
Vol 3 Chapter 59: See also Lao Chen's "10,000 Characters

At noon, Fan Wubing deliberately ordered a batch of ducks in the old Quanjude store, and then rented a restaurant in the hotel where Lin Xiaotong was staying to entertain colleagues from the new company.

At twelve o'clock, He Yun showed up at the entrance of the hotel on time with his brigade. Although they were all dressed in casual clothes, the attitude of the soldiers could not be changed at the same time. Therefore, when the forty and fifty people appeared at the same time, The hotel security was terrified, thinking that it was the underworld who came to make trouble.

However, when I saw that the other party had unified clothes, unified actions, and unified expressions, but did not show any rogue temperament, the security guards understood a little bit. This is probably because a department microservice came to the hotel to do business.

In this place in the capital, eyesight is the first, the head is the second, and the action is the third. If you don't wink, sooner or later, the security guards will greet you every day. Natural Stone knows this.

After He Yun made it clear about their intentions, the security guard knew that these were the people to be entertained today, so he hurriedly led them in, and at the same time called Fan Wuyao to inform him that the people he was waiting for had arrived.

Fan Wubing greeted him personally. He was taken aback when he saw the rushing team. He scratched his head and asked He Yun, "Big sister, why are these comrades so good? I thought they should be skilled. Whatever is more casual."

He Yun also changed his clothes at this time. He was in a light-colored dress, which seemed to be a professional woman, but he brought a light gray suit with a little shiny, and what was even more ridiculous was that they all wore sunglasses. .

"I just said that I will change into casual clothes in the future. Who knew they would have done it like this---" He Yun didn't expect it to be like this. Although she had already explained that everyone could no longer wear military uniforms, she did not expect them to go all together. Changed his suit and put on sunglasses, look like this. It really looks like the underworld.

It's just that if you fall into the eyes of a discerning person, you can immediately see the military temperament that everyone brings, and this is also a trouble. After all, Fan Wubing dealt with foreigners a lot. If people knew that he had such a close relationship with the military, it would always bring some trouble.

Therefore, Fan Wubing thought for a while, and felt that he still had to find a way to reform these soldiers. First of all, this temperament should be changed first. Or think of a way to cover it up.

Well, there is it! Fan Wubing thought immediately. I have seen an example before. Someone started a company in accordance with the method of militarized management. The general manager’s office is called the headquarters and the marketing department is called the military intelligence department. There are also such things as the logistics support department, the strategy research office, the operation department and the operation department. Wait a minute.

If you also use this gimmick to engage in something, after others meet your own company employees. I only feel that my imitation is very good, thinking that I am a hard-core military fan, and will not immediately think that the employees under my hands are actually drawn from the active military. The communication with these novices is very simple. They are basically used to obeying orders. When Fan Wuyi talked about his company's mission goals in the near future to everyone, he appointed Lin Xiaotong as the first, and He Yun as the first. It is the so-called chief operating officer, and one of the most influential people among these people is promoted as the first chief technology officer. The most important thing is to announce the company's internal salary system to everyone.

The salary system implemented by all technical personnel within the company is an annual salary system, which is temporarily implemented according to the annual salary standard of 100,000 yuan. If the company runs well in the future, this number can continue to be adjusted upwards.

After hearing this news, everyone's emotions were still quite agitated, after all, they had been in the army for a long time. I feel a little alienated from the social environment. This time everyone collectively took off their military uniforms and entered a family that they had never heard of before. I have never appeared in a local company before, and the feeling of anxiety in my heart is unavoidable.

But now, as soon as Fan Wubing appeared, he gave everyone a reassurance. The standard of one hundred thousand annual salary is very high at this time, so that everyone does not need to care about the trivial things in daily life, and can still continue to do their own work. Technical activities, especially when I heard that Fan Wubing is still preparing to enter the communication product market. If this is the case, his own personal technology still has a place to play its role.

There are also people who don’t understand the military’s decision. They don’t know why the military will give a group of homepage technicians to private companies. However, as a qualified soldier, all you have to follow is the order and prohibition, and you are a representative of this group of people. He Yun is the representative of everyone's interests, and it is impossible to allow the new boss to do things that are detrimental to him.

Fan Wubing originally wanted to toast everyone to celebrate, but basically everyone didn't drink, so he had to make up some drinks to make up the number, but He Yun himself had a very good drink volume. This was what Fan Wubing had once learned.

