Wild Explorer

Chapter 147: Can't help it

Seeing so many people rushing towards Miao Ying at once, Zhao Yu felt that something was wrong! He clearly knew that this time, he had really overplayed it!

Worried, he quickly turned around and walked back, wanting to see how Miao Ying was doing?

Before he approached the parking lot, he heard someone shouting in the crowd: "My slot, this girl can really fight! Brothers, can't let her run! Get me on!"

"Hurry up, copy guys!" the other yelled, "beat me to death!"

Depend on!

Zhao Yu cursed secretly and quickly quickened his pace. As he approached, the sound of fighting became more intense. More than a dozen people have surrounded Miao Ying in the middle. Under the dim light, Zhao Yu could only see the head flashing and fisting, but he couldn't see what happened to Miao Ying?

In fact, as a police detective, if Miao Ying shouted out her identity, maybe the scene could be controlled a little bit. However, Zhao Yu could only hear the scream of someone being beaten, but could not hear Miao Ying's voice at all!


A small **** flew out of the crowd and fell right at Zhao Yu's feet. The little gangster face up to the sky, vomiting blood again and again, but still cursing in dissatisfaction.

Seeing that no one saw it, Zhao Yu raised his foot and kicked him in the face, and the gangster passed out immediately.


Zhao Yu stood on tiptoe and watched, and finally saw Miao Ying in the cracks. I saw Miao Ying fearlessly, hitting people at sight!

However, the hero can't hold back the many people, no matter how Miao Ying can fight, it is impossible to solve so many people intact! Under the siege, her movements have been deformed, her body staggered, and it is estimated that she has already gotten a lot of fists!

Grandma, a bear!

Zhao Yu was suddenly shocked and rushed towards the crowd.

At this moment, a gangster was carrying an iron stool and was about to slam it on Miao Ying's head. Miao Ying turned her back to him. If this stool were to fall on her head, the consequences would be disastrous.

With a loud roar, Zhao Yuao slammed his shoulder and knocked him out with a bang! Due to the heavy sinking force, this person knocked down several people!

Zhao Yu's eyes were quick, he copied the stool and smashed it directly on the person who fell on the ground! With the sound of "boom", the crowd suddenly screamed.

As the enemies behind her suddenly decreased, Miao Ying reached out and grabbed the hair of an enemy in front of her, and stepped on an iron knee in her arms. The man flew up into the sky and fell violently on the cover of another car.

Immediately afterwards, Miao Ying's whirlwind swept across her legs and kicked the two of them out again.

Zhao Yu was not idle either. After knocking down another person, he strode to the table where Shao Mao was eating skewers, reached out his hand to grab the charcoal-burning oven, and fell toward the crowd!

The extremely high-temperature red carbon sprinkled on people's heads, and suddenly there were ghosts and wolves howling.

However, Zhao Yu didn't catch the right place, stabbed, and the oven burned his hands to smoke.

Yo Yo Yo...

Zhao Yu was scalded so badly that he licked his tongue, and quickly threw the oven away.

At this time, the gangsters who had reacted finally understood Zhao Yu's hostile identity, and immediately rushed towards him. Zhao Yu simply copied the table into his hand and smashed it directly at the opponent!





In the blink of an eye, the few people who rushed over were already knocked down by Zhao Yu. Due to the fierce smash, the table not only changed its shape, but even fell apart!

However, the people who had been scalded just now got up and rushed towards Miao Ying and Zhao Yu again.

Without a weapon, Zhao Yu immediately roared and rushed up with his bare hands.

However, there were too many enemies, and he soon surrounded him in the field, under his fists and feet, all his arms and back were hit.

Miao Ying just smashed someone's nose here, but was knocked back by another person, unbiased, and just retreated to Zhao Yu.

Maybe Miao Ying had red eyes. After she met Zhao Yu on her back, she didn't even look at it. She turned around and hit him with a punch, which happened to hit Zhao Yu's face!


