What Kind of Bad Thoughts Can the Eunuch Have?

Chapter 23: The man who keeps his roots in his heart!

This time, Duan Qing also panicked and stared at Qin Yuan with wide eyes.

Brother Qin, Brother Qin, I thought that you might be too high-profile and would be beaten to death by eunuchs in other palaces. I also thought that you might be too kind and would be tricked to death by others... But I never imagined that as a Eunuchs, people without tools, would actually die on women!

Why is it so!

At this moment, Qin Yuan is also in a state of pain and struggle.

But... Damn it! His Royal Highness King Jing actually...

In this case, even the third prince of the Dragon King might not be able to find it! If this is the case, is the genius of me going to end like this? But, damn, my heart is so bitter...cough cough... um, I'm sorry to laugh.

No starlight.

The small theater failed.

Well, now Qin Yuan is actually laughing in his heart. For him who has the water breath technique, this kind of thing is not too simple.

However, adhering to the low-key concept, he still put on a bitter look and said to King Jing, "Your Highness, that slave girl may not be able to return this time."

King Jing patted Qin Yuan on the shoulder, "Why did the strong man say this? This king believes you can do it!"

Qin Yuan smiled "reluctantly" and said, "Well, if the slave is lucky enough to pick it up, can I immediately let the slave take the little beauty and my friend back to the palace?"

Worried that Duan Qing would be poisoned if he stayed, and that King Jing would embarrass him again when he came up, Qin Yuan took the opportunity to make a request, hoping that everyone could leave immediately after finding the hairpin.

King Jing frowned, looked at Su Qinqin, looked at Duan Qing, and then stopped his gaze on Qin Yuan's face, and suddenly understood something!

Immediately, he couldn't help but **** in a breath of cold air!

Then he asked, "The strong man is planning to play with his friends... Double dragon and phoenix? He's leaving soon, so urgent?"


Qin Yuan immediately twitched the corners of his mouth, thinking for a few seconds before he could react.

What's so special, as expected of His Royal Highness King Jing, a dignified industry leader, can this be associated with him?

But thinking about it, there seems to be no better reason than this. You can't tell him that you ran away because you were afraid that he would cause trouble, right?

Well, let it go!

So Qin Yuan gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, nodding in recognition!

"His Royal Highness Mingjian, slaves are indeed a little more elegant, and... the little beauty is so delicate, it's really itchy... I can't stand it!"

Now, when King Jing looked at Qin Yuan, he was completely shocked!

What is the concept? A **** who has no roots is about to die. He doesn't think about how to survive, but he still thinks about how to play tricks?

Is this simple lust? This is clearly to see color is more important than life!

What kind of disabled and determined, what a strange person?

At the same time, everyone in the room couldn't bear it any longer, and turned their attention to Qin Yuan.

The eyes of shock, contempt, anger, admiration, and admiration are all different, but without exception, everyone's eyes are wide-open.

This, what kind of feng shui is this Ganxi Palace, to be able to produce such a character?

As a eunuch, I can still be so lustful, I wait... I really can't keep up!

He is a man who keeps his roots in his heart.

On the other hand, Duan Qing was simply stupid. His first reaction was—

I, I'm not, I don't...

I, Duan Qing, have always been clean and self-righteous. I'm definitely not the kind of shameless and wretched person. What's more... I have no interest in double dragons and phoenixes. Brother Qin, how could you be so filthy and innocent?

As for Su Qinqin, his pretty face was already pale, and he almost fell to the ground.

Shameless thief!

From ancient times to the present, the most violent perverts of the demon clan in the sky and the earth!

I hope you will drown and freeze to death in the river. If you come up alive, I will die of suicide immediately, and then I will not let you go as a ghost!

Qin Yuan sighed in vain in his heart, "I just want to save people, but now everyone thinks I'm a pervert and pervert, I'm so miserable..."

Swish, more than ten golden stars shone brightly!

At this moment, King Jing finally recovered from the shock, patted Qin Yuan's shoulder and said with awe, "Relax, strong man, if you can pick up the hairpin, this king will immediately let you go back to enjoy the fish and water! "

Then he pointed to the river behind the window and said, "Please!"

Qin Yuan was also welcome, and said "please", he pushed open the window, and a fierce man plunged into the water.

The moment he entered the water, he immediately cast off the "Water Breathing Technique".

The magic of water breathing can only be fully experienced in water. Now Qin Yuan not only feels light and breathes smoothly, but also does not feel cold at all, just like a fish who has lived here for a long time.

At the bottom of the water, but relying on intuition, you can clearly identify the direction.

However, in order not to reveal his cultivation, he quickly put his head above the water, and then slowly and leisurely swam toward the approximate position where the hairpin entered the water in a dog-planer style.

On the other side of the shore, there was a sudden drumbeat of "dong dong". It turned out that King Jing himself ran to the shore and beat the drum to cheer him on.

And there was also a large group of guards on the shore, holding torches and shouting in unison, "Majestic, majestic", the scene was spectacular.

To make such a battle on a whim, I am afraid that only King Jing can do it. If there is no accident, there will be an official impeachment against him tomorrow.

Qin Yuan felt that he should have reached the approximate area where the hairpin entered the water, so he plunged into the bottom of the water.

The bottom of the water is very dark, but the water breath technique can provide a part of the field of vision, which is about as large as a candle can illuminate.

But Qin Yuan thought that if he touched it, he didn't know when he would touch it, so he silently chanted the incantation to call the water tiger.

Soon, the river water around him was surging quietly. After a while, a "tiger" with a body length of nearly two meters appeared in front of Qin Yuan. , claws and beards are lifelike, just like the real thing!

Seeing that it was quite powerful, Qin Yuan thought it was very reliable, so he told it to find the hairpin together with his mind, and the water tiger started to shuttle in the water without saying a word~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is extremely agile.

There were a lot of fish in the river, so Qin Yuan thought of the fish-baiting technique again, so he tried to focus on a big fish swimming in front of him.

It was a grass carp with a black back, just like countless nights, it could not sleep, maybe it was a lovelorn, maybe its wife ran away with another fish, or maybe the fish loan was not repaid, in short, wandering alone in the dark river water ...

Until that moment, it seemed to hear the call of fate!

Fate called it to find a thing called a hairpin, and passed the general image into its fish brain.

The grass carp seemed to come back to life and acted frantically.

After a while, a carp also received the call and started to move.

About a quarter of an hour later, Qin Yuan summoned more than a hundred fish, big and small, until he felt that the headache was too much to bear, and then he stopped.

Now that the fish started looking, he stopped looking for it himself, but just surfaced after a while, pretending to be breathing like a normal person.

Soon, after a carpet search of hundreds of fish, the hairpin was found.

Qin Yuan found the hairpins, and quickly released the temptation technique, letting them go freely.

However, Grass Carp felt lost... Suddenly she felt that she had lost something.

But can't remember what happened just now?


Qin Yuan deliberately dawdled in the water for about half an hour, or about half an hour, which should be the limit that a normal human body can withstand.

Then, go ashore!

King Jing is still beating drums with his hair disheveled!

Aren't his hands sore?

This guy is absolutely mentally ill!

But when Qin Yuan "shivered" and took out the hairpin, the drum sound stopped!

The entire river bank was completely still!

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