The more Zhao Haiquan thought about it, the more he felt that what Zhou Yang said made sense.

While he admired Mr. Gu even more, he also showed more disdain for Mr. Li.

Sure enough, investors are all like this!

You just offered a little favor and want to win people's hearts? Not to mention borrowing flowers to offer to Buddha!

This is equivalent to balding a sheep, using part of the wool to make a sweater for the sheep to wear, and then hypocritically saying: You should pay attention to keep warm.

I pay attention to the hammer!

"It seems we must unite our minds!

"Mr. Li was indifferent to us at first, but now she has started to borrow flowers and offer them to Buddha. What does this mean? It means that Mr. Li is vaguely aware that we are closely surrounding Mr. Gu, and she is starting to try to win people's hearts!

"We must stay awake, we must not be bribed by these small favors, and we must stand more firmly on Mr. Gu's side!" Zhao Haiquan's eyes were firm.

Zhou Yang nodded: "Yes, that's what I mean!

"When we get to work tomorrow, we will share this conclusion with other colleagues. What if someone can't understand it? That's absolutely not possible!

"We at Nitiantian Game must be monolithic and closely surround Mr. Gu!"

At the same time, Magic City.

Shengjing Network Technology Co., Ltd., game business group.

Shengjing Group is the top Internet technology company in China. At the same time, the game business also occupies a very important position in the group's financial report.

At this time, Kang Yong, the vice president in charge of the game business group, was carefully looking at the form in his hand.

This is an itinerary. The main content is the itinerary for the key personnel of the group's game project team to visit the imperial capital for inspection and exchange.

As a top Internet technology company in China, Shengjing Group offers quite good benefits and also attaches great importance to inspection and exchange activities.

Every year, Shengjing Group will mobilize key members of each project to form a team to inspect and learn from outstanding companies across the country.

This year, the city selected by the game business group is the Imperial Capital.

In addition, there is another list on Kang Yong's desk, which is the list of people for this inspection and exchange.

Among them are mainly the middle-level backbones of each game project team, such as the main planner, operations director, program leader, art leader, etc.

Kang Yong looked at the list in his hand, frowned slightly, and pointed to the "optional" at the bottom: "Xiao Zhao, what company is Nitiantian? I don't think I have heard of this company."

Standing next to him was a tall, bespectacled male assistant named Zhao, who was also one of the main planners of the event.

"Mr. Kang, this is a start-up company that was just established last year. Although it has not developed any large-scale game projects, it still mainly focuses on small-scale independent games and stand-alone games. But it can be said that almost every game has received achieved success.

"The two most famous games recently are "Fire Thief" and "The Forsaken City".

"In addition, previously launched games such as "Sisyphus" and "Destiny of Wolong" have also achieved good popularity on the Internet.

"I thought this company was more typical, so I included it in the options."

There are two types of inspection companies on this list, one is mandatory and the other is optional.

The so-called mandatory options are basically those of large companies that can accommodate the entire team for a visit.

As for the optional options, some relatively small companies may not be able to receive the entire inspection team at the same time, so the inspection team will be divided into several small teams to select suitable companies for inspection based on personal interests.

However, even a small company must have certain achievements and characteristics to be worthy of inspection.

Kang Yong frowned. Apparently, he had a vague impression of the games Assistant Zhao mentioned. He seemed to have heard of them, but he didn't pay too much attention to them.

As an executive of such a top large group company, Kang Yong is usually very busy, and it is impossible to keep track of all the information in the game industry at all times. Only when some super hit games appear, he has time to experience them.

What's more, these games are not very outstanding in terms of performance. The profits of millions and tens of millions are not worth mentioning in the eyes of a behemoth like Shengjing Group.

"Cross this company out, it's of no value for inspection." After finishing speaking, Kang Yong handed the list back.

Assistant Zhao reached out to take it, but after hesitating for a moment he still said: "Mr. Kang, I think this company is the most valuable to investigate among these small companies.

"Because... this company is very mysterious."

Kang Yong raised his eyebrows: "Oh? How is it so mysterious?"

Assistant Zhao explained: “I took the time to do some research on this company, and there are three main things that are most mysterious about it.

"First, it is said that the treatment of this company is very poor. There is not even a proper office space, and employees all work in cafes. Moreover, it is said that the salary level of employees is generally only 70 to 80% of that offered by other companies outside. .”

Kang Yong shook his head slightly: "What's the point? There are many small companies with poor treatment. The boss has no money and can't afford good treatment."

