After getting the piece of wool, Shen Ling bought a few small pieces of wool with the remaining money. After Zhou Jin visited the antique shops of all sizes, the two returned to their original city.

During this trip to Yunnan, her relationship with Zhou Jin gradually became normal. After the couple returned home, they went to Xu's father and Xu's mother to eat together, and brought some special products from Yunnan by the way.

During the dinner, Shen Ling mentioned that he had bought a few pieces of wool in Yunnan and wanted to develop jade carvings.

Xu's father and Xu's mother only have a daughter like her, and the family is not short of money. No matter what the daughter does, both of them hold a supportive attitude. Now that Xu Bing was heard to be engaged in jade carving, the two soon expressed their support for her. Xu's father also suggested that Shen Ling could learn jade carving from Master Lu.

Master Lu is the old gentleman who lives in the same ward with Father Xu and runs a jade carving shop on the first floor of the Antique City.

Master Lu has been in the jade carving business for decades. Although he is not a master in technique, he is more than enough to teach a beginner like Shen Ling.

Shen Ling followed him to learn jade carving, and at the same time he applied for a course to learn about the knowledge of jade systematically.

In his spare time, Shen Ling studied the materials he bought from Yunnan. After the wool was bought back, she used a stone-cutting machine to untie the materials. The best thing is that the 800,000 piece of material bought back, about the size of an adult's fist, and full of water head. In addition, those are relatively small pieces of material, and the head is okay.

Shen Ling still has no idea how to use that fist-sized material. As for those small pieces of material, Shen Ling picked two pieces of water heads that were not very good, and tried to sculpt a chest pendant, just as practice hand.

Jade carving requires patience and talent.

Shen Ling is patient and has some talents. After studying with Master Lu for half a year, a piece of pendant she carved out in the space has a look. She took it out and gave it to Xu's mother. Because it was her daughter's first jade sculpture, Xu's mother was full of praise and immediately put it on her body.

In order to celebrate Shen Ling's improvement in jade carving, Xu's father cooked a large table of delicious food that night.

After the last dish came, Zhou Jin was late.

Xu's father made an exception and drank two more glasses of beer because he was so happy. Zhou Jin also drank a lot with him. When he returned to the house where he and Shen Ling lived, he felt dizzy and took out a bottle of juice from the refrigerator.

Shen Ling was about to read the few jade books he had just bought, and Zhou Jin stopped her.

"Xiaobing, my mother called today." Zhou Jin said casually.

Shen Ling was reminded by him that Zhou Jin's parents came. Zhou's father and Zhou's mother were from H city and both were teachers in a certain high school. After Zhou Jin bought a house here and got married, because Zhou's father and Zhou's mother had not yet retired, they still lived in H city.

Xu Bing had a good impression of the two of them, but it was probably because they couldn't see each other several times a year.

Now that Zhou's mother called, Shen Ling quickly turned her head and said, "What does Mom call you for?"

Zhou Jin raised his eyebrows slightly. After Xu Bing married him, he has always been called Father Zhou and Mother Zhou in private by your mother, your father, but he soon recovered. "She said that summer vacation is coming soon, and she wants Come live for a few days."

Shen Ling's expression changed slightly, but she quickly adjusted her mood and said, "That's pretty good. I'll clean up the room for them in a few days."

Zhou Jin tightened the cap of the juice bottle. He didn't like to drink these sweet and sour things. Now he drank some to sober up the wine. After he felt more comfortable in his stomach, he put the juice on the table.

"That's not necessary. I'm going to other provinces next month, so I didn't promise to let my mother come over."

Shen Ling's attention shifted to Zhou Jin's business trip. "What are you doing in other provinces, is it for the antique shop?"

Zhou Jin had also visited other provinces several times before, mostly to collect antiques from other provinces. After all, if antique shops want to attract more customers, they have to work **** the supply of goods.

Zhou Jin nodded: "There will be a large-scale trade fair in Luoyang, Henan. I heard that there will be many treasures. I want to see it."

Shen Ling listened to Luoyang in Henan Province and moved in his heart. These days, she not only read a lot of books on jade, but also some books on jade. She immediately thought that there is a kind of jade comparable to jade—Dushan jade in Nanyang, Henan.

Shen Ling's eyes lit up, "Zhou Jin, how long will you be going this time, can you take me?"

At first, Zhou Jin thought she wanted to participate in the Luoyang trade fair, but Xu Bing had never been interested in antiques. Now he likes jade carvings again, and it makes no sense to like antiques anymore. He thought again that there seemed to be a more famous jade in Henan, and he knew what Shen Ling meant.

"I'm going there for half a month this time. If you want to go with me, what will Master Lu do?"

Shen Ling quickly thought about it: "Master Lu, I can take half a month's leave first, and I can continue the class when I get back."

Seeing that Shen Ling's heart had been resolved, Zhou Jin stopped talking, and took a few more sips of the juice.

When she went to bed at night, Shen Ling realized that Zhou Jin seemed to have something on her mind. While flipping through the jade pictures in the book, she asked: "What's wrong?"

Zhou Jin lay halfway on the bed, stretched out his left hand, playing with Shen Ling's long hair for a while, "Xiaobing, my mother said one more thing today."

"what's up?"

"She asked me, when do we have children."

