Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 20 Perfect Life Sanatorium (20)

Kang Mai cursed and walked to the hospital building.

Wang Xiaoling followed him at a short distance. Kang Mai took a few steps and couldn't help turning back and yelling at her fiercely: "Why are you following me?"

"I..." Wang Xiaoling was not far from Kang Mai. She clasped her hands and said boldly: "You are not the only one who can take this road. I will also go back to the hospital building."

Kang Mai snorted coldly and suddenly gave way: "You go first."

Wang Xiaoling: "..."

Kang Mai was fierce and unkind, and he disdained to pay attention to her. Wang Xiaoling had almost no chance of trying to trick her. She walked to the front in frustration, turning back three times every step of the way.

Kangmai stared at her with evil eyes.

Wang Xiaoling and Kang Mai went upstairs one after another. When they arrived at the nurse's desk, Mo Dong and the young couple happened to be there, probably discussing voting.

"Xiaoling..." Mo Dong called Wang Xiaoling, "Where have you been?"

"It's none of your business." Wang Xiaoling seemed to be sure that they would vote for her, and she didn't give them a good look at all.

Mo Dong: "..."

Fu Qiqi whispered: "What kind of attitude..."

Wang Xiaoling's bloodshot eyes stared at Fu Qiqi unkindly.

Kang Mai ignored the turbulent undercurrent between them, asked the nurse at the nurse's desk for a pen, filled in two names at random, threw it to the nurse and went back to the room.

When he returned to the room, he found Yinsu sleeping again. There were two kettles side by side on the bedside table. The lid of one kettle was still pushed open by a pale hand, and his fingers were groping back and forth on the edge of the kettle...


There was still more than an hour before lunch, so Kangmai took the time to lie down and rest.

Tonight would only be more dangerous than yesterday, and he needed as much sleep time as possible.

Noon, cafeteria.

The pre-dinner seat grabbing activity was even more dangerous. If Yinsu hadn't killed a patient just like in the morning, some patients would probably attack them.

And lunch is more substantial and has more portions.

It was as if the extra food due to fewer patients was shared among them.

The first purpose of the canteen is: no waste.

Waste triggers punishment from cafeteria employees.

Under this premise, the number of patients has decreased, but the food has not, so the food must be distributed to other dining patients and players.

This makes sense.


Yinsu held the fork and stabbed it hard on a piece of meat. It was so unreasonable!

It doesn’t matter if you can’t finish the Yinsu, just share it with other patients. But other players didn't dare to imitate her. Everyone had a grimace on their faces and tried to eat while enduring nausea.

They had eaten it several times, but they still couldn't accept the taste.

After Yinsu solved his own trouble, he began to look at the others at the table.

The faces of Mo Dong and the young couple looked much better than in the morning. They probably found that the rule of 'you can go get checked if you feel unwell' was correct.

Wang Xiaoling followed Kang Mai after breakfast. Kang Mai went to check her body. She should have checked her body too. She seemed to be in good condition.

However, she was immersed in eating at this time, and she looked extremely gloomy.

Because the portions of food increased, Mo Dong and the others failed to finish the food and were taken away by the cafeteria employees.

The cafeteria employees can't hurt them directly yet, but after being punished by them, their physical condition will obviously get worse.

The food in the cafeteria should have the same effect...

Plus that weird bottle of medicine at night.

This dungeon continues to pollute the player's body. As the pollution worsens, I am afraid that in the end, even daytime examinations will not make the player's health much better.

She didn't eat the problematic food in the cafeteria, nor did she take any medicine, so her current physical condition is okay and she doesn't feel too obvious.

Yinsu went to the garden to eat again, and when she returned upstairs, she saw the head nurse taking Kang Mai and Wang Xiaoling away.

These two people were thrown out with almost no surprises.

Mo Dong and the other three people did not dare to look at Wang Xiaoling and avoided her resentful gaze.

Kang Mai didn't care. Anyway, he had already expected this situation and still treated other players with disdain and contempt.

When the head nurse took Kang Mai and Wang Xiaoling away, Fu Qiqi said in panic: "Are we going to vote tomorrow?"

There was one ticket on the first day, two tickets on the second day, so wouldn’t it be three tickets on the third day?

But there are only three of them left...

Players who are cleared of suspicion cannot vote, so they even need to vote for each other.

"Maybe... there is a reporter among them?" Jiang Liang didn't know whether he was comforting Fu Qiqi or comforting himself: "Don't worry too much."


Yinsu laughed suddenly, and the three of them looked at her at the same time.

Mo Dong: "Miss Yinsu, why are you laughing?"

"I thought of something funny." Yinsu stopped laughing. She raised her eyebrows slightly and asked, "Why, I can't laugh yet?"

Laugh at them for pinning their hopes on illusory possibilities and possibilities at this time.

Yinsu thought that the equal vote mentioned by Wang Xiaoling might be a solution. The head nurse said that if they did not vote, they would all be 'sent away', and those who voted would also be taken away, but she did not say what the equal vote was.

If they hadn't been so eager to vote her out on day one, maybe everyone could have tried a tie vote.

Even if the vote is tied, there is still a problem. According to common sense in the world, the first day of the dungeon is relatively safe, so there is no harm in giving it a try. At most, it will only be punished and the body will be polluted.

It's a pity that they were too eager to push her out to ward off the disaster.

Yinsu ignored them and turned back to the room. She planned to look for clues again at night, so she slept in her room all afternoon.

Kang Mai came back before dinner, looking as miserable as a wretch crawling out of a garbage dump.

The poor guy also brought back a taboo rule: "No one will die during the day."

Yinsu nodded not surprisingly.

The night in this dungeon should be dangerous, and players won't have many opportunities to explore for clues.

Therefore, daytime is the time for players to explore clues, and it is normal to use the rule "No one can die during the day" to protect players.

However, NPCs can use various methods to pollute players and make their physical condition worse. This will both prevent players from exploring and increase their mortality rate at night.

Kang Mai scolded twice with a sullen face: "This copy is too difficult."

"Difficult?" Yinsu just felt a little disgusting, but didn't think it was that difficult. After all, the monsters in this copy seemed to be very weak.

A small monster is easy to kill with one knife.

"Don't you think it's difficult? The novice copy shouldn't be this difficult."

His first two novice copies are very simple.

"It's... hard." Yinsu, who had been quietly missing for five years, followed the locals. After all, she still didn't understand the difficulty of the copy of this forbidden game.

Kang Mai: "..." She came up with another suspicious 'ba'!

Kang Mai cleaned up the blood on his body with a dark face, "Do you have any other clues?"

Chapter idea activity extraction:

[Please don’t forget to make a sacrifice. 】Not one

[Is it okay if Dr. Qi dies?] Why do people need to study?

The winning little cutie please join the welfare group 553224216 to claim it~

This event is long-term and everyone is welcome to participate~

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