The next day in the café, Mitsuhiko asked Xiaolan to tell her heart, "Sister Xiaolan, I've liked Ayumi since kindergarten, but Ayumi seems to like Conan very much, Sister Xiaolan, please teach me how to be like you and Brother Shinichi, and be a childhood sweetheart and a couple?" From the beginning to the embarrassment to the slow and firm to ask Xiaolan.

Xiaolan waved her hand a little embarrassed, "Wait, I don't have it with Shinichi, uh..."

Mitsuhiko began to tell again, "And I have also noticed

Xiao Ai recently, "Xiao Lan is speechless..., Xiao Ai shouldn't like you, after all, Xiao Ai is also a smaller adult."

Mitsuhiko was very entangled, "I'm a bad boy who likes two people at the same time, Sister Xiaolan, tell me!".

Xiaolan was shocked, but she immediately looked at the child in front of her gently and explained him, "You won't be bad like this, it's a good thing to like someone, I also think I should cherish this feeling."

Mitsuhiko felt that there was hope! So..."

Xiaolan spoke again, "However, it should be better for you to be good friends now, whether it is Ayumi or Xiao Ai, Conan or Yuanta, of course."

Mitsuhiko suddenly realized, "I understand!".

After Mitsuhiko left, it became Ayumi and Xiaolan to talk to each other, "Sister Xiaolan, I like Conan so much, but Conan has someone I like."

Xiaolan was curious: "Could it be that you mean Xiao Ai?" She was curious about the girl.

Ayumi denied, "No, it's Sister Xiaolan." "

Xiaolan surprised that Shinichi likes herself?" No way. "

Ayumi is sure" Conan must have liked Sister Xiaolan, so I hope Sister Xiaolan can tell him that you have a new brother now, please hurry up and die.

Xiaolan hesitated, "This..."If there is a new one, he will be more serious."

Ayumi lowered her head and felt a little sad, "Otherwise, Conan would be too pitiful."

"But it's not sure, Conan really likes me, doesn't he?"

"I'm pretty sure!".

Xiaolan looked at her with a determined look with some doubts, "Huh? How to say?".

"A woman's intuition!".

Xiaolan Doudouyan: "Yes... Is it?".

When Xiaolan returned to the office, she called Kudo Shinichi to test her, "I don't know what to say, Conan seems to like me." The

young man on the other end of the phone instantly stumbled, "What nonsense are you talking about!" I didn't like you, stupid.

"Strange, Shinichi, how do you know?" Your heart is empty.

"Oh, no, a child's love affair is like a measles, no fuss. Rest assured, it's okay. "

Shinichi, can you be serious?"

"Uh... Then don't prevaricate casually, be

honest with yourself" "Be honest with yourself?" Obviously, you like me, why do you want me to be honest with myself.

In this case, you can probably find the answer on your own. That's it, I'll call you again. Without waiting for Xiaolan to say anything, she hung up the phone.

Xiaolan, who was hung up on the phone, was a little inexplicable, what the hell was going on with this person.

Twin Towers of Seitama City, Suite 67 of Block B, Xiao Hei committed murder with a knife.

The next day, the people who had visited the Twin Towers that day were called to the Metropolitan Police Department for questioning. The clue to the murderer left at the scene is a shot glass split in two.

Conan quietly asked Gray Hara, "Alas! Could it be that Gray Plains is them?".

Gray Yuan Wai shook his head, "Although their code names are all wine names, I don't think they would do this kind of stupid behavior of leaving their feet."

Qi Dongyun also told Conan, "The characteristic of that organization is that it is fast, destroying corpses and destroying traces, and it is impossible to leave clues for the police to find them so easily, otherwise they would not have heard from the organization for so many years."

Conan noticed the three men whispering.

Sure enough, the three imps made an appointment to investigate the case, and Conan also caught them and was preparing to act. Gray Plains Wai didn't have an interest in her.

On the other hand, Gray Yuan mourned to watch the movie by himself, Qi Dongyun also followed, bought a ticket and sat next to her, and was a little surprised when he saw her, but he didn't say anything.

There are not many people in the movie theater, and this film is also very old, and the lines are very pessimistic: "That's what happens to the betrayer anyway" The man in the movie fell into the arms of a woman, with blood on his face and blood in his mouth.

Gray Yuan looked at the movie screen expressionlessly, and Qi Dongyun whispered in her ear, "Zhibao, why did you choose such a pessimistic film?"

She didn't speak, just clenched the armrest of the chair, "Shiho, if Gin can't find you this time, you can try your best to be a child, okay?"

Gray Yuan looked at the confident Qi Dongyun who was smiling in front of her, and couldn't help but look forward to it, she nodded slowly and agreed.

After watching the movie, she sent Gray Yuan back to the doctor's house, and after she left, she dialed Gin's phone, "Hey? It's me. Let's meet, right in the old place. "

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