Warlords: Rise From the Land of Doom

Chapter 222 The chance for the first dance

As everyone in the hall stopped, the Count at the door walked in first.

Miss Stella followed by holding the count's wrist.

"I have seen the Count!"

"I've seen Miss Stella!"

The vassals and guests offered their greetings one after another, while the Earl led Miss Stella slowly towards the high platform at the front of the hall.

"This tulip flower is beautiful again!"

Stella's dinner dress has changed.

During the day, it was still an elegant and decent beige long dress, but at this time, it has been replaced by a purple evening dress with an off-the-shoulder.

Of course, there was only a small piece of the shoulder that leaked out, but it couldn't hide the skin that was as white as jade.

With a string of sparkling gemstone necklaces on the neck, the noble and elegant temperament blows.

"I'm honored to be here for tonight's birthday dinner!"

"After tonight, my tulip flower will be eighteen years old! She is the most precious existence in my life besides her mother!"

"I, Bernard Glory Tulip, are very happy and satisfied to see her grow up!"

The Count brought Stella to the high platform, still needing him, the Count, to make a brief opening.

Originally, this opening was very normal, but as he was talking, the words of the count began to change.

"Of course, although it is said to be satisfied, I actually have another wish now, and that is to quickly embrace the next generation of my Tulip family."

"Father!" Hearing the count's straightforward words, Stella's face was cold, and she couldn't step down.

"Stella, what my father said is the truth. This is my father's only wish now. Stella hopes you don't blame father!"

"In addition, the first dance on your birthday in previous years, my father will not dance with you this time. Father feels that it is time to give this opportunity to young people!"

"Okay, that's all I have to say, now the banquet officially begins!"

Bernard was surprisingly tough this time. He didn't stop talking because of his daughter's anger. Instead, he uttered a stunned remark from another group of young people.

Of course, this does not blame the count being so straightforward.

An earldom not only has military and political autonomy, but also has a vast territory and many vassals. In fact, it is no different from a small country.

Therefore, as a monarch, it is natural to ensure that there are successors in the family, so that he can feel at ease, and the vassals can also feel at ease.

After speaking, the Count knew that he was on the verge of anger, and immediately stopped talking.

However, the young people below were eager to try after the words of Lord Earl fell.

They originally thought that Stella's birthday was the same as usual this time, and it was Lord Count who danced her first dance with her.

But this time, the Earl actually let this opportunity come out.

This is simply good news for the young people who are greedy for tulip flowers, especially the second sons who received the news in advance.

Because at this birthday party, whether the protagonist of the birthday wants to or not, he needs to dance the first dance.

This is not only an opportunity to show yourself, but also to show respect for the guests.

And the candidates for this first dance, if they are married, can dance with their husbands.

But in the case of unmarried, unless there is a plausible reason, the chance will be the one who will give the most precious gift tonight.

Gift-giving habits in this world are similar to those of Westerners in previous lives. After receiving gifts, they will be opened on the spot, which is considered to be respect for guests.

And the guests come from afar and offer the most precious gifts to express their hearts, and the recipients of the gifts naturally also express their gratitude.

This first dance is a good thank you.

Therefore, every birthday party of noble ladies is an opportunity for the young people who like her.

In the past, Stella still had her father as a shield. Although everyone was envious, they never had a chance.

But now the Count took the initiative to give up the opportunity, which gave hope to all the toads.

Of course, it is a pity that opportunities are for those who are prepared.

For example, the six second sons received a reminder from the earl's messenger in advance.

As for other young people, most of them came with their elders, or simply came on behalf of their families.

"Wow! Narant, you second sons are so lucky this time, Miss Stella is now eighteen years old, and I attended Stella's birthday dinner with my father a few times back then, but I never saw Si Stella. Miss Della dances with the others!"

"Even at her bar mitzvah, Miss Stella's first dance was only with the Count!"

Boris didn't know when he had come back, and immediately envied Narant as soon as Lord Earl's voice fell.

"Tsk tsk!"

Speaking of which, Narant is indeed a bit greedy.

Dancing naturally requires physical contact, such as sticking to the body, hugging the slender waist that is full of hands.

But Narant knows that this opportunity is estimated to be difficult, and the other guests don't need to worry, but the several second sons definitely show their magical powers.

Even if his gift is carefully prepared, it may not be comparable to others.

"Miss Stella, I wish you a happy birthday!" At this time, there were already some young people in front of them who couldn't wait to send gifts.

However, these young people are not the second sons who participated in the competition, and their gifts are only for their fathers, and the value is only some four or five gold coins, jewelry and other items.

"Thank you!" Stella stomped her feet in anger at her father's words just now and this irresponsible behavior, but she knew the whole thing in full view, and responded politely to the guests.

"Miss Stella, happy birthday to you!"

Soon, many young people came to the stage to offer gifts, and Stella would accept them one by one to express her gratitude, and at the same time she would open the gifts in public to show respect.

As expected, their gifts were all of similar value, and rarely more than ten gold coins existed.

Only a few big families' gifts are worth more than ten gold coins.

Seeing that the gift-giving was gradually coming to an end, the second sons who participated in the competition finally couldn't bear it any longer.

"Miss Stella, my name is Dern Kirby, and my territory is in Gaogang Collar. I wish you a happy birthday. After knowing your birthday, I have carefully prepared a gift for you. I hope you like it!"

As soon as the second son of the competition appeared, it was really different.

This time, he not only introduced his name, but also said the location of the territory.

Although this is superfluous, it can make the Count sitting not far away to remember him.

As for whether Stella remembers it, there is no way to know.

"Thank you!" Stella's expression froze for a moment, but then it returned to normal.

If you know the psychological close-up, you may be able to see a clue, that is, Stella does not like such words with obvious hints and purposes.

It's a pity that the Count is sitting by the side, and Stella can't accept this gift.

She picked up the gift and opened it slowly.

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