War Palace and Knee Pillow, Austria’s Destiny

Chapter 1003 The World’s Heroes

The Orleans army entering the city from the other side did not receive such good treatment. First, it was ambushed by the remnants of the French army halfway, losing dozens of people.

They almost clashed with mercenaries a few hundred meters away from the city. When they finally arrived at the west gate, not many people welcomed them.

Instead, it was the army's tattered uniforms and weapons that caused panic among the citizens of Celesta. After all, such an army was closer to the bandits in their minds.

Looking at the German Allied Forces, although many of them had never participated in combat, the brightly colored uniforms and uniform weapons and equipment gave people a "professional" feeling at a glance.

In fact, the military uniforms and equipment of the German Allied Forces were also very complicated, but fortunately it was easy to divide them into various states, which made them appear orderly.

In addition to these superficial appearances, Blanqui was also inseparable from the propaganda of the Celesta MPs and the German nationalists.

These influential figures in Celesta City went to the east gate to greet the German Allied Forces, and ordinary people would naturally be affected by this.

In the end, the benefits brought by the German coalition were real, except for a group of prisoners who committed crimes during the defense of Celesta.

Franz also distributed all the captured French army supplies to the people. These daily necessities were considered more important than anything else by the people.

Then Franz also publicly announced a package plan to save Alsace on behalf of the German Confederation.

In fact, the reason why Blanqui wanted Franz to say it himself was mainly because he was afraid that the latter would regret it. After all, there were many such false promises in history.

Franz didn't care about Blanqui's little thoughts.

After all, these words would be even more shocking if Franz said them himself, but they might cause him a little trouble at some point.

After Franz's plan was made public, I don't know who took the lead in shouting.

"Long live the Emperor!"

"Long live the Emperor!"

"Long live the German Reich!"

"Long live the German Reich!"

German nationalists all felt that this was the best time for Franz to be crowned Emperor of the German Empire.

After all, the great victory in the Mediterranean naval battle and the defense of Celesta would soon spread throughout Europe.

By then it will surely shock those opponents and let them know that the Germans are finally united.

And looking at the entire German nation, only Franz and the Austrian Empire can carry this banner.

The Wittelsbach family has lived in Bavaria for more than 600 years, and their children have even married into various European countries.

However, his ruler is dissolute and immoral, his land is barren of grass, his people are miserable, his fortunes are declining, and his country is unable to prosper, let alone unify Germany.

The Hohenzollern family, who had fought for six generations, reformed and enlightened, bought two countries and annexed the northern border, divided Poland into three parts, fought Europe alone, and shocked the world.

However, you didn't see the shame of Jena, and the country was destroyed on the 17th. At this time, it fought with Denmark for a hundred days, but the outcome was still undecided. It was really difficult to inherit the destiny.

The Saxon family, a thousand-year-old wealthy family, was the pioneer of the Shinra, and was once the strongest country in North Germany. The five tribes admired the name of Albrecht the Bear.

However, his descendants did not cherish him very much and gave them to others, just like discarding grass and mustard. Cut off five cities today and ten cities tomorrow, and finally get a corner of peace.

The Orange-Nassau family (the royal family of the Netherlands) also once dominated the oceans and colonized the world. The East India Company was famous in Southeast Asia.

However, at this time, it was just an appearance. The mob could not be stopped internally, and the company could not be controlled externally. Yu Yu was just walking alone.

Hanover is nothing more than a British guard dog.

Denmark, Hesse, Württemberg, and Baden are all incompetent, while Luxembourg and Liechtenstein have a small country and a small country, and they are even more embarrassed to hold big responsibilities.

In today's world, the only way to unify Germany is Austria.

(The two purchasing countries mentioned above refer to the Principality of Ansbach and the Principality of Bayreuth.)

Although the German nationalists were full of expectations, Franz still poured cold water on them.

“The Austrian Empire will not be hegemonic, and I will not be crowned Emperor of the German Empire.

But we will drive the invaders from our homeland! "

Franz did not get too entangled in this matter, but the public's emotions led in other directions.

In fact, Franz cares more about the success of the negotiation than the enemy in front of him.

Because as long as the British retreat, the so-called anti-Austria alliance will fall apart this time.

These small countries such as the Ottomans and Serbia are not of concern at all, and the Second French Republic will also become the dust of history.

As for the cancer of Hungary, Franz will eliminate it completely.

At this time, the outside of Pressburg was covered with Hungarian corpses, but the tall city walls still stood.

Since the defenders' artillery had a longer range and occupied a better position, the Hungarian artillery could not be pushed up at all, so they could only use human lives to fill it.

But it also proved to be useless, but the new Hungarian Congress did not think so. They believed that the soldiers on the front line were not brave enough and the generals were not smart enough.

As a result, more recruits were sent to the front line, accompanied by huge logistical pressure. For this reason, the Hungarian government had to continue printing money to balance expenditures.

The reason why the Hungarian government was so crazy was that the British secret envoy to Hungary promised that as long as they captured Pressburg, the British government would support them with "real money" through "special channels."

Hungarian senior leaders, including Kossuth, believe that as long as they can complete the tasks assigned by the British government, they can prove their value as allies, and the British government will reciprocate and support them severely.

After all, Mr. Gordon is a distant cousin of the former British diplomat George Hamilton, and the Hamilton family is quite influential in British politics.

However, at this time, there were some different voices in the Hungarian military. The current head of the military was still the original nobleman Duke Banyat.

This man is still imagining that Austria will take the initiative to negotiate peace, and that he can return to his house in Vienna and continue his life of luxury.

In fact, the Banyat family in Vienna has been uprooted due to a series of serious crimes such as treason, rebellion, and mutiny.

Franz doesn't like these pleasures, but as long as the opportunity is right, he is still willing to clean up the garbage.

What's more, cleaning this kind of garbage is like cleaning a room, and occasionally you will explode gold coins and hidden items.

In addition to gold and shops, the Baniyat family also has land and bonds.

This family alone helped the Austrian Empire reduce its debts by seven to eight million florins. In addition, most of the investments in the stock market had no chance to be recovered. Franz regarded them as contributing to the Austrian economy. .

Due to the weird laws of the Austrian Empire, although treason was the most serious crime, the property of traitors would not be confiscated.

Such a weird system often leads to one person treason and the whole family supporting him. After all, once he succeeds, he will make a huge profit, but if he fails, he will most likely only be jailed for a few years. Even the most serious situation only needs one person to bear the responsibility.

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