Whimsical System

Chapter 646: Yin Division Administration

The place where Chu Feng arrived should be in the center of Yinsi's time and space.

The surrounding environment is superior, and the quality of residents is also relatively good.

However, from the outside, there is nothing special about Yinsi time and space.

After turning a few streets indiscriminately, Chu Feng became bored.

After all, he came here not to travel, but to decrypt.

But because there is no guide, he can only go around "chaotically".

Reluctantly, the result of the "chaotic" rotation, apart from the wasted effort, there is no other substantial "fruit".

But if this continues, then this trip will be meaningless.

But this place is unfamiliar. If you want to recognize this time and space the fastest, then the most effective way is to buy a set of maps with clearly visible routes.

As for this idea, Chu Feng didn't think of it now, but he had searched for a long time, but he never found a place to sell the map.

In addition, he didn't have the coins to buy the map, after all, every time and space has its own transaction currency. Speaking of it, this is also a drawback of time travel.

Therefore, although he had this idea, he could not implement it until he met someone who was begging him.

That was the sixth hour when he arrived in Yinsi time and space.

At that time, the sun had gradually dissipated, and it was getting thinner. Except for the sunset in the distance, there is nothing to miss in the sky!

Chu Feng used his points to buy some food and water, but he barely satisfied his hungry stomach.

But Chu Feng knew that going on like this was not a long-term solution, he needed to own a portion of the coins. The simplest source of this coin is to sell goods.

In fact, Chu Feng didn't sell any good items, weapons and the like, most people didn't use it. Not to mention firearms, they are contraband! In addition, he did not dare to take these things out easily.

At this time, all he can choose is those lightweight gadgets, and some common items such as ropes and steel structures.

The currency of Yinsi Time and Space is called Hope Spring, which is a crystal-like and extremely transparent object.

They are usually polished to the size of a thumb, and then the number is used as the unit of calculation.

Of course, in addition to these things, there will be some cheaper currencies.

Relatively speaking, those currencies are more weird, and some of them look like edible fruits.

And, it seems to be really edible.

It stands to reason that lower currencies like this should be more common, but this is not the case.

Hope springs can be seen almost everywhere here, and everyone has some.

Moreover, Congguo is indeed extremely rare, so far Chu Feng has only seen it once, and that time was when he encountered a beggar.

The beggar was actually not too sloppy, at least from the outside, he was much cleaner than the average beggar.

And the reason why he was named a beggar by Chu Feng was entirely because he was indeed begging, and his behavior was no different from other beggars.

In an unfamiliar city, it is the easiest for outsiders to communicate with these lowest-level people, because there will be no conflicting thoughts, and outsiders are also high-ranking people in their eyes.

The exchange between Chu Feng and the beggar was precisely for this reason.

Knowing from the beggar's mouth, in this time and space, there is no such thing as a map.

Because the technology here has reached a certain level.

People only need to buy a tester and they can go wherever they want.

Of course, the price of this detector is also relatively expensive.

Chu Feng had previously sold items and the coins he obtained were less than one-tenth of the price of the detector.

About this matter, Chu Feng also inadvertently revealed it to the beggar.

However, what he never expected was that the beggar was willing to spend money to help Chu Feng fulfill his wish.

Of course, there are preconditions for beggars to do this.

Trading should be a popular form in all time and space.

For Chu Feng, this was exactly what he wanted.

The beggar's request is very simple. He only needs to get one thing, a small ornament stored in the Yin Department Bureau.

These are the original words of the beggar. As for what is this ornament? He didn't say how important it was, nor did Chu Feng ask.

However, judging from Chu Feng's own feelings, this little decoration might not be that simple.

In addition, this beggar should not be an ordinary person either.

But none of this is very important. For Chu Feng at least, he didn't care. After all, what he wants now is the detector. Therefore, as long as he can get that detector, he doesn't care what he does.

In this transaction, Chu Feng's early requirement was to get the items first, and then do things.

But the beggar did not have any ambiguity. Dang Even gave Chu Feng the money for the purchase of the detector, and he also gave Chu Feng some spare funds. And also promised to give out the wind, when he got the things, he would thank him again.

Maybe the beggar is afraid of Chu Feng, so he won't come to him again! After all, the money to buy the detector is not a small sum. Of course, perhaps he was even more afraid that it was Chu Feng, who privately gave the ornament to him.

