Video Game Empire

Chapter 90: Excited

"Jun Ye, the price of 1.5 billion yen is not low. Your company is so optimistic about our "Pac-man"?" The translator present quickly translated Masaya Nakamura's words into Cantonese.

Ye Chengkang glanced at Nakamura Masaya across the negotiating table. The old man's eyes were deep, and there was no message in his calm face.

"Your Excellency Nakamura, since we at Dongfang Electronics are willing to offer this price, we are definitely optimistic about the sales prospects of your company's "Pac-man"! According to the estimation of our company's marketing department, if "Pac-man" is handed over to Dongfang Electronics for operation , the global sales should be more than 5,000 units, so that we can at least break even!"

Ye Chengkang said with a sincere smile, "So 1.5 billion yen also includes derivative copyrights in addition to arcades. For example, GameBoy just launched a few days ago, and we will port "Pac-man" to this handheld. Among the platforms, there are also computer platforms and home game console platforms, and we are more interested in the sources of these secondary profits!”

Nakamura Yaya nodded, although Namco entered the game market much earlier than the newly established company Dongfang Electronics, but in terms of sales network layout, it was not as perfect as Dongfang Electronics.

So far, Namco Club has only focused on the two main arcade markets in Japan and the United States. Although a branch company named Nangang Enterprise was established in Hong Kong two years ago to open up the Asian market, in the past two years, under the competition of copycat piracy, the results have been limited.

According to the information obtained by Masaya Nakamura, on the contrary, Dongfang Electronics, a new company that has suddenly emerged, has recently built a complete marketing channel in the United States, Japan, Southeast Asia and Europe, relying on its strong financial strength.

Thinking of this, Nakamura Masaya can't help but feel a little lost. Why can't Namco develop such excellent games as Tank Wars and Hong Kong Cube? He originally had high hopes for "Pac-Man", but he did not expect the performance of the Japanese market, but he poured a pot of cold water on him.

The original plan to promote the "Pac-man" arcade in the United States was also urgently called by the board of directors to stop, and the original set of self-development was changed to looking for agents. Although Masaya Nakamura is the founder of Namco Club, he is not a major shareholder of the company, and his decisions are subject to the constraints of the board of directors.

In his personal opinion, the company should take a risk and continue to unswervingly push "Pac-man" to the US market, but the performance of the home market makes him unable to find enough reasons to convince other members of the company's board of directors .

"1.5 billion yen, this is the last bottom line that we can give from Dongfang Electronics. The risk we have to bear is too great. After all, the performance of "pac-man" in Japan is very bad!"

Ye Chengkang decisively rejected Masaya Nakamura's offer of 1.7 billion yen, knowing that his offer of 1.5 billion yen was already much higher than that of another competing American company. Although Li Xuan gave him a bottom line of 2 billion yen, his retreat at this time will only be counterproductive.

"I can make one more concession. The 1.5 billion yen payment does not need to be paid in installments. Our company will pay in one lump sum within one week of signing the agreement!" Ye Chengkang bit the price, but gave concessions in other aspects.

Cash flow is undoubtedly very important to every company. If Namco can recover all copyright transfer fees of 1.5 billion yen at one time, it will undoubtedly be of great benefit to the company's subsequent capital operation.

For Dongfang Electronics, Hong Kong cubes and tank battles, two gold-sucking beasts, can bring the company more than 15 million US dollars in profit every month. The ultra-high surplus on the company's books has led the relationship managers of HSBC and Standard Chartered to sell various wealth management products every three days. With a one-time payment of $6 million, there is no pressure on Dongfang Electronics at all.

Masaya Nakamura weighed it for a long time, and finally chose to nod with a wry smile. The highest offer given by Midway in the United States is only 1 billion yen, and it also requires three payments. Although they only bought out the arcade production rights in the US market, the 1.5 billion yen offer of Dongfang Electronics required to buy out the game copyrights in all overseas regions except the Japanese market, not just limited to arcade platforms.

But he knows that those old stubborn people on his company's board of directors don't go back and think about it. They only see that 1.5 billion yen is half higher than 1 billion yen.

Seeing that Masaya Nakamura finally nodded in agreement, Ye Chengkang finally breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He just hoped that Young Master Xuan's vision would not be wrong. The price of 6 million US dollars is really not low.

