
"Yeah, that's me! Did you see what I did?" Katz brought his face close to Joseph, his perfect face was full of twisted blood vessels, and the whole skin showed a strange translucent color. Joseph actually saw a reflective disc in Katz's mind.

What's going on here? Joseph realized the danger in his chaotic mind, but as soon as he thought of the danger, the Alzheimer’s brain forced his attention away. So in Katz’s eyes, Joseph suddenly lowered his head and began to shake himself. Body, "good...high, wheelchair..."

Katz was stunned. After he got the redstone, Katz, who was making friends with the sun, became more indifferent than the original life. As a perfect creature, Katz looked down on the earth like a god, and everything was with me. Ants are no different, but who is he now? Is it the Katz who lost his mind and gave birth to this personality, or is it a dummy formed by Katz’s cells spliced ​​with Pucci’s memory after being controlled by a disc?

"I'm Katz, jojo! I'm Katz, fear me, say my name!!! Katz or some other perfect creature suddenly became angry. He shook Joseph's body, trying to get his identity. Admits, but Joseph just opened his eyes blankly. Katz's pair of eyes that could see through people's hearts were widened to the point of horror at the beginning. With Joseph’s work, his strength became smaller and smaller, and finally He put Joseph back in the wheelchair.

"Who are you?" Joseph asked confusedly in his wheelchair.

"...", this new creature regenerated from Katz's body suddenly lost its strength, with a hundred tons of strength empty, but his hand could not even be lifted by Joseph.

"I am nothing...I...I am a slave to [Going to Heaven]."

Chapter 377 Accept the gift and kill me, Joseph

It’s been decades since Katz was exiled to space, maybe three to five years, maybe thirty to fifty years. He had already given up thinking, so the creature named "Kaz" has actually died, leaving only one An immortal new creature with the memory of Katz.

According to Katz’s established destiny, no matter how many lives can be born from this body, they only inherit Katz’s memory and are always lonely, until the constant replacement gradually no longer gives birth to a new personality, completely Decompose a stone composed of inorganic matter.

But a sudden meteorite rain brought this new creature integrated with Katz’s memory back to Earth, and it happened to hit two deadly discs. He was immortal at the cellular level and quickly absorbed the solar energy to regenerate himself. When the memory interfered, he also gained the ability and will of the white snake!

He has been dominated by the will to go to heaven. Even if there is a long memory of Katz, it is not the memory of this new life after all, especially the long loneliness offsets Katz's very unobvious emotions. He had been controlled to an unacceptable level, so he chose to ask Katz's greatest enemy in his life, the culprit who expelled him from the earth-Joseph Josta for help.

"This is my destiny, you old man", the creature who looked exactly like Katz raised his hand, and he aimed at Joseph's neck. Even if Joseph was made of iron, he would be hit. In two pieces!

But after hesitating for a long time, the hand knife didn't cut it in the end. The creature watched Joseph repeat the process from horror to bewilderment twice before his eyes. He couldn't do it anymore.

"Human life is really short...but what good is it for me to live so long?" The new creature put down his hand. "For my past, the guy named Katz, jojo, come and stop me. I don’t want to live like a puppet like this. I don’t even want to live because of this ridiculous fate... please...

He opened his finger, and the rapidly surging cells repaired the injury in the blink of an eye, so he tore off his finger directly and touched the broken finger to Joseph’s mouth, "take this A gift, a gift from your old enemy Katz! I am an independent creature! Not a toy of fate!"

Undead cells flowed in Joseph’s mouth, and quickly penetrated from the old man’s ruddy but shriveled lips. In the struggle for cell division, Joseph only possessed almost disappeared ripple Qigong, which he could not resist. Invasion at the cellular level, the cells were swallowed and replaced in an instant, and this old man was suddenly injected with a new vitality, which represented the vitality of a perfect creature.

"This is my resistance to fate. If you are still the original jojo, you can prove it to me. You can break my destiny! When you are young again, you have to prove it to me. You who expelled Katz, don’t rely on it. With the luck of nothingness!"

