King Jing's assassination has changed its nature from this moment on.

It is no longer a simple murder case against the prince, but an organized and premeditated harem battle, and the method is so brutal that the people behind the scenes are willing to sacrifice the lives of the prince and the princess, which is beyond normal. In the category of palace fighting, I believe that after the emperor knows, there will be a bigger storm.

But at least, everyone in Chenghua Palace is all right now.

Of course, the maids and eunuchs who have been tortured can only consider themselves unlucky. After all, there is no such thing as state compensation.

Just being able to save a life is enough for them to be grateful. At this moment, no one will hate the inner court guard or the zhenfusi. At most, they will hate the mastermind behind the scenes.

Anyway, this has always been the case in the palace. You'd better ask yourself to be fine. Being ripped off is the basic treatment.

It's always been like this, right?

Don't ask, because although Nei Tingwei and Zhenfusi don't know if it's right or not, they know that if you beat the person who asked the question, the problem will no longer exist.

King Jing began to flatter him on a daily basis again. He seemed to have a soft spot for flattering Qin Yuan, and like his poems, he could always find a peculiar angle.

"Qin Zhuang, when you are in such a crisis, you are still not afraid to admit that you have an affair with the maid of Chenghua Palace. You are really a responsible man! Tonight, the king has set a dinner party, and I will definitely suppress your shock. By the way, let's zuan study the two dragons and the phoenix, how about?"

When Qin Yuan saw King Jing holding his hand, he couldn't help but feel a chill, and wondered whether he would play a dragon or a phoenix at that time.

So he quickly said, "Your Highness, you can drink wine, but now the slave girl only has Su Qin Qin in her heart. I'm afraid she will not be able to be as unrestrained and unrestrained as His Highness in the future."

The voice was not loud, but Su Qinqin, who was beside him, was not careful and still heard it.

For some reason, her little face turned red, like a pink peach blossom, and her heart skipped a beat.

This... What does Xiao Qinzi mean to me?

But, he's a eunuch, how could he...

No, no, no, although he is very kind, honest, smart, responsible, and looks very upright, but a eunuch... how can I like a eunuch?

But, he actually has so many advantages?

Oh, how can this be done?


The crowd started to disperse in twos and threes, only Zhong Jinyi was sitting, looking at Qin Yuan's back thoughtfully.

She always felt that something was wrong.

For example, there should be silver notes in the Ganxi Palace. Those people are very familiar with doing this kind of thing. How could they go wrong?

Could it be that there are still people behind him to help him? So, who is the man behind him?

In addition, Zhong Jinyi still can't figure it out, that is, how on earth was that letter packaged?

She knew very well that there was a great master Wei Zonghuai in the Jinyi Wei Yamen, and even if King Qing sent another great master over there, it would never have been possible for Wei Zonghuai to change the letters without him noticing.

Could it be that the letter was manipulated on the way from Jinyiwei to the hall of Zhenfusi?

But would Wei Zonghuai make such a low-level mistake?

It's no wonder that Zhong Jinyi couldn't think of it, because when it comes to this, no one else can do it.

That night, when the three old men were studying the letter, Qin Yuan borrowed Ah Da's vision and carved a fake seal according to the seal on the letter.

Because he used to carve a dead wooden body, it contained the basic skills of Mohist carving. When he could carve a dead wooden body almost identical to his own, the carving skills were basically accomplished, so it was easy to carve a fake seal.

After engraving the fake seal, he smeared the ink pad he carried with him and stamped it on the waste paper many times until the color was very close to the one on the letter paper. The paper he stole from next door.

After the battle with Wei Zonghuai, he sneaked into the forensic room again, first tore off the part with the seal, and then used the principle of mending paper to mend the paper that had been stamped with the seal before.

This kind of technology is not available to everyone, because it comes from puppet ancestors.

Baijia first experienced the looting of the only sword immortal in history, Chai Mang, and then went through five hundred years of continuous slaughter. Now, almost all the ancestral spells of Baijia have been lost, and even the direct descendants of the Mo family on Mo Island may not have puppets. Ancestral technique, everyone has never seen it, and naturally I can't imagine that it can be done like this.

However, the fake ones are fake after all. The seal looks very similar at first glance, but if you look closely, you can find many flaws.

The problem is, this letter has been authenticated many times, who would look at the seal carefully the next day? Unless, that person really doesn't believe in the strength of the great master Wei Zonghuai, who has been guarding for a day and a night.

Combining so many unique conditions, this is the scene just now, so Ren Zhong Jinyi can't understand it even if he breaks his head.


At this time, the underground stone room of Chaolan Palace.

The young man calmly said to the old man beside him, "Although Zhou Bingbi is present, it's hard to say how much he can play a role."

The old man raised his eyelids slightly and asked, "What does Your Highness mean?"

The young man did not hesitate and said, "If you can't do it, let's exchange it. We can give him Chen Shizhong's materials from the Ministry of War. It's always okay to change Concubine Min? In any case, Concubine Min can't be overthrown, otherwise we will have everyone in the palace. It’s not good for us to be at risk.”

"His Royal Highness, I'm afraid he won't be willing. Unless the new servant of the Ministry of Engineering is in charge of repairing the Sword Temple, we won't argue with them."

The boy frowned and fell into deep thought.

According to legend, Emperor Gaozu once searched hundreds of magical treasures and ancestral art books in the underground palace of the Sword Temple, but no one knew where the underground palace was, and it is very likely that they will be found during the repair of the Sword Temple.

Just two months ago, the sage suddenly named and asked the Minister of Works to be solely responsible for the repair of the Sword Temple.

The minister of the Ministry of Works used to be his person, but unfortunately he was too timid. After the accident, Concubine Min went straight to the official position and returned to his hometown. Now, he and King Yu are fighting fiercely for the candidate of the new minister of the Ministry of Works.

For the sake of Concubine Min, to let such a key minister of the Ministry of Industry go out, not only is it a bit of a waste of, but Baijia knows that everything they have can fly, I am afraid they will have opinions.

"Your Highness," the old man said indifferently at this time, "Are you sure, this must have been done by King Yu? If not, we will accompany Concubine Min and break down again."

The young man's eyes couldn't help but squinted slightly. He had never suspected this issue before, but when the old man reminded him, he couldn't help but have a little doubt.

He didn't do it...who else?

When he was in a dilemma, suddenly the old man's jade butterfly buzzed.

After pondering for a while, the old man's always calm face suddenly had a hint of joy.

"His Royal Highness, with the news that just came, Concubine Min is exonerated! It is said that the letter was confiscated, and Zhou Yunsheng recognized it as a fake at a glance!"

Hearing this, the boy stood up in surprise.

"This... is this true? Who can make a contract under the eyes of the great master?!"

After the old man was overjoyed, his face was clouded with suspicion, and he paced back and forth with his hands behind his back.

After a long time, he could only smile.

"The old slave can't figure it out either. Now we can only be sure that there is an expert helping us all the time. I just don't know which force the expert belongs to, and what are the plans to help us?"

There is a trace of confusion on the handsome young man's face. Even though he is extremely talented, and he has studied the techniques of the king since he was a child, he has the appearance of a hidden dragon in the abyss... But in the end, he is only in his early twenties, and some emotions cannot be hidden. living.

At this time, the old man said again, "By the way, that kid from Ganxi Palace made a mistake this time, and it seems that he also helped us."

After listening to the old man talking about the general passage in the hall, the young man couldn't help but smile again.

That little **** is really a wonderful person.

Go see him tonight.

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