Whimsical System

Chapter 644: Ghost Dragon Blade vs Sun Magic Sword

"You solve it yourself, I'll go ahead and deal with them!" Chu Feng pulled out Mingzhe's gun, bowed and walked in along the front door.

At this time, the five hosts were all gathered on the second floor, and Chu Feng hovered a few times on the bottom, and finally burned the bottom directly.

When the smoke rushed to the second floor, Chu Feng escaped early.

At the same time, Eduron had successfully escaped the restraint, jumped down from the window, but broke his left leg.

Afterwards, the five hosts also rushed out of the sea of ​​flames, thick smoke billowing, and the fire raging, and the watchtower soon began to collapse and collapse.

"Chu Feng, they are all hosts!" E Duolong limped to the side of Chu Feng and reminded him.

"What's wrong with your leg?" Chu Feng looked down at Er Duolong and found that he was a bit shorter than before.

"It's okay, it's just a fall, it's probably broken!" Eduron said casually, but this is not surprising, after all, this is not his body.

"You are really careless. You didn't get hurt when you fought with others, but escaped but got hurt." Chu Feng teased.

"Don't talk about this, you should think of a way to deal with the five of them!"

"These five people are not easy to deal with! By the way, where's the Ghost Dragon Sword?" Chu Feng suddenly realized that E Duolong didn't have the Ghost Dragon Sword in his hands, so he asked.

"I was arrested by them, and the weapon was naturally taken away by them! Here, look! Isn't that in that person's hand!"

E Duolong stretched out his hand and pointed forward, and saw that among the five people, there was indeed one guy holding the Ghost Dragon Blade in his hand.

"The use of a guy like the Ghost Dragon Blade is an insult!" Chu Feng said angrily.

"I think it's not as good as this, you can take it back!" E Duolong said in a crowd.

Chu Fengming glanced at Er Duolong and asked, "You lost the Ghost Dragon Blade, why didn't you grab it?"

"I...I didn't have a broken leg!" Erdolong's eyes rolled and thought about a reason.

Chu Feng nodded helplessly: "Yes, this is indeed a good reason. All right, I will go!"

"Don't worry, as long as you defeat one of them and leave a good body for me, then I will enter her body and fight alongside you!" E Duolong patted Chu Feng on the shoulder, which is considered to be given to Chu Feng A little comfort.

"You still have a conscience. Get ready! You will be on the court soon!"

Chu Feng left these words, and rushed forward without looking back. He has confidence, and likewise, he does not have much confidence.

Chu Feng's confidence comes from the five hosts, all of which have been eliminated by the system. This means that the five of them have no way to use the things in the task mall and the inventory.

For Chu Feng, this is no different than a good thing, at least it will reduce the difficulty for him.

But even in this situation, Chu Feng had his sorrow, and what Chu Feng was sorrowful was that these five hosts must have stored a certain amount of strength before losing all their abilities.

And this kind of strength does not just refer to weapons, some of them are the improvement of their own physical quality.

Perhaps the five of them are the same as Chu Feng at this time, with extremely high self-healing ability, strong speed and keen sense.

These abilities can never be subdued, and at the same time, this is what distinguishes the host from ordinary people, and when Chu Feng faces five such and such hosts at the same time, he has something in his heart. It is normal to be worried.

Maybe when he faced one or two. He will feel more relaxed, but when he encounters five "sex" at a time, it is probably a test for him, and it is still a test that is called completion.

"You set our house on fire?"

"Sorry, I didn't mean it!" When confronted by the five hosts, Chu Feng was very calm.

However, this was only a superficial phenomenon. In fact, behind the scenes, Chu Feng was still a little worried.

Now he didn't want to fight against the five people, but was "forced" helplessly, and he had to face the difficulties.

For the five hosts, Chu Feng's response already meant to declare war.

They and Chu Feng were not polite, and even a second before they started their hands, they didn't show any intention to make a move.

Five people swarmed and Chu Feng was immediately surrounded by groups. Except for the host holding the Ghost Dragon Sword, everyone else had a firearm.

In fact, the role of close combat firearms is not great, but the threat of firearms is extremely powerful.

It can be seen that the five hosts may not really want to fight Chu Feng to death or death. After all, once a battle occurs, someone will be injured or even killed.

Of course, for them, the death of Chu Feng is naturally the best ending, but things are not as satisfactory as they imagined. Therefore, their warring minds are not very heavy. At best, they just want to teach Chu Feng. .

Although they thought so in their hearts, they couldn't reveal any thoughts when they showed it!

Of course, this wasn't all for Chu Feng's show, in fact, more often, they also wanted to show their companions.

The six stood in a stalemate for about ten seconds, and finally Chu Feng took the lead in launching an attack, which became the beginning!

