The old father burst into tears.

"Jenos, you are really useless! Trash you!" The tornado's desperate voice sounded from the air. There was a loud noise in the sky just now, and then the sky's electric charges suddenly flowed regularly, and the tornado found the most with the help of super powers. Jia's escape direction finally brought Jenos down.

Jenos wanted to explain, but the body's wiring had been burned out long ago, and he couldn't say a word.

"I said you guys, why are you looking at us, but come with me!"

Didn't you keep us from interfering? The heroes present were helpless.

"Why don't you speak, my old lady is going to take revenge now, if you don't go, I will go by myself!"

"Tornado", the silver fangs shook his head, "The Association asked you to stand by quietly, and you are not allowed to participate in this operation."


The Heroes’ Association headquarters, inside the safe room.

Kenos didn’t even have the curiosity to watch this battle. He just filled the red wine again and again, watching the red liquid flowing in and out of the decanter, and then poured it under his feet, letting these expensive liquors go. The flow is everywhere.

"Mr. Kenos, don't we really need to carry out news control? Those TV stations have already protested, and the association's high-level protests. They all think this will damage the association's prestige." Yata took a binoculars and watched. Asking questions while fighting in the sky, the two people above don’t know why they stopped moving. This is the fundamental reason why the news can be reported.

"No need", Kenos pulled out the new cork again, sniffed it under his nose, and put it neatly on the table, in a row with the previous cork.

"But why don't you let other S-rank heroes help?" Yada was very excited, and even stepped over the liquor, regardless of the just soaked trouser legs, standing directly in front of Kenos and questioning him, "Aren't you friends? ?"

"Pay attention to saliva." Kenos leaned on the office chair and changed into a comfortable position. "Why do you think I didn't help him?"

"Don't be kidding, you are sending him to death!"

"That's what he chose, remember what is your idol's biggest wish?"

"Become an idol..." Yata's momentum declined.

"Yeah, become an idol, then the biggest stage in the world, I will give it to him." Kenos stood up and put his hand on Yata's shoulder. "Isn't this something I can do with friends? Spotlight, The crowd, the faith, and everything I can give. As for whether he can get applause, this is his question."

Yata only felt that his movements were extremely stiff, Kenos smiled and squeezed his shoulders, and finally took out the cup.

Yada's lips squirmed, and he felt that his wet trouser legs were all cold, and the cold feeling was about to freeze his ankles.

"Our relationship is like this," Kenos broke off Yata's hand, stuffed the cup into his hand, and then filled it with liquor, "Then Vice Minister Yata,"

"Cheers to my sincere friendship with Mr. Krieger."

Chapter 235 Over Limit State·Ashura Mode 900%

"Why didn't you move anymore?" Poros stood on the towering stone pillar and watched Krieger float in the air. I was pleasantly surprised."

"It's great, Poros is the first time I have met a close opponent!"

Poros' body is glowing, and the excess energy is overflowing, "Hurry up with me, I want to release the energy in my body, let me kill you happily!"

"I just understood something, Poros." Krieger's expression was thoughtful. He looked at Saitama at his feet and suddenly felt Poros a bit pitiful.

"What?!" The strong light from Poros's body has shone into the entire sky, and the camera can no longer capture this level of light. "Hurry up, I can't help it!!"

Poros spit out a mouthful of blood-red steam.

"Asura unicorn, I'm going to go!!"

A sphere composed entirely of energy appeared out of thin air. Poros’s strength continued to rise, continuously transforming into the volume of a sphere. Hundreds of millions of lumens of light pierced the metal. Even with the barrier of the ship, the S on the ground Class heroes also had to retreat quickly.

Not only the threat of blindness, but also the terrifying heat that Poros summoned.

The spaceship melted.

The spacecraft that had been battered by Saitama and Krieger was hit by countless cracks by Krieger and Poros. Not everything is as high-temperature resistant as the main material of the hull. Those cables and parts , Even the corpses of the crew members of the spacecraft, as long as they are not evaporated under a flame of seven or eight thousand degrees, all the rest are counted as flammable items, or in other words, there is no solid that can not burn at this temperature!

fire! fire! It's all fire!

Krieger's complexion was indifferent. In Poros' eyes, this was just waiting for death, but when he was disappointed, Krieger stretched out a hand to catch his energy cannon.


what happened?

Poros' mental perseverance is far beyond the limit of human imagination, but at this time, he actually felt shaken.

"Good come, take all my energy!" Poros gritted his teeth, and the level of the energy cannon was once again raised to a whole new level. This time even the skeleton of the spacecraft's main body was melting, and the high temperature had spread outward from City A. Go!



Krieger actually just crossed his hands in front of his head, and he didn't even use the Fist of Flowing Water Rock that Poros had taught him!

What is going on with this absurd sight? !

"Out of limits, it turns out that I can understand Saitama's problem, and I feel the same."

Krieger maintained a defensive posture and volleyed towards Poros. It was only then that Poros realized that Krieger's huge body had actually grown taller. It was...ten meters taller.

"Why you..." Poros made a hoarse voice, "You still hide your strength?"

"No", Krieger shook his head. The 13-meter-tall size made Poros look only the size of a palm.

"I just found out."

"Really?" Poros raised his head, a crazy smile already occupied his face, and his original black body turned pure white again. "Just ask, what is this move?"

"Asura Mode, 300%."

"100% is not the upper limit? What a cunning enemy." Poros' body was nearly pure and flawless, and even his eardrops were silently turned into powder.

"Do you still fight?" Krieger said pityingly. He had read the original, so he was sure that Poros could not beat himself anyway.

"Exactly!" Poros stood in flames and metal. The combination of the two made him intoxicated, but Krieger only found the smell unpleasant.

"Not yet, not yet, I am not satisfied with Poros!"

The color of pure white was lowered on the melting ship, so everything was submerged by pure white. Poros's body was actually covered with multiplying black lines, but the pure white was too dazzling. This discordant note meant that there was no such thing. .

Energy was spinning, singing, and Poros finally made Krieger feel threatened.

Therefore, the Ashura model is 500%.

"Drink!" Before the voice arrived, Poros' fist had hit Krieger's face. With just one punch, Krieger was hit to the ground from the center of the spacecraft!

The turbulent energy did not hesitate. After pressing Krieger into the soil, the heat erupted for the first time. A small crater appeared directly on the spot. The swelling ground conducted transverse and longitudinal waves, and the convoy that organized the evacuation had clearly gone out. In City A, the earthquake caught up with them, tearing the ground into a scale-like appearance!

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