"Comrades and friends, great times are waiting for us, and a market full of gold is waiting for us. What we want to do is a major event that benefits the country and the people. What we are engaged in is the development of mass entertainment. The basic guarantee! On this important day of modernization, we will work together to build our own communications empire!" At the end of the banquet, Fan Wuyao passionately expressed his improvised declaration to everyone.

However, before Fan Wubing finished speaking, some people stood up and expressed different opinions, "Chief, we are against imperialism."

Er, Fan Wuyao glanced at the man, he felt a little bit blocked in his heart. When he was interrupted like this, he forgot what he had to say later, so he nodded and replied, "Then our goal is to break the empire. With the communications empire monopolized by the activists, there is always no problem, right?"

The man nodded in satisfaction and sat down neatly, but the people who had just listened indifferently clapped their hands, expressing their satisfaction with Fan Wu's later supplement.

"Well, if you want to use these people for your own use, you have to brainwash it first! This is a very difficult task!" Fan Wuyao scratched his head, feeling that the burden on his shoulders was a lot heavier.

Fan Ting also felt a little unacceptable to the actions of these big soldiers, so she quietly asked Fan Wuyue, "Are you sure you can use these people well? I think they are all a bit rebellious! They were trained in the army. Talents are placed directly in the place. Basically, they are incompatible with everyone."

Fan Wubing shrugged and said, "Most people say that time can change everything. But I want to say that the work environment can change everything! The transformation of them is most effective only in subtle ways. I can be sure that it will take half a year. They will become a very lively and interesting group of people, at least they should know the joy of life!"

"I think it's choking." Fan Ting didn't feel very optimistic.

"Then you just wait and see!" Fan Wushu felt confident. It seems that what I am facing is not a group of determined soldiers, but a group of sheep who knead arbitrarily.

The only normal person among these people is He Yun. In addition to fighting, flying planes, driving various types of cars, and playing with various weapons and firearms, He Yun is also one of the people on the base who has the most contact with outsiders. one. Therefore, she is the most normal one in Fan Ting's eyes.

Especially after Fan Ting talked with He Yun for a while, she thought this girl was good, so she asked Fan Wuyi, "How about He Yun for me? One for ten, I will give you ten aspects of market operation. How about your veteran?"

Fan Wubing refused without hesitation, "Don't think about it! Without her, do you think I can command these wooden people?!"

After eating lunch, Fan Wubing thought of a question, "How did you solve the problem of accommodation in Beijing?"

"Military area guest house. Live there temporarily." He Yun replied.

Oh, Fan Wubing thought, he must quickly solve the problem of office space and staff dormitory for the new company. Although Fan Wubing's plan is to finally settle all large-scale projects in Panshi, as far as the current situation is concerned, it is still It is better to be stationed here in Beijing, because even in the future, the TV programs of all provinces and cities will be starred. Beijing will also become an important stronghold for all David TVs. Many programs are recorded and broadcast here.

But now the company has forty or fifty people, plus the discussion with Fan Ting about calling a group of new people from the FANS club. The total number is about two hundred people, but now it is necessary to have a place to stay in Beijing.

Thinking of this, Fan Wubing asked in passing, "Is there any suitable office space to rent here in Beijing recently?"

Fan Ting naturally never cared about these things, but Wang Xujun took a look, and replied after thinking about it, "The real estate market has been liberalized this year, and there are newly developed commercial properties, but if it is to be delivered, it will not be until the middle of next year. Go, if you rent the land, let me think about it. Maybe there are a lot of houses in the Yinhai Building, which should be enough for you."

"Well, that's okay, please ask sister Xujun to contact me for help. Anyway, it's a scale of two hundred people. It's really not good. It can also solve the accommodation for one hundred people temporarily. As for the office location, I will solve it nearby." Fan Wuyi was right. Wang Xuyun said.

After hearing what Fan Wuyi said, Wang Xujun turned his head to look at what Fan Ting meant. Fan Ting said with a smile, "Look at what I do, will I disturb my own brother's situation? You can make time to contact him tomorrow."

So Wang Xujun nodded and agreed.

In the afternoon, Fan Wubing was accompanied by He Yun to the CCTV headquarters.

Regarding the negotiation with CCTV about the lease of the satellite frequency band, He Yun has been discussing before, and the military has also negotiated with relevant departments, but because of the complicated internal circumstances involved, the two sides have not confirmed the matter, although the details A lot of issues have been discussed, but the bosses of both sides have yet to make a final decision.

This time, it was Fan Wuyao, the owner of the satellite communications service company, who directly negotiated terms with the CCTV executives face to face.