Chu Feng did not use firearms, in fact firearms are such weapons. If it is not for the extraordinary period, under normal circumstances, very few people will use it. After all, fighting is not necessarily a gunfight. In addition, even if it is a gunfight, it can only happen when there is a cover. In this case, if there is a gunfight, not to mention too many, it will only be an offensive. , It is estimated that all the people present were killed in battle.

Chu Feng took a step back and drew out the Sun Sword. Now the Sun Sword has changed as a whole. With To'e Duolong's efforts, the Sun Sword has been converted into a dark weapon.

The Magic Sun Sword and the Ghost Dragon Sword, the first time they fought a lot of advice.

Chu Feng held the hilt of the sword with one hand. The Sun Magic Sword was a one-handed weapon. Sword flowers appeared when he waved it, and the sound of breaking through the air sounded frequently.

The five took a few steps back, just because Chu Feng still held the Mingzhe gun in his left hand, they were still uncontestable and unoffensive.


After standing still for three seconds, the other four people winked at one of them, who was the host holding the Ghost Dragon Sword.

"Come on, take a showdown!" Chu Feng conveyed a provocative meaning to the man.

Carrying the pressure of his partner and Chu Feng's provocation, the host holding the Ghost Dragon Sword could not restrain his footsteps and rushed forward, raising his arm and slashing.


Chu Feng raised his sword to block, and easily resisted the host's offensive.

"It's too weak after all!" Chu Feng pushed the Ghost Dragon Sword back with a little effort.

How can the host who has not signed the covenant and the host abandoned by the system exert the true power of the Ghost Dragon Blade!

Chu Feng was already the leader of darkness, and the sun-magnifying sword was a dark weapon that perfectly matched and displayed its peak power.

The host refused to accept defeat and wanted to fight again. Chu Feng swung his sword to meet the enemy, but with only one move, the battle ended.

The sharp sword cut his throat, but only broke a little trachea. The host choked, lacked breathing, and his face was purple.

Although not to death, it is extremely difficult.

The partner stepped forward to rescue, the "medicine" pill into the abdomen, the wound healed.

At this time, E Duolong suddenly seized his home, and a second before suffocation, his body without resistance could easily be his own.

Somehow the partner is still guarding by his side.

The corner of Er Duo Long's mouth raised, it was a triumphant smile, but it was not obvious.

The Ghost Dragon Knife flashed black light, showing how perfect the fit was.

"How?" The only one, the second stage host asked with concern.

"It's okay!" E Duo Longcheng continued, waving his hand lightly that didn't belong to his concern.

"Let me come, you take the opportunity to attack him, you are injured, he will not pay attention to you!" The second stage host, whispered to E Duolong.

"No, I'm coming!" Eduron directly rejected the second stage host.

Murderous intent appeared in his eyes, as if not in line with his original intention.

After Chu Feng watched it, he couldn't help but feel a little bit horrified. It was his strange gaze, filled with murderous aura he had never seen before.

Chu Feng frantically charged Duolong with a wink, but E Duolong didn't respond at all.

"Does he really want to kill me?" Chu Feng whispered to himself.

"Sneez..." Er Duolong suddenly laughed, as if returning to normal again.

"It turns out to be an illusion!" Chu Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

E Duolong walked to the front of the four, and they waited for E Duo Long's performance with anticipation.

E Duolong suddenly turned around, the Ghost Dragon Blade flashed with black light, and the bodies of all four were covered with rain and dew, and blood and light appeared suddenly, which made them even more dazzling.

Although the four were injured, they were not fatal. At first, the four were unbelievable, and then they figured it out. If you become a host for a long time, you will gradually come into contact with it.


In the second stage, the host clutched his severed arm and screamed loudly. He was angry and hated. At this moment, his sanity was swallowed by anger.

The four of them raised their guns together, and the sound of gunshots abruptly, and soon they became one piece.

Er Duolong withdrew and fled, hiding in the Ghost Dragon Blade.

Chu Feng assisted the corpse of Duoshe host to resist the gun attack, occasionally a bullet passed through the corpse, and then hit Chu Feng on the shoulder.


Chu Feng dropped the corpse, covered the wound and stepped back, raising his gun to fight back.

The four hosts ran out of ammunition and began to escape.

Eduron returned to the corpse again, the Ghost Dragon Knife started and threw it out, killing one person immediately.

"Chu Feng, take advantage of it now!"


Chu Feng chased after him, Mingzhe's gun sounded, and the two fell to the ground again.

In the second stage, the host escaped, and Eduron never chased him up, and he was very helpless.

"He escaped!" E Duolong "stuck" the Ghost Dragon Blade into the ground, and the blade was halfway in.

"My task has not been completed. Although he is not certain, he is very suspicious!" Chu Feng said.

"There is still a half chance. On that person, I will kill him now. If it still doesn't work, I will find another guy who escapes!" E Duolong insisted.

"If it wasn't him, wouldn't you kill the innocent indiscriminately?" Chu Feng hesitated.

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