War Palace and Knee Pillow, Austria’s Destiny

Chapter 569 After the War (Part 1)

London, England.

Robert Peel had high expectations for this sudden war. After all, the French had suffered a heavy loss to Austria in North America.

At this time, the two sides must be extremely jealous of each other's enemies. It would be best for Britain to fight without distinction for a year and a half. This would be most beneficial to Britain.

It's just that everything happened so suddenly and ended so quickly that the diplomatic order that had just been sent had to be urgently recalled.

Starting a war, armistice, starting a war, negotiating peace, and withdrawing troops, this series of intensive operations made the British unable to keep up.

Although they had all the advantages, the coalition did not pursue the victory, and the conditions offered were incredibly loose. If the French had not committed suicide themselves, I am afraid that this war would have caused almost no harm to the two countries.

Robert Peel thought that the French's approach would anger the coalition forces. He even prepared to give a speech in Congress, calling for support for France in maintaining the balance of power on the European continent.

However, France and Germany reached an agreement quickly, which caught Robert Peel off guard for a while.

The final compensation of 30 million francs agreed upon by both parties shocked the British. After all, this figure was only a drop in the bucket for France at this time.

Not to mention broken muscles and bones, I'm afraid it's not even a scratch.

Regarding the handling of the compensation, Franz's suggestion to Metternich was to distribute it to the locals of Alsace-Lorraine who suffered hardships, with one third used for compensation and the remaining two thirds used for construction. funds.

Although nationalism is now prevalent in Germany, Franz does not believe that the consciousness of these people will suddenly become higher.

However, if there are material rewards, it will be different. The soldiers will naturally be motivated to work. As for those small countries, they also need to be appeased. After all, they provide money and efforts.

Franz will take out 15 million florins (approximately 30 million francs) and let those countries distribute it among themselves.

Metternich naturally had no objection to this. After all, doing so would increase the prestige of the Austrian Empire. As for how Archduke Franz wanted to spend his own money, he would not interfere.

Since the Austrian Empire did not explain its principles, these states fought openly and covertly for the money, and even big countries like Prussia and Bavaria were not immune from it.

It's actually interesting to see these people dividing the pie. The small countries want to divide it equally, the big countries want to divide it according to their territory, and Prussia, which sends the most troops, wants to divide it according to the number of troops it sends.

Although Prussia sent 50,000 troops, the largest number of countries except Austria (150,000), they remained stationary by the Saar River and did not directly participate in the subsequent battles.

Baden sent 30,000 troops and suffered the most casualties among the coalition forces except Austria, so they felt that they should be distributed according to battle losses and participation rate.

Of course, there are many proposals. For example, according to the cost of the war, Ludwig I of Bavaria claimed that he spent 100 million florins on this war.

In fact, everyone knows that His Majesty the King must have run out of money to pick up girls, so he would say such outrageous things.

Normally no one would expose him, but this matter involves the interests of all countries, and no one will show mercy.

As a result, the scandal of Ludwig I was spread in various ways, which greatly damaged the image of the Bavarian royal family.

This fight for compensation is not over yet. The top leaders of the Confederacy who had previously shared the same hatred have turned into competitors. No one cares about the lives of the people below.

At this time, Franz proposed that he could undertake the medical work of all coalition soldiers, and they could go to the Austrian Empire for treatment with just a train ticket.

This is good news for the soldiers. After all, they all know that the medical level of the Austrian Empire is the best in Europe. Doctors will not chop off people's hands and feet easily. Even if they want to chop people's hands and feet, they will anesthetize them first, unlike other countries. Also uses moves such as the 24-second supreme sharp knife and the five-shot lightning saw.

(The most important parameter for evaluating surgeons at that time was "hand speed.")

In addition, Franz also built a "Confederate Veterans Home". Although it has the word "home", it should actually be regarded as an agency.

The other end was naturally connected to Colonial and Umbrella Security Company. After the end of the Mexican-American War, Mexico was in chaos like every place where the US military had fought.

The US military left a lot of equipment behind before leaving, and transported a lot of weapons to northern Mexico through France. As a result, there are four presidents and more than a dozen generals in the entire Mexico. Except for the land controlled by the O-Mexico Development Company, almost everywhere there are rebels.

Civil strife must be dealt with, but at this time Tasan Anna did not have enough troops. The black legion could barely make up a regiment, and Jimmy's cavalry still had more than 3,000 people left.

There are quite a few security forces in Ruvel, but most of them are the private soldiers of the big families who have taken refuge in Tasan Anna and the citizens of the city. This group of people has no problem defending their property and the city.

But it is difficult to expect them to serve the country. Unless the money is in place, they can fight faster than a horse.

However, Tasan Anna has calculated an account. Instead of using this group of money-minded guys, it would be more economical to directly ask Umbrella Company to do the work.

Although Franz has repeatedly claimed that Umbrella Company is a borderless organization, everyone knows that this is a legal mercenary group created by the Austrian Empire.

In fact, during this period, European countries began to oppose mercenaries. The liberals of Switzerland, a former mercenary country, had formulated a constitution against mercenaries. Although it was rejected by the orthodox faction, it gave the country's mercenary industry a heavy blow. hit.

At the same time, Montenegro, a traditional mercenary power in Eastern Europe, joined the Austrian Empire, which directly put the entire industry into a cold winter.

Fortunately, Franz's Umbrella Company has taken over their ecological niche and provided various services needed by various countries.

Mexico and Brazil are Umbrella's two largest customers at this time, especially the former, who is ready to further expand cooperation.

After the US-Mexico War, Tasan Anna's attitude towards the rebels also changed. After all, he had come to power through a coup before, and he wanted to become the savior of Mexico and the Napoleon of North America.

But after experiencing a large-scale rebellion during the Mexican-American War, and seeing the true attitude of soldiers and people towards the rebels, he decided to eradicate them.

So Tasan Anna personally led his own troops and Umbrella's mercenaries to start a bloody road to counter the rebellion.

The rebels were driven out wherever they went, and then a strict household registration system was established to prevent these rebels from contacting each other. At the same time, local resources and development matters were handed over to employees of the O-M United Development Company.

Tasan Anna wanted to remake Mexico into an impregnable fortress so that he could reclaim lost land from the Americans and French.

Instigated by the Mexican newspaper "Gloria" and other media founded by Franz, Tasan Anna accepted the title of "Savior of the Nation" awarded by the Congress and became the real dictator of Mexico.

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