As soon as Fan Wuyi's car arrived at the gate of CCTV headquarters, he immediately saw many people waiting.

After getting out of the car, Fan Wubian found a few familiar figures among the waiting crowd. They were all people they met during the Spring Festival Gala. Some of them were just errands. They have also become important figures of CCTV, and he was a little surprised that the person in the middle turned out to be the old Chen from CCTV's advertising department that he first came into contact with.

Seeing the surprised expression in Fan Wubing’s eyes, Old Chen greeted him with a smile, and shook his hand and said, “Mr. Fan. But I haven’t seen each other for several years. If it weren’t for this time you’re going to do big business, I’m afraid I don’t know yet that you have returned to China."

"Hehe. It's not a big man, why is it worthy of your CCTV's attention?" Fan Wuyao was also a little emotional, holding Old Chen's hand and said, "I'm back this time, if it wasn't for buying a few satellites. I need to discuss cooperation with you. It’s estimated that I would still choose to keep a low profile. These years, it’s easy to be famous, but it’s a little harder to become famous."

"I always thought that wherever you go, you will be an eye-catching character." Old Chen smiled.

The people who followed Lao Chen were surprised to see that Fan Wubing was so young, as if he hadn't grown up yet. But I don't know that this character is actually the big boss who is preparing to discuss satellite TV cooperation projects with CCTV. CCTV's deputy director Chen personally waits for the boss.

It wasn't until Old Chen walked into the building with Fan Wubing that everyone realized that this young man was indeed the partner that Deputy Director Chen had waited for more than half an hour.

"This is the representative of the partner? I look like a middle school student in any way----" someone whispered to his colleague.

"Or maybe the other boss’s son-in-law is just a little younger, but these things are not uncommon. For example, isn’t Li Ka-shing’s son engaged in satellite TV? What they have to do is to sign the contract. It's just a word, and it's the final job. Aren't we little people?" someone replied.

Fan Wuyao's ears are so good that he can understand these comments from a distance, and he can't help but laugh secretly in his heart.

In fact, Fan Wubing is also aware of this, especially for the little superman Li Zekai who will form a competitive contrast, he still knows better, but for the current Asia Satellite TV, Fan Wubing has nothing to worry about.

From the perspective of the number of satellites. Asia Satellite TV has only one satellite. And it's not the latest model, and Fan Wubing even lost a satellite. There will still be three satellites in the future, and programs can cover most of the world. In terms of program quality, Hong Kong TV shows are in one corner after all. They are narrow and one-sided. They cannot be compared with dozens of TV stations in the mainland, let alone CCTV, the behemoth of the mainland media.

Li Zekai’s Asia Satellite Company owns the Asia One satellite, which was formerly the Western Union Star 4 designed and manufactured by the Hughes Aircraft Company of the United States for the Wester Communications Company of the United States. In 1984, the American Space Shuttle Challenger carried this satellite into space with another Indonesian satellite. After these two satellites were separated from the space shuttle, the perigee engines on the satellites did not ignite as planned, and therefore both failed to enter the planned orbits, and the satellite launch failed.

Fortunately, the ground tracking station in Fillmore, Florida, USA, monitored and calculated the specific positions of the two satellites, and found that the satellites are in good condition. Hughes Aircraft Corporation and NASA urgently discussed the feasibility of recovering the satellites, and both sides agreed that it is feasible to recover the two satellites.

After the underwriting satellite launch site insurer paid the insurance premium for the satellite launch failure, it owned the ownership of the two satellites. After accounting for the related costs, the insurer also believes that it is economically cost-effective to recover the two satellites. Therefore, the insurance company commissioned Hughes Aircraft Company and NASA to jointly complete the satellite household collection task.

In November of the same year, the space shuttle Discovery entered space and flew within nine meters of the Western Union 4 satellite. Two astronauts walked out of the cabin and guided the robot on the space shuttle to grab the satellite back into the cargo compartment. The recovered satellite was transported to Hughes for refurbishment and relaunch.

After Li Zekai's Asia Satellite Co., Ltd. was established in Hong Kong, he purchased the Western Union Star 4 from an insurer and renamed it Asia Satellite One. The relevant technical parameters of the satellite have also been re-adjusted and updated according to the requirements of covering the Asian region.

In 1990, the satellite was launched by the Xichang Satellite Launch Center. Due to meteorological reasons, the two launch windows that night failed to meet the launch conditions. Just after the third launch window, which is the last launch window, appeared, the sky cleared and the Long March-3 launch vehicle was successfully launched, sending the Asia-1 satellite into its intended orbit.