After these words fell, Shen Ling immediately turned his head and looked at him, with doubts in his eyes.

Zhou Jin stroked Shen Ling's back, seeming to comfort her, and said at the same time: "You heard that right, she is urging us to have a baby."

Shen Ling hadn't been urged in the previous world, so she acted calmly, "Then what do you think?"

Zhou Jin sat up slightly. He turned on the table lamp on the bedside table. Under the light, the expression on his face was more serious than usual. "Xiaobing, I think so. Having a baby is always a big deal for us. , I hope we can think about it. We can’t just do this because of others’ urging.”

Suddenly, Shen Ling didn't understand Zhou Jin's meaning. When he told Zhou's mother's urging of the child, didn't he indirectly express his meaning? Why did he say such a thing again?

"Then what do you mean?" Shen Ling asked with doubts.

Zhou Jin simply sat up, "I think so. The business of the antique shop has been a critical period in the past few years. I may often go to other provinces this year, and you have been busy with jade carving recently. If you are pregnant this year, Maybe our lives will be disrupted all of a sudden. So I think we can postpone it for a year or two, wait until our careers are on the right track, and then consider this matter. At the same time, we will take care of our bodies so that we can live in the future The baby that comes out will also be very healthy."

Shen Ling saw Zhou Jin's mouth bend slightly when he said the word "baby", and even the corners of his eyes softened, as if he loved children very much.

Shen Ling smiled and said, "You think so comprehensively. It's definitely not the first time you think about this, right?" She didn't wait for Zhou Jin to answer, "Since you think so comprehensively, then just listen to you. "

After the husband and wife reached a consensus, when Shen Ling fell asleep, they saw Zhou Jin reaching out from there and handing her a small thing.

Shen Ling smiled, and every time Zhou Jin wanted to come to an indoor exercise, he would pass the condom over. When she tore the condom apart, Zhou Jin suddenly said in a low voice, "I don't know what our children will look like in the future."

Three days later, the couple packed up their luggage and went out again in Luoyang, Henan.

When Zhou Jin attended the trade fair, Shen Ling bought a ticket to Nanyang City.

The birthplace of Nanyang jade carving is Shifosi Town, Zhenping County, Nanyang City, known as the "Hometown of Jade Carving". There are thousands of jade carving processing enterprises in the town.

Shen Ling quickly found a jade trading market, but the quality of the jade carvings made of Dushan jade sold in it was not very good. And the rough Dushan jade that Shen Ling wanted to find was almost absent.

In the next few days, Shen Ling learned that the mining of Dushan jade rough was managed by the state, and that if he wanted to buy rough, he had to bid openly. Whoever pays the highest price can get the corresponding rough stone.

Shen Ling bought three excellent rough stones in total through this type of auction, and only spent 10,000 yuan in total.

Although the Chinese people have set off a Tibetan jade climax in recent years, the prices of Hetian jade and jadeite are getting higher and higher, but Dushan jade has not been smashed, and the price is still relatively low.

Shen Ling intends to carve the three original Dushan jade stones that he bought into ornaments.

But her current skill is not very good, so she put the three rough stones and the 800,000 piece of material together, which is the space, and plans to wait two years before doing it.

After receiving the Dushan jade rough, Shen Ling waited for Zhou Jin to come and meet her while wandering in the nearby jade trading market.

Sometimes when I saw those ornaments with good materials but not exquisite workmanship, Shen Ling bought them with money, planning to perform secondary processing after going back, so as to exercise his jade carving skills.

On this day, she bought a not-so-exquisite decoration for 700 yuan in a remote market, and was about to leave with the decoration. The owner of the stall suddenly stopped her mysteriously and asked her if she was interested in the rough Dushan jade.

The boss said that a friend of his could get rough stones mined in the mine. Then ask her if she is interested in attending such a gathering, he can take her to attend, only need to pay 200 yuan introduction fee.

It was the first time that Shen Ling attended this kind of gathering that the stall owner said. She followed the stall owner to the outskirts by car, and arrived at a farmyard covering several hundred square meters.

The front of the farmyard is planted with corn and peanut crops, and the back is a warehouse with a large area.

When Shen Ling arrived, several people had already arrived at the warehouse, and they had found this place through various relationships and introductions.

The one who received them was a simple looking peasant. He took them to the warehouse and saw that the ground was piled with various rough stones. These rough stones are more or less exposed with some jade flesh, arranged in order according to the price.

Shen Ling suddenly became familiar with this scene, and felt as if he had returned to Yunnan. However, the price of these rough stones in front of them is not so high, mostly a few tens of yuan per catty. The price is much lower than that of a regular auction.

Shen Ling swallowed a penetrating pill, and after finding that these rough stones had not been faked, he squatted on the ground and picked them up. She didn't ask about the price, but only looked at the amount of jade in the rough, and within a short time she picked out a bunch of rough stones.

The honest farmer told her that the price added up to less than five thousand yuan. Perhaps in order to solicit business, the honest and honest boss even wiped out Shen Ling, and at the same time told her that in the future, if you want a rough stone with good quality and low price, you can find it here.

However, Shen Ling felt that the origin of the rough stones was very problematic, and it was okay to buy them once or twice. If there were more, let's forget it. Anyway, the price of Dushan jade from regular channels is not very expensive, so you can buy it with confidence.

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