What If I Accidentally Made My Debut?

Chapter 122 Send Chapter Ten!

"White snake giving birth?"

"It turns out that she really cultivated to become an adult!"

"You lied to me!"

Qi Lin's eyes were wide open in the cassock, his expression was full of disbelief and resistance!

Xu Ke behind the camera couldn't help but feel emotional, is this a rookie who has been in the industry for two years?

If you tell me that he is from a family of performers, I will believe it!

Don't even mention the fact that Qi Lin is not NG, this acting alone can instantly kill 70% of the people in the showbiz!

No wonder those big directors love Qi Lin so much. If someone interviews me and asks how Qi Lin is as an actor, I have to be like them. I can't say anything except praise!

Wu Xing, who had already shaved his head, was also watching Qi Lin's performance. He played a lot with Qi Lin's opponent, and the feeling was even stronger!

Let's put it this way, he doesn't believe that Qi Lin is a newcomer at all!

Which newcomer can be like Qi Lin, who never makes mistakes in facial expressions and movements, and keeps doing the same thing several times in a row?

And Qi Lin's acting skills are not like a rookie! Not to mention the stable performance, there are often some highlight moments!

Especially the Fa Hai he played, it simply made Wu Xing have an illusion!

That means the person in front of him is Fa Hai himself!

Especially when Qi Lin entered the play, this feeling was particularly strong!

Previously Zhang Yu and Qi Lin said after they played opposite each other that Qi Lin was not acting, he was reliving the role instead of the character in the play!

Not everyone can have this kind of evaluation!

Wu Xing put away his contempt a long time ago, and even when he didn't have a part in the show, he would take the initiative to talk to Qi Lin and learn from each other.

"Bai Suzhen is not human! No way! No way!"

"No! It turns out that the one who has been fighting with me is a person!"

Qi Lin collapsed, his voice full of self-doubt!

In Fahai's world, people are people, and monsters are monsters!

So he still turned a blind eye to those who were eroded and demonized by desire.

But in the face of the peaceful spider spirit who has no hostility, he directly suppressed it!

But now, the snake essence can actually give birth to a human being. Doesn't this mean that she has also cultivated into a human being?

Isn't the rule that Fahai has followed for so many years a joke?

At this moment, Fa Hai's world view collapsed.

Xu Ke stood up directly behind the camera, staring at the screen in front of him, directing the photographer to take pictures!

Qi Lin's collapse at this moment was absolutely unparalleled!

It even resonated with him, clearly feeling Fa Hai's despair at the moment!

What is a good actor?

This is called a good actor!

He is now sincerely grateful to Hong Bao, if there is no recommendation from Hong Bao, where can he find such a perfect Fa Hai?

"Cut! It's over! Make up and touch up! The actor rests in place!"

With a big wave of Xu Ke's hand, the makeup artists and prop artists in the crew became busy again.

Qi Lin also slowly walked out of the emotions in the scene just now. The current Qi Lin always inadvertently falls into the emotions of the characters when filming.

This is both good and bad!

The advantage is that the characters performed in this state are absolutely impeccable!

Ordinary actors only need to feel this way once or twice, and it can be called a highlight moment! Qi Lin has already mastered the trick, and he can enter if he wants to.

But the disadvantage of this is that once you get too deep into the drama, it's hard to get out!

After many actors finish filming a scene, it often takes a year or two to get out of the role.

And those who are deeply involved in the drama, they will not be able to get out at all, and they will even do some extreme things!

The right scale is a test of the actor's skill.

Qi Lin was touching up his makeup when he saw Xu Ke walking over slowly.

The make-up artist in front of her sensibly turned her body sideways, applied makeup on Qi Lin's eyes and left immediately. She knew that the two of them must have something to say.

Xu Ke sat on the small bench opposite Qi Lin, smiling and lighting a flue.

"Are you interested in playing the leading role?"

Qi Lin was startled, the protagonist?

Who is not interested in this thing! It's all money! Is this a scene with friends but lack of a male lead?

He nodded cheerfully at the moment and said, "Who is not interested in the protagonist?"

Wang Xiaohua's "film appointment radar" also activated independently, and walked over cheerfully.

"I don't know which director's masterpiece it is?"

Xu Ke pointed to himself with a smile and said, "I will, who else? I plan to prepare a movie about Huang Feihong! I am very satisfied with Qi Lin's skill and image. If possible, I hope I can give it to me next year." Leave a few months' schedule!"

Wang Xiaohua's eyes flickered, a movie about Huang Feihong? Then why not find Li Jie from Huang Feihong's professional household?

Newcomers? Or is the other party asking for a high salary?

Wang Xiaohua's mind changed sharply, but she agreed with a smile on her mouth.

"Of course it's no problem. It's our honor to make your old movies."

When Qi Lin saw Wang Xiaohua approaching, he shut up.

Sister Hua handles this kind of matter much better than herself, so I can rest assured that I leave it to her.

That night, Qi Lin finished!

Xu Ke specially organized a small wrap-up banquet for Qi Lin, but in the end, many people came.

These people usually play well with Qi Lin in the crew, Xu Ke couldn't help but feel that this is almost no different from the crew's finale banquet!

I saw this kid spend all day on the set either filming or reading scripts, but I didn't expect him to be so good at socializing!

And there is a special guest, Hong Tai!

After the wrap-up banquet tonight, Qi Lin, Wang Xiaohua and the others are going to Lijian Kingdom.

This time Qi Lin was going to be a martial arts instructor in name, but in fact, it was to compete with Robert!

In Hong Tai's words, for that kind of person, the only way to cure his bad mouth is to subdue him!

Qi Lin still has some confidence in this, his confidence comes from strength!

If the two sides compete according to each other's rules, Qi Lin may not necessarily win.

Qi Lin might not be able to win if he simply compared his strength.

But if you talk about bare hands, life and death are divided.

That Qilin has a great chance of winning! And never lost!

When he was learning Ang Quan, his master had warned him.

The fist is too vicious, remember to be a man and stay on the line before you make a move, and don't do everything!

Unless the other party is a foreign bandit!

And now the so-called Robert just happens to meet the conditions of the Waikou!

At the finale banquet, Xu Ke got up solemnly and said.

"Everyone! I will offer a drink tonight! I want to thank Qi Lin for his dedication to the crew over the past two months!"

After hearing this, everyone got up one after another. Qi Lin never expected Xu Ke to say that, so he got up in a hurry and picked up his orange juice.

"Don't, don't, you're going to kill me by saying that."

Wang Xiaohua also stood up cheerfully and said, "That's right, my brother is still a rookie, thanks to your promotion, we should be the ones to toast you!"

Xu Ke didn't talk nonsense after hearing this, and drank it all in one gulp, and the people around him also drank up the wine in their glasses.

After waiting for Director Xu Ke to sit down, they all returned to their seats.

Xu Ke quietly whispered in Qi Lin's ear.

"This time, kill me! A lot of people are watching!"

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