In general, this satellite of ATV Company cannot be compared with the new communication satellite that Fan Wuyao purchased. If it were not for Li Zekai to get the local satellite TV license in Hong Kong, and the later News Corporation boss Murdoch was eager to enter Hong Kong. In the media industry, it’s hard to believe that he will make a profit.

In fact. In the two years since its establishment, Asia Satellite TV has been operating in a bleak state, and finally waited for Murdoch, the big fat sheep. Li Zekai decisively got rid of his hands, sold for 5.3 billion Hong Kong dollars, and was fired as a superman for a while. If we exclude the investment in satellites at that time, the investment in personnel over the past few years, and the investment in public relations for the Hong Kong government and the four major local media giants. Asia Satellite TV’s revenue in this matter is really limited, but this matter is a turning point for Li Zekai. The success is that Asia Satellite TV did not fall into his hands.

Murdoch did not lose money. Although he spent some money and lost some money, he finally entered the Hong Kong media market, and thus entered the mainland media market, successfully achieving his strategic and circuitous goals. . Become a real winner.

Fan Wubing was thinking at this time, if he and CCTV carve up the mainland's satellite TV market, will there be a legend of Phoenix TV's success in the future? Will Murdoch regret taking Asia Satellite TV's plate from Li Zekai?

Of course, the deal between Murdoch and Li Zekai is still in initial contact, and no consensus has been reached, or there may be variables in the future. Fan Wuyi really hoped that after seeing Li Zekai's satellite hit his hand, what kind of expression would his face look like, it must be very ugly, right?

It was just a flash of thought in his mind, and Fan Wubing quickly stopped thinking about it. Following Lao Chen, he walked into the most important office of CCTV.

After greeting Fan Wuyin to sit down, Lao Chen began to order people to fetch melons and fruit snacks and tea to entertain Fan Wuyin, and said, "I have this condition here, and there is nothing that can be done, but Mr. Fan. Don’t be surprised, we can’t compare to you. You are a rich man. We are office workers, this is incomparable."

"You are not sincere enough at first sight!" Fan Wubing has been dealing with Lao Chen for long enough. Therefore, there is no taboo between the two parties when they talk. "When people entertain guests, they always set up food in advance. How can they be like you? When I come, people will be asked to find food. You will not make people temporarily. Buy some rotten peach and smelly banana from the street stall outside to fool me?"

Old Chen stared at once and exaggeratedly exclaimed, "I'm wrong! I just asked people to put melons and fruits in the refrigerator. The weather is so hot now, isn't this to cool you off!"

At this moment, two female staff members in beautiful dresses walked in, placed the fruit trays on the coffee table, and made tea for Lao Chen, Fan Wubing and others, and then stepped back.

Fan Wubing was not polite. He took a piece of cantaloupe and handed it to He Yun. Then he grabbed a piece of melon and gnawed it, not forgetting to laugh at Lao Chen, "I have heard that CCTV has the most abundant resources for beautiful girls. It’s different if you just take a look today. Do you often hang around in the director’s office and you will have the opportunity to be an anchor in the future?"

Old Chen choked and coughed when Fan Wubing said a word, and it took him a long time to relax, and said dumbly, "Don't talk nonsense about these things, I'm not that kind of casual person."

"Hehe, you're not a casual person, but you're not a person casually, right?" Fan Wuyao smiled.

"I'm angry when you say that! Anyway, I'm much older than you, am I?" Old Chen immediately said with a straight face.

Fan Wubing laughed, "It's alright, I won't tell you a joke, we are all very busy, let's talk about business!"

"Well, good. There are a few questions, you have to do the master." Old Chen also nodded in agreement.

Satellite TV broadcasting is a geosynchronous satellite set up above the equator. It first receives the TV signal transmitted by the ground TV station through the satellite ground station, and then forwards it to a designated area on the earth, where it is received by the equipment on the ground for TV viewing.

Digital satellite television is a form of broadcast television that uses geostationary satellites to transmit digitally encoded and compressed television signals to the user end. There are two main ways. One is to transmit the digital TV signal to the front end of the cable TV, and then the cable TV station converts it into an analog TV and transmits it to the user's home. This form has been popularized and applied in countries all over the world for many years. Another way is to transmit the digital TV signal directly to the user's home, that is, the me (DTH) way.