Assistant Zhao continued: “Yes, but that’s not the point.

"The key point is, secondly, after this company made money from the game, several companies have doubled their salaries to poach people! But without exception, they all failed!

“The employees of this company are as determined as if they were weighed down by a weight. They just want to work in this company and have no intention of changing jobs.

"Third, it is said that the management level of this company is very high. Employees often work overtime at night and on holidays, but they do not complain too much, and they can always complete development tasks ahead of schedule."

Now, Kang Yong finally became interested.

"Is it a family business?"

Assistant Zhao shook his head: "I don't know, it seems not."

Kang Yong thought thoughtfully: "So, the boss of this company is a top management talent?

"In terms of corporate culture construction, employee management and spiritual culture construction, there are many unique features?

"Otherwise, why would these employees still follow him whole-heartedly even though they are receiving a basic salary? They must have very good painting skills!"

Assistant Zhao nodded: "I think so too.

"Although I don't know what specific management methods this boss uses, I think there are probably some things that can be learned from."

Kang Yong thought for a while and finally nodded: "Okay, then keep it.

"When I get to the Imperial Capital, I will also go and see who the boss of this company is!"

Monday, October 14th.

After more than two months of preparation, Nitiantian Games has officially begun moving!

This matter had been planned before the development of "The Forsaken City" began. The company employees unanimously approved Xiao Mingyu's plan and believed that they could move to the villa area at the end of the western suburbs line.

In the next two months, Xiao Mingyu has been investigating suitable locations.

Of course, to be on the safe side, she also examined other villa areas, but after repeated comparisons, she still felt that this villa area on the Western Suburban Line was more suitable.

The environment is better, the houses are newer, the subway is relatively less crowded, and there are more suitable houses.

The largest villa here has an area of ​​about 500 square meters, and the rent is 60,000 yuan a month.

The current number of employees of Nitiantian Games is 10. For the next recruitment, Gu Fan plans to double the number of employees in the company to 20.

Although the increase in personnel will lead to smaller bonuses distributed to each person, more manpower means that Nitiantian can develop larger games, shorten the construction period, and start multiple projects at the same time.

Recruit more people, make the cake bigger, and everyone will get more money.

Therefore, everyone in the company did not show any resistance to this.

Of course, Gu Fan will not expand disorderly. For him, the core of Nitian's ability to maintain combat effectiveness lies in elitism. It's okay for employees to be a little casual at ordinary times, but they must stand up at critical moments when they need to stand up.

For employee accommodation, the company offers two solutions.

The first option is to live in a villa.

Nitiantian Games has rented a total of five villas, one of which is for Gu Fan to live in, and the others are for employees.

Each villa has four bedrooms and can accommodate four employees. Each person pays 7,000 yuan in rent out of his own pocket.

Considering that the monthly rent for each villa is 60,000, this is equivalent to half of the money being paid by the company and the employees.

The second option is for employees to find a community nearby and rent a house by themselves.

The rent for a 100-square-meter, two-bedroom, one-living complex here is also about 7,000 yuan.

On the surface, it is definitely more cost-effective to rent a house by yourself. After all, the same money can only rent a single room in a villa, but when renting a house in an ordinary community, you can directly rent two bedrooms and one living room.

But in fact, living in a villa is equivalent to the company helping to share half of the rent, and the villa has a usable area of ​​more than 500 square meters. Four people each have an average of 120 square meters of space. The living environment in the villa area is also far better than that of an ordinary community.

Considering the current salary and bonus levels, most people still choose to live in villas.

After this recruitment is completed, the number of Nitiantian employees will reach 20. After the recruitment is completed, Gu Fan will consider whether to rent more villas.

If there are many people who choose to live in ordinary communities by then, there will be no need to rent additional villas. If everyone wants to live in villas, then rent one more.


After a busy day, Gu Fan finally moved almost all the things from his previous home.

As the boss of Nitiantian Company, Gu Fan naturally had a villa to himself.

In fact, Gu Fan doesn't particularly care about his living environment, and it doesn't matter if he shares the house with others, but he needs some private space after all, otherwise it will be very troublesome for outsiders to hear some sensitive topics when chatting with Lilith.

I have to say that the living environment has indeed been greatly improved.

The living room of the villa is about two stories high, with a large sofa and a nearly 100-inch large TV, which always makes people feel physically and mentally happy.

At 6 o'clock, Lilith refreshed on time.

She rummaged around in the new snack shelf, then happily took two bags of potato chips and lay down on the massage chair.

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