Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 4 The Sly Planet

Li Yuansheng took out his phone, dialed the number of the director of Lianhai City Anomaly Management Bureau, took a deep breath, and said solemnly:

"I'm at No. 66, Fengren Street, and I found an overlapping area on the 18th level. Please keep everyone away from here."

"Because of force majeure, I have to enter the area now. If I can't get out alive... please take good care of Jane."

After hanging up the phone, Li Yuansheng stepped into this small shop with a tragic expression.

Probably because of the invitation, this time he didn't have that creepy feeling.

He Shan lay on the counter and asked Li Yuansheng in a relaxed tone: "Welcome, this is the first time this store is open, what can I buy?"

"What did you say... Oh, buy something, I will buy it, I will definitely buy it!"

Li Yuansheng was a little at a loss, he was ready to die heroically, but this guy actually asked him to buy something.

The shop is a bit empty, and the things that can be sold should be those on the counter.

A bag of suspicious corpse powder, a horn ornament, a small pile of verdant leaves, and nothing else.

That bag of 'corpse powder' probably came from some unlucky guy.

These leaves have a strong energy aura, so they should be good trick materials.

An emerald green crown hangs on the long horn ornament, which gives people the feeling of...

Wait, this is the crown of the sixth rank monster!

A picture suddenly appeared in Li Yuansheng's mind. He Shan grabbed a terrifying sixth-rank monster, removed its head, and put it here for sale.

Now he is even more convinced that this guy in front of him is an extremely terrifying existence!

Below these three items, there is a price tag. The long-horn ornament is ten silver coins, the leaf is a piece of copper coin, ten pieces can be bought together to get a 20% discount, and the minced meat is thirty Zhongzhou yuan a catty.

One of the rules of Suiyuan Shop is equivalent exchange. When everything comes out of the decomposition machine, it will have a price tag. He Shan himself cannot set the price arbitrarily.

Since He Shan asked Li Yuansheng to buy it, Li Yuansheng would not dare not to buy it, otherwise he might not be able to leave here alive.

He dug out his wallet, took out three brass coins with a strange smell, and asked humbly.

"I only have this money, what do you think I should buy?"

This brass coin is a treacherous copper coin, which can be obtained occasionally in the hands of monsters in the overlapping area. The three coins held by Li Yuansheng are actually just for collection, and the treacherous copper coin is of no use to ordinary tricksters.

In the end, Li Yuansheng left the Suiyuan shop with a dull expression, carrying dozens of catties of minced meat and three small leaves.

He couldn't believe that he came out of this shop safely like this. This is an overlapping area of ​​level 18!

Just after walking tens of meters, Li Yuansheng found that he was surrounded by his subordinates.

He also understood why these people did this, so he sat helplessly on the ground. If it were him, he didn't believe that someone could enter the overlapping area of ​​level 18 and come back safe and sound.


He Shan looked at Li Yuansheng's back and sighed, "He is really a good man."

Originally, He Shan was just planning to start a business briefly. Even if Li Yuansheng didn't buy anything, he couldn't do anything about it.

But I didn't expect Li Yuansheng to be very cooperative. He bought as much stuff as he had, even the leftover minced meat in his shop, which solved some of his troubles.

Now that the store has been cleaned and the opening time has come, he can go home.

He closed the shutter door of the store from the inside, and disappeared into the store with a thought.

He Shan does not usually live in the store, he has his own home in the urban area, he can return to Suiyuan shop at any time, but every time he comes to Suiyuan shop, he has to sell goods for eight hours to leave again.

He Shan's home is an old one-bedroom building, which can be said to be cold in winter and hot in summer.

But in this day and age, having a place to live is pretty good. Many people have spent their entire life savings and just bought their own house, but it suddenly becomes an overlapping area, and they lose everything in the end.

He Shan stood in front of the window, and now the sky was already bright, and two moons appeared in the sky, one smaller was a normal full moon, while the other was slightly larger exuding colorful halos, which was a strange moon. planet.

The deceitful planet appeared three years ago. At that time, He Shan still remembered that the media all over the world were broadcasting the news about the deceitful planet.

This is a special planet that moves without any rules. The planet is covered with a fascinating iridescent halo, and it is impossible to detect what the interior of the planet looks like.

Scientists have called the strange planet the biggest astronomical discovery of this century, which is the eighth leap in human cognition of the universe.

But this news only lasted for a month, because after thirty days, the tricky planet disappeared!

With various human observation methods, no trace of the sly planet can be found, and many people began to criticize the sly planet as a hoax.

The farce lasted for three months, and after 90 days, no one thought the tricky planet was a hoax anymore, because the tricky planet appeared directly near the earth, hanging in the sky like the moon!

Since then, the deceitful planet has been there, and it doesn't seem to follow any laws of physics. Regardless of the northern and southern hemispheres, as long as it is daytime, the deceitful planet can be seen, and they are all in the same position.

What's even more weird is that even though the weird planet is hanging there, the earth and the surrounding stars are not affected by its gravitational force.

Although not affected by gravity, other effects are more terrifying.

Since three years ago, there have been overlapping regions appearing one after another, and these overlapping regions have the characteristics of both the strange planet and the earth at the same time.

Countless strange things wreaked havoc in the overlapping area, and countless human beings died in the overlapping area, including He Shan's parents, relatives and friends.

That's why He Shancai took the risk to become a trickster. Not only did he want to protect himself in this weird age, but he also dreamed that one day he could take revenge for what he had lost! He Shan, who was just an ordinary person three years ago, failed, and his temperament changed drastically because of it. But this time, He Shan has a small shop and a strange decomposition machine, so maybe he won't fail again.

He Shan turned on the computer and began to search for information about the overlapping areas.

Although the Anomaly Management Bureau has been committed to clearing all overlapping areas, there are still dense overlapping areas in the world. It is conservatively estimated that a small half of the earth's area has become an overlapping area.

He Shan has just become a trickster, and he can only be regarded as a zero-level trickster. Only the first-level overlapping area is suitable for him to explore. The monsters here are generally not too powerful, and only the domain master has the first place. level of strength.

"In the next few days, I will put it away at the random shop first. I will familiarize myself with the ability first, and then I will explore the overlapping area!"

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