Compared with the first method, the DTH method has a large satellite transmission power and can be received by a smaller antenna, which can be used by ordinary households. At the same time, it can directly provide user authorization and encryption management. Develop advanced TV services such as digital TV, pay-per-view (PPV), and high-definition TV. Not restricted by intermediate links.

However, compared with the first method, the DTH method is more complicated, and the required equipment problems cannot be solved all at once. The producer of the program source also increases the cost. Therefore, Fan Wubing is currently able to carry out . It's still just a traditional satellite TV service.

In fact, since this period of time, CCTV has always had the intention of expanding its programs. It is only limited to the problem of insufficient satellite resources, which cannot be resolved in the short term.

Relying on CCTV’s brand effect and monopolistic position, as well as its huge and unmatched media resources, it is easy to broadcast several more programs, and the increase in channels means that at the same time. It can increase the advertising traffic several times, and increasing the local advertising traffic is tantamount to nothing!

If CCTV wants to develop, it must open several more programs. Only in this way can it be possible to enrich itself and resist the huge threat to itself caused by the quality improvement of local TV stations. You must know that local TV stations like Shanghai and Guangdong. The threat to CCTV is great. CCTV, which focuses on news types, also wants to show its strength in film and television dramas and variety shows. These things must be subtle and imperceptible in peacetime, rather than just relying on annual events. The Spring Festival Gala and some other large-scale evening parties can achieve their goals.

Therefore, Old Chen pondered for a while, and said to Fan Wubing, "The upper-level has reached a consensus on cooperation. As for the details of cooperation. We have already had a very detailed conversation with Miss He Yun of your company. Now we need to talk to you. You came to discuss it yourself. The main thing is about the division of interests."

Fan Wubing nodded, "If you have anything to say, what do you guys have?"

In fact, the basis for the cooperation between the two parties has been laid a long time ago. For the government mouthpiece of CCTV, the intensity of news control is very large, so their randomness is not high, especially in news programs, the control is relatively relaxed. However, because of the lack of performance stage, CCTV has not developed on the ground. If CCTV wants to go to the market and obtain greater profits, it must follow the law of media market development and make great efforts in entertainment programs.

To allow news programs to make way for entertainment programs, it is absolutely impossible to do it in CCTV, at least not now. Therefore, it is necessary to expand program channels and require more TV broadcasting resources, and Fan Wu The sick satellite just provided a broad performance platform for CCTV's overall development plan.

"Our preliminary plan is to continue to use the old satellite platform for news programs for the time being, and to try to broadcast new entertainment programs through your satellites from the beginning. If this is the case, three events will be launched within three years. There are four sets of programs, including the children’s channel, variety channel and movie channel. In addition, it is also considering adding a drama channel." Lao Chen said to Fan Wuyao, "Except for one set of programs, the other sets of programs are all on Within the scope of our cooperation, this market is very large."

The news channel is not on its own satellite, so I am still a little worried about myself.

However, Fan Wubing can also understand the difficulties of CCTV. After all, many things are beyond their control. There are the above thoughts on the top and the following methods on the bottom. The most difficult thing is to be a person in the middle.

"I can agree with this. We can talk about the issue of a set of programs later." Fan Wuyao recognized this.

"Well, it's actually not that I can't believe you. It's just that this matter involves too much, and we can't take charge of it ourselves. For example, entertainment programs, etc., we have a lot of autonomy." Old Chen sees Fan Wuyi and has no problem. If you are happy, let go of your heart.

Although Fan Wubing does not oppose this, he is very disapproving in his heart. Although the satellite service company is its own and the satellite is its own, the employees who operate the entire satellite system are basically the original personnel of the military. At that time, he just changed his clothes and paid them his own salary. But no one would think that if Fan Wubing really wanted to use satellite resources to do something unfavorable to the country, they would cooperate with their current boss.

Fan Wubing did not have any ambitions to engage in trouble. He just saw the huge potential in the satellite TV market and wanted to make arrangements in advance. Occupy this big pie. As long as you are preconceived in the media market, there will be plenty of opportunities for profit in the future. Especially if CCTV can be wrapped up, there will be many opportunities to make money.

"Regarding the issue of expenses----" Old Chen said bitterly after taking a look at Fan Wuyao, "Our funds are very tight now!"

Fan Wubing couldn't see Old Chen Bai's crying face the most, and he couldn't help but want to throw up his face. "Please, don't cry for the poor here, okay? CCTV doesn't make money. Who makes money?"

Old Chen replied shyly, "There are more places to make money, and more places to spend money! You know, how many reporter stations do we have across the country? How many literary groups do we have? How many actors do we have , How many directors? How many screenwriters, how many producers? And. How many large and small gala shows do we organize every year? The salary of the extras used in a year is not a small amount!"

