Warhammer Throne

Chapter 1340: , Lilith: Winner takes all!

The **** Lilith, the **** of the elf moon, was promoted successfully at this moment!

The fire of heaven is under control.

All the power of the original power and the power of the law of the masterless priesthood is in your hand!

All empty gods are waiting for her canonization!

She is in charge of the revision and creation of the Law of the Gods!

She has the right to admit, appoint, remove, reward, and punish all the gods in the elven **** system!

"No! No!" Olica screamed and shook her head desperately, the dark spirit goddess cried, she had worked so hard to plan for so many years, and everything was given to Lilith as a wedding dress, she was not reconciled! She is not reconciled!

Lilith looked at Olika's unwillingness, and the moon **** God's face showed a faint ridicule: You little **** wants to fight with me, you are still a million years away!

Reaching out and gently pressing her lower abdomen, Lilith found that Ryan's spirit pattern had not disappeared, but was firmly imprinted on her body. The goddess hesitated and shook her head again and again. She found that she didn't want to wipe Ryan's spirit pattern at all. Except for one, the price is extremely high, and the other is that she has no ideas in this regard.

She loves Ryan, very much.

She wants to be with Ryan and Su Liya forever.

"You lost, Olica." Lilith wandered down the void, her bright eyes burning with the fire of platinum heaven exudes endless majesty, Olica only felt that a whole world was weighing on her. Her thoughts, her soul, and her priesthood were overwhelmed by Lilith, irresistible, the lock of heaven on the goddess of Dark Spirit was unlocked, Lilith came to Olika’s face, in her voice With a deep chill: "Then, I will just ask once, Olica Korundia, the pale queen, would you like to serve me?"

Olica's eyes were hazy with tears, and she finally glanced at Lilith unwillingly. The Goddess of Dark Spirit fell on her knees, and she cried: "I...I choose to serve you, noble, god...the **** of the gods!"

"That's right." Lilith smiled with satisfaction. The Moon God God reached out his hand and instantly drew a hand on Olica's chest. The dark spirit goddess screamed and tried to resist but was suppressed by Lilith's power. Lily Si pulled out a purple-black ball from Olica's chest.

Inside the sphere is the remnant will of the pale queen of destruction and self-destruction, Es-Haai! He still carries the hatred and dislike for all the mortals in the world, and he is full of extreme ideas.

"Lilith!" Es-Haai already knew what the **** god wants to do, and he begged for mercy: "No, please! Don't, you are already the **** god, you need me to help you manage the underworld The world, what does that little girl know? I will be your best assistant, I will be your best servant, I can pledge half of my soul to you, please don’t, have you forgotten that I used to talk to you Did mother Isha travel the galaxy together?"

Lilith, the **** of the moon, has long white hair hanging down from the crown of the moon **** on her head like a waterfall, her face is impeccably delicate, her face is full of sacred and inviolable majesty, she looks at the same Olica, who knelt down and begged for mercy, slowly closed her eyes: "To be fair, Ers, you are indeed a better choice, but unfortunately, I promised others."

After that, Lilith gently squeezed the whole ball in the voice of Ers-Haaiyi's begging for mercy.

The purple light burst, and Ers-Haaiyi fell completely.

"Is it better?" After thoroughly arranging the former pale queen, Lilith asked Olica: "Flat, we are still sisters in a way."

"It feels like a dream, and it feels like a thick cloud spread from my head. Well, I'm sorry, my master, I almost betrayed him!" Olica panted, her whole body Almost collapsed, from this moment on, Ers-Haaiyi's influence on his daughter finally dissipated. The dark spirit goddess first repented, and she felt deep sorrow in her heart. After all, let Lilith, a **** succeed!

Lost, lose thoroughly!

If it wasn't for the master's face, Lilith had definitely arranged for her, right? She has absolutely no Ers-Haaiy value to Lilith.

