The rescue operation continued the next day. Under the command of the Austrian officers, more people were rescued, more usable supplies were searched out, and the port's functions continued to be restored.

Of course, in exchange, the dock workers who were rescued and gathered would first repair the damaged Austrian warship. Under reasonable management and incentives, the efficiency of these shipwrights has increased to an unprecedented level.

At this rate, the repairs could be completed within two weeks. The actual number of casualties in this disaster was much higher than Franz imagined.

In the following days, more than a thousand swollen and smelly corpses were found, and they had to be cremated quickly to avoid the emergence of the plague.

The thoughtful Franz would naturally not be idle. He took this opportunity to win over a group of self-righteous British officials and celebrities in India with "sugar-coated bullets". After all, the machinery, clocks and other small crafts of the Austrian Empire were indeed better than those of the United Kingdom. Even better.

In addition, advanced Austrian-made revolvers, street fighting weapons, are also sought after by locals. Of course, those Indian kings were even more eager to invite Franz.

Nana Sahib and Keer Singh, who are already powerful and have long been dissatisfied with the British like Tandiya Tobi, are the key targets for him to win over.

These Indian princes are richer than they imagined, and they are all willing to establish long-term and stable trade relations with Austria. Even the anti-British fighter Baji Rao II who was far away in Zhangxi secretly sent an envoy to contact Franz after receiving the flying pigeon message from Tandiya Tobi.

But one thing is very confusing, that is, more than ten days have passed, the repair work of the Austrian ship is nearing completion, and the dock has been basically restored, but the British rescue team is still missing.

Of course, what is not known to everyone is that the other party's slow response was because they encountered another big trouble during this period, that is, the Sequoia Army that invaded Afghanistan suffered a disastrous defeat.

Although they persisted for two months longer than in history, they got nothing except higher costs and more exaggerated casualty figures.

The British troops retreating from Kabul were chased and killed by Akbar Khan's main force. Coupled with the bad weather and environment, and constant harassment by tribal armed forces along the way, only one man remained in the team of more than 20,000 people. The doctor, who was left with one arm, returned to Jalalabad Castle alone.

(Jalalabad Castle, a British border fortress.)

George Eden, the active advocate and proposer of the war in Afghanistan, grew old overnight. He never imagined that the invincible Redwood Army would actually fall into this barren desert.

Not long ago, he had just been awarded the title of Earl of Auckland. If he lost Afghanistan at this time, not only would his position as the Governor of India be in doubt, but his political career would also be ended.

Compared with his own political future, the governor did not pay attention to the natural disaster and tsunami. He immediately ordered the British troops stationed in various places to immediately transfer half of their troops northward to retake Kabul at all costs.

George Eden's approach directly led to the emptiness of troops in the Indian region. Fortunately, most of the locals are relatively honest.

Only the powerful Sikh Empire was ready to make a move. After all, after Ranjid Singh's reforms, they had the strongest artillery in the Indian subcontinent and the infantry and cavalry second only to the British. Their total strength once reached 80,000. people.

The Sikh Empire has 14 standing artillery regiments with 192 artillery pieces and more than 4,500 gunners. Although the size of the establishment has been reduced with Ranjid's death, it is still the strongest presence on the Indian subcontinent.

In addition, they also adopted a comprehensive French-style military reform, from training to organization to tactics. The threat of the Sikhs was understandable to British India, and George Eden had to once again mobilize troops from various places to defend against this powerful enemy.

At this time, Calcutta was almost an empty city. The British commander stationed here could only strictly prohibit contact with the Austrians who landed ashore, and must not anger them.

However, it is a good thing for the Austrians that the British will not come. After all, the transfer of power and materials will be very troublesome by then. In this case, it is better to leave the situation to its own devices and simply solve the problem according to your own wishes - balancing the interests of all parties.

As for those unowned items that can be transported back to the mainland, they will be accepted, and those that cannot be transported will be used as rewards and rewards for the hard work of the Indians and boatmen.

Franz's once-and-for-all approach benefited everyone, at least on the surface they all looked grateful. When the imperial fleet slowly sailed away from the port, people gathered on the newly restored pier to bid farewell.

There was also an interesting episode, that is, some Indian reformists came to Calcutta and wanted to ask the Austrians for advice on reform.

It's just that these people showed contempt when they saw that the leaders of the Austrian Empire were two children. Friedrich was relatively short and didn't have the habit of growing a beard, so he looked about fifteen or sixteen years old.

Although Franz looks like a young adult from the old city, he is actually only twelve years old.

There were also unexpected exceptions. For example, the envoy sent by Baji Rao II was actually a seven or eight-year-old girl. When she saw Franz, she couldn't help but snorted with disdain.

"Aren't you a child too? Why are you humming?"

"Humph!" the little girl made that voice again.

It seems that Franz needs to let her know the price of arrogance, ignorance and weakness!

Although she came on horseback and had practiced Indian martial arts since she was a child, she was still unable to fight back in front of Franz, an expert with rich life experience.

Franz put it under his arm, and after a harmonious exchange, he convinced him, and then asked, "What's your name?"

The little girl has received training that is unbearable for ordinary people since she was a child, but she has never been bullied, let alone lost to others. She felt extremely aggrieved after being "persuaded" by him.

The other party didn't answer, so Franz had to raise her hand again, and this time she answered very quickly.

"Lakshmi Pai."

"It would be great if it were like this earlier."

His sister Maria, who was spoiled by her parents, was also naughty and mischievous all day long, so she had to go out in person to let her know the rules.

Although this is a bit cruel, the sooner she understands the rules and bottom line, the better. Otherwise, sooner or later, she will be hurt even more, or cause a catastrophic disaster that no one can solve, and she will regret it if she wants to. That's too late.

"What's the purpose of your coming here?"

"Deliver the letter."

"Then why do you entrust such a heavy trust to a young man? Isn't there anyone else?"

"The prince is unable to leave his territory because the British are watching him, so he has no choice but to let me come."

Lakshmi Pai is telling the truth, Baji Rao II once raised the flag of rebellion. After his defeat, his movements were restricted throughout his life.

At this moment Franz stretched out his hand to her. Lakshmi Pai looked at the other party with confusion.

"Where's the letter?!"

"It's a message."

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier!"

Afterwards, Franz had another "friendly" exchange with him, and only then did he learn the content of the oral message.

To be honest, he was a little disappointed, because the prince's behavior made Franz feel a little disdainful. The oral message is very long, but it can be summed up in four words: "Drive the tiger away and swallow the wolf."

This Baji Rao II hoped to restore his status through the help of Austria, or at least deal some blow to the British.

As for those silly things like measuring India's material strength and the empire's favor, admiring Western civilization, and being willing to convert to Catholicism, they are all empty promises.

What Franz looked down upon even more was that this man who thought he was a "hero" actually sent a little girl to deliver the message, for safety's sake of course. After all, who would have thought that a little girl would bring such a long message.

In addition, Tong Yanwuji, whether it is for the British or the Austrians, he can pass all the responsibilities onto a little girl.

Looking at the poor little girl beside him, Franz opened a box and gave her a lollipop and a new watch.

Lakshmi Pai, who received the gift, wiped her tears and left happily.

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