When Li Xuan received a call from Ye Chengkang, he had just returned to the hotel after a banquet. After learning that he was in Tokyo, director Kenshin Hattori of Epson came over from Suwa City to invite him and his girlfriend to dinner.

At the dinner party, Hattori Kenshin seemed to ask him casually about the possibility of Epson obtaining GameBoy production authorization. Li Xuan refused the other party without hesitation. Arcade, handheld, home game consoles and computer games are the four directions Li Xuan has set for the Eastern video game industry.

Although arcade machines are the most important source of income for Dongfang Electronics now and in the next few years, history has proved that it is precisely the least potential among the four major sectors. With the continuous development of electronic technology, Li Xuan's previous home and handheld computers have developed into the eighth generation, and computer games have grown into a huge industry with an annual output value of up to 25 billion US dollars. On the contrary, arcade machines have long since declined, only in Japan. The market can still linger.

The PS4 and 3DS of later generations are still important money-absorbing tools for Sony and Nintendo respectively. But Sony's entry into the game console field can be said to be cultivated by Nintendo itself. Li Xuan is naturally impossible to repeat the mistakes of Nintendo because of a petty profit.

Epson is now a big supplier of LCD screens, one of the most important components of handheld game consoles, and it has more cost advantages to join the handheld competition. Li Xuan will not and cannot prevent Epson from entering the field of handheld computers, but he will never offer to help.

"Already won? Only 1.5 billion yen?" Li Xuan shook his fist excitedly after receiving a call from Ye Chengkang.

He seems to have imagined how frustrated Namco would be from the boss to the employees when "Pac-Man" became popular all over the world.

"The game I played before was really that good?" Zhong Chuhong looked at her boyfriend's excited expression a little puzzled.

"Have you played that game, what do you think of it?" Li Xuan pulled Zhong Chuhong into his arms and asked with a smile.

"It's quite interesting!" Zhong Chuhong thought for a while before answering.

"That's right! People from Namco Club have not yet figured out the difference between the Japanese market and the American market. Japan is actually similar to Hong Kong, and arcades mainly meet players through game halls specially opened in the streets. They go to arcade halls. Most of the people who play games are boys!"

Li Xuan analyzed his girlfriend with a smile, "Most men like hot-blooded, dynamic, fast-paced games, such as shooting games. And casual puzzle games like Hong Kong Square and "Pac-Man" are more suitable for them to play when they are bored. After playing a fast-paced game, it is a kind of adjustment for changing the taste.

But the U.S. market is different. The U.S. does not have such specialized arcade game arcades as Japan, and arcade machines are mostly placed in grocery stores, gas stations, movie theaters, bars and other crowded places. The ratio of male to female players is much more balanced than that of the Japanese market, which provides a popular basis for games such as "Pac-man" When a game really becomes a fashion trend, my previous Analysis doesn't make sense anymore. Even those players who don't like "Pac-man" will unconsciously play "Pac-man" in order to keep himself from being isolated when he sees other people around him discussing topics related to it! "

Although Zhong Chuhong said these things to Li Xuan, she could not fully understand them. But this did not prevent her from lying quietly in her boyfriend's arms and sharing the excitement and joy in his heart at the moment with her beloved.

"Go shopping tonight, you can buy as much as you want, my husband will pay for it!" Li Xuan bowed his head and kissed his girlfriend's face, and said proudly.

"Farewell, we have already bought enough for the past few days!" Zhong Chuhong shook his head, "I have to go back to Hong Kong tomorrow morning, so I will stay in my room quietly tonight. It is said that there is a health care provider in the Imperial Hotel. The spa is very nice, you and I will try it after dinner!"

"If you want good skin, there is actually a better way than doing a spa!" Li Xuan said with a smirk in his girlfriend's ear, "For example, drink milk!"

"I usually drink milk!" Zhong Chuhong obviously didn't understand her boyfriend's sleazy suggestion.

"Didn't you vomit up last night?"

Before Li Xuan could finish speaking, Zhong Chuhong had already reacted, and stretched out his hand to twist the thin flesh around his waist.

Li Xuan smiled and hugged his girlfriend: "I'll give you a meticulous body service right now, to make sure you're soothing, and you will wake up in the morning with a radiant complexion, which is much more effective than a spa or something!"

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