The supernatural events on the ghost hunter APP are all evaluated and released by special people

, and there are too many ghosts across the country to solve it with the official ghost hunters alone

, so the Yin League has specially arranged some supernatural events as tasks, and set up point rewards for free ghost hunters to complete.

This can not only reduce the pressure on the official ghost hunters, but also improve the strength of the free ghost hunters

, which is equivalent to improving the overall strength of the human race

, and at the same time eliminating the ghosts, which

can be said to kill three birds with one stone.

However, the supernatural mission information released on the Ghost Hunter APP is

not all accurate, and the information of some missions may be somewhat missing, and the observers have only observed a rough idea

, after all, they have not solved this supernatural event, so it is impossible to grasp the information 100%.

The supernatural task that Zhang Yan received from the husband and wife ghost is typical, the task describes that there is only one intermediate evil spirit, and the information of the other high-level evil is omitted

, if Lin Yuan hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid Zhang Yan would have been killed by this mission.

This is also a thing that there is no way to do in supernatural events

, ghosts are changeable and cunning existences, it is possible that today's ghosts are

still medium-level

evils, and after killing a few people in two days, they will become high-level evils.

It is possible that there is only one ghost in that place today, and

in two days there may be someone in that place who has become a new ghost...

This is the variability of supernatural events, and

no one can control it.

"There are four ghosts shown in this task, according to the scale of the Ascension Hotel, that is, a boss, a chef, and a dishman, and the remaining one may be a dishwasher or a chorre..."

According to the information on the Ghost Hunter APP, the diners in the Ascension Hotel are all ordinary people who have died, and those diners have not become ghosts, but have been controlled by the powerful ghosts in the hotel and have become ghost slaves.

"Do you want to call Zhang Yan together? But he is a cultivator, he wants to destroy ghosts, and I am a ghost master, I want to control ghosts, the two of us have some conflicts, even if we meet a ghost master companion in the future, he wants to control ghosts, I also want to control ghosts, a ghost can't be divided into two halves, right?"

Lin Yuan was a little difficult,

he felt that he didn't seem to be suitable for completing the task with others.

"Forget it, I'll complete this task by myself first, I currently have 1755 aura, and even if I encounter a low-level ghost, I can forcibly control it when the time comes.

Lin Yuan thought about it, he has the hole card of controlling the spirit, and he can try to brush the supernatural events of

the Ascension Hotel! After confirming it, Lin Yuan will no longer be entangled, since the Ascension Hotel is open at night, then he is ready to go to the Happiness Road tomorrow night to meet it for a while...


The next night, Lin Yuan took a taxi and came to Xingfu Road.

"What's the matter, the place shown in the navigation is here, why didn't you see it?"

Lin Yuan walked on Xingfu Road for a long time, but he couldn't find a place.

"Brother, what are you doing, you have been walking here for a long time, are you lost?"

Just as Lin Yuan was about to ask passers-by,

an uncle passing by next to him asked.

"Excuse me, uncle, do you know where the Ascension Hotel is?" Lin Yuan asked.

"Ascension Hotel, what are you doing in this ghost place?"

"I just wanted to ask, I heard that place is haunted, and I wanted to go there and do a live stream of the spirit.

Lin Yuan casually made up a reason, he couldn't say that he was here to exorcise ghosts.

"Young man, I advise you not to go there, you don't know, that place is not only haunted, but also killed!" The

uncle's face sank, and at the same time he did not forget to look around,

as if it was a taboo to mention the name at night.

"Uncle, can you talk to me?" Lin

Yuan asked curiously at this time.

"Don't, don't, I don't want to provoke such a wicked thing. The

uncle waved his hand and wanted to leave with a gloomy expression.

"Uncle, wait, you can talk to me, this is a little careful.

Lin Yuan saw that the uncle was leaving, so he hurriedly stepped forward to stop him,

and took out 5 red tickets from his body and stuffed them into the uncle's hand.

"It's... Well, seeing that you young man is so sensible, I'll talk to you. The

uncle stuffed the money into his pocket and said with a smile.


Lin Yuan saw that the uncle's face changed more than turning a book, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously pulled.

"Young man, don't you know, a few drunken young people passed by here at night a few nights, it was very late, there were only a few street lights on the road, they walked staggered one by one, and they didn't know where they went, one of them suddenly shivered, looked up, and found that there was a restaurant in front of him that was still open!

They were stunned at the time, thinking that they had drunk too much and had hallucinations, you must know that it was midnight at this time, and there was no one around except

the three of them, and the hotel was still open so late? Another young man among the three wanted to know if there was a hallucination, so he walked in the direction of the hotel, but the three of them walked and walked, and they really walked to the door of the hotel, all this was not their hallucination!

But at that time, they had already drunk too much, and they didn't delve into it so much, they thought that since they arrived at the hotel, they might as well eat something by the way, and then the three of them walked into the hotel together, but unexpectedly, they

found that the restaurant was full of people! At this time, the restaurant was full of guests, and those diners chatted while eating, giving people a very lively feeling, but the last young man was a little sober, and he found that there seemed to be something wrong with those diners!

Although those people were smiling on their faces, they were very stiff when they laughed, and the action of eating basically did not change, and the most strange thing for him was that those people were talking very loudly, but they couldn't hear what they were saying, as if they were deliberately creating a very lively atmosphere...

The young man talked to the other two, but his companion laughed at him for drinking too much and not being sober so he couldn't hear what people were saying, and the young man was not convinced and wanted to verify it, but he felt that it was a little bad to disturb other diners rashly like this, after all, he didn't know people, so he couldn't run over and ask others what you were talking about, right?

The three of them found an empty table and sat down, but this time, the young man felt that something was wrong again, he found that the diners seemed to be staring at them, and they were still laughing, why did the diners look at them and laugh?"

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