There was a look of despair and expectation in the eyes of this perfect creature, and the blood vessels on the bulging face slowly calmed down, but this is not a good thing. It represents the memory of Katz and Puqi in his personality. The memories are mixed together, and a machine is born that is not tired because of the purpose of going to heaven.

Before Joseph's cells were completely replaced, the newly born creature named himself White Snake. He withdrew from the sidelines and left the scene, leaving Joseph alone in a wheelchair. Sit there blankly.

One minute later, the radiance that was as hot as the sun appeared from Joseph’s aging body. The wrinkled face was becoming full, and the white hair was withering and falling in a rapid posture, and then gathered from it. With dense black stubble, his muscles became stronger again. Once described by Chengtaro that he could not even gnaw a T-bone steak, he complained about the tooth loss, and new bone was born from it, José The husband's whole body is ushering in a earth-shattering change, and the only witness to all this is the ravaged garden.

The veneer and stupid eyes slowly became agile, the new life stood up from the wheelchair, the original old man Joseph was gone, replaced by a young man full of rogue temperament, he made an alarming call "Oh, mygod! What happened?"

He looked at the surrounding scenes in a panic. With the support of a perfect creature with an IQ of 400, he quickly understood what was happening around him and perfectly connected his memories of dementia, although he didn’t know. What were those discs, but he knew that a perfect creature was resurrected, and he didn't kill himself.

It's terrible. After returning to God, the old gangster himself has to panic to show respect, but turns his head and thinks that the age of Katz's existence actually did not exist as a substitute, and the ability of many substitutes is actually sufficient for Katz. Bringing fatal destruction, such as Katz fighting in magma. In fact, the temperature of the magma is not as good as the flames of Abdel, but Katz can't stay in the magma for a few minutes. In other words, the current double messenger is actually The above is not so terrible for Katz.

And Katz’s ripples seem to be very weak...

Just as Krieger didn’t know that a perfect creature had already caught sight of him, neither did Joseph now know that the scariest thing on the perfect creature this time was actually the white snake, which was The rocket launch site is transformed into a combination of C-MONN's powerful gravity double and immortality.

No matter what, Joseph bounced and felt the vitality that was almost forgotten by him. The nurses who had been cut in half had no way to save it, but the vitality of wave qigong still came from their bodies. Zhong instilled it in, and the horrified expressions on these people's faces quickly became calm.

I want to inform Chengtaro and them that the world is in danger, and the enemy we are going to fight against has appeared.

It’s horrible. That guy made me feel like an icicle was stuffed in his butt. Joseph touched his back and thought with fear that if the perfect creature was going to do something just now, he He would definitely die on the spot, and his relatives would also encounter his poisonous hands.

But that perfect creature, is it really Katz?

He seems to be asking me for help.

ps: I know that you think that this is a wonderful metaphor I made up with an icicle in your butt, but this is really the original sentence in the comics, so the question is, what did the old gangster play with his two wives (lover)? thing?

The real enemy and the real first supporting role appeared, sacking flowers.

Chapter 378 Dududududududududududududududududududududududududududududu

How could perfect creatures turn to humans for help?

Joseph shook his head and refused to think about it anymore. He always believed that the most terrible enemy he faced was Katz instead of dio. After all, dio was an enemy who could resist, and Katz was not so much himself after he got the redstone. If it was defeated, it would be better to say that the earth took the initiative to expel the harmful organisms.

I want to remind my family first, and then talk about the battle!

Thinking of this, Joseph didn’t hesitate to find the phone closest to him, and dialed out to Chengtaro’s cell phone. After hearing the connected body, he couldn’t wait to say, “Hello, hello, I’m Joseph Josta, I'm looking for my grandson, Sora Jotaro."

"Hello, this is the spw consortium, is it Mr. Joseph? Your voice sounds a lot clearer. It seems that you have had a good rest recently. Mr. Chengtaro is still undergoing restorative treatment at this point in time. Please take a moment. Wait for more than half an hour, and then we will let Mr. Chengtaro call you."