Zhao Yu covered his face and went down short, and was immediately crushed by many gangsters!


Miao Ying realized that she had hit the wrong person. Seeing that the gangsters beat Zhao Yu with their fists in turn, she thought about going up to the siege, but was blocked by the two men rushing over in the diagonal stabbing.

However, Zhao Yu didn't need other people's help, as if the small universe suddenly broke out, he froze from punches and kicks, knocked over a person with the back of his head, and then picked up someone's collar and turned the person over!

"I want your grandma to be a bear..." Zhao Yu yelled, actually using this person as a weapon, and knocked over a lot!

However, the scarred face had so many eyes before, he took the opportunity to rush, and suddenly strangled Zhao Yu's neck from behind.

Zhao Yu shook his body and wanted to get a back pocket, but this guy seemed to have practiced, and put his knees against Zhao Yu's thighs, making him uncomfortable.

At this time, many gangsters who got up rushed towards Zhao Yu again, punching and kicking at him. In desperation, Zhao Yu had to spin back and forth with a scarred face to avoid, trying to push the crowd away with brute force.

Turning around, Zhao Yu just turned to Miao Ying. Miao Ying just broke someone's arm, and when she looked up and saw Zhao Yu under control, she shouted, "I'm coming!"

Zhao Yu is still wondering! People are behind me, how do you come?

Who knows, Miao Yingyan actually flew a kick and kicked Zhao Yu's chest hard!

This foot was heavy and thunderous, Zhao Yu suddenly fell backward, and the scar face that was holding him also flew upside down, and finally Gululu bumped into someone else's body, and immediately fell like a domino. What a big piece!

Grandma, a bear!

Zhao Yu's anger exploded. On the one hand, he was angry that Miao Ying shouldn't even hit himself, on the other hand, he was angry with these unpleasant gangsters, which disrupted his plan.

In an instant, he was like a crazy bull and started his own explosive counterattack.

Scarface was the closest to him, and undoubtedly became the most unlucky one. Zhao Yu turned around and held his neck, then punched him in the face with his fists!

With one punch down, blood spilled out!

However, Zhao Yu didn't mean to stop at all. Although other people came up to kick Zhao Yu, Zhao Yu didn't realize it, and kept beating the scar face to be inhumane~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then he turned around and strangled the neck of the other bastard, and then took it. He ran all the way, knocking his head on the car glass with a "boom"!

Wow... the car glass shattered to the ground, and Zhao Yu was stuffed into the car in one breath!

Zhao Yu turned around murderously, his eyes widened, and the crowd trembled with fright. As a result, just in a moment, Miao Ying next to him leaped forward like a devil.

Zhao Yu screamed, resisting a gangster with his shoulders, and after lifting him high, he fell heavily to the ground, causing him to be unconscious and foaming at the mouth!

After the person fell, there were not many people left on the scene who could still stand!

Just as a gangster wanted to escape, Miao Ying's whirlwind leg hit him and kicked him in the face. Snapped! With a crisp sound, the person immediately rolled his eyes and collapsed like a sun-burned popsicle.

After Zhao Yu got up, he grabbed the other **** and started to slap his face...

At the same time, Miao Ying also happened to hold the last bastard, pressed it in front of her, and slammed his chest with her knees...

Slap, slap, slap...

Boom, boom, boom...

After a violent beating, the two of them fought fiercely at the same time, and burst out the final blow in the long roar of the sky. As a result, the two punks fell to the ground miserably!

However, Zhao Yu’s evil fire was not quenched. Remembering that Miao Ying punched and kicked himself just now, he felt that his resentment was overwhelming. He actually raised his hand and grabbed Miao Ying’s arm and pulled her to her. In front of myself.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Yu made a crazy move that even he couldn't understand. He actually pressed Miao Ying's back tightly, and then pressed her lips hard-kissed it down! ! !

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