War Palace and Knee Pillow, Austria’s Destiny

Chapter 1076 Head-on confrontation

Regarding the decision of the National Assembly in Frankfurt, the ministers of the Austrian Empire were much more angry than the emperor Franz.

Especially Count Tular and Prince Felix Schwarzenberg, two former leaders of German nationalists, now wanted to send all those who carried the banner of nationalism to hell.

No one took the rabble of the German Confederation seriously. In their eyes, those motley crews were not worth mentioning at all, and they even scorned the 700,000-strong army claimed by the National Assembly.

"700,000 people? 700,000 bereaved dogs! Why should you challenge the authority of the empire if you have a family and are useless?

We can let the Italian regiments go north, and cooperate with the troops in Salzburg, which is enough to deal with those self-righteous guys. "

Count Tural spoke more straightforwardly and didn't think much about it. Prince Schwarzenberg on the side sneered.

"700,000? Where did they get 700,000? There really are 700,000 pigs in that small place in Frankfurt, so we don't need to fight at all. If we guard for a few months, they will just eat dirt.

It would be nice if they could have half the troops they brag about, but this is an opportunity for our Austrian Empire.

We should let those princes who sit on the sidelines see the fate of the traitors. Our country should immediately stop food aid to the German states and stop trade with them.

Then sign an agreement with Russia so that it will not deliver food and other necessities to the German region. "

Count Toural did not like the new Prime Minister who spoke equally bluntly at all, and he immediately retorted.

"Prime Minister, do you think the moral integrity of the Russians is much better than that of the British? How could those profit-seeking guys give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?

The Russians have always wanted to expand their influence westward. We cannot give the Russians this opportunity! "

"The Russians are just a bunch of profit-seeking guys, so we just have to give them some benefits."

Prince Schwarzenberg spoke calmly, but Count Tural's anger was ignited again.

"Benefits? The Russians are so greedy. How much do we have to sacrifice in order to get the Russians' commitment?"

"Mr. Earl, when did I say that our country needs to make sacrifices?"

"What did you say? You mean.

A smile appeared on Prince Schwarzenberg's lips.

"Yes, we can grant them the land of the Ottoman Empire. Anyway, for the Russians, no matter from the Balkans or the Anatolian Plateau, as long as they can get to Constantinople."

This time Count Tural was speechless, but in Franz's opinion, the prince still lacked experience in politics.

The Russians have been coveting the market in the German region for a long time, but they will not give up the land of the Ottoman Empire. In the end, the Russians will most likely choose to want it all, pretending to accept the conditions and seeking Austria's support while entering the German market.

The most logical solution for Franz was to quickly end the civil strife and re-establish trade barriers to keep the Russians out.

Due to the tradition of the Austrian Empire and recent practical experience, they felt that defense was more beneficial to the Austrian Empire.

Prince Schwarzenberg was not a simple politician. He had previously served as Marshal Radetzky's deputy. He was actually a senior staff officer, so he had a strong say in the war.

Other ministers could not say anything about the war, but they could ensure that the normal operation of the department was fully capable of handling the next war.

The Austrian Empire's economy recovered quickly, or it was not hurt at all. The rebellion in Prague did not leave the city of Prague at all, so naturally it would not affect the surrounding provinces.

Although the Tafi family also funded the establishment of a local guard, there was no rebellion in Moravia, and Tafi's father naturally did not have his legs broken in the battle.

Galicia is guarded by Count Stadion, and the refugees who have just been allocated land in the Austrian Empire have extremely firm faith in this empire.

Galicia was not affected by the storm in 1848, but instead created one miracle after another in its rapid development.

The floodplain area that no one had been able to control for thousands of years turned into vast tracts of fertile land. Millions of refugees settled here, and a city called "Canaan" rose from the ground.

The most severe losses in the Principality of Austria were in Vienna, and other places suffered minor losses. After the Rebellion in Vienna, these people became quiet.

The Italian region was the first area that Franz pacified. There were a large number of intensive battles, resulting in a large number of casualties.

However, the most important thing in Northern Italy is people. The ports, railways, and factories are all operating normally, which is enough for the country.

Therefore, the entire storm of 1848 had minimal impact on the normal economic structure of the Austrian Empire. Coupled with the crazy squeeze on the colonies, if it were not for the need to help other countries, there would even be an oversupply situation.

But in any case, it is indeed a miracle that the tone within the Austrian Empire can be so consistent at this time. After all, the fashion of sending troops to Hungary is being discussed, and some people have illusions that it can be resolved peacefully.

But no one had any objections to going to war with the German Federation, and no one stood up to say anything good for them.

It would be much easier to do things with a unified mind, but Franz was not prepared to adopt a defensive strategy. The reason is simple. At this time, the German princes are waiting and watching, and they will help whoever wins.

Yes, the princes in the German region have very crooked butts. They have the same virtues as the great nobles in the Austrian Empire. They want to limit the imperial power to the point of demonic obstacles.

And this group of people always believes that those capitalists need them and will be willing to share power with them, just like the British royal family.

In particular, some small states have begun to hedging their bets, and King William II of the Netherlands has also begun to hesitate whether he should reconsider the issue of the Texas line.

"It's time to attack and bring order to this world."

Franz's words were a bit abrupt, but anyone with a discerning eye knew that what His Majesty the Emperor expressed was just an attitude. For the Austrian Empire, legitimacy was too important.

"You mean taking the initiative?"

"Yes, according to the latest information, the German Federal Army claims to have 700,000 troops, but in fact it only has 250,000 troops, including 100,000 recruits from the Rhine region.

But thanks to the railroads, this number is growing every moment.

It is true that even if they really have 700,000 troops, they will not be able to break Salzburg, but by that time, more than just hundreds of thousands of people will be sacrificed. "

Franz's words made the ministers feel very complicated. They couldn't figure out whether His Majesty the Emperor was a nationalist.

Franz has been suppressing nationalists, and at this time he is even going to war with the National Assembly, but he behaves more like a nationalist than anyone else.

"Your Majesty, a wise decision!"

Prime Minister Prince Schwarzenberg took the lead, and other ministers also echoed.

To be honest, the emperor has not been involved in the country's politics for too long, and many ministers have just been promoted, so everyone is a little confused.

"Issue an edict to all states, requiring them to confiscate the property of the traitors."

"Aren't you asking for reinforcements? Will our country suffer too much from fighting the traitors alone?"

"No need, just carry out the order."

The monarchs of those small states may not have the courage to ask them to take a stand against the National Assembly, but they are very confident to confiscate the assets of members of the National Assembly and their related personnel in their own countries under the banner of the Austrian Empire.

On the other hand, a farmer who works hard in Latin America has arrived in Berlin, and at the same time there is a man called Prince Shot.

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