The voice of business affairs came from the phone, and Joseph was so scared that Joseph squeezed the microphone hard, and his very strong landline was directly cracked by him. "What are you talking about?! Did Katz attack Jotaro? Ohmygod, I'm going to hang up, I'm going to talk to Polunaev about this!"

"Huh?" The tone on the other side of the phone was quite confused this time, "Wait, Mr. Joseph, don't hang up yet. Mr. Polunaev has just finished the treatment. If you need to talk to him, we can directly Transfer to Mr. Polunaev’s communication channel."

"What? Even Polunaev was attacked by Katz?! This guy's ability to spy on intelligence is so powerful. Being an enemy really makes me sleepless! Don't tell Jotaro's other relatives about this, you can't Let them worry, tell your address, and I will rush over right away!"

"Mr. Joseph, who is Katz you've been talking about?"

"Both of them were attacked by Father Pucci while invading Griffindor's office. Is Katz an accomplice of the priest? But according to the information provided by Aporio, there is no such mission. ."

Griffindor Office, what is this place?

Joseph scratched his hair. "What kind of lawyer's site is Griffindor firm? Why do they two look for a lawyer?"

"That's not the case, Mr. Joseph, you may have misunderstood. Griffin is a prison, and Xu Lun is the daughter of Mr. Chengtaro. Your great-granddaughter was framed and sent to prison a month ago. The two of them were attacked in the process of robbing prison."


"Yes, it is a robbery. We have notified Mr. Polunaev, do you want to transfer the call for you now?"

"Well, good", Joseph did not hesitate. The news was a bit confusing for him. It was obviously the best choice to directly ask the person.

"Mr. Joseph, I didn’t expect you to call me. It really touched me! Are you also anxious about Xu Lun’s affairs? No problem, Xu Lun and the others have been out of prison. He escaped and regained his father’s CD. On this basis, this child is already stronger than the rest of us combined. We are also very pleased. As for what will happen next, Xu Lun has already begun to talk to the priest. They were tracked down and wiped out. They just reported that they were safe yesterday. Father Pucci has been defeated and there is no danger here. Mr. Joseph is not worried anymore, but can you take the initiative to call, when I visited you last time, You don’t even recognize who I am."

It’s still a familiar voice. It’s just that the original frivolous language has become a lot more calm. Joseph’s mind is working, but he still has a lot of doubts, especially the problem of the optical disc. The disc that arrived is one thing, then that Katz...

"Porunalev, tell me in detail what you passed by?!"

So in Joseph’s detailed questioning, Polunaev unreservedly said everything he felt, especially the body called the White Snake, which can melt the mind and condense from the human body. CD, and after Polunaev explained the shape of the CD. Joseph also confirmed this so-called CD that he saw in Katz's mind exactly the same.

"Wait Polonaev, did you say that the CD can be used on other people to control people’s minds? Then is it possible that he can control another guy and change his mind while retaining his independent thinking? Must follow the white snake's instructions unconditionally?"

Bruna Lev thought for a while, and he was very impressed by Marilyn Manson, who forced the debtor. That woman had her own purpose of action, but at that time she only had a stand-in, and soon Polunare The husband remembered another thing, and said, “That’s for sure, because I did hear Amblio say about it. He said that [White Snake] can control not only humans, but even non-humans. It can be controlled by a CD. What? You said Amberio, that's Xu Lun and his party's companions. He ran over from the prison and sent the CD-ROM of Chengtaro back. That's right, that's right. , The White Snake used a despicable method to dissolve Chengtaro's mind."

【White Snake】It can dissolve the mind and the substitute. This kind of substitute ability is really rare.

Joseph contemplated for a moment. Most of the doubles he saw in his era were simple and crude, highlighting a simple but extremely powerful. However, with the development of time, the new double messengers are becoming more and more capable. Complexity does not mean that the stand-in messenger uses it well, but simply that even the most primitive abilities have become complicated.

This is the evolution of biology. Could it be said that even Katz can be controlled by the optical disc when the double has developed to the present?

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