The new moon **** God does not care about Olica’s feelings, because it is not necessary. Her long sleeves full of stars, swirls and moon patterns are flicked. The former high-precision little queen Elisa appears in the goddess’ skirt. Next, Alisala immediately realized that Lilith had become different, and she knelt down tremblingly: "I... my goddess?"

"Go, it's your turn to behave. Stop your father." Lilith said lightly, "We said it before."

"Yes..." Alisala went.

At this time, the duel between Tyrion and Malekis had reached the last moment.

Malekiss and Tyrion are both seriously injured, but Tyrion is still violent under the blessing of Kane's Excalibur, while Malekiss is exhausted to the extreme. The power of Asu Yan remaining on his body is already Because it was exhausted by summoning all the high elite spirits, Malekis did not consider the consumption of Asu Yan's power in the slightest, so he dried it all at once.

After losing the power of Asu Yan, the heavenly fire on Asu Yan's sword was only left with flames, then sparks, and finally completely silent. Tyrion seized this opportunity, and the sword of Kane fell.

There was a heart-piercing cry from the heaven, and Asu Yan's holy sword cracked a gap and broke into two pieces.

The consequences of this blow were extremely serious. Not only did Malekis fall, but also the supreme being that lived on Malekis, and the Lord of Phoenix who poured his origin into the blade of Asuyan's sword. With all the power stolen by Lilith and the blade breaking, it failed completely.

Asu Yan, the Lord of the Phoenix, fell.

Malekis breathed a sigh of relief. His left arm had been cut off, and the midnight armor on his body had been broken. He was alone, unarmed, and vomiting blood. He straightened up and prepared to act as the Phoenix King. Greet his death.

Tyrion grinned, and he clenched the Kane Excalibur with both hands, intending to give Malekis the final blow.

At this moment, a beautiful, beautiful, crying voice suddenly sounded from Tyrion's side.

"Father! Don't!"

Hearing this voice, Tyrion's crazy scarlet pupils suddenly dilated: "Ellie...Sarah? You are not dead, are you?"

"No, father, you can't kill him!" Alisala stretched out her arms and stopped in front of Tyrion. The former queen cried out: "Stop it, father, you have caused too many disasters. , Stop now!"

"Get out of the way! Alisala!" Tyrion yelled in pain, "Don't force me!"

"No, never! Father, you have been wrong too much, and I can't let you go wrong anymore!" Alysala firmly stopped in front of Malekiss. The former little queen was very determined: "You If you want to kill, kill me! I'm the beginning of everything."

After speaking, Alisala closed her eyes.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Tyrion howled in pain.

"Kill her, kill her!"

"Kill this guy who stopped you!"

"Everything is going to be destroyed, why don't you take everything away, you are cruel, you know?"

"Self loyalty is the highest sublimation of loyalty. You should start with your daughter to achieve a great harmony of loyalty!"

"What are you waiting for?"

Kane's voice continued to enter his brain, threatening Tyrion to make a choice.

For more than a year, Tyrion has obeyed every order of Kane, Kane’s Excalibur is in his hand, killing all those who disobey him, and dreaming of the beautiful world after dedication. Tyrion has always followed Kane. The idea of ​​doing it.

However, this is the first time that Tyrion’s own consciousness struggles madly, rejecting Kane’s control, rejecting Kane’s mercy, and rejecting the "established path" Morassi designed for him. Tyrion has already The numb and submissive consciousness resisted Kane's command with all its strength, which made his body froze.

"What are you doing, Tyrion, what are you still hesitating?"

Kane roared impatiently: "Kill her, then kill Malekis! Kill everyone!"

"No, I can't... That's my daughter, Ali Sarah, she's still alive, I can't..." Tyrion's own consciousness was tumbling in his mind, and he stubbornly refused Kane's order.

No matter how darkened, no matter how crazy, no matter what is hopeless, Tyrion is a good father after all, no matter what, he can't make a sword against his biological daughter!

Tiger poison does not eat children, but that is his daughter, his favorite daughter, the direct cause of his madness, the starting point of his road to Kane, and everything to him!