After Chu Feng got the money, the first step was to buy the detector. The detector was sold in almost every store, and its popularity was almost on the same level as that of mobile phones in the current society.

The monitor is about the size of a thumb. Under normal circumstances, it will be mounted on the user's left temple by a dedicated person.


After the monitor is installed, it will flash slightly and then disappear.

In fact, this is its skin fusion function, when it is completely fused with the skin, unless you observe carefully, you will never find its existence.

With the assistance of the detector, Chu Feng easily located the position of the Yin Division Administration Bureau.

In addition, Chu Feng also found a series of related departments, and now on the map, he also found a secret unopened location.

Chu Feng was interested in everything, but his primary goal at the moment was the small decoration in the Yinsi Administration Bureau.

Taking advantage of the night, Chu Feng went straight to the Yinsi Administration.

On weekdays, the Yin Division Administration Bureau absolutely does not allow ordinary people to enter.

Of course, it is also not allowed at night.

However, these rules and regulations are of no use to Chu Feng.

First of all, he does not belong to this time and space. In addition, he must enter the Yin Division Administration Bureau.

The building structure of the Yinsi Administration Bureau is more like an inverted pot lid.

It is closed all around and cannot be entered at all.

Under this circumstance, Chu Feng had nowhere to display his ability to climb the wall.

Nowadays, if you want to enter the Yinsi Administration, there is only one way to enter the main entrance.

But the Yin Division Administration Bureau has people stationed at all times, even late at night. All this has indeed caused a lot of trouble to Chu Feng.

But despite this, Chu Feng had to find a way to enter. After all, the money had already been collected and the detector had already been bought. If things were abandoned halfway, it would be too unreasonable.

Chu Feng wandered around the periphery, wandering for about two hours. Time was close to the wee hours, but Chu Feng was still clueless.

"It doesn't matter, it's not as good as brute force to suppress it. Just go in and forget it!"

After pacing back and forth for a few times, Chu Feng simply shook his heart, holding a sword and a sword in each hand, and went straight to the front gate.

At this time, in front of the Yinsi Administration Bureau, there were three mobile posts and one fixed post.

The four people at the front and back, with four pairs of eyes staring at Chu Feng, rushed towards them.

"Is he a lunatic?"

"I don't know, let's take a look first!"

"Why don't you start the fortifications first, don't underestimate this guy!"

"Well, you go! The three of us are here to help you watch!"

The four talked in a low voice, and the sentry in charge of fixing the sentry ran away.

Chu Feng was still on the way to charge, but soon he couldn't move forward.

Suddenly a strange soldier appeared in the dark night sky.

It was a team of puppet soldiers, made of machinery, and an out-and-out high-tech product.

Chu Feng didn't want to fight with him. The machinery was already extremely hard. Even though the Sun Magic Sword and the Ghost Dragon Sword were famous for their sharpness, this consumption was undoubtedly meaningless.

Chu Feng was not afraid of beating or worrying about beating, but he was afraid of endless beating and endless entanglement.

Chu Feng originally wanted to bypass them, and then just passed the queue.

But who knows, the defense density of this team of mechanical soldiers is actually denser than the same number of humans.

Chu Feng can be said to have nowhere to hide, nowhere to go around.

After several failed attempts, Chu Feng didn't bother to think about it anymore.

"Alright, since you don't let me go, let's fight!"

In the end, Chu Feng simply confided in his heart, and directly planned to fight the mechanical troops with real guns and swords.

Of course, all of this is assisted by sophisticated equipment.

The duration of the battle is about half an hour.

In the end, Chu Feng won the victory, but this was not accidental.

Machines fight against humans, and eventually they will be worse. After all, human minds can adapt to changes, and machines only know that if they do things according to procedures, once something happens, they will be completely confused.

The high-explosive bomb shook all the robots away, although they did not severely damage them, but they also "disrupted" their internal procedures.

A group of robots that can't execute it correctly is no different from a pile of scrap iron.

Therefore, Chu Feng's immediate troubles were resolved.

"He solved the robot?"

This voice is full of incredible, because this is an incredible thing.

"He has some patience, go and notify the garrison army, we can't stop them!"

"Just let him in?"

"Battle of trapped beasts is better than monster siege!"

"That's right, I will also notify the Yinsi troops, I hope they won't stand by!"

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