Monday, July 11, 1842.

There was a thick fog in the early morning in the imperial capital, and the street lamps were only the size of bean dots in the fog.

Viscount Hill Kinney Barron, a plain-looking young man, whose only credit was to lead the military police and gang members in an unrestricted fighting competition in the slums, killed two gang members and took them away. A dozen innocent civilians.

In the end, the Vienna District Court ruled that he had derelict in his duties and revoked his position as captain of the gendarmerie and sent him to prison for thirteen months.

Speaking of prisons in Europe, they are really a good place for enlightenment.

After losing his job, he quickly packaged his growth experience and the so-called experience he accumulated, and then compiled it into a book called "History Will Prove My Innocence".

Unless they make a huge mistake, it is generally difficult for nobles with titles in Austria to enter. Of course, even in prison, Viscount Barron was well cared for.

What he met were either polite jailers or talented inmates. This kind of treatment was by no means something ordinary people could easily enjoy.

Next door lived an economist who liked to study opera. It was John Böhm-Bawerk who had cheated on a bet with Franz.

This also starts with a million-dollar gambling game that demonstrated the unreasonableness of loan sharking; as one of the participants, Böhm-Bawerk thought of cheating because he was unable to repay the debt he owed.

As expected, he got into trouble. Of course, he would not and would not dare to resent the future prince because he bullied the weak and feared the strong. Instead, he felt that the culprits who deceived him were the Jews.

Viscount Barron and this literary economist hit it off right away. After enthusiastic exchanges and discussions, both parties came to a common conclusion that the national and economic chaos was entirely caused by those "lower races" with corrupt morals.

The empire is filled with all kinds of Slavs, Italians, Jews, Hungarians, etc.; there are too many bad guys, so "good guys" like them have no place.

"The Germans must use their own swords to plow the land for themselves. Only by restoring the Holy Roman Empire and allowing Germans to govern this country can true peace be achieved."

After being released from prison, the two became a pair of close comrades-in-arms, actively traveling around to promote Greater Germanism. At first, there was no difference between what they did and what Franz did. They just helped each other to help the ethnic brothers affected by the disaster. Therefore, the organization developed steadily and did not attract the attention of the latter.

After all, under Franz's intervention, Austria's Greater German Organization took root everywhere like mushrooms after a rain.

But the series of events that followed, especially the railroad stock crisis, made this financier with an online IQ follow the clues and quickly figure out its general outline.

The frightened Germans naturally united more easily, and the early actions gave Viscount Barron a good reputation.

In addition, he found an outlet for people to vent their emotions and immediately became famous in the imperial capital. Even the University of Vienna extended an invitation to him.

However, this was suppressed under the secret instruction of Franz. After all, those radical and angry young people are a powerful and unstable group.

He does not want to be the second Széchenyi, allowing extremism to dominate discussions and then having to use stupid force to solve it.

Moreover, Austria is not Hungary. Its population, financial resources, technology, and military strength are not comparable to the latter.

Once such a destructive storm blows up, even a wise man will have difficulty stopping it, so letting this person evaporate from the world becomes an inevitable choice.

At this moment, even the thick fog could not hide the arrogance and complacency exuding from Barron. He had just left the bar and brothel called "Golden Memories" with great success.

There was not a single soul on the street, but the smell of death was hidden everywhere in the vast fog. But the Viennese star didn't notice at all.

You must know that at the moment, he is a guest in the salons and dances of those high-ranking big shots who cannot afford to fawn over. Even his immediate superiors who once frightened him now have an ugly look of bowing down.

Barron, who had worked hard day and night, staggered towards the carriage parked not far away. The coachman, who had been waiting for a long time, was concentrating on removing the pedals from the carriage so that the Viscount could board the carriage.

Just when everything seemed to be proceeding steadily, a man wearing a cap and a trench coat quickly walked out of the thick fog and bumped into the former.

"Watch the road! Idiot! Do you know who you hit?" Seeing Viscount Barron being knocked to the ground, the coachman immediately chased after him and cursed, but the other party ignored him and quickly disappeared into the mist. .

"Damn guy! He can run fast!" The coachman thought that his brave behavior would be favored by the distinguished guests. When he was about to go over and help the Viscount who was drunk on the ground, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

I saw a dagger stuck in his chest, and blood flowed from the wound and dyed the white shirt red.

"Viscount Barron! Viscount Barron!"

Hill-Kini Barron looked around unwillingly, exhaled the last breath of his life forcefully, and then closed his eyes forever with his dreams.

Perhaps it was because there was a noisy bar next to it where countless young men and women were reveling, but no one responded to the coachman's shouts.

After glancing at the gold ring and gold pocket watch on the dead Viscount Barron, he couldn't control the greed in his heart. After confirming that the other party had died, the light that was like a dot in the fog also disappeared.

The coachman put the above valuable items into his pocket without blushing, and then carried the body onto the carriage.

He drove non-stop all the way to the home of the doctor he knew, but it was too late, and a newly ignited star had died.

Once this kind of grassroots organization loses its leader, it will naturally collapse, and the "murderer" will certainly not be able to escape justice.

After a search by detectives and gendarmes, the deceased's belongings were found on the driver's body and a large amount of blood was found in the car.

Therefore, based on their own experience, they came to the conclusion that they wanted to kill their distinguished passengers because of their wealth. As for sending Viscount Barron to the doctor's residence, it was completely a cover-up, and the thief shouted to catch the thief.

The natural ending was that the coachman was sent to prison. Of course, with the help of Franz, he was spared the death penalty and switched to digging coal in the mines.

No one will seek justice for a dead man, even if he once made the world move.

The only memory those former fans have of Viscount Barron is a zero-dollar purchase at a Jewish store.

The Vienna police originally wanted to stand by and watch as they did in the past, but by chance, Archduke Franz's car happened to be passing by.

Gendarmerie and police quickly launched a force to arrest all possible dangerous elements, including some shopkeepers and clerks who looked "ugly, vicious" or were physically strong.

Vienna, Schonbrunn Palace

"His Royal Highness, Hill-Kini Barron was murdered by his own coachman." Adjani smiled and handed over a newspaper.

"Give some money to his survivors as compensation." Franz said lightly.

"You know, there is also a Viscount Barron in Hungary." Adjani reminded.

Of course he knew what the other party was referring to, but the two situations were different and they couldn't be solved by the same method.

"You mean the Magyarists?"

"Yes, the plans of this group of people may deserve our attention more than Viscount Barron's demands."

Although Adjani doesn't like the idea of ​​​​dividing people into three, six or nine classes, it is much better than the idea of ​​​​the Great Magyarists who want to eliminate and enslave other ethnic groups.

According to this viscount's classification, the first class is Germans, the second class is Hungarians, the third and fourth classes are Czechs and Poles, the fifth class is South Slavs, the sixth class is the remaining Slavs, and the seventh class is Northern Italy. The eighth class of people are Jews, and the ninth class are Gypsies.

Although the Poles are not on the top three flags, they can still be ranked fourth. But if the Magyars gain power, then she can only choose to accept being completely assimilated by them, or simply not be a human being.

"The so-called Great Magyar Kingdom is just their delusion, but the Germans are different."

Franz's words sent shivers down Adjani's spine.

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