In fact, this dance was a big blow to Karolina. Women also have a tendency to compare. Just like men like to compare themselves, the most intuitive criterion for winning or losing among women is size.

Fortunately, with the presence of Kagura, an oriental woman, the Grand Duchess regained some confidence. After all, she had a racial advantage. After all, the latter was very kind to the former.

After the ball, Carolina had a rare opportunity to ride in a carriage with an outsider, and then the drunken Grand Duchess began to chat about life. In short, when women are dirty, men have nothing to do with them.

On the other hand, Andrei Uvarov finally woke up, his handsome face was still aching, but he was very excited.

Andrei Uvarov wrote in his diary that today he met one and a half opponents (Franz is that half), and his other half.

"Hey, it's quite strong. Sooner or later you will cry in my arms." Andrei Uvarov covered his red and swollen cheeks while boarding the carriage back to St. Petersburg.

As soon as the ball ended, Archduke Albrecht found Franz and repeated the words of Duke Napoleon Lannes de Montebello.

"How's it going? Is this great news?" Albrecht looked very excited. After all, if France participated in the war, the outcome of the U.S.-Mexico War would be reversed in an instant.

"Uncle Albrecht, it is not a good thing for the French to continue to expand their territory in America. The United States still needs decades of development before it can threaten us, and France does not need to wait that long.

The continuous expansion of the empire's influence in Italy and Germany has long aroused the vigilance of the French. They are just unable to take direct action against us due to their own strength and the international situation. "

Franz's words are very clear, that is, France is too strong. Coupled with the fact that Britain, a troublemaker, is watching from the sidelines, Austria must make careful choices, otherwise the tragedy of World War I may be repeated.

In fact, the French industry at this time was far stronger than that of North Germany, and also stronger than that of Austria in history.

But now, because of Franz's intervention, French products have not become synonymous with high-quality products on the European continent.

Moreover, the French in this era have always carried a kind of pride, which is what can support them against the whole of Europe.

Although the modern history of Germany is a feast of insults to the law, it would be foolish to despise France, a world power.

France in the 19th century was full of talented people in science, culture, thought, and economy, including but not limited to:

Balzac, Tocqueville, Saint-Simon, Marie Curie, Ampere, Hugo, Alexandre Dumas, Flaubert, Wandel, Stendhal, Monet, Van Gogh, Debussy, Berlioz, Rodin ( Zweig's engrossed sculptor), Pasteur

Franz knew very well that France was not exhausted at this time, and Britain would not sit back and watch Austria become the dominant power in Central Europe. Even the Russians had the same idea.

Albrecht touched his chin and said.

"It's so troublesome. These politicians really have dark hearts. It would be easier to be a soldier."

"In short, we will not accept the French proposal, and the only reason we send troops is to protect expatriates."

"But isn't the war in California a direct conflict between us and the Americans?" Albrecht asked with some confusion.

"Strictly speaking, it was a conflict between the Austrian-Mexican Joint Development Company and the Americans." Franz defended.

"What about letting the Omer-Mexican Joint Development Company negotiate with the French?"

"No, because in the end it will be Britain and France who will gain the most. And judging from the recent battle reports, the American troops are more exhausted than imagined.

In addition, their logistics problems are also huge. Yellow fever is rampant in the Rio Grande barracks. In addition, the corpses were not processed in time in the summer, and the plague began to spread again. Since the war began, the non-combat attrition of the US military has exceeded 10,000. It is basically There was no way to attack Fort Albuquerque.

If Tasan Anna can take this opportunity to push the US military in Veracruz into the sea, then it may be the Americans who will cede territory and pay compensation after a while. "

Mexico on the other side.

General Jimmy led his troops back to the Mexican army. The losses of the cavalry troops in this battle were not large. The 5,000 cavalrymen only lost less than 300 people. However, on the other hand, the US side was already beaten to a halt.

The hussars on the European continent are a model of moral corruption. They usually eat, drink, whore and gamble, mount their horses to kill the enemy, and then go home to be robbers.

The Mexican hussar force is basically composed of bandits and horse bandits. General Jimmy, who leads these guys, often allows them to rob and massacre in order to maintain the fierce fighting power of this force.

These people may not necessarily have the power of regular cuirassiers in a head-on confrontation, but compared to causing destruction, one of them can hold up to ten.

When the Mexican cavalry rushed left and right in Veracruz, the US military chose to stay behind closed doors.

After all, no matter how fierce the cavalry is, they don't have the ability to siege the city. The US military thought it would be safe, and then the bandits started setting fires everywhere.

The purpose of arson was not to burn all American troops to death, but to create chaos.

In order to maximize the damage, they also hunted the US military messengers, because the turtle tactics allowed the US military messengers to face dozens or even hundreds of Mexican cavalry single-handedly.

The result is naturally conceivable. The US military has become deaf and blind, and the army has been divided into countless small fragments.

When the main force of the Mexican army arrived, the US military would either choose to face hundreds of times more enemy troops alone, or surrender.

Tasan Anna was very satisfied with the effect of the raid.

"Oh! My children, you did a great job! Leave the rest to me!"

Jimmy was personally very grateful and admired Tasan Anna, and he knew that this was the time to make a big push.

"Mr. President, we are not tired. My brothers and I can charge again. As your sword, we are not afraid of death, let alone tired."

Tasang Anna was also very moved after hearing this, but he had his plan.

"You bastards are already very tired. You should rest when you are tired. I have prepared a reward for you."

At this time, a group of soldiers brought over a dozen boxes of treasures that Tasang Anna had plundered, including gold, silver, banknotes, jewelry, and some other random things.

But such a reward can only be described as bold and arrogant. This group of usually lawless guys have all lined up obediently.

"You hussars are all warriors. This is the reward you deserve. Each of you has one, and no one can take more! Do you hear me clearly?!"

"Listen clearly!" the hussars responded loudly, while the Mexican soldiers on the side showed envious eyes.

"Listen! I'm not giving you money to save your offspring! Now the residents of St. Louis have just been looted by the rebels, and the whole city is in dire need.

What should you do? ! "Tassang Anna asked.

Everyone looked at each other, and Jimmy even planned to put back all the gold and silver in his hands.

At this moment Tasan Anna shouted loudly.

"You are hussars, so you should eat, drink, and scoop! Use your money to rebuild their cities and let people live a prosperous life!

I ask again! What are you going to do!?"

"Eat! Drink! Scoop!"

"Okay! Depart from the target city of St. Louis!"

"Set off!"

A group of hussars rushed towards the city of St. Louis in a mighty manner, seemingly intending to take a good rest.

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