He couldn't move his hands, he didn't want to hurt his daughter, he didn't want to do it anyway.

When Tyrion froze there, his bowstring blasted! A feather arrow carrying the fire of the moon pierced Tyrion's chest along the damaged part of Ellario's breastplate, and pierced his rotten heart.

"Father!!!" Ali Sarah rushed up and hugged Tyrion. The former high-precision little queen cried again. She didn't know why fate should be so cruel to her.

"Ellie...daughter, you're all right, that's great!" Tyrion looked at the feather arrow piercing his heart. He saw the shadow king Alis-Annar in the distance, and the sword of Kane fell on it. On the ground, after more than a year, Kane’s madness finally left Tyrion’s body. Osuan’s guardian opened his mouth, and his blood splashed on Alisala’s dress, as his father’s effort Raising his arm, hugging his daughter's waist, patted twice, barely squeezing out a smile: "Aisalion...I did it...Thank you...I only."

The incarnation of Kane, the holder of Kane's Excalibur, the guardian of Osuan, the regent of the Phoenix Court, the bloodline of Alario, Tyrion failed to finish his last words, and took a deep breath. He died.

With his death, Kane possessed him also made a sharp and unwilling struggle. The **** of the elves, the **** of blood hands, and the **** of war and murder, Kane, fell.

"Mine!" The aggrieved Olyka suddenly appeared from nowhere. She stretched out her arms and frantically absorbed Kane's remaining broken power: "It's all mine!"

"Okay!" When Malekis saw Tyrion dead, the Phoenix King couldn't help raising his arms and shouting okay.

The bowstring rang again, and the Moonfire Arrow also pierced Malekis's heart from behind, and the celebration expression on the Phoenix King's face became astonished. He also fell to the ground, convulsing his whole body.

"You can't run away either!" The shadow king Alis-Annal put down Lilith's moon bow and said coldly.

After completing the goal, the Shadow King himself didn't know whether it was joy or sorrow, or the ease after completing the goal that he had worked hard for all his life. Aris concealed himself in the shadows.

Morasi couldn't believe it. Her son and her lover died at the same time. The Queen screamed and threw herself into the Maelstrom, hoping to completely liberate the Maelstrom and attract the evil deity to come in person.

She succeeded for a while, and the evil eyes of evil evil gleaming through the haze of the maelstrom, looking directly at the world: "Everything has begun, the East will fall, the era of chaos will come, and the era of elves will have ended."

The Caledor Dragon Trainer who was in the Maelstrom felt trembling all over, while Targris prayed to Lilith in despair.

His prayers were not in vain. The **** Lilith, who was burning with the fire of heaven, walked gently along the void. The millions of stars on her dress and the brilliance of thousands of months were lit up at the same time, and the goddess single-handed Aiming at the eye of the evil, her hand is condensed with the essence of the **** of fire of heaven, pointing directly at the eye of the evil: "You have no power here! Prince of Darkness!"

"Huh! This is?" The wicked voice was filled with disbelief.

"This is my realm! You are here nameless, insubstantial, and powerless, and go back to your chaotic realm!" Lilith approached step by step: "I command you in the name of the **** of heaven and go back to you. Go to the rampant fortress!"

The brilliance was brilliant, and as Lilith was fully open, a subspace impact new star capable of destroying an entire world blasted on the body of the evildoer.

"Ah♂!" Luni had just enough time to stretch out a finger and was flicked by Lilith's power. The dark prince screamed. His body disappeared from the side of the curtain and flew out, and the crack in the subspace was filled. NS.

This is the power of God God! This is why in ancient times, Asu Yan, who flew down from the Phoenix God's seat, could make the four chaotic gods have to avoid the wind with one blow!

But Morassi's plan still partly succeeded. Taking advantage of this chaos, the magical winds got out of control.