"Don't use this to bluff me, you think I don't know!" Fan Wuyao pointed out unceremoniously, "Isn't it just a lunch box for one person? How much is it worth? You can be said to be black when it comes to making money!"

"The box lunch is not for nothing---" In order to save two money, Lao Chen was really shameless.

"Do you still want me to provide you with satellites for free?" Fan Wubing sneered.

"It's best to be free! I thank you so much----" Old Chen said with a grin.

However, as to how much fees he should charge is appropriate, Fan Wuyao has no idea in his heart. According to the international profitability level, he always has to charge him about one billion yuan a year. However, it is estimated that CCTV will definitely hurt, but I am not willing to suffer too much. After all, several satellites have a cost, and they are not Chinese cabbage.

So Fan Wubing thought for a while and said, "Then I have an idea. I don't know if you can accept it."

"Let's talk about it, I can still be half the master." As soon as Lao Chen heard that he might not need to spend any money. Suddenly, his face was filled with a gratifying smile.

He Yun pulled Lafan's disease-free arm next to him. He asked in a low voice, "Is the land you said is true or false? If you don't charge them for usage, how big is the loss? Did you throw away hundreds of millions of dollars in vain?"

Hehe, Fan Wuyixin said that He Yun was pretty good, and knew that the boss who cared about him didn't get his salary in vain. However, it seems that he hasn't paid them a salary yet, Khan.

"Don't worry, I have a way." Fan Wubing smiled at He Yun and whispered.

"What am I worried about? I'm afraid that you don't have money to pay us a salary." He Yun muttered a bit sourly when he saw Fan Wubing's confident face, not seeing his expression of everything in his hands.

In fact, not charging user fees is really not a problem for Fan Wubing. For most people, they prefer to clarify the number of benefits. How much money should be earned in a year should be clearly stated in advance to save time. The income is not guaranteed, and many disputes have been unprovoked.

But Fan Wuyao doesn't care about this place. He knows how much CCTV can make money, and he also knows how big the market will be after variety shows and entertainment shows are launched. With this confidence, naturally he doesn't need to care about CCTV's willingness. How much is it to pay as a satellite usage fee, but as long as CCTV is willing to use its own satellite, it can obtain what it wants through exchange of conditions and profit from it.

After thinking of this, Fan Wubing said to Lao Chen, "I don’t have to pay for the usage fee, but I need you to agree to one request. I don’t intervene except for one program. For the other programs, every additional program is added. , I ask to be the sponsor of one of the columns, and the advertising income during this period will be collected by our company as a compensation for the usage fee. At the same time, we can do this column without conflicting with the CCTV policy. All-round packaging and creation, and have the right to choose the director and actors of the column."

"As long as you don't change a set of programs, it's easy to talk about, but I really have to report this. The key is that I haven't done this before!" The method that Lao Chen heard from Fan Wubian seems to be good~www.wuxiaspot. com~ The most critical point is that CCTV does not have to pay directly out of the country. This can be regarded as a big victory.

As for Fan Wubing's request for the dominance of one column for each channel, this matter is a bit tangled, but Lao Chen has also considered it. Fan Wubing said that he does not conflict with CCTV policies, which means that there will be nothing wrong with it. If the permitted content appears, if it is purely an entertainment program, as long as it is not pornographic or violent, there should be no problem.

Of course, it is indispensable when reporting, after all, he can only be half a home.

After agreeing on the settlement of the satellite usage fee, basically nothing major happened, so Lao Chen graciously invited Fan Wuyi to visit CCTV, which he hadn’t seen again in six or seven years, and then invited him to eat again by the way. The food here.

Regarding what CCTV is like now, Fan Wubing wanted to visit and learn about it, but as for the food here, he couldn't help but ask Old Chen, "Aren't you using the box lunch to fool me?"

"Boxed lunch is also very good, I eat it every day." Lao Chen said embarrassedly after seeing through his mind.

"I rely on!" Fan Wubing said, pointing to Lao Chen, "No wonder CCTV sent you out to negotiate with me. After so many years, you are still the same, you are still stubborn!"

"How can I be so bad? You must have misunderstood what I meant. The box lunches here are really delicious!" Old Chen defended with an aggrieved expression.

Two chapters in one, ten thousand words. Continue to ask for monthly ticket support, and then a book rushed up, the momentum was very strong, and everyone helped to get up! !

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