is huge, it is not complicated to practice. It may not be the top supernatural power, but it is already the strongest supernatural power of Ye Yun at this stage.

"So powerful!"

Ye Yun felt in his heart that he knew the strength of this ice crystal. With his current strength, it would be difficult to grow this huge ice crystal into pieces, let alone directly into powder. The power between the two The gap cannot be calculated.

Ye Yun's most powerful superpower before should be the fourth type of thunder sword of the thundercloud electric lightsaber, but although he almost inferred all the changes of the thunder sword, but want to cultivate to the extreme, complete, but there are still no small The gap, even if he is repaired to Jindan Realm at the moment, but the fourth type of thunder sword of the thundercloud electric lightsaber has not made much progress, the improvement of power is only the improvement of his own cultivation.

The thundercloud electric lightsaber is also an extraordinary sword power. With the power of the thunder sword, if you fully understand and practice to the extreme, even if the power is not as good as the complete palm of the holy spirit, it is not far behind. However, don't forget that the sword of Thor has one final sword, which claims to be in charge of heaven and judge the world. If the legendary sword is repaired, I am afraid that there is not much magical power between heaven and earth.

Of course, the fifth form of the sword of thunder **** is only in the legend. No one has ever seen it, even the ancestor of Kendo himself. Ye Yun was really looking forward to it. If he can see the fifth form of the thundercloud light sword and practice successfully, it is based on his current practice and looking at the entire Qin Empire. I am afraid that only a handful of people can catch this sword. .

"The ice master is supernatural, and it really is extraordinary." The voice of the ancestor of Kendo was also filled with emotion. "The cultivation method of this palm is not complicated and mysterious, but it has such power. It is really a simple road."

"The avenue is simple?" Ye Yun asked curiously.

"It's true that when heaven and earth first opened, the heavens and the earth were full of chaos and chaos. After a while, various laws began to appear, and each one was extremely simple and pure." Shendao ancestor said.

Ye Yun nodded and said, "But the rules we are practicing now seem extremely difficult. Each one is very complicated. It seems that the more complicated the power, the more difficult it is to understand."

The ancestor of Kendo smiled and said, "Yes, this is the problem of this heaven and earth. Every rule is very simple at first. As the sun and the moon move, the stars change. The heaven and earth become complicated, and the rule of the road is better adapted. It ’s going to change slowly. So the rules are extremely complex, difficult, profound, and fundamentally different from the original rules. "

"However, it is now that I have given you the purest and simplest avenue rule, and maybe I can't exert a powerful power at all." Ye Yun frowned slightly, wondering. He has the most experience. There are five rules in the body, each of which is extremely pure and simple, but it is difficult to exert its true power.

Although Ye Yun forced Du Jianyin, who was reincarnated from the ancient Jianyi, by the law of Kendo, with his pure swordsmanship, if he can really exert his power, it is definitely not that Du Jianyin can resist.

"That's a good thing, just like you, the rules of understanding are extremely pure, and it's strange that Su Hao has such pure rules. But now you can't exert one millionth of the power of pure rules, Only a few are extremely bad. "Kendo ancestor nodded.

"How can we really bring out the power of the rules?" Ye Yun was also a little confused. He reasonably said that because the rules of enlightenment were extremely pure, he could see through the magical powers urged by others at a glance, such as the space matrix method. Being able to see through it easily, even if you can't crack it, can find a way out. This is the embodiment of the purity of the law.

The ancestor of Kendo smiled and said, "Your boy's cultivation is far from perfect. If you wait for your cultivation to a certain extent, you will find that the more complicated the rules, the more it affects the exertion of strength. So when you practice to a very high level, Realm, it began to pursue the simplification of the law, and finally it was the road to simplicity. "

Ye Yun frowned slightly, pondered for a long while, and slowly said, "From complex to simple? Is this a process? If I pursued the road from the beginning to the simple, and forced the improvement of cultivation, I couldn't restrain the law from being excessive Complicated? Will one day come to realize the true meaning of the true avenue? "

The ancestor of Kendo was also stunned for a long time, and he was silent for a long time, and said, "Your thoughts have indeed been planned by monks before. However, if you want to suppress cultivation, it is not easy to restrain your ascension. You can stand the strength Is the temptation to make rapid progress? Seeing a companion who is practicing together, step by step, but you are still in place ~ ~ Every realm is extremely difficult to break through, and as long as you relax a little, you can break through instantly , Even thousands of miles a day, making rapid progress, can you bear it? "

Ye Yun's face was calm, and after a long while, he slowly said, "Since the moment I chose to cultivate the Immortal Mind Method, it seems that I have followed this path. It turns out that this Immortal Mind Method is to polish your mood and use another kind of This method allows you to suppress the cultivation so that you will not make rapid progress, and lay a solid foundation step by step. In addition, if I can perceive the simple and simple rules at this moment, if I can stick to it, I will be rewarded one day.

Since getting the heart of the fairy demon, Ye Yun has chosen the method of quenching the fairy. Although his true strength is extraordinary, his realm has been difficult to move forward. Without the help of the fairy and the kendo ancestor, I'm afraid He wanted to cultivate to Yuanying Realm, but it was difficult. The Jindan Realm is now sixfold. It is also because of the power left by the ice master to let him break through. Although he will easily survive the land and mine disaster in the future, he will cultivate to Jindan Realm. Seventh peak, but it is easier said than done.

Kendo ancestors heard the words, and laughed suddenly: "Ha ha ha! That's right, your kid chooses to immortalize the heart to follow the simple truth of the road, I don't know what secrets you have to keep you going, but as long as If you persist in this way, then one day you will get an unimaginable return. At that time, your cultivation will advance by leaps and bounds, and it is not necessary to stand on the top of the human race. The old man really looks forward to the day to come, let me see the true purity The power of the law. "

Ye Yun carried his hands on his back, looked forward, smiled slightly, confidently and arrogantly, leaping on his face.

At this moment, the stone stele in front of the ice master's tomb suddenly made a rumbling sound, and then sinking slowly, a row of stone steps appeared in the place where the stone disappeared.

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