The soul of Caledo-Dragon Trainer nodded towards Lilith and bowed to express his gratitude. The greatest wizard in the history of the elves stretched out his arms and hugged Morassi, who was still trying to make trouble, and said softly: "Enough, you have committed too many sins, Morasi, now, in the name of Elario's best friend, I advise you, stop, and welcome your end, my end."

Morasi screamed, grabbing and biting Caldor-Dragon Trainer with his nails and teeth, but the dragon trainer insisted, letting go of his throat and laughed, maintaining the dragon trainer as the maelstrom disintegrated. The power of the existence of the hero also disappeared. A row of black holes swallowed all the souls of the archmage and the dragon trainer. Before dying, he clung to the queen Morasi, until Morasi was desperate. Zhong disappeared with him on the other side of the black hole.

The eight magic winds all flew out from the Maelstrom, and Targris could not control their direction at all. In a desperate situation, Targris prioritized binding the wind of life (emerald) to the body of the eternal queen Elarili, and then There was nothing he could do about it.

Malekis was already dying, and the Phoenix King looked at Osuan, who was reluctant to give up, and was about to take his last breath.

But at this time, the shadow wind rushing out of the maelstrom passed a round and noticed that Orika, who was madly absorbing Kane’s supernatural power, and Malekis who was dying, the shadow wind swayed back and forth, and finally rushed. To Malekiss, the shadows flowed into Malekis' scorched body, the shadows entered through the mouth, nose and eyes, and penetrated into every pore. When the last shadow disappeared, the Phoenix King let out a harsh cry. His body bends due to pain, only his head and feet did not feel pain.

The screams gradually disappeared and Malekis fell. The shadow tendrils in his mouth flickered with each breath, but his injuries were no longer fatal.

Tyrion's army finally collapsed. When their prince died, the elves’ madness began to fade. Now they began to flee. Some people realized the terrible crimes they had committed in the name of Tyrion and asked for forgiveness, so they died quickly. Some of those who fled were embraced by the cold in the stormy ocean, while others received a just trial. The shadow king Aris and the Prince Imric of Calledo executed the final trial of the traitor.

The Eternal Queen Elarelli, who has received the wind of life, instantly embraced her daughter Elisa. The wind of life flows in the body of the Eternal Queen, injecting strength into the body, bones and soul, and changing her forever. The Eternal Queen did not feel pain, only warmth and satisfaction, and felt an incredible power. The surging flow of life magic in her heart built a mountain. A large-scale healing magic covering the entire island not only resurrected all the dying elves, but also turned the deserted and lonely scenery of the Dead Island into a large lush forest.

Elarielli took Eliza’s little hand and walked past Malekiss. She hesitated for a while, but still gave Malekiss a healing magic, and then she ignored the Phoenix King and walked over. Next to Tyrion’s corpse, together with her daughter, watching his lover, the tears of the mother and daughter dripped on Tyrion’s corpse. Not far from the dragon of Kesikui, the sword of Kane died because of Kane’s death. Gradually all his power was dissipated, and it was absorbed by Olica and turned into a piece of scrap iron.

The Maelstrom final battle has since come to an end.

Lilith, the **** of high-precision moon, stood quietly on her **** throne on the dim island of death, and all the elves in the scene turned towards the glamorous and inviolable supreme elf goddess on the **** throne. Bend his knees.

Pious worship!

"The **** of the gods! The supreme **** of the moon, the lord of the mist, the master of dreams, the giver of wealth, the last savior of elven souls, the protector of all hidden or lost things, the guiding angel of travellers in the wilderness! Lilith! "

"Please save our elves, save us all!"

Standing in front of her throne, Lilith, the new goddess, is wearing a starry dress and a crown of the moon goddess on her head. The goddess with wings on her back speaks, and the brilliance of the full moon runs down her head like flowing water. The ankle-length gorgeous moon-white hair dripped: "Osuan is about to sink. The only way to save the elves is the Great Migration."

"The old world will be our new home."

Update, the second update, even if the fairy civil war plot is over, I hope everyone is satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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