Vienna, Schönbrunn Palace.

Franz, who had just finished enlightening Friedrich, seemed to feel that something was wrong, right! Why didn't a third party intervene to break the situation and change the plot?

In fact, I also know that both Franz and Friedrich are royal princes. Although the former did not say it explicitly, a good attendant knows what to do.

Therefore, the conversation between two people is really just two people, and no one dares or can interrupt it.

"As for His Majesty the Emperor and the Church, you don't need to worry. Your Majesty is a good man. He rarely interferes in state affairs, let alone your private life.

As for the teachings, it has never been clearly stated that you are not allowed to marry a pagan, so you don't have to worry at all.

If it doesn't work, Princess Sinekah can be converted. Women in the Oman Empire are just subordinates. And we are not the only ones who want to get married. Emperor Said is probably more eager than us.

I heard that the nomadic tribes in Somalia were preparing to fight for independence with the support of the British.

So you just need to make her realize the reality, Princess Sneka will definitely be devoted to you. "

Franz gave his own analysis based on the latest intelligence. In fact, the nomadic tribes in Somalia have a very high level of autonomy. They only surrender to the Oman Empire in name only and usually do not pay taxes at all.

Therefore, historically, the Oman Empire did not stop Somalia from becoming independent. On the contrary, the latter even blessed the chiefs. Then Somalia, which lost the protection of the Oman Empire, was divided among the great powers.

The British wanted to repeat their old tricks at this time, and Franz was not prepared to let them get what they wanted. The Oman Empire is not willing to give up easily. The reason is simple: the expansion of the spice trade.

In addition to the two labels of Horn of Africa and Black Hawk Down, Somalia also had the title of Spice State in the past.

Later, Somalia and Ethiopia almost monopolized the world's frankincense and myrrh market. At this time, due to trade with Austria, the Oman Empire opened the market to Europe.

The demand for spices surged, and in addition to Austria's eastern trade routes, the demand for frankincense and myrrh was also huge.

The Oman Empire even sent people to try the artificial cultivation of frankincense and myrrh in Somalia. Naturally, Said was not willing to give up such a cash cow easily.

In fact, Britain, France, and Austria are all business partners for Said. He originally wanted to find the one that was most beneficial to the Oman Empire.

However, after seeing the terrifying strength of the Austrian Empire several times, the emperor wisely chose to marry the former.

"Are there any new weapons or new tricks?" Friedrich was still more concerned about military issues.

"There are some improved weapons that have been sent to the armory in Trieste. There is a weapon called a mine that I think you will like." Franz said with anticipation.

"What's so strange about mines? No experienced captain would salvage such strange things at sea." Friedrich looked completely indifferent.

Because mines have been around for a long time. As early as 1585, during the Dutch War of Independence, the Dutch used an oversized floating mine containing 500 cubic feet of black powder to directly sink two Spanish warships, causing more than 1,000 casualties. People die.

During the American Revolutionary War, Washington also used mines, but it was very simple at that time. It was to put gunpowder in a beer barrel and wait for the barrel to float near a British warship before detonating it.

In addition to the lowest level of human-controlled mines, a watchmaker at that time also invented a mine with a mechanical trigger fuse.

In fact, this thing is very unstable. It may explode even if it is not hit. Of course, it may not explode even if it is hit.

But it was this small gadget in a beer keg that annoyed the British fleet so much that the British did not even dare to go into the water to pick up flotsam. It was called the "Keg War" in history.

(Europeans actually like to pick up drifting objects. This hobby started in the ancient Greek times. Since the ocean is always a dangerous place with shipwrecks, pirates, and various risks and accidents, sailors drifting on the sea can always pick it up. Some random stuff.

This can also be reflected in games made by Europeans and Americans, such as Invincible Heroes)

The Russians also used mines to blast bridges, and the Austrians and Prussians used them to blast French warships (on rivers).

But overall, the results have been little.

Apart from being powerful, it seems to have no advantages, it is expensive and extremely unstable.

"No, it's not traditional floating mines or floating mines, but anchor mines." Franz argued.

"Anchor mine?" Friedrich was obviously interested.

In fact, it was not that Friedrich was ignorant, but that the navy at that time paid very little attention to mines. The army on the European continent used mines even more often than the navy.

Franz: "Yes, it is a mine that can be completely hidden under water. It will only explode large ships exceeding a certain tonnage."

Friedrich: "How is this possible? Do those mines have eyes? Won't they explode if a boat hits them?"

Franz: "It's not that it has eyes, it's that it uses buoyancy."

"Using buoyancy? You mean the draft!?" Friedrich was indeed one of the greatest commanders in the history of the Austrian Navy. He quickly thought of the principle of anchor mines, but soon showed concern.

Franz: "Yes, that's right. I know what you are worried about. This new type of anchor mine has abandoned the original mechanical impact fuse and uses a chemical fuse that is more sensitive than before."

In fact, what Franz wanted was an electric fuze, but the Austrian Empire's technology in this area was still too backward. He had only heard the name of this technology and had no idea of ​​the specific principles and production methods.

As for the chemical fuze, it can only be used temporarily, because it is too sensitive. A large fish can trigger it when placed in the water, and the shelf life is very short. It will be completely ineffective six months after being put into the water. It cannot be like those of later generations. Mines are still effective decades later.

"Why don't you send such a good thing to California?" Friedrich couldn't help but asked with some doubts.

Franz: "This thing has been under development and has not yet been mass-produced. And I hope it can be tested by professional marines and receive feedback before continuing to improve."

Friedrich: "Then if you ask Ferdinand to get more ordinary mines, wouldn't it mean that you don't have to worry about the U.S. Navy?"

Franz: "How can it be that easy? Moreover, the terrible thing about mines is that they are easy to deploy and difficult to discharge. They are really everywhere. What will we do after we drive away the Americans?"

"Okay, okay. I really hope those barbaric Americans can have a bottom line like you." Friedrich said impatiently. "Oh, by the way. There is one more thing, please take care of my wife for me."

"." Franz was speechless for a while. "What kind of development is this?"

Friedrich: "I finally know why. You made sure to let that Japanese woman stay with you when you were sailing at sea.

People will really go crazy if they stay at sea for a long time. Half of Sneka's twenty maids are now pregnant. There are so many people that it's hard to figure out who did it. "

"..." Franz was even more speechless. "I thought you had always been very strict in running the army."

Friedrich: "I've almost replaced the people on the ship twice. I can't kill them all."

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