"Reputation? Why do you think so much? Besides, we don't need to admit that we have cooperated with the Karamanli family. They will take the initiative to admit that this is just revenge against Muhammad Ali."

The Karamanli family once went to Egypt to request Muhammad Ali's help, but the family members sent there were detained first, and then their heads were chopped off and given to the Ottoman Sultan to ease the relationship between Egypt and the Ottomans.

Later, Ottoman Sultan Mahmud II took the opportunity to execute many members of the Karamanli family.

Therefore, it seems logical that the Karamanli family would seek revenge on Egypt and the Ottoman Empire.

However, this family's reputation is really bad, and their family's rise to power relies on countless conspiracies and assassinations.

"So what's the price?" Franz wanted to ask what they wanted. After all, at this point in time, the sudden appearance of allies was most likely to be bait.

"They demanded that Tripoli be separated from the Ottoman Empire and were willing to submit themselves to the Austrian Empire and pay an annual tribute of 50,000 florins."

"Fifty thousand florins?" Franz looked down upon the money. For the huge Austrian Empire, fifty thousand florins was really insignificant.

"For a country like Tripoli with only desert, fifty thousand florins is already a lot. They also sent an envoy. Do you want to see them?" Friedrich said.

It seemed that the envoy of the Karamanli family was quite capable, otherwise Friedrich would not have brought him to see Franz.

It's just that Franz suddenly had an idea, whether the other party was a woman, that's why Friedrich was so enthusiastic about this kind of thing.

However, it turned out that Franz was overthinking. The other party was a typical Arab. Although he was wearing a Western-style military uniform, he still couldn't hide the smell.

In the Arab countries of this era, it would be strange if there was a female messenger.

The other party was surprised when he saw Franz. Friedrich, the naval commander, was young enough, but Franz was just a child. He looked at the maids around him and showed a kind of expression. A look of disgust.

"Hello, distinguished Archduke Franz. I, Aboz Karamanli, the legal heir of Tripoli, extend my most sincere blessings to you, may you live a long life."

"Hello, Mr. Abbotts, why did you choose us as your allies."

"It was Archduke Friedrich who found me. He said there was a way to avenge me and bring my family back to Tripoli. You know, the shameless Mahmoud II exiled my family in the name of protection... "

Alberts told his tragic story, but Franz had no interest in it. Now there was no need to worry that this Alberts would be a bait.

"Do you know where Muhammad Ali hid his real main fleet?"

"I know that the craftsmen responsible for building battleships for the Egyptians are servants of our Karamanli family. I can take you to find those ships, but the dock has been protected by Ali's heavy troops. And if you want to scuttle those battleships, at least It requires hundreds of people, and even using explosives is not an easy task. What's more, once explosives are used, my people will not be able to come back."

"No matter how tight the defense is, there will be loopholes. As for how to deal with those warships, this is a problem for our Austrian Empire. As long as your people can provide intelligence and cooperate with us to disrupt the Egyptian deployment, your people do not need to participate in the battle. "

Alberts thought Franz wanted him to launch a suicide attack, but Franz still couldn't completely trust the people in front of him. He was considering whether to contact the Jews. Maybe those Jewish businessmen were more reliable.

"Then can you help us restore our country?"

"I'm just a kid." Franz spread his hands. "But if everything is true, I can assure you that Tripoli will be independent, and the Austrian Empire will conduct fair trade with you. As for whether it can take back Tripoli." It's up to you to control it. Unless..."

Although Alberts felt a little incredible, he subconsciously knelt down and tried to kiss the boy's shoes in front of him, but Franz quickly dodged it.

"The Karamanli family is willing to surrender to the Habsburg family forever. My family is very good at business. We can make a lot of money for the Habsburg family. I also have a daughter, she is very cute."

"." Franz didn't want to pay attention to this guy, and the more he spoke, the more outrageous he became.

Adjani saw Franz's impatience from the side and said, "Archduke Franz, it's time for you to go to class. You shouldn't keep Mr. Doubler waiting."

"That's right!" Franz looked like he suddenly realized it, and then said to Friedrich, "This is the seawater distillation device designed by Mr. Doppler. It only needs to be connected to the steam engine of the warship itself. It doesn't matter. It will lose the power of the warship, which uses heat energy."

Franz escaped with Thalia and Adjani, while Friedrich was very fascinated by the design in front of him. After all, the current distillation device of the navy still had to be at the expense of steam kinetic energy.

The design of the distillation device is not complicated, but it is very practical. It uses the heat emitted by the steam to heat it, turning seawater into water vapor, and then transporting the water vapor to the condenser to become distilled water.

Istanbul, Grand Saragiryo Palace.

Mahmoud II was still in disbelief at the facts before him. He did not believe that Muhammad Ali would do such a stupid thing.

Because the tribute paid by Egypt to Osman at this time was just a symbolic act and could not cause much loss to Ali.

Palmerston once said that the first generation of "understanding kings" was afraid that the world would be in chaos.

"There are only three people in the world who understand Europe. One is Prince Albert, who returned to the West; one is a German professor, who is crazy; and the other is me, but I forgot."

The appearance of France and Egypt at this time was a complete accident. Palmerston was a true believer in the Russian threat theory and practiced it throughout his life.

"Dear Sultan, you don't have to worry about the threat from Russia. Believe me, Britain will never sit back and watch the territory of the Ottoman Empire continue to be annexed by Russia."

It was in Britain's interest to block Russia within the Black Sea and monopolize the Ottoman legacy in the Near East.

Mahmoud II knew that what Palmerston said was true, but he still did not want to send troops to Egypt because his army adviser Moltke told him that his new army was not up to the level of the Prussian Army, and even the Austrian Army A ragtag army of people is inferior.

Palmerston saw Mahmoud II's hesitation, but he had many options.

For example, using the British's favorite trade method can not only maximize British interests without spending a single soldier, but also completely destroy the Egyptian economy.

"Dear Sultan, I have a way. You can sign a trade agreement with Britain and abolish all monopoly systems in the Ottoman Empire."

Mahmoud II hesitated. He didn't know what medicine was sold in Palmerston's gourd.

"Mohammed Ali has been able to wage war for so many years only because of the huge profits gained from his three monopoly sales of cigarettes, sugar and cotton. Believe me, as long as there is no money, the Egyptians are like cats without teeth."

Mahmud II thought it made sense, but he did not know that the agreement he signed would also ruin the possibility of the rise